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New Infested Lore. So Apparently They Just Came Out Of Nowhere. It Doesnt Work.


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I also don't understand what's so contradictory about this new lore and the old impression of where the Infested came from. From a new player's perspective coming in post-Update 15.2.0, the Infested were lifeforms that the Grineer were experimenting on and got loose, hence leading to all the infestations running amok in the system. Before we had the space pests running around unchecked through the solar system, now we at least have an explanation for where said pests originated as far as this timeline's concerned.



I agree; There is no conflict.


Notice how the missions are all incredibly low level. Obviously they are meant to be played right after Vor's Price (AKA the tutorial). This places it chronologically early and most likely the Tenno's (i.e YOUR Tenno) first encounter with the Infested - way before he/she discovers the Derelicts and stuff.




Lephantis was said to be like a thousand years old or more. Does this mean Grineer attacked them 1001 years ago?


I find that a bit hard to believe.




No. The Grineer obviously rediscovered the Infested after the fall of the Orokin Empire.

Edited by Brimir
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I also don't understand what's so contradictory about this new lore and the old impression of where the Infested came from. From a new player's perspective coming in post-Update 15.2.0, the Infested were lifeforms that the Grineer were experimenting on and got loose, hence leading to all the infestations running amok in the system. Before we had the space pests running around unchecked through the solar system, now we at least have an explanation for where said pests originated as far as this timeline's concerned.

We had an explanation along time ago...


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I think these missions help the new players understand the universe and their part a bit more.  I have only been playing a few weeks now and was very upset when I found out that 90% of the story and lore in this game were only told in one-time special events, meaning I would have to do a lot of research in order to find out what older players were told.   


Also, I was quickly able to tell that the Infested did not just pop out of nowhere because Lotus already knew about them and knew they were a threat.  Meaning this type of thing has happened before and thus were not created by the Grineer.   


Though I would like it if they made quests like this to answer other questions, like why do the Grineer hate us?  I know the Corpus want us dead because we steal from them and our Warframes are valuable, but we are never told anything about Grineer other than they want to control the galaxy and they are mostly clones.  


Also, why are there no quests about the Orokin?  I would like it if we got a quest line explaining their connection to the Tenno, even if you had to defeat every main boss do so.

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I also don't understand what's so contradictory about this new lore and the old impression of where the Infested came from. From a new player's perspective coming in post-Update 15.2.0, the Infested were lifeforms that the Grineer were experimenting on and got loose, hence leading to all the infestations running amok in the system. Before we had the space pests running around unchecked through the solar system, now we at least have an explanation for where said pests originated as far as this timeline's concerned.


No one said anything is contradictory. What is being said is that the story has been changed.

Before the Infested was just some wild thing that hangs out in space and has control of certain areas.

Now the Infested are some thing that the Grineer were studying and let loose on the system.

Which Dr. Tengu, BTW, that dude needs a nose on his face plate vQp4w3Gl.jpg,

uses the mistake to trick the Grineer into worrying about the Tenno.

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No one said anything is contradictory. What is being said is that the story has been changed.

Before the Infested was just some wild thing that hangs out in space and has control of certain areas.

Now the Infested are some thing that the Grineer were studying and let loose on the system.

Which Dr. Tengu, BTW, that dude needs a nose on his face plate ,

uses the mistake to trick the Grineer into worrying about the Tenno.

Actually the original lore we had was that they are basically a reoccurring issue... through out history and even before Orokin era... hint hint...

Edited by Arlayn
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No one said anything is contradictory. What is being said is that the story has been changed.

Before the Infested was just some wild thing that hangs out in space and has control of certain areas.

Now the Infested are some thing that the Grineer were studying and let loose on the system.

Which Dr. Tengu, BTW, that dude needs a nose on his face plate vQp4w3Gl.jpg,

uses the mistake to trick the Grineer into worrying about the Tenno.


One does not exclude the other.


There is no reason why the Infested couldn't be floating around in Derelicts and also be released on the Sol System by the Grineer; nowhere in these new missions do we get the idea that the cache of Infested the Grineer found were the only Infested around. Perhaps the accidental release of the Infested by the Grineer is what drew the Derelicts to the Sol System in the first place - they were content with floating around in space until the Grineer-Infested contacted the hive mind and told them of delicious organic bodies they could nibble on.

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Actually the original lore we had was that they are basically a reoccurring issue... through out history and even before Orokin era... hint hint...


Not getting into a Dark Sector discussion cause DE's lore only exist in Steve's head.


One does not exclude the other.


There is no reason why the Infested couldn't be floating around in Derelicts and also be released on the Sol System by the Grineer; nowhere in these new missions do we get the idea that the cache of Infested the Grineer found were the only Infested around. Perhaps the accidental release of the Infested by the Grineer is what drew the Derelicts to the Sol System in the first place - they were content with floating around in space until the Grineer-Infested contacted the hive mind and told them of delicious organic bodies they could nibble on.


The Lotus STRICTLY says that she thought these things were long gone.

The Infested, now, started screwing around just because of the Grineer.


Originally they had control of certain places. Then that was taken away but then they were brought back as constant invasions and then having control of one area. Now the story is that the JUST appeared because of the Grineer.


Plus the Lotus calls them mindless.... do we still get Infested diplomat missions? Now the Infested went from Zerg-like to Alien-like from the Aliens movie.

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The Lotus STRICTLY says that she thought these things were long gone.


Thought. She THOUGHT they were gone. Nowhere in her words is the existence of Infested elsewhere refuted. All it confirms is that they were not found in the Sol System before this point; the Orokin Empire spanned far wider than that. The Infested the Grineer found were obviously not the ones left alive roaming the galaxy/universe after the Orokin Empire fell, but perhaps the only ones left in the Sol System.


Most likely this relatively small Infestation started reaching out and communicating with the hive mind/consciousness of the Infested elsewhere which turned their attention to the Sol System which brought the Derelicts (and their Infested cargo) here.

Edited by Brimir
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The lore is that they were a weapon used against the Sentient but apparently the Orokin lost control.

DE just keeps changing the lore ... the little lore it has... every two months.


They have to create a base and stick with it.

I thought this was Cannon too, it really bothers me when DE just up and changes everything lore wise...

It really ruins the imersion into the story, (or what little of it we have so far)

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But it changed nothing...!


The Infested are still an Orokin bio-weapon let loose on the galaxy as before. The only thing that changed was the origin story of how the Infested resurfaced in the Sol system. Nothing else.

Edited by Brimir
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But it changed nothing...!


The Infested are still an Orokin bio-weapon let loose on the galaxy as before. The only thing that changed was the origin story of how the Infested resurfaced in the Sol system. Nothing else.

yeah.  From what I have played so far it only mentions that it evolves quickly, assimilates other races and was experimented on by the Grineer before they lost control of it.  It does not mention anything about the Orokin or anything before this point, but from how Lotus knows about the Infested and how dangerous it is hints that it has been a threat before.  This hint from the Lotus if anything connects the new lore to the origins of the infested much stronger than the old one, aka they only popped up now for....reasons.  The only difference is why they are suddenly coming out from hiding.

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Thought. She THOUGHT they were gone. Nowhere in her words is the existence of Infested elsewhere refuted. All it confirms is that they were not found in the Sol System before this point; the Orokin Empire spanned far wider than that. The Infested the Grineer found were obviously not the ones left alive roaming the galaxy/universe after the Orokin Empire fell, but perhaps the only ones left in the Sol System.


Most likely this relatively small Infestation started reaching out and communicating with the hive mind/consciousness of the Infested elsewhere which turned their attention to the Sol System which brought the Derelicts (and their Infested cargo) here.


That's the point BEFORE this quest they were just a normal part of the SS but now they were JUST released by the Grineer.

Lotus sees them for the first time during this mission. That changes the dynamic of the Infested in the game.


And where did you get the idea that the Orokin empire is wider than the SS?

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That's the point BEFORE this quest they were just a normal part of the SS but now they were JUST released by the Grineer.

Lotus sees them for the first time during this mission. That changes the dynamic of the Infested in the game.


And where did you get the idea that the Orokin empire is wider than the SS?

well, to be honest this quest line is supposed to be taken early and introduces new players to the Infested, meaning this is supposed to be the first time the player has ever encountered the infested.    


Also, Lotus seemed to know about the infested and how dangerous it is before this with how she warns you about them when you first encounter them.  She does ask where they found the Infested which makes sense if the Infested is thought to have been purged long ago.

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That's the point BEFORE this quest they were just a normal part of the SS but now they were JUST released by the Grineer.

Lotus sees them for the first time during this mission. That changes the dynamic of the Infested in the game.


The fact that she "thought they were gone" clearly indicates that she had previous knowledge of the Infested, what are you talking about? As I said (for like the third time in a row now): the only aspect of the Infested that this mission/quest changes is how they resurfaced in the Sol system.


It does not somehow retcon them being Orokin bio-weapons.

It does not retcon them being spread out all over the galaxy.


The Grineer found a cache of raw form of the Infestation bio-weapon; in their arrogance they started experimenting on them and when it got loose, it reconnected with the main Infested "Hive fleet" of Derelicts who set course for the Sol system to assimilate the human beings there.



And where did you get the idea that the Orokin empire is wider than the SS?


The Solar Rails connecting the Sol system to the rest of the galaxy and whatnot, plus the fact we have no trace evidence whatsoever of the Sentients in the Sol system which would indicate that their main conflict with the Orokin laid elsewhere.


The Orokin Empire fell just after the defeat of the Sentients; so we should see traces of the Sentients as well as the Orokin if the Old War was indeed fought in the Sol system.

Edited by Brimir
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The fact that she "thought they were gone" clearly indicates that she had previous knowledge of the Infested, what are you talking about? As I said (for like the third time in a row now): the only aspect of the Infested that this mission/quest changes is how they resurfaced in the Sol system.


It does not somehow retcon them being Orokin bio-weapons.

It does not retcon them being spread out all over the galaxy.


The Grineer found a cache of raw form of the Infestation bio-weapon; in their arrogance they started experimenting on them and when it got loose, it reconnected with the main Infested "Hive fleet" of Derelicts who set course for the Sol system to assimilate the human beings there.




Before the quest the Infested were a constant.

Now they are not.

Now they are a brand new threat that just appeared.

The story has changed.

That's all that is being said, it's pretty simple.


Oh, and they have souls.


It retcons their presence  in the SS.

This is the only thing being discussed.





The Solar Rails connecting the Sol system to the rest of the galaxy and whatnot, plus the fact we have no trace evidence whatsoever of the Sentients in the Sol system which would indicate that their main conflict with the Orokin laid elsewhere.


The Orokin Empire fell just after the defeat of the Sentients; so we should see traces of the Sentients as well as the Orokin if the Old War was indeed fought in the Sol system.


The rail have no lead anywhere outside of the SS. Outside of the SS is known as the dark sectors.

The Orokin fell at least 1k years ago. Then there's also the fact that the Sentients control tech... i would think it would be a smart idea to get rid of any Sentient stuff in the at least 1k years that have passed to bring back up the use of technology.

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The new lore does not retcon their presence in the SS, it just retcons them holding a whole planet in the SS before the prologue. 




It doesnt change their presence in the SS... then you go on to mention how it changed their presence in the SS......

That's what you wrote.


Also, nowhere does it say they have souls.



Also... Souls? What the fudge?


Look at the pic in the OP. The bomb "rips the lifeforce from all organic matter."

What's the lifeforce of a being? The soul.

The bomb is just a giant Soul Punch machine.

Thank you Scott.

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It doesnt change their presence in the SS... then you go on to mention how it changed their presence in the SS......

That's what you wrote.


No, that's not what I wrote. Read carefully. 


Also, life force doesn't mean soul. Plants have life force, they don't have souls. 

Edited by vaugahn
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maybe the Grineer's experiments are what allowed the Infested to assimilate machines (though would love to see a larger enemy variety among the Infested such as Infested Moa).  For all we know the Grineer only for as far as poking the infested and that the Infested do not like fire (which is explained in the letter sent to you after starting the first Infested mission).  

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Before the quest the Infested were a constant.

Now they are not.

Now they are a brand new threat that just appeared.

The story has changed.

That's all that is being said, it's pretty simple.


none of this is correct, your entire argument is ignoring perspective.


so, what is this perspective?


remember back when U14 dropped? so, you were a Tenno, in space, then all of a sudden, after personally playing for over 100 hours your Tenno has just woken up from cryostasis? wtf?


what you're missing is that they are creating a new game, with a cohesive start. you wake up from crysostasis and partake in a handful of quests that explain the game world to you. one of them explains the Infested presence is Sol, it DOES NOT nullify the old Codex at all, it only offers an explanation to new players on what they hell these ancient things you fought back in the day are doing here now, which is something older players never had. they were never a lore constant, there was no lore, just another enemy with a Codex entry referencing them from long ago.


see, perspective.

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