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New Infested Lore. So Apparently They Just Came Out Of Nowhere. It Doesnt Work.


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Right, up until they get to the later part of the game and it doesnt.

This quest makes sense up until you start figuring out all the other stuff in the game.


If you're still referring to the weapons, again: you are DRASTICALLY underestimating HOW FAST military technology progresses in times of war and what exactly the Corpus might have found in those Orokin ruins they're looking through.

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There are multiple meanings of the word exist, and you are using the wrong one.



??? How so ? I mentioned that i am not using the meaning you are applying to it but you still make claim i am using a incorrect one based on what?



The infested have existed (read, been hanging around) since the fall of the Orokin. However, all diseases need a vector. We've known since the infested were first released that this is a recent outbreak of them, not an ongoing one. We've always known that the infested used the Grineer as a vector, and it's also been known that the Grineer have been experimenting with infested. Now we've just put two and two together, and it's confirmed that the Grineer are the vector for the resurgence of the infested. 


Thats some nice fanwork there but it not very successful.


Like you tried before... the Infested are majority Corpus so having a story where the outbreak originates on Grineer space yet Grineer make up the smallest amount of infested is a problem.


They need to fix these and create another chapter to fix or else it doesnt make much sense.




No it doesn't. You're essentially making up a complaint.


No i am offering a view that you dont agree on. That doesnt mean that this is a complain it just means that i care for it and you dont. Sort like i want a more difficult game and i dont see a problem with that stuff because i can deal with it while other dont want to.

Edited by [DE]Danielle
Let's go with "Fanwork"
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Thats some nice fanwork there but it not very successful.


Like you tried before... the Infested are majority Corpus so having a story where the outbreak originates on Grineer space yet Grineer make up the smallest amount of infested is a problem.


They need to fix these and create another chapter to fix or else it doesnt make much sense.



That's kind of the point of the "in-development" moniker of the game. There aren't much Grineer infestation units simply because the developers haven't made any yet.


And his post isn't a fanwank, because whether you like it or not, the story that the quest puts out is that the Grineer are the means for the infestation spread. This is official story as placed into the game by the developers and just because you have a problem with it does not allow you to write it off as a fan-made theory.

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There's actually very little difference between sci-finand fantasy; just replace "technology" with "magic" as applicable.

Just think of how easily the original Star Wars trilogy could be made into a fantasy setting.

Yoda would be a wizard!

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The big difference between s-f and fantasy is in that "the thing we're not familiar with that drives the stories", which is some future science in the one, and magic in the other, has to be consistent with the science we already know in the first case, but doesn't have to be consistent with anything other than its own internal logic in the second case.


Superheroes are an interesting mix of the two (originally science heroes, but incorporating magic, so anything goes now - which is what makes superheroes such an enduring genre). 


We're actually more like superheroes than either s-f or fantasy per se.  Our origins are in mad science, but there's some mysterious magic-like Void element (although that could turn out to be "science so advanced it looks like magic" too).

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Here is the timeline/story:

Orokin creates Technocyte virus as a backup plan for the Sentient war

They break out during the Great Plague

They somehow disappear (not yet explained) while we enter cryostasis

We wake up, and enter Vor's prize timeline (Vor captures you and stuff)

Then the Grineer find some infested and experiment with them (maybe using Corpus Crewmen they captured too, that's how you get infested runners)


These infested grineer and corpus (runners and chargers) break out in a ship you are in


Then, they break out into the rest of the solar system...


Edited by MeowTezu
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There's actually very little difference between sci-finand fantasy; just replace "technology" with "magic" as applicable.

Just think of how easily the original Star Wars trilogy could be made into a fantasy setting.

Yoda would be a wizard!


"Any sufficiently advanced technology will appear as magic to a less-advanced civilization."


Completely in agreement.

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My answer to the "tech that uses Infested" - the utilization of the Infestation in past eras. Remember, the Infesteation has just been revived in full force, or at least helped in its resurrection by the Grineer, but the technology of the original people to use it - the Orokin - has been around for ages, and has likely been uncovered by the Corpus and Grineer long before, so there logically could be some devices that are designed around the use of specimens that were grown in a lab-based environment (not that we Tenno do that) or simply are older Orokin-era designs that incorporated them naturally.


Not to mention I believe that the Warframes make use of Technocyte as a vital part of their being BECAUSE they're Technocyte.



Do we know that there is infested-tech outside of Warframe created by the Orokin?

If this is the explanation then this needs to be added.


I also feeling you're DRASTICALLY underestimating how fast technology evolves - ESPECIALLY when it's used for war. I mean, what? Just 20 years ago military drones would have been unheard of, 70 years ago the nuke was just being worked on/tested. Technology advances by the week, not the decade.


Drones have existed since WWII and 70 years.... is a long time.

So that still leaves the question of how long are we taking between mission or traveling between planets.

I thought we were all Star Trek-like warping space left and right and getting there in hours or days.


EDIT: that guy is right there, there's a slight blip between the order in which players can experience things and the way in which the story's told. Once Awake is set to take place right after Vor's Prize (though I don't think you'd contest that) rather than after any of this stuff that's already happened - Breeding Grounds, all that.


This isnt about the timeline the discussion is about the story.

Everyone knows what the timeline is.

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Do we know that there is infested-tech outside of Warframe created by the Orokin?

If this is the explanation then this needs to be added.


There doesn't' NEED to be Infested tech created by the Orokin, only the presence of the information on the Infested within Orokin ruins. Much as they did with everything else, the Corpus (or Grineer) could then experiment with that Infested information they vultured from the Orokin ruins and expand it into new things - much as Alad V did with the new breeds of infestation (Mutalist Moas and what have you). The same goes for the Tenno - just as we research how to develop all those Grineer and Corpus weapons in our labs, so do we research how to develop and harness those infested weapons (those wait times aren't for nothing, after all).


Drones have existed since WWII and 70 years.... is a long time.

So that still leaves the question of how long are we taking between mission or traveling between planets.

I thought we were all Star Trek-like warping space left and right and getting there in hours or days.


Really? Well that's interesting.


Regardless, the fact that it is, as I said, less developing NEW technologies and more working with the technologies that are already present (that is: Orokin tech) and reverse-engineering it from there, I argue that the times in which we would be able to do that - because it's space technology, AND, as with more MMOs, everything is shrunk down to allow the player ease of access to it (imagine if WoW's gameworld was realistically scaled, it would take you DAYS to move from one zone to another).


Imagine if, instead of having to build a nuke from the ground up, discover all the technologies of radiation and missile propulsion for ourselves, and instead we found a giant cash of information in the ground that told us all about those concepts - IMAGINE how much faster we could have developed nuclear technology in the course of human history.


Same goes for all other technology - if there's already a precedent set (in the case of Warframe, set by the Orokin) then developing things around it becomes SO much easier.

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The technology has nothing intrinsically to do with the Infested, it's technocyte technology, which was around before the Infested.  A variant of it is what leads to the Infested, and another variant of it leads to Warframes (suit material derived from technocyte technology).



Sorry but the role of DS in this story doesnt exist outside of continuous contradicting statements on how they are tied. At this point they are not tied at all.


I think if you were to start a new character on another account, you'd see that what's facing you as a new player now makes sense as it comes.  Having started in August, I had the new player experience with the new missions and the Liset and everything, and when it got to the Infested on later planets, they were just something that seemed to be around, it wasn't clear what they were, etc. 


Now, I think as a new player, you will have this mission and that will prepare you for the Infested missions on the later planets, i.e. there is now a reason for them to be around when you get to the later planets.


Another point: some of this has to be "asynchronous" because all multiplayer games have to have an asynchronous element.  It's not possible in a multiplayer game to have all the game events for every player be in a strict, sequential timeline of their personal play.


The discussion is not how it appears to a new player as they are playing it. The discussion is how it appears once you have all the knowledge available, or a good chunk,  in the game. There will be a point when the new player is going to be questioning how that quests connects with the rest of the world.

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The discussion is not how it appears to a new player as they are playing it. The discussion is how it appears once you have all the knowledge available, or a good chunk,  in the game. There will be a point when the new player is going to be questioning how that quests connects with the rest of the world.


Well, follow it through - how will it connect?  I think you'll find it's quite consistent.  It's only because you've been playing the game already for a while and the information has been presented asynchronously that you think there's a problem.  There really isn't. 


Once again, you seem to be confusing timelines - the timeline of you (the player) discovering the game and game lore, and the timeline of the story being presented in the game lore.  (As you've been told multiple times by many people.)


Or to put it another way, the events with the Grineer discovering the Infested do not happen (in the story) after you (the Tenno in the game) have already been fighting Infested (as you have done).

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Your infested tech will hardly be the first thing a new player sees. In fact, I doubt they'll go near (be aware of ) the stuff until after they do the infested quest, so for new players, all this infested tech is the result of rediscovering the infested. So as far as the story is concerned, you've just discovered the infested, and now al the research the grineer have done in secret is now on the tip of your hands (or anyone else's).  


You need to look deeper into what uses infested resources.

The Vulkar uses plastids, plastids are infested resources.

So what is the time span between the starting quest and when you finally go out doing quests?

Because Ballistas are pretty much everywhere.


Detonite Injectors use plastids. Denoites Injectors is the base of ALL Grineer weapons that come from the Grineer labs.

That means that ALL these weapons were JUST invented?

There must be a HUUUUUUUUUGE gap between the tutorial/once awake and when you start Mercury.

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If you're still referring to the weapons, again: you are DRASTICALLY underestimating HOW FAST military technology progresses in times of war and what exactly the Corpus might have found in those Orokin ruins they're looking through.


How fast is fast?

Like i mentioned above, the Vulkar and all Grineer weapons that come from the biolab use infested resources.

So how many years do you suggest took place between the quest and once you hop into the regular Merc missions?


Another example of the weapon trouble is that they give you heat sword as a reward and that thing requires infested resources.

So they just figured out that fire weapons hurt the infested more and they give us a weapon that requires infested resources. Plus the Ignis also requires infested resources. So which fire weapons where they using that they figured out that the soldiers with fire weapons last longer?

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How fast is fast?

Like i mentioned above, the Vulkar and all Grineer weapons that come from the biolab use infested resources.

So how many years do you suggest took place between the quest and once you hop into the regular Merc missions?


Another example of the weapon trouble is that they give you heat sword as a reward and that thing requires infested resources.

So they just figured out that fire weapons hurt the infested more and they give us a weapon that requires infested resources. Plus the Ignis also requires infested resources. So which fire weapons where they using that they figured out that the soldiers with fire weapons last longer?


Again I state that those Infested resources DON'T have to be harvested by killing Infested units and ripping them from their bodies. Remember: they have labs researching this sort of thing. Alad V himself drops neutral sensors, hinting that at least his Corpus faction has been experimenting with Infestation for some time.


They could just have easily found the details of Infestation that prompted the Grineer to start experimenting with the Infestation in Orokin labs and used them to grow tissue samples, rather than the whole she-bang. So you have individual clusters of Nano Spores, Neural Sensors, all that being born of typical cell-reproduction processes and used in the development of other technologies (Corpus specialty).


Not to mention, although we walk in on the Grineer losing control of their Infestation experiment, we're not really sure HOW long they've had access to this technology. Even if its only been months, that would be the perfect amount of time for them to take their older technology - you know, like classic flamethrowers that don't rely on spores - and retrofit it, upgrade it, to incorporate these new technologies. And that's just the Grineer - the Corpus, who have entire gas-cloud cities geared towards this sort of thing, probably could take on this sort of reverse-engineering and upgrading of their own technologies (if there even is such a thing) with their discoveries.


As for the heat sword: pretty sure that's given to us by the Lotus, hinting it being Tenno tech, therefore from the Orokin era, therefore more likely to require that sort of material.

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So the new tutorial mission for the infested says that the infested were JUST woken up by the Grineer screwing around.
I find that wack. The old ..... thing that we had was that they were just hanging out like some wild space pest taking over where ever they could. But now the story is that the Grineer JUST hit the Infested hive and they went nuts.

There's no reason why it cannot work lore wise. It works completely fine with the old lore too, all it does is act as an introduction to the infested; basically the concept that the infested were always there, but they were in some sort of hibernation (perhaps they infested all they could and sort of 'deactivated' until new things showed up to infest?)


It's also like bees. They like to spread, reproduce and build lots of hives... and when winter comes they hibernate. 


The concept of hibernation is simple: when the environment or resources are not conducive towards expansion/reproduction/living, an organism goes into a self-induced stasis until the environment improves. Fungi do it, bugs do it, bacteria do it, some animals do it... Why not infested?


Just because we've "been fighting them up to now" doesn't mean the tutorial breaks canon. Not in the least. If you stuck to canon, you have to look at it from a new player's perspective... They've JUST started out, they JUST woke up. Canonically, Vor is still alive at this point (story/canon is user-independent). The new player hasn't ever seen or fought the infested, at this point in the player's story/canon the infested are hibernating/asleep/biding their time... until they get upset and introduced in the infested tutorial which, canonically, is the emergence of the infested for the player's storyline.

Oh and the infested have souls.

Life force != Souls. Life force is literally the force that drives life; it's cellular activity. Considering the lotus says all organic matter, which includes single celled organisms like bacteria, its safe to say that the bomb halts/ceases all cellular activity, effectively killing anything that could be considered alive.


Gamma Radiation also has a similar effect; high enough doses cause damage to living cells to the point where they fail. It can kill pretty much anything with a high enough dose, and it has little to no effect on inorganic structures and materials.


And Void Energy seems synonymous with Marvel Gamma Radiation because it can be used to kill and it can be used to give superpowers.

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That's kind of the point of the "in-development" moniker of the game. There aren't much Grineer infestation units simply because the developers haven't made any yet.


And his post isn't a fanwank, because whether you like it or not, the story that the quest puts out is that the Grineer are the means for the infestation spread. This is official story as placed into the game by the developers and just because you have a problem with it does not allow you to write it off as a fan-made theory.


Given that they just added even more Corpus infested units, it doesnt look like there will be a point where the Grineer are going to surpass the Corpus in Infested troops. This also shows how out of the place this quest is.


Here is the timeline/story:

Orokin creates Technocyte virus as a backup plan for the Sentient war

They break out during the Great Plague

They somehow disappear (not yet explained) while we enter cryostasis

We wake up, and enter Vor's prize timeline (Vor captures you and stuff)

Then the Grineer find some infested and experiment with them (maybe using Corpus Crewmen they captured too, that's how you get infested runners)


These infested grineer and corpus (runners and chargers) break out in a ship you are in


Then, they break out into the rest of the solar system...



When have i denied the timeline of when the quest takes place?

I am discussing how the lore in the story affects the rest of the story in the game. In that discussion the fact that it happens at the beginning of the game is THE MAJOR argument. The fact that this is at the start of the game creates problems with the rest of the world.


How did all these Infested technology pop out of nowhere RIGHT AFTER this very second quest? So is there a decades/century gap between this quest and the very first normal mission in map? Not only that but it give a bad impression of that overall story. A game called Warframe where the star attraction are the Warframes has a story where the only reason you can use Warfarmes is that because of pure luck that the Grineer found some Infested. Because if the Grineer did not find the Infested then the only frames people would be playing with would be the first 3 starter frames. Since, you know, Infested resources are required to build frames.

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There doesn't' NEED to be Infested tech created by the Orokin, only the presence of the information on the Infested within Orokin ruins. Much as they did with everything else, the Corpus (or Grineer) could then experiment with that Infested information they vultured from the Orokin ruins and expand it into new things - much as Alad V did with the new breeds of infestation (Mutalist Moas and what have you). The same goes for the Tenno - just as we research how to develop all those Grineer and Corpus weapons in our labs, so do we research how to develop and harness those infested weapons (those wait times aren't for nothing, after all).


Really? Well that's interesting.


Regardless, the fact that it is, as I said, less developing NEW technologies and more working with the technologies that are already present (that is: Orokin tech) and reverse-engineering it from there, I argue that the times in which we would be able to do that - because it's space technology, AND, as with more MMOs, everything is shrunk down to allow the player ease of access to it (imagine if WoW's gameworld was realistically scaled, it would take you DAYS to move from one zone to another).


Imagine if, instead of having to build a nuke from the ground up, discover all the technologies of radiation and missile propulsion for ourselves, and instead we found a giant cash of information in the ground that told us all about those concepts - IMAGINE how much faster we could have developed nuclear technology in the course of human history.


Same goes for all other technology - if there's already a precedent set (in the case of Warframe, set by the Orokin) then developing things around it becomes SO much easier.



But you still need actual resources to work the product. Book knowledge doesnt solve everything, you actually need to get your hands dirty to see if it works. So we need more info on the story and it wait times. Because right now the only possible solution to this is that between Once Awake and the first map missions there must be at least a decade wait.

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But you still need actual resources to work the product. Book knowledge doesnt solve everything, you actually need to get your hands dirty to see if it works. So we need more info on the story and it wait times. Because right now the only possible solution to this is that between Once Awake and the first map missions there must be at least a decade wait.


Hence: grow them in a lab.


In the end, everything is made of the same materials and elements. If you can gather enough of them and combine them in the right way you can make anything. And, again, because of the technology the Corpus and Grineer already have at their disposal and the interest both have in understanding everything about the Orokin I disagree that there would have to be such a long wait.


Though, in the end: it's a fictional game. Stop apply real-world logic to it. As long as it's self-consistent (which, while arguable, I'd say it's still fulfilling) there's not a damn thing wrong.

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Well, follow it through - how will it connect?  I think you'll find it's quite consistent.  It's only because you've been playing the game already for a while and the information has been presented asynchronously that you think there's a problem.  There really isn't. 


Once again, you seem to be confusing timelines - the timeline of you (the player) discovering the game and game lore, and the timeline of the story being presented in the game lore.  (As you've been told multiple times by many people.)


Or to put it another way, the events with the Grineer discovering the Infested do not happen (in the story) after you (the Tenno in the game) have already been fighting Infested (as you have done).


The argument is how this is placed at the start of the story and causes problem. I am not ignoring or confusing any timeline.

There story now has it that the Infested were just discovered and released at the very beginning of the game and that creates problems when it comes to anything tied to the Infested. One of the biggest problem is technology that uses Infested resources. I gave several examples of Grineer tech that uses Infested resources earlier in the game. How do all these technologies exist when the Infested where just released? Are we to believe that after these starter mission decades have past? Time enough for the Ballistas to all have Vulkars? Vulkar uses Infested resources, btw.

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The argument is how this is placed at the start of the story and causes problem. I am not ignoring or confusing any timeline.

There story now has it that the Infested were just discovered and released at the very beginning of the game and that creates problems when it comes to anything tied to the Infested. One of the biggest problem is technology that uses Infested resources. I gave several examples of Grineer tech that uses Infested resources earlier in the game. How do all these technologies exist when the Infested where just released? Are we to believe that after these starter mission decades have past? Time enough for the Ballistas to all have Vulkars? Vulkar uses Infested resources, btw.


The only tech that seems (from lore description) that it might cause a problem is Plastids, in which case it's just a minor slip.  For the rest, the tech has been around for ages, i.e. infested tech, or tech derived from infested tech, is old, and has been around, "Infestation" per se, or "Outbreak" of Infestation, the presence of Infested - this is the new thing (new to the SS) that's been (re)awakened by the Grineer.


So you seem to have changed your tune somewhat.  Initially, you thought the timing was weird; after that's been explained many times to you, you seem to accept that it makes story sense (at least, you're not talking about it any more).  So now you're sticking to the point about tech, but even that's pretty weak. 


IOW, we don't have the lore disaster you initially thought, at worst we have a few minor inconsistencies.

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The argument is how this is placed at the start of the story and causes problem. I am not ignoring or confusing any timeline.

There story now has it that the Infested were just discovered and released at the very beginning of the game and that creates problems when it comes to anything tied to the Infested. One of the biggest problem is technology that uses Infested resources. I gave several examples of Grineer tech that uses Infested resources earlier in the game. How do all these technologies exist when the Infested where just released? Are we to believe that after these starter mission decades have past? Time enough for the Ballistas to all have Vulkars? Vulkar uses Infested resources, btw.


I just gave it a little though, and consider the fact that the Hunt for Alad V had us clearing out the Infestation around his planet to get to him. Remember the quote in response to it that Frohd gave us: "Alad is using that damned infestation as a cover."


Now, take into account what we now know: that the Infestation hasn't been something around in the time between our slumber and awakening (at least in great force, the presence of Lephantis suggests that Lotus was mistaken at least on one level) and apply it to that.


It seems to me that the Corpus were doing the same thing the Grineer were: only it seems they were capable of doing so on a MUCH larger and more efficient scale (the kind of scale where they were able to successfully deploy it as a bio weapon).


So, once again, we have a precedent for the Corpus having been working with the Infestation for some time - probably longer than the Grineer, and probably LONG before we even began to wake up (remember, there is STILL a story before our player character wakes up, things were STILL happening in that... I dunno, millennium) - and likely harvesting parts from what they grew in the lab.


It works, you just have to factor in all the elements to find out how.

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Again I state that those Infested resources DON'T have to be harvested by killing Infested units and ripping them from their bodies. Remember: they have labs researching this sort of thing. Alad V himself drops neutral sensors, hinting that at least his Corpus faction has been experimenting with Infestation for some time.


They could just have easily found the details of Infestation that prompted the Grineer to start experimenting with the Infestation in Orokin labs and used them to grow tissue samples, rather than the whole she-bang. So you have individual clusters of Nano Spores, Neural Sensors, all that being born of typical cell-reproduction processes and used in the development of other technologies (Corpus specialty).



We need more info in-game to say what the Grineer need and dont need to experiment on the Infested. The new quest says that they are just figuring out how to kill these things, it doesnt sound like they were that deep into it. It sounds like they were just trying to figure out how to control them.


The description of neural sensors.

Biotech sensor organ harvested from Infested entities.

So you need Infested things to cut these out from.

And the pic of the Neural Sensor has Grineer letters on it.



So the Sensors we are taking have already been made into some device.





Not to mention, although we walk in on the Grineer losing control of their Infestation experiment, we're not really sure HOW long they've had access to this technology. Even if its only been months, that would be the perfect amount of time for them to take their older technology - you know, like classic flamethrowers that don't rely on spores - and retrofit it, upgrade it, to incorporate these new technologies. And that's just the Grineer - the Corpus, who have entire gas-cloud cities geared towards this sort of thing, probably could take on this sort of reverse-engineering and upgrading of their own technologies (if there even is such a thing) with their discoveries.


As for the heat sword: pretty sure that's given to us by the Lotus, hinting it being Tenno tech, therefore from the Orokin era, therefore more likely to require that sort of material.


We need info in the game.

We cant be dropping our own info. This has been the problem with the lore from the start, there show bits then people go fill in what's missing and then there fights over people's own stories which make no sense.


These quests are filling out there story but so this one did nothing at all. All it did is create a continuity mess and more questions.


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There's no reason why it cannot work lore wise. It works completely fine with the old lore too, all it does is act as an introduction to the infested; basically the concept that the infested were always there, but they were in some sort of hibernation (perhaps they infested all they could and sort of 'deactivated' until new things showed up to infest?)


It's also like bees. They like to spread, reproduce and build lots of hives... and when winter comes they hibernate. 


The concept of hibernation is simple: when the environment or resources are not conducive towards expansion/reproduction/living, an organism goes into a self-induced stasis until the environment improves. Fungi do it, bugs do it, bacteria do it, some animals do it... Why not infested?


Just because we've "been fighting them up to now" doesn't mean the tutorial breaks canon. Not in the least. If you stuck to canon, you have to look at it from a new player's perspective... They've JUST started out, they JUST woke up. Canonically, Vor is still alive at this point (story/canon is user-independent). The new player hasn't ever seen or fought the infested, at this point in the player's story/canon the infested are hibernating/asleep/biding their time... until they get upset and introduced in the infested tutorial which, canonically, is the emergence of the infested for the player's storyline.



It creates a problem to everything that is tied to the Infested.

The main thing being technologies that use Infested resources.

How do all these technologies exist in full completed form if the infested were just let loose?

The one explanation we can throw out is that between the quest and the first mission on the game map we have a decades long gap were the Grineer and Corpus were able to study them and create technologies that use Infested resources.


Plus it really destroys the story of the Warframe.

We went from a group of folks that are slowly building up our armies to go around and kick butt to..... by pure luck the Grineer found the infested and because of that we can now have multiple warframes. Because with no Infested there are no Infested resources to build warframes. The story of Warframe in the present time revolves around an accident.


In the story of Warframe DE keep making the Tenno matter less and less and this is not building some epic atmosphere that people can rally behind.

Hek, the Halo players that have been playing since the first game say that while the games are becoming worst they will still buy them because of the story. I know this is a F2P game and people will continue to play just because it's free, but there will come a point where they will need that hard drive space for something else and if there's nothing tying them to the game besides the new weapon they release... they will be gone.

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The description of neural sensors.

Biotech sensor organ harvested from Infested entities.

So you need Infested things to cut these out from.

And the pic of the Neural Sensor has Grineer letters on it.


The description for Neural Sensors and Neurodes have been swapped for who knows how long. This is the description for Neurodes:


Implanted neural-link for controlling augmentations. Grineer design.


How do all these technologies exist in full completed form if the infested were just let loose?


See TV Tropes: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TravelingAtTheSpeedOfPlot

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