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My Thoughts On The Current State Of Warframe


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The problem with the system is not all of the possible exploits, but the fact you tied rep gain to xp gain. You should find a better way to implement rep gain, like, achievements, those are useless in the game at the moment, find a way to make those useful to the syndicates.


Interception changes:

You made interception much harder because we found an exploit you didn't. Not many people like interception to begin with. There's no reason to punish everyone, myself included because of a few people who only look for exploits.


Line of Sight skills:

Warframe's maps are too small, open space wise. The outside tilesets are great, I remember when those were first implemented, around the time of the new mod system. You said in one of your much earlier dev streams that you wanted to keep the game in smaller closed in areas. That's fine, just stop limiting many useful abilities to line of sight. Alternatively open up your tilesets more, especially corpus indoor tilesets, make them a bit less claustrophobic. 


Warframe Nerfs:

Warframes were nerfed in your paniced? patch to try to prevent reputation exploits.  Thankfully you did reverse most of the big nerfs, and I haven't used every warframe in the game, yet, but lots of people still feel the effects of some of the other nerfs you implemented. I talk to many people in the game on a regular basis, (chatframe ftw?) Lots of players feel that some warframes aren't up to par with others. For example, Hydroid is a warframe I barely ever see used. If you ever looked at the recruiting channel, I'm sure that you'll nevr find a T4 squad in the making looking for anything but nekros, trinity, sometimes nova. You watched people build a certain party for the interception mission, well the same thing happens for people farming the void. Maybe try balancing the less used warframes to be as useful as the more popular ones.


Difficulty curve of higher level missions:

Could you try giving soloers like myself a way to solo more effectively? It is extremely hard as it is. 1000 health and shields and still end up using all my revives. over 1300 conclave, still use up all my revives. Im not saying make the entire game super simple, but the difficulty curve of some missions is way too steep. It is now almost impossible to complete the first 5 waves of higher defenses, first waves of interceptions, and the 2 - 4 rounds in mobile defenses. There's lots of missions that remain uncompleted in higher planets, because I can't find anyone to run them with me, and I can't solo them.


I can hear it now: Blah Blah Blah this is a mmo game, geared towards squad fights blah blah blah.


THAT IS NOT RELEVANT HERE. Some people like to play with others, and I'm one of those people, sometimes, especially when a clan mate needs help with something, but overall, I prefer doing everything SOLO. I don't like trying to do party combat, because your matchmaking system is broken. Half the time people can't connect to each other.



The Chat and Host Migration

The Chat is pretty broken, disconnecting every few minutes. You try to send a message because the chat seems fine, then as soon as you send a message, DISCONNECTED. Sure, it's nice enough to tell you when you're reconnected, but that doesn't help when you can't tell when the chat actually disconnects, you find it out the hard way, because you have to resend your message. Host migration is still utterly broken for most people, you have about a 25% chance of it working correctly., the other 75% is either you being disconnected from the squad, usually reverting to a black screen for 30s or so, and then you're back on the Liset. with a notice that 'Connection to the host has been lost" Then you lose everything you had in that mission. There are lots of people on the chat angry about this and despite us ridiculing for blowing up in the chat, they still have a very legitimate reason to be angry. And if you're relly unlucky, the game will completely crash during a host migration. I suggest you centralize the squads like almost every other mmo ever. surely you can afford to set up a server to handle squads seperate from the database and chat servers. The problem with the current squad system is the fact that it depends on the internet connection of the players. Some players live in rural areas, such as me, and the only option for internet is a high latency satellite internet connection. So if I host a match, everyone else in the squad is lagging, and it's unfair to them to have to suffer because of my internet connection not being the greatest. I can deal with lag, and have for a while, but other warframe players probably can't handle it. Please do something about this.



Lastly, The Grind Walls:

The syndicate system has some really awesome stuff, and it has lots of potential, but the way you implemented it, is as a giant grind wall to extend the amount of time people have to spend on the game. I am only at the second rank of my syndicate, and I'm afraid to see what the next reputation requirement is. A player somewhere on the forums did the math, and you need almost a thousand times more affinity to receive all of the rewards in any specific syndicate as compared to leveling to mastery cap. You lose ALL of your gained reputation points whenever you rank up, and they should remain available to you once you reach the next rank. Here's the thing, You do not have to add a thousand hour long grind wall to keep people interested in playing the game If anything this will turn casuals off of the game completely. When I saw the rate at which reputation was gained, and then saw the amount of reputation required to rank up in a syndicate, I stopped caring about it. I like warframe, and will keep playing, simply because I have a clan of new players to look after, and to help, and your rate of releasing new content is at a good enough speed to keep me interested in playing the new content. adding these grind walls only tells me one thing "We're not confident our game is interesting enough to keep players, so we're exploiting completionists" Those players who absolutely have to have everything completed in a game. I'm a casual, so the syndicate rewards are out of my reach since I don't have the time to dedicate to warframe.

If I were to dedicate my time on warframe to farm reputation, I would become homer's drunken parrot. I would be doing the exact same thing, over and over again. What else does that sound like? OH YEAH! A factory or other dead end job. When a game becomes a job, I lose interest.


While I'm at it here's some more things that bother many people.


Forma for every room in the dojo system? REALLY, DE?


Whatever happened to that Dojo color customization you showed in the dev stream?


Why does lotus also comment on missions you were clearly sent to for your syndicate?


Why does lotus use her regular commentary in archwing missions?(A large platoon of Grineer marines are 'stationed' here) wtf?


What are the names of the syndicate bosses? There's lots more opportunity for lore there.


Why do you need Neurodes and Neural Sensors to craft forma? Why does an inanimate object need to see and feel mechanical attachments?


Same idea as above... Why does a bow (Dread) need circuits? it makes no sense


What is the lotus? You only see her head.


Why don't the syndicate bosses come to a syndicate mission with you from time to time? That would be AMAZING.


Why not add a little more lore? I like games more if they have a good story, Warframe doesn't really have one.


and finally, the big one..... What the hell is a Tenno? You never described in any detail what is under the warframe, so to speak.


The game has some very serious issues that need to be addressed, and feedback about different things that could make the experience less painful for us as players.



Please, insert your hate below.

            Sincerely, Ryuhouji                                        

10/14/14: Made lots of changes, it's almost a new post, plus organization.

Edited by Ryuhouji
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Have you ever heard of the smart button called: Private?

Use the recruiting tab in the chat, and make your squad, should fix your problem with matchmaking :)


Now the rest is no news, even the idea of Rep XP gained from Achivments, Mogamu made a video yesterday, where he also talks about why warframes nerfing is not the way to go. here i will slap you with the link:

Edited by Sadroth
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While most of this post makes good points, I have one problem with it.

"over 1300 conclave, still use up all my revives."

Conclave=/=skill, would just like to point that out.

Skill isn't really the issue here, it's just too easy to get overwhelmed with too many opponents in certain things like solo defenses either die, or lose the pod....

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Have you ever heard of the smart button called: Private?

Use the recruiting tab in the chat, and make your squad, should fix your problem with matchmaking :)


Now the rest is no news, even the idea of Rep XP gained from Achivments, Mogamu made a video yesterday, where he also talks about why warframes nerfing is not the way to go. here i will slap you with the link:

Wow, I didn't realize, and I even watch mogamu's videos for builds. Thanks for showing me, It made me feel like I wasn't alone for once in my take on things.


As for the Private button, that is irrelevant, the problem isn't with wether or not a solo mode is available, the problem is that when solo, many missions are nearly impossible to complete like mobile defenses and regular defenses, as well as interceptions, which was made worse with the nerfs. Also, even if you premake a squad, (or even try to) people still can't connect to me sometimes, and a lot of times I can't connect to others, and I know it's not my internet connection, because every other online game I play, especially the mobas I frequent, I'm able to join and stay connected to people perfectly fine. The way they have it now, you host a game on your local computer, and it shouldn't be that way, it should be centralized, much like how open world mmo's do instance dungeons and fights, and the like.

Edited by Ryuhouji
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Wow, I didn't realize, and I even watch mogamu's videos for builds. Thanks for showing me, It made me feel like I wasn't alone for once in my take on things.


As for the Private button, that is irrelevant, the problem isn't with wether or not a solo mode is available, the problem is that when solo, many missions are nearly impossible to complete like mobile defenses and regular defenses, as well as interceptions, which was made worse with the nerfs. Also, even if you premake a squad, (or even try to) people still can't connect to me sometimes, and a lot of times I can't connect to others, and I know it's not my internet connection, because every other online game I play, especially the mobas I frequent, I'm able to join and stay connected to people perfectly fine. The way they have it now, you host a game on your local computer, and it shouldn't be that way, it should be centralized, much like how open world mmo's do instance dungeons and fights, and the like.

No problem mate ;)

Anyway, i never have problem when i have a premade squad, and mind you i dont have theee best internet in the world. But then again most of my premade squads are all from my general region. But i agree with you on everything else more or less

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