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Question: Is A Macro Cheating?


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Just think about people with carpal tunnel syndrome.


 This could be taken a couple of different ways, but as a rough answer to either way, It's hard to believe that someone with Carpal Tunnel is going to use a macro to take advantage of a game abusing glitch.


 Roughly put, there are ways in some games to take advantage of the standard features to get a benefit that is not available without using a macro.  Macros basically can make some cheats possible.  So macros are not cheating, but some macros are.  It depends on which way they are used, and mostly oni the person using the macro.

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Just think about people with carpal tunnel syndrome.


Just because you have some kind of disability doesn't mean you should be allowed to fire your Akboltos as fast as a viper.


If you're doing macros to emulate stuff that can done by a normal human being, so you don't put unnecessary stress on your finger or whatever, that's perfectly fine.


If you reach a level of performance that's not achievable otherwise, that's an exploit.

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Macros are cheating, they are 3rd party software that does the job for you and gives you an unfair advantage.


hacks,cheats,macros. all 3rd party programs giving unfair advantage. you should be banned for using it if you do. that includes people with disability, it would be totally unfair to have a latron fire as fast as a braton. especially since everybody would just say they have disability  and cheat , unless they are using it to match an average human being ability, but if it goes beyond performance thats definetly cheating

Edited by TheSuperTaco
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This is PVE so I'm barely interested in being teased by macroers and autoclickers. You are using computer software to do things you are supposed to do by your own. If you feel gratified, you win.

Wait, maybe you are supposed to use them, since it's a fact that making 1/10th seconds semi-auto is wrong :D


EDIT: today I'll use an autoclicker to see what the cheaters usually get from them. Then I'll ask the DEVS if that is the intended way Akbolto and their statement of "Macro is OK" should go together. Will they come up with a maximum ms interleave between automated inputs? <-- LOL

Edited by Vanadio
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Macros that make semi-autos into full-auto would be considered cheating in any multiplayer-pvp game. Just like the asshats in BF3 that run them with the an94. That said, this is just pve so who really cares. In Dueling when it ever comes? well, people still might not care, because it's dueling.

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We're all cheating...... we're clicking a micro switched mouse button, not a mechanical trigger of a fictional firearm ;-)


On a more serious note, the game should counter macros by designing a system that doesn't encourage/reward their use.

This is simple enough to achieve; you just increase the abstraction of the Left Mouse Button's (LMB) action.


Instead of:

User presses LMB -> user wants to pull trigger

you have:

User presses LMB -> user wants to fire weapon


I won't go any further as this is veering off topic, and into a previously discussed topic that (for the sake of this forum's sanity) I'd rather not revisit.

Edited by TehJumpingJawa
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Well basically it is considered cheating by DE. If it can't be done by normal game mechanic means it will be considered cheating as it gives some players clear advantages over the other players. What is the reality and to whom this really applies I have no idea. As long as it doesn't break the games mechanics I don't think there is any problems but if it does. Then you should try to consider trying to solve that problem one way or another.

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So the final answer is "Yes, you will get banned" or "No, stay calm and keep using it as you wish"? I've never used that kind of software, but as I tend to have RSI, can I use it without any fear?

The answer is no, use macros as much and as often as you like :)

DE can then identify any imbalances that their use creates; after all this is beta.

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A lot of game companies dont like macro systems because they make games easier then they want and in some cases complete break game. While some games like eq2 want players to use their macro systems they built into the game. I know my answer doesnt help really but we would need someone from DE to tell us what they think of hardware and software macros are cheating or not.

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where is the line though? this game isn't that hard that you have to use a program to not "destroy your hands". it's just laziness, and an excuse to cheat. Diablo 2 maphacks didn't hurt anyone, and it just made it less annoying finding where you had to go, but it was still a cheat. if you think cheating is fine, then fine, but it's still cheating. I'm not even saying cheating is right or wrong, it's just a videogame, but IT IS cheating.


Edit: also, what is the point of an automatic rifle, if a semi automatic can fire at basically a similar rate, except more damage and more accuracy? It's like those modded xbox controllers on COD

Macros are NOT cheating. What you use them for could be, though.

It's the same thing as torrents. Torrent programs are legal, so is file sharing. It's just certain things that are illegal to download.

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A lot of game companies dont like macro systems because they make games easier then they want and in some cases complete break game. While some games like eq2 want players to use their macro systems they built into the game. I know my answer doesnt help really but we would need someone from DE to tell us what they think of hardware and software macros are cheating or not.

People have different opinions, so... yep! DE answer wanted here! xD >_>

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In certain dungeon crawl games that didn't use randomized dungeon lay outs, you could record the input of your entire run and have your macro recording repeat the run as many times as you wanted.

That's awesome. Incredibly lazy on the developers part though. Awesome on the part of the guy who figured that out and did it. I love when people figure out things like that.

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Sixty5, on 14 May 2013 - 9:57 PM, said:

You don't even need macros, clever use of keybindings gives the same result.

Mind you I do have mouse 5 set up for automatic jump flips coz' its Ninja.

You can't deliver 10 click per second <-- Akbolto ROF. Clever or not... Edited by Vanadio
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I don't believe it is cheating


then WoW players would be cheating


Macros are just making the most out of your computer is all I'm sayain


I use a macro that spams the melee button because who wants to keep clicking mouse button 5 (my melee button) over and over and over again with a weapon that has S#&amp;&#036; charge damage

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You can't deliver 10 click per second <-- Akbolto ROF. Clever or not...

10 CPS isn't even in the upper limits of some people I've seen. I personally can barely get over 11 CPS, but at that point I have to stop aiming and focus solely on clicking. I can get around 9.8 CPS while keeping a good grip on the mouse.

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10 CPS isn't even in the upper limits of some people I've seen. I personally can barely get over 11 CPS, but at that point I have to stop aiming and focus solely on clicking. I can get around 9.8 CPS while keeping a good grip on the mouse.

Yes obviously is doable. But the table shakes :P

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Post hoc ergo propter hoc? It doesn't directly mean it is legit here. ;)

err I wiki'd the post hoc ergo propter hoc and i can't say I understand what that means


you mind enlightening me?

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People compete in PvE games by getting the highest end results or by moronic moral victory of being the fastest to the evac point.

Especially when people are trying hard to keep up.

It makes them feel superior to the 'lesser' slower players.


This results in someone using run>slide>melee or run >slide>jump>melee in a macro.

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