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I Figured Out What The Rhino Prime Codex Was Talking About! Update: Regarding Tenno "physicality"


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Here's my original thought:




Probably said (in fact I know it has) already, but I want to write this down real quick before I forget:

That Rhino was a proto-Warframe, not a Tenno. It was running about on its own because those early experiments were Infested - hence the closeness it has to the Dark Sector Colossus in its description. It broke free, it went mad, and it was hungry.
So, Davis and.. we'll call the Narrator Phil - Phil ran from it, and Davis - following a theory he had - headed for a "morgue?" - and yes, the quotation marks are necessary. Davis doesn't close the door because 1) he knows that wont stop it, probably, and 2) he knows (or at least strongly believes) his theory is right.
And what is that theory?
That the Zariman children could connect with the Technocyte monsters.
Why he would believe this is room for a future codex entry, but Davis knew about the children before, probably worked with them before the project was put on ice (literally), and so ran to them because he hoped that whatever psychic connection the children could make with the beast would be enough to save them.
"But they were in a morgue" you say "the children were dead!"
Were they? Recall Phil's uncertainty as to where they are. He'd "never seen this cell" before in his life, and he doesn't recognize it as a morgue, he speculates it as one - hence the ? at the end of the word. I think it wasn't a morgue: I think it was a stasis chamber. The Children from the Zariman were being kept there - probably since they were removed from the ship - and studied, studied by people like Davis.
So while I've very much certain mono-Tenno theory is still a thing (and for those of you who don't know what that is: it's "one Tenno per account that switches frames via arsenal") I believe we still don't know what the Tenno physically look like: only what the Warframes once were and how the earliest connection between them and the Infested were made.

This is supplemented by Lephantis’ “we are your flesh”

This supports Kril’s “second skin just as easily as the first” - which also stems into Vor's talk about ripping the Tenno from their metal womb.



Now, as I'm sure someone's thinking "aahhhh, but the Arid Fear and Vor said we were the source of the powers... if the Rhino in the thing WASN'T a Tenno, how did he use those-"






We're the energy that give them a boost, and we're the pilots that can control them!


Remember, Arid Fear Vor didn't just say "maybe the Tenno is just a battery" - he ALSO said that when the tore the Tenno FROM their "metal womb" (their Warframe) they could find nothing [IN THE TENNO] to explain the power!!! This is supported by the following statement about the scientists he has working on the project talking about "energy dissolution"


That energy dissolution is the Tenno power - lost on death! That's why they can't find anything! Vor was killing us before we could awake - on the orders of the Queen! THAT'S WHY HE WANTS YOU ALIVE IN THE OPENING QUEST!!!!!


The "divine light" Vor talks about is our innate power, fueling the frame's innate abilities to godhood, and our conciousness that keeps the technocyte monsters of the Warframes in check and controls them - as is shown in Rhino Prime's codex when the Proto-Rhino enters the room where the Zariman children are being kept!


Now, we are STILL very much physical - because we have physical bodies for Vor's scientists to pull from the Warframes - and although we don't know what we look like, we do know what our relation to the Warframe is.


The rest is covered in my quoted post.


For "ahhh, but why do we change genders!!!!" - because those Technocyte Warframes ARE the Genders!

Also, See Dark Sector's Nadia Sudek


As for the "burning" in Ember's codex - burned BY our incredible powers! More radiation than ACTUAL fire!




I have taken into consideration A LOT of what people have said and decided upon the following:


The Tenno are indeed energy beings, and that is how we can rotate from frame to frame seemlessly. ALL the physical characteristics are just the frames (the powers as well originate from the frames, but I've already covered that).


HOWEVER! I don't think we were energy beings when we FIRST came back from the Void - no, Kaleen would probably have been a BIT more suspicious about the Zariman kids if they WERE energy beings (though I still believe we were infused with enough raw void power to burn someone's face off via radiation if they got too close to us).


No. I think the OROKIN DID THAT TO US.


Does anyone remember a comment Steve made about the "Brain the a jar" theory not being QUITE correct? I think he WAS suggesting we were energy beings - not EXACTLY a "brain in a jar" but the same principle. I think that when the Orokin realized we could control and pilot the Technocyte creatures they made, they also realized "hey, we don't need the FULL kid for this!" and so - somehow - ripped our conciousness and power OUT of our physical bodies and put us into frames that they BUILT "AROUND" THE IDEA of having this "Tenno Conciousness" pilot it.


Of course, that also means the Warframes don't need a mind of their own - so whatever brains they originally planned for them to have in order to receive and carry out orders were scrapped - lobotomized out, but retaining all the physical properties that give us the powers we then enhance via our Void Power.


Lephantis isn't talking to anyone but us with "we are your flesh" - BECAUSE TECHNOCYTE IS LITERALLY THE ONLY FLESH WE HAVE NOW!"


Of course, this also means that Vor was being COMPLETELY LITERAL! Crazy, even I didn't see that coming.


"But what about the "ripping us from our metal womb"" I now hear you asking. "you made SUCH a big deal out of that!" Well, I was WRONG. The metal womb IS the Cryopod! Which fits EVEN BETTER with the Lotus-as-mother theme I mentioned... somewhere in here!


Remember: it is the Lotus that awakens us from a dormant state and PUSHES US OUT of the Cyropod into the dangers of the world. It's kinda creepy, but... Anyway, it ALSO fits with what people reminded me of the Queen's saying "don't wake the Tenno up! kill them BEFORE they hatch [before they get out of the cryopod]"


So, picture, if you will, a Tenno cryopod, Grineer gathered around it, and then the commander yelling "FIRE!" and EVERYONE unloading two or three clips into it. They then pull the Warframe out of the Cryopod-womb but - surprise, surprise - because they killed us our energy has dissipated and there's nothing left to power the frame. So, all that "energy dissolution" and whatnot.


EDIT: Something I realized I forgot: that whole "Orokin Ripping our conciousness and energy from our physical bodies" ALSO explains why we would turn on them. They didn't just rob us of our humanity by trying to turn us into weapons, they robbed us of our humanity by LITERALLY ROBBING US OF OUR HUMAN BODIES. Then they have the GALL to try and say "you're our heroes! Welcome back from the war!"


The rest is Stalker's Codex.


EDIT2: ALSO forgot to mention: this is why the Warframe's bleed and need oxygen: the Warframes themselves bleed and need oxygen. They're a at-least-semi-living creature.

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or "ahhh, but why do we change genders!!!!" - because those Technocyte Warframes ARE the Genders!

Also, See Dark Sector's Nadia Sudek


I was with you excitedly up until this point (i have not played darksector, just read the wiki for the details of the story). Can you please Elaborate?



So, what you are saying is, Tenno are infested with the Virus, and Infused with the Void, the former allows interfacing with a Warframe, and the later gives it life and its abilities?

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I was with you excitedly up until this point (i have not played darksector, just read the wiki for the details of the story). Can you please Elaborate?



So, what you are saying is, Tenno are infested with the Virus, and Infused with the Void, the former allows interfacing with a Warframe, and the later gives it life and its abilities?


A fair enough point:


Nadia Sudek is a character from Dark Sector who piloted the Nemesis frame - which was MUCH taller (and masculine looking) than Nadia herself. Bodies being altered to fit the frames are just something that technology can do.


And I'm not saying the Tenno are infested at all - we're just infused with the Void. It's the Warframes that are Infestation - specifically, the Technocyte virus - monsters specifically crafted by the Orokin but are uncontrollable because... well, they're Technocyte monsters (whatever or whoever they were before was driven mad).


But yes: whatever the Void did to us allowed us to psychically connect with that Rhino, to calm it down and get it to stop. And later, the Orokin made use of that connection by crafting those Technocyte monsters into frames to house and protect the Tenno as they went to war. The Warframe gives us its abilities, our Tenno powers just enhance them beyond simple natural powers.

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Vor's got a thing for metaphor. Don't take him TOO literally. Arid Fear's comments about our bodies prove we're not energy beings.


But he's still right: we're that power - that "energy" - of the frame, the frame itself doesn't have the Void energy ("divine energy", the kind Void-Key Wielding Vor has been used to), WE do. The Frame has its natural abilities, enhanced by our energy - or, as Vor puts it, their powers shape what our "furious light" does.


THAT'S why each frame has different abilities.

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I still don't quite understand the physical aspect, so we're saying that Rhino and Nova both somehow fit the same body? 

The Tenno as a raw energy to fuel the Warframe I've believed in for months now.


rhinos size could be all armor, and other stuff with a very fitting internal sitting place maybe?

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A fair enough point:


Nadia Sudek is a character from Dark Sector who piloted the Nemesis frame - which was MUCH taller (and masculine looking) than Nadia herself. Bodies being altered to fit the frames are just something that technology can do.


And I'm not saying the Tenno are infested at all - we're just infused with the Void. It's the Warframes that are Infestation - specifically, the Technocyte virus - monsters specifically crafted by the Orokin but are uncontrollable because... well, they're Technocyte monsters (whatever or whoever they were before was driven mad).


But yes: whatever the Void did to us allowed us to psychically connect with that Rhino, to calm it down and get it to stop. And later, the Orokin made use of that connection by crafting those Technocyte monsters into frames to house and protect the Tenno as they went to war. The Warframe gives us its abilities, our Tenno powers just enhance them beyond simple natural powers.



Holy ****


So the Larger Infested Masses are communicating with the Warframe we are piloting, not us. We are just Void Infused warriors. This gives us so many answers, but so many more questions.


Are we born with Void infusion? Does it occur naturally? Do we use it when a Tenno Comes of Age?



Still, Im happy that you shed light on what sets Tenno appart from the Corpus and Grineer (aside from our tools).

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Holy ****


So the Larger Infested Masses are communicating with the Warframe we are piloting, not us. We are just Void Infused warriors. This gives us so many answers, but so many more questions.


Are we born with Void infusion? Does it occur naturally? Do we use it when a Tenno Comes of Age?



Still, Im happy that you shed light on what sets Tenno appart from the Corpus and Grineer (aside from our tools).


Well, we KNOW the originals got it because of Orokin Experimentation (see Ember's codex) but after that... I'm of the mind next-generation Tenno ARE born with it. It's a traits we will NEVER be rid of it - despite what the New Loka wants. From baby, to toddler, to teen to adult - maybe as we mature it gets stronger, maybe not, but whatever it is, whatever we physically look like because of it (though not energy beings, sorry Brimir), we're both a little more and a little less human.


Sorry, I got a little flamboyant there. But you get what I'm saying.

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So are the children in Rhino and Embers codex's the original form of us Tenno? Or were we always just this void energy?

Frost's codex needs to hurry up and come out.


My best is Frost's codex will be during the war - so it'll be on what the Orokin/Sentients are, not us.


If my pattern theory is correct, the one AFTER the next (well, assuming Frost's is next, we have been) will be about us back at the start.


And, yes, the children in the Ember codex and the "ones form the Zariman" I am assuming are STILL children at the time from the Rhino codex are the VERY FIRST of the Tenno.

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It's the Warframes that are Infestation - specifically, the Technocyte virus - monsters specifically crafted by the Orokin but are uncontrollable because... well, they're Technocyte monsters (whatever or whoever they were before was driven mad).

So ... you're saying that warframes are comparable to Evangelions? Coming to think about it, I do discover certain similarities between Lotus and Shinji's father ...

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Well, we KNOW the originals got it because of Orokin Experimentation (see Ember's codex) but after that... I'm of the mind next-generation Tenno ARE born with it. It's a traits we will NEVER be rid of it - despite what the New Loka wants. From baby, to toddler, to teen to adult - maybe as we mature it gets stronger, maybe not, but whatever it is, whatever we physically look like because of it (though not energy beings, sorry Brimir), we're both a little more and a little less human.


Sorry, I got a little flamboyant there. But you get what I'm saying.



I am going to have so much fun with this in Of Ash and Fire.


I forgot who was the artist, but someone had maskless Warframes where the Tenno posessed Glowing eyes and implants. I am of the mind that we are still "human" in form. But something within us gives us the ability to generate and manipulate Void Energy.


Heh, maybe why everyone hated the Orokin and coveted the Tenno, is because as a race... we are a few steps closer to Ascension than everyone else. While we arent pure energy, we may indeed evolve that way in several thousand years.


So based on this energy within us.... is Captain Vor now a Tenno? Revived and preserved over and over again so what remains of the Orokin empire can defend itself against us?

Is Mr Spookum's deadliness against Tenno in the feild because he know how to use and manipulate Void Energy with a greater effectiveness than we are able to. He may be the Highest Ranking Tenno in teh system in terms of skill.

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