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You Speedrunners Out There, I Know How You Feel.


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So ,finally I just said "Screw it!" and bought Loki out of the Store.

A little bit of leveling, Decoy, Invisibilty a Redirection mod, 30% run speed and more stamina on it and I said "Lets try this boss!".


Yeah...I didnt expected him to be "THAT" fast, I tooked me about 1:30 to get to Counciler Vay Hek, 10 seconds to kill him (Yea...killed him with his own Shotgun.)

I rushed to the end and explained it to the team that I was just testing this frame, so dont worry. The whole run tooked me about 3 minutes from the beginning to the end.

Then I tryed the same on Hyena, rushed in 30 seconds to the boss, sticked Hek right in his face, dead after 12 shots and I rushed to the exit, all solo....in under 2 minutes.


Im not saying this to show "Hey look at how great I am!" But now I know how speedrunners feel, there is something missing.

I mean, Shouldnt there be 'some' efford into a bosskill? And my Loki is only rank 15. Dont get me wrong, I enjoy playing him...but after this experience I know how empty and sad Speedrunners have to be. :(

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You know that there is a singleplayer mode?...


Stop ruining the game for others.



Im not saying this to show "Hey look at how great I am!"


Yes, you did, by posting how fast you were in a online match in some lowlvl sectors. Especially with a hek .. Wow.

Edited by calgon
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You know that there is a singleplayer mode?...


Stop ruining the game for others.


Try reading my post.


I already said that I did it in Solo Mode and apologized when I first tryed it.


Don't use the hek, then. If you want more of a challenge that is. That thing is op as hell. I solo rush most stuff, but I take in my supercharged level 30 paris and go for headshots. 


Well, I just tryed it with my supercharged rank 30 boltor. Doesnt make a huge difference, get cloaked and just unload on the boss.

Edited by Mr.Mango
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Reading your post:


I rushed to the end and explained it to the team that I was just testing this frame, so dont worry.


I couldnt find the word "Solo mode" in your text.


Also ... whats your point now? .. That loki is a fast warframe? Wow.


Or .. what? That fast-warframe-players are all


empty and sad





Its a situational warframe, thats all. Beeing only good in one discipline is not always good...


And yes, like most people here already said, the Hek is totally op with the current mods, its not a suprise, like, at all.

Edited by calgon
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The main issue is, you shoueld have fun. And if you don't have fun, you are doing something right. What about not playing Loki and rush bosses, if you don't like it? This reminds me of people playing 24/7 and then they can one shot everything and are bored and complain they are too strong. If you can't enjoy a game, why do you play it?

Edited by Thypari2013
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Imo, people who like to take it slow : play solo.  You're only making it faster by playing in a group. Solo is harder and it's slower, because only the boss scales.


People keep complaining about rushers, but you never see rushers complain about their counterpart.


These types of players will always clash, so please don't cry a river every time someone talks about speed running.

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Yeah, I think your main issue is not the frame but the weapon used. Hek is a horribly broken weapon compared to all the others.

except the Strun hits harder than it does.... the strun is actually more broken for boss rushing.


honestly there is WAY too much hate on rushing. I don't rush all the time my self, but i'm often infront of the group purely because i don't open every box i see. I loose my sense of imursion when i stop to smell the flowers. your a space merc who is infultrating the enemy base... why would you move slowly after they are alerted? Or if you're supposed to be assassinating someone, why would you kill everything on the way? kill your target and get out.


none of you are reading the original post. The op clearly states, that he doesn't rush often, but tried it once and can see why people would do it. even if it ruin the feel of the game.

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here's an idea... go to pluto... try it out on "that" boss... see how long that will take you ;P




maybe like a minute?


right now runspeed on loki/ash vs other frames is insane, i hardly ever use my frost/rhino becuz they are slow as S#&$, and with loki at least i can catch up to the rushers "sometimes" (i actually do what the lotus says and i leave nothing alive)


but yes to OP, pure rushers are hollow on the inside

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maybe like a minute?


right now runspeed on loki/ash vs other frames is insane, i hardly ever use my frost/rhino becuz they are slow as S#&$, and with loki at least i can catch up to the rushers "sometimes" (i actually do what the lotus says and i leave nothing alive)


but yes to OP, pure rushers are hollow on the inside


Yea I miss being able to stack runspeed on my Rhino or other slow frames. Just due to Loki's runspeed using any other frame feels like I'm nerfing myself.


The hollow part comes from the lack of challenge or end-game. Currently, it's all about farming. Kill everything as fast as possible, exit the mission, rinse, repeat. Until end-game content is created speed running is just good time management since it's all about farming right now.

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So ,finally I just said "Screw it!" and bought Loki out of the Store.

A little bit of leveling, Decoy, Invisibilty a Redirection mod, 30% run speed and more stamina on it and I said "Lets try this boss!".


Yeah...I didnt expected him to be "THAT" fast, I tooked me about 1:30 to get to Counciler Vay Hek, 10 seconds to kill him (Yea...killed him with his own Shotgun.)

I rushed to the end and explained it to the team that I was just testing this frame, so dont worry. The whole run tooked me about 3 minutes from the beginning to the end.

Then I tryed the same on Hyena, rushed in 30 seconds to the boss, sticked Hek right in his face, dead after 12 shots and I rushed to the exit, all solo....in under 2 minutes.


Im not saying this to show "Hey look at how great I am!" But now I know how speedrunners feel, there is something missing.

I mean, Shouldnt there be 'some' efford into a bosskill? And my Loki is only rank 15. Dont get me wrong, I enjoy playing him...but after this experience I know how empty and sad Speedrunners have to be. :(

Well you happen to be playing one of the best solo classes in the game what with decoy and a long duration stealth, of course Loki is not as effective in a group environment though.

Edited by Earl.Grey
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No what you do is put the game on private an then solo. You'll get more out of it. The game will think you're inviting a friend and what not. Solo mode is scaled down.


Im allways playing Private which is basicly Solo Mode for me because all my friends are shown as offlien 24/7 anyways.

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Well do alert mission on Pluto, a couple of days ago we met 84 level Jackal, took half an hour to kill him because we were all horribly under leveled. The Jackal also loved to spam his abilities, especially those grenades which at that level are one shot to even most 30 level Frames.

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That's the reason why it's available only after rank 4



You telling me that just because boar needs rank 2 is better that rank 0 strun? lmao xD

Hek is broken OP, a @(*()$ snipier shotgun that can outperfom sniper at long range.... so yeah... needs to be nerfed asap

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Well do alert mission on Pluto, a couple of days ago we met 84 level Jackal, took half an hour to kill him because we were all horribly under leveled. The Jackal also loved to spam his abilities, especially those grenades which at that level are one shot to even most 30 level Frames.


Jackal Grenades are an instant kill on every level, unless you have very, very good Shield and HP mods. Same goes for Phoris Spike attack.


You telling me that just because boar needs rank 2 is better that rank 0 strun? lmao xD

Hek is broken OP, a @(*()$ snipier shotgun that can outperfom sniper at long range.... so yeah... needs to be nerfed asap


I like to see Hek as only one of the so called "Late Game" weapons, I think its supposed to be used in much higher content then we have right now. But as said endless times in the forums and on the livestream, there is End Game content in the making and I think, that Hek is a glimpse of the future.

If it is not, well, yeah its a bit strong but tbh, I could do the exact same thing with the strun or the Boar. I mean, srsly, the Boar kills a Stalker (what stalker, never heard of that...)  in half a clip.

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