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[Theory] Post-Humanism And The Possible Impact On Tenno And Their Culture


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Hello, Blakrana here with another theory.


Since the revelation of Rhino Prime's codex entry, debate has picked up on the true nature of Tenno again. And, whilst the camps, again, have returned to their 'inconclusive' positions from what I can tell, I got to thinking. For myself, the possibility that Tenno are Post-human beings has always been reasonably plausible.


Ergo, I will make my starting premise clear; everything that follows will be based on the supposition that Tenno as a people are no longer, in any form, what we can recognise as conventionally human. If such a premise is intrinsically 'wrong' so far as you, the reader, are concerned, then feel free to disregard this as little more than something to while the time with. Even if my Premise may be wrong, I may strike a chord for you in the following discussion.


In short, I may be wrong but allow me this simple luxury to theorise on what I have to work with.


Citations will be listed at the end.


What is Posthumanism?


Posthumanism is a form of thought experiment, whereby considerations are given to beings that exist beyond being 'simply human' as we would understand it. An interesting definition of the post-human is as follows:


"The posthuman, for critical theorists of the subject, has an emergent ontology rather than a stable one; in other words, the posthuman is not a singular, defined individual, but rather one who can "become" or embody different identities and understand the world from multiple, heterogeneous perspectives"(1)


In essence, the Posthuman has no defined 'self', rather assumes different identities as a way to perceive the world around them. This particular notion is where the relationship between Tenno and Warframes becomes truly interesting; in the instance that the body is viewed as a 'shell', then the Warframe is merely a tool for the Tenno to inhabit and interact with the world at large.


A different perspective to experience and perceive through, so to speak.


Why not have a physical body?

In the case of the Tenno-Warframe relationship, one of the primary problems with a distinct physical body is that each Warframe has individual physical builds, contrary to one another making some interchanges difficult.


Taking the Rhino Prime Codex into account, namely the section toward the end where Proto-Rhino has a supposed 'What have I done?' moment (interpretations vary), the suggestion that a Tenno 'possessed' the Proto-Rhino seems plausible. This room is allegedly the location where the Zariman victims were kept. Whether they are alive or dead is mostly irrelevant, as they still seem to have the ability to interact with sufficient bodies. 


One of the traits of Technocyte, something canonically included in the construction of Warframes via Plastids, Nano-spores and Neural Sensors, is that in darkSector, it could channel energy. Hayden's Shield power is literally an energy shield he can project. Considering that the infection allegedly merely 'turns your skin to metal whilst causing insanity via agonising pain', this is a strange trait. Furthermore other, later darkSector Infected are capable of shooting energy as a ranged attack.


Therefore, I have a number of possible hypothesis, taking this information into account:


1) Warframes were built in entirety. There's no 'wearer' in the conventional sense because the armour and body are interlinked. Ripping off a Warframe's 'armour' is like ripping off the hide or carapace of a conventional life form.


2) The Technocyte used in their construction is a conduit for Void Energy; it is this that allowed the Zariman children, the Proto-Tenno, if you will, to possess and inhabit the Proto-Rhino. The powers of Ancients can be seen as plausible parallels to this phenomena in the current epoch.


This leaves the Orokin with an incredible opportunity. Considering the unethical contexts surrounding the Zariman Incident, Warframes and the Orokin in general, it leaves an unpleasant but brilliant way to 'control' their new super weapon.


Force the Tenno into the Warframes to serve their aims, whilst hiding/destroying their real physical bodies to trap them. Here we then have the Tenno as little more than prisoners of not even their own body, but a body thrust upon them to capitalise on their potential application. It could be all too likely that the 'deal' was they would get their bodies back if they fought for the Orokin.


After all, were I to force your mind into a hulking mass of flesh and metal, I doubt you'd seize on it unless it was the only way to really be alive for that space of time. Remember, should the time between the Zariman Incident and the Proto-Rhino be small enough, then the Proto-Tenno are still potentially nothing but children.


Children thrown out to fight a war they never had a stake in to begin with.

Impact on Tenno culture

As a result of being potentially forced to only have a Warframe for their material bodies, bodies which seem to be almost an engineered Infested bio-form, then Tenno have arguably nothing to tie them to what we would deem humanity. Even the vague humanoid traits of the Warframes come at odds, viewed as something to be 'worn' as we would wear conventional armour.


When all that you truly have is your mind, then it stands to reason that the Tenno had to seize onto whatever they could to maintain that tenuous link to Humanity that kept them sane. Should the Warframes possess their own 'awareness', if not indeed a mind of their own, then a Tenno must exert some measure of will in order to overcome the primacy and be the 'Warrior God'. Hence the adoption of a form of Asceticism.


This may be why Affinity is an essential requirement for a Tenno to acquire with a Warframe; a mechanical representation of becoming attuned to that Warframe's quirks and, supposedly, nature. The difference between the brute manner of Rhino and the nuance of Nyx, for example, arguably is not something that should be a simple exchange. Only a Tenno who has 'worn' both frames for a prolonged period of time can reacclimatise themselves to the body should the need arise.


So, Tenno meditate. They create a language structure that, by appearance, encourage a steady hand to write; calligraphy, beyond being a pastime of samurai or chinese martial artists, is a skill anyone can practice for a form of meditation and clarity. There is, after all, beauty to find in the formation of words and shape.


Beyond this, Tenno appropriate cultural symbols which only make sense in a human context, and Warframes are potentially created to enforce this. By making a Waframe vaguely humanoid in structure, along with the trappings of gender, may make the 'transition' of the Tenno to the Warframe 'host' easier than if they were the arguably more practical non-human, androgynous armours you'd expect in a military application.


And, any discussion of Tenno culture cannot be considered thorough if it did not consider the symbol of the Lotus, our unifying emblem. Here, I believe it may be a continuation of historic and contemporary views of the Lotus as a symbol of purity, something that despite the surroundings, nevertheless is a beautiful flower, unmarked when they bloom.


After all I have considered here, it feels reasonable that this is an emblem of Tenno efforts to rise above the circumstances the Orokin forced them into.


For my final consideration, I also feel it pertinent to consider the unified lack of eyes Warframes possess; one of the most common expressions about the eyes is that they are 'windows to the soul'. By designing Warframes to be capable of perception that is not necessarily 'sight' as we know it, not only do they become unable to be gauged for emotions by enemies, but it also could have made it easier for the Orokin malpractice of both Warframe and Tenno, as it's easier to not care about a 'thing' than it is to not care about a person.

In summary: Assuming that the Tenno are actually a Post human society, the Warframes whole body constructs that they inhabit, their culture is built around an effort to maintain and refine their Humanity and/or spiritual core. This state of affairs may be due to the Technocyte serving as a potential vector for Void energy, allowing the transmission of consciousness between constructs like the Warframes and their Humanoid traits may encourage this over the inhabitation of other Infested lifeforms which are significantly inhuman.


Beyond this, it seems plausible that the Tenno were forced by the Orokin to become 'trapped' in this state, between Warframes, as a means to attempt to coerce and control them to win their war; this resulted in the Tenno taking their just revenge at the Terminus after their victory over the Sentients.


Current Era Tenno, particularly in light of the Arbiters of Hexis, are working to reconstruct their culture, from the ground up, as Post-humans who have managed to progress from the initial agony of their loss of their 'real' bodies. This is supported by the significant ascetic and spiritual traits found in Tenno structures and scripture.


Bonus considerations

Lotus herself


It may be that Lotus is not an AI, but a human who, in light of maintaining her watch over the Tenno she has absolute dedication towards, forsook her body in order to live on as an almost omnipresent psyche, maintained through some measure of systems or other.


Further evidence will be required, but it is a plausible alternative to having a physical body; the Lotus we see is merely her chosen avatar.


Regarding Tenno Post-humanism and New Loka


Considering the general debate surrounding perhaps one of the more...difficult to appreciate Syndicates, all I discuss here is, in admittance, contrary to New Loka's ideals if they seek out Humans in terms of physical form. In the case I outline above, Tenno lack of a true, human body would exclude them from the New Loka Syndicate as a whole, should they be aware of this, or the world they seek to bring about.


However, considering that New Loka are, in essence, the most spiritually inclined of the Syndicates, perhaps only matched by the Arbiters of Hexis depending on how they approach 'potential', leading to a possible common ground that they would possess with the Tenno; the spiritual ideal of Humanity and what it is to be human.


In this case, Tenno could perhaps embody the New Loka ideal more than normally considered, as they maintain a human form despite the potential lack there of, and they still maintain their Humanity in their culture, despite again lacking that 'body' we would so normally deem as what it is necessary to be human.


Whether this is the case or not, remains to be seen.


Acting the part


Considering that for Tenno in a Post-human scenario would have no more use for gender, having lost their bodies, when a Tenno 'wears' a Warframe they 'play the part' as their culture would deem suitable for 'Ember: Agile' or 'Ember: Noble', much like in ancient theatre where wearing a different mask was a new character, yet the Actor was still the same.


Beyond this, different actors embellish or variate a common 'role' to express an individual take on a collective concept, speaking allegorically.


Tenno and music addition


In light of listening to music whilst replying to things here, I have come to ponder what possible musical style, if any, the Tenno may possess. Whilst the Taiko Drums are the agreed on Tenno theme, this doesn't exactly cut it for their own cultural approach to music, serving instead as a game score rather than 'Tenno play the Taiko drums'.


Why would they have music?


Why wouldn't they?


Considering that the Tenno have a distinct written language that they emblazon quite overtly on certain items, be it Warframes, walls, weapons or digital displays, is it so unreasonable to ask if they also have a musical language?


Now, considering the current lack of any recognisable mouth, I'm admittedly going to rule out the Tenno capacity to play or use Wind Instruments as of this time. Instead, Tenno music would likely be created from Percussive Instruments and String instruments. It stands to reason this may likely be the case, as the Dojo can have bells and drums constructed, and it would not be impossible for them to construct an elaborate harp or wind chime to serve further sounds.


No, this wouldn't be useful in battle, but then no culture with any hope of surviving only fixates on battle. Indeed, the fact the Tenno possess a language and a martial aesthetic implies that there is a wealth of possibly purely artistic dimensions to the Tenno society that we, sadly, bear no witness to.


Ergo, music would play as much part in a possible Tenno social structure as the role of their calligraphy; it helps refine their spiritual dimension.


On Tennobet


Considering that this is a syllabary, not an abject alphabet, could it not be possible that not only does the Tennobet serve in a written form, but, should a Tenno desire to communicate, do these also count as movements/signs for a Sign Language? If they lack mouths or mouths capable of speech as we'd understand it, then a Sign Language built up from precise hand gestures seems more likely a method of direct communication than a mere 'telepathic' communication. 


1) Posthuman Wikipedia Article


2) Asceticism Wikipedia Article


3) Lotus flower Wikipedia Article - Cultural significance


Edit: Added a section on music in Tenno culture and the possible further uses of the Tennobet to 'Bonus Considerations'.

Edited by Blakrana
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When Steve confirmed that all my Warframes are piloted by the same Tenno, I first thought of the Phoenix Lords from Warhammer 40k. 


The original Phoenix Lords were the best eldar (elf) warriors ever. They each focused on, and taught, a specific aspect of war. Since their deaths thousands of years ago, an eldar Aspect Warrior may find the ancient armor and weapons of the Lord he follows. If he is worthy, the elf is compelled to don the equipment, forsake his previous life, and live out the rest of his life as the Phoenix Lord. 


I assumed that there were a few original Tenno (21, at the moment; 1 for each Warframe). Later Tenno would make a suit to emulate one of the originals. Then he would transfer his mind into that suit (body is a more accurate term), and his mind would take on some aspects of the original as well. Some of the first Tenno were nuts (norse god, harlequin, stage magician, pirate...) and some were less so (ember, ash, excalibur, most others).


Basically, when I am playing Loki, my Tenno's psyche is planted into a Warframe made to look similar to one of the first Tenno. His mind is influenced a bit by the original Loki (that was my theory; I much prefer the idea that I'm 'playing the part' of Loki). 


I never considered the idea that, while a Tenno's mind moves from Warframe to Warframe, it never has a human to return to. I love this theory, especially the idea that the Tenno are trying to retain what little humanity they have

Edited by EversorNinja
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When Steve confirmed that all my Warframes are piloted by the same Tenno, I first thought of the Phoenix Lords from Warhammer 40k. 


The original Phoenix Lords were the best eldar (elf) warriors ever. They each focused on, and taught, a specific aspect of war. Since their deaths thousands of years ago, an eldar Aspect Warrior may find the ancient armor and weapons of the Lord he follows. If he is worthy, the elf is compelled to don the equipment, forsake his previous life, and live out the rest of his life as the Phoenix Lord. 


I assumed that there were a few original Tenno (21, at the moment; 1 for each Warframe). Later Tenno would make a suit to emulate one of the originals. Then he would transfer his mind into that suit (body is a more accurate term), and his mind would take on some aspects of the original as well. Some of the first Tenno were nuts (norse god, harlequin, stage magician, pirate...) and some were less so (ember, ash, excalibur, most others).


Basically, when I am playing Loki, my Tenno's psyche is planted into a Warframe made to look similar to one of the first Tenno. His mind is influenced a bit by the original Loki (that was my theory; I much prefer the idea that I'm 'playing the part' of Loki). 


I never considered the idea that, while a Tenno's mind moves from Warframe to Warframe, it never has a human to return to. I love this theory, especially the idea that the Tenno are trying to retain what little humanity they have


Interesting, although my 40K understanding is negligible at best, but I can see the parallels. A friend does raise the Wraithguard as another possible comparison, depending how one looks at it.


Still, the idea that each Warframe embodies something about Humanity for Tenno to use to anchor their psyche's between both Warframe's and their actions seems a good explanation for their physical traits. Especially when they're not militarily useful traits like gender dimorphism.


As for the 'playing the part', it's not only something that fits with a loose interpretation of Posthuman as outlined above, but it also helps reinforce a cultural identity. By Tenno acting a certain way with their Warframes, they take possession of it not as a thing contrary to them but part of how they define themselves. If you own something, it has no power over you, and vice versa, no?


In as far as the 'no body to return to', it just seems the most reasonable explanation for the Orokin to exert control. I also however raise the question of Technocyte receptiveness to Void Energy; if the Tenno are indeed massively tied to that Energy, it may be that the 'possession' is akin to osmosis. The Warframes serve as fitting vessels for Void Energy, a natural conduit of energy, and that leaves the basic human shell unable to be returned to because it cannot handle the energy, or 'draw it' in that way. Death is the only release other than flat out exchanging.


Speaking of the Void, have you considered the parallels between it and The Immaterium of 40k?



this is too much for me ill have to comeback and reread this. on a sidenote this should be pinned at the top so people who argue what the tenno are can finally understand.


Wow...I'm honestly not sure I've done enough to be worthy of such an honour, but it's still a nice thing to say. Just hope the reread will be worth your time.


Either way, thanks. .///.

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Speaking of the Void, have you considered the parallels between it and The Immaterium of 40k?


Definitely. Vor said that the Warframe powers are related to the 'demons of the Void'. I'm very curious about what they are...


There is a link between the Technocyte virus and Warframes; it's possible the abilities are related to the virus (Ancient abilities, Phorid has Nyx's Psychic Bolts...). In Warhammer, mutations and psychic abilities are the results of the Warp and its demons messing with realspace. 


In summary, it's very possible that that, like Warhammer, magic and mutation stem from demons. A demonhunter Warframe is in order... Grey Knights use the powers of the Warp to kill Warp creatures, why can't we?

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Definitely. Vor said that the Warframe powers are related to the 'demons of the Void'. I'm very curious about what they are...


There is a link between the Technocyte virus and Warframes; it's possible the abilities are related to the virus (Ancient abilities, Phorid has Nyx's Psychic Bolts...). In Warhammer, mutations and psychic abilities are the results of the Warp and its demons messing with realspace. 


In summary, it's very possible that that, like Warhammer, magic and mutation stem from demons. A demonhunter Warframe is in order... Grey Knights use the powers of the Warp to kill Warp creatures, why can't we?


To be fair, the 'demons of the Void' may be in reference to us. Indeed, the Orokin entries, such as Mag and Rhino Prime's codices, also make reference to the Tenno as monstrous in some way. Granted, they go full circle in the Mag Prime entry, but I consider that a kind of poetic irony.


Still, the Technocyte is an interesting medium, and if it is a conduit for Void energy....well, we've got a rather intriguing nightmare on our hands. And honestly if the Infestation is only the manifestation of a greater existential threat, that'd be something to really consider.


In that white stormy hell, are there beings waiting for their chance to come forth? Are Tenno the only creatures that manifest its power in normal reality? Either way, it all comes down to the nature of the Void. I'd be interested in seeing a 'demon hunter' sort of frame, but the nuances may be curious to deal with.


Can't really say, but I suppose that it'd be interesting to face a foe more unnatural and monstrously powerful than the Tenno are themselves.

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Well the actions of proto Rhino on the codex entry can very well describe him as a demon, the entry could confirm them as clones, if you look for ancestral memory it takes you to genetic memory, meaning that whatever a creature learns it passes on to it offsprings, more commonly in nature as a genetic programed response to certain stimuli, it very much reminds me of the experiment that Doomsday had to suffer; he was taken as a kryptonian baby and put on a harsh enviroment and he would die or be killed, and be clone from his remains over and over until he gained the strenght we all know and broke free.


In the case that holds true, Rhino would have been in the circumstances of being experimented on, cloned; starting again as a baby with no social or communication structure or skill and be put to suffer several times, that could explain his savage actions on the codex entry, what I take notice is Davis defiant attitude, he stands with the open door waiting, and when Rhino stops he laughs as if his crazy idea nobody would have believe worked, was it just the presence of the zariman survivors or did Davis had a trick up his sleeve, ultimately he might have found the way to give conscious to these creatures, made them usable and thats were the big fat promotion comes in.


I agree that the antropomorphic design of frames support their humanity and their life experiences, but it may be that Tenno as clones were never really humans (from a sociocultural standpoint, yet we can´t rule out they are misshapen or look monstruous), so is in these blank creatures they put the "new code" a sense of purpose (indoctrination usually always start at a young age), and "dressed" them in a shape they can relate to other humans and explore individuality.


Seeing that the orokin were the ones that tought them the "new code", "the old ways", could be that tenno culture was artificially created.

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Admittedly, the genetic memory is an odd line. I'm not saying it's not possible, and I'm aware of instinct, yet this could be metaphor as 'Davis' Watcher' isn't exactly in a sound state of mind when they think it. Still, in the event genetic memory is a trait, then the Warframe/Tenno relationship could have been ground down to an instinctive level. If the Warframes and the Tenno operator arrive at a point where it no longer becomes possible to tell where one starts and the other begins...do you get the Tenno as we know them now? Or the Proto-Rhino 'monster' in the Codex?


In as far as Davis himself goes, he's definitely got a card up his sleeves, if not a whole deck. The man's too damned on the ball for someone in close proximity to a visceral, messy death.


As for the Warframes and humanoid design, your point seems similar to the in-setting design logic behind Aegis from Persona 3; an android built to be as human as possible in order to think like one, enough so that she can actually use a Persona.


Here then we have the possible context of the Orokin giving the Tenno a basis, which makes them more able to serve. A vessel only contains what you put into it. Should the Tenno have been merely another expression of Orokin genetic and technological mastery, woven into a clever propaganda tapestry, it again doesn't seem difficult for them to come to the conclusion the Orokin betrayed them once the truth came out. I mean, it's arguable that by teaching the Tenno, whatever they are on the 'social human' scale, the concept of honour, they took so strongly to it it left them no possible way to entreat with the Orokin any further than the point of their swords.

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considering all said in this thread i wonder how the possible new faction will be. DE said they will be the least human of all. They could be the void children without any trace of humanity, inhabiting other types of body, some truly alien in form. And still holding the grudge about being enslaved by Orokin.

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considering all said in this thread i wonder how the possible new faction will be. DE said they will be the least human of all. They could be the void children without any trace of humanity, inhabiting other types of body, some truly alien in form. And still holding the grudge about being enslaved by Orokin.


The Zariman children are most likely the progenitors, in a sense, of the Tenno. What DE may be hinting at could be a return of the Sentients (which we admittedly expect due to Narrative Causality).


The grudge against the Orokin arguably died with the Empire, especially due to the cryo-amnesia all Tenno are supposedly carrying.


Inconvenience, or an effort to create for themselves a Tabula Rasa state, free of the shackles of the past? 

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When i mentioned the void children, i imagined a few who maybe escaped from orokin control and watched powerless their brothers and sisters become enslaved, saw humanity as a evil thing and decided to abandon it completely. And consider anything a little bit human worth exterminating.

Edited by renleech
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The grudge against the Orokin arguably died with the Empire, especially due to the cryo-amnesia all Tenno are supposedly carrying.


Inconvenience, or an effort to create for themselves a Tabula Rasa state, free of the shackles of the past? 


It seems to me that that's what they did. With the Orokin gone and the Empire in shambles, what else did they have? Their culture, their Lotus, their siblings, and their pods (plus a whole Empire in shambles). They would still remember the War and everything the Orokin had done to them, so perhaps it was for the best that they sleep, forget the pain involved with their creation, wake up in the far future, and begin life without the memories of who and what they were? Lotus, as their 'doting mother', could watch out for the Tenno from the moment they went to sleep till the moment she would wake them up again. Maybe? I don't really know.


Though now I wonder how the Balance plays into Tenno life and why they (we?) fight for it.

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Though now I wonder how the Balance plays into Tenno life and why they (we?) fight for it.


Considering the circumstances, the Tenno have nothing but ideals and honour to work with. They awake in a world poised on the brink, so by seeking to restore a measure of Balance, they could arguably by seeking a way to be far more than what they were. Rather than the Orokin's greatest, terrible weapon, they are a people beyond mere squabbles of greed and power, revitalising humanity with their actions and ideals.


Every step a Tenno takes to resist the Grineer Empire or the Corpus Board makes life better for the countless innocents we never see. Something more wholesome than their past achievement of potentially enabling a tyrannical, unethical beast of an Empire from proceeding even further into the darkness.


Rather than being merely the last resort, they are now the first thing people who resist the empire think of. Rather than the monsters greater than even the Sentients, they are the reckoning form of Justice and Honour incarnate, in a lost, scared little star system.


Poetic, but that's the best way I can put it, perhaps.

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Did I mention I love it when you hold these theory based topics? The amount of information you put out on the very first post is Grade A thesis material... but I'm just flattering. Anyway, what would you say then about Valkyr? Experimented and dissected on to the point of insanity and broken rage. I'd like to know what you think about her situation?

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This is....really wow. I mean, wow....And no one did mention about Stalker's codex. 


The question is...did the humanity split into different way? I mean the humanity has forgotten about few years ago and no one did remember it until New Loka formed new orginization. 


Give or take, Vor has his own view us as demons of void, just like halo series (That's when the enemies used to call Spartans as Demons) 


What about Corpus? They already did worship technology and calling us as betrayer, except Darvo called us as Tenno. 

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Academically speaking, citing Wikipedia as my only references would count against me. Most of these are generally 'cursory' theories, rather than as thoroughly researched and considered as a proper essay. Nonetheless, happy to provide something at least sufficient for the time being. Even if I'm somewhat terrified to be 'seen'


Original Valkyr

Personally, she's one of the most interesting frames to consider, between the impact trauma can have on a Tenno & Warframe, to how she raises salient questions on just how the heck another Tenno can simply 'wear' a Valkyr 'frame in a way we would understand; see the 'arm guards' driven through her forearms.


In light of the first point, it is an agreed factor of her lore that what Valkyr is now, is completely contrary to what she used to be. Between the 'corruption' of Valkyrie to Valkyr, the curious 'ridges' on her back you could take to be the 'nubs' of former wings, she arguably is a case of the Broken Angel trope, but it's done in such a way to be incredibly easy to miss, as her 'Cat' theme severely overrides the 'Valkyrie' traits.


I would also like to draw attention to the fact that, as much as other Warframes like Rhino and Zephyr are evocative of an Animal in some way, in Valkyr's context, a victim of the Corpus Zanuka Project, this could rather be an extension of their usual actions with Proxies to make them animalistic in some way. In all our encounters with the Corpus, they have this fascination with machines representing animals; Moa, Jackal, Hyena, Lynx, Osprey.


Why reconstruct a Warframe to be more like that? To potentially turn it into just the first of a new Proxy line, but this failed and led instead to Zanuka. It is possible that Valkyr's significant feline aesthetic are the changes/damages that the Zanuka Project impacted on her. Granted, this means a lot of people will have 'but I like Valkitty...' responses, however it fits the context, does it not? So not only is Valkyr no longer the Valkyrie, she was 'reforged' into being something else, leading me to draw a parallel between her circumstance, and what happens when Phyrexia get a hold of angels...


So, where does that leave her? Arguably constant awareness that, per the Broken Angel trope, she can never be what she used to be. She isn't Valkyrie any more, but something less and that bitter loss is perhaps the wellspring of her seemingly endless rage. If the Warframe is just an advanced body, including all the technological systems, then every scrap of armour she had torn from her body she felt. It'd be like reaching into someone and just casually tearing out their ribs, spleen, take your pick really, but leaving them just enough to remain alive.


This trauma is sufficient then to change the function of the Warframe completely. Her endurance of this torment arguably killed whatever pain response she had left, a necessary trait if you want to know something is dangerous. Valkyr's high Armour is likely due to enough damage being done to the interface of the Warframe that it doesn't 'click'. She potentially goes well beyond the reasonable limit of injury acceptable to endure because she can't physically feel anything any more.


How many times have you, when playing Valkyr, looked at your health and realised you've taken a huge amount of damage but are still 'fine'? Between her 'armour' and the Rage+Lifestrike combo, do you see how much damage you're really taking, or just get swept up in the fact you seem to be able to constantly Channel amidst a visceral challenge? A fight to the death you're completely oblivious to, but I think that may just be it.


How much of Valkyr's 'in your face' approach is because she's furious and wants her revenge on all that oppose her...or, how much of her fury is actually more akin to this? Considering the honour of a Tenno, the possibility Valkyr's looking for an honourable death to free herself from her diminished state is...quite possible. Alternative Character Interpretation maybe, but doesn't the possibility of blood tears on or beneath the helmet seem fitting, as she desperately hunts to either somehow reclaim what she had...or be killed gloriously so she can finally rest?


Tenno are incredibly spiritual as a culture, and dying in battle is at most likely viewed as honourable; living is better, yes, but you can't always survive. This allows her to work around the Lotus' protection, because eventually, she'll be able to find herself in a circumstance like Original Mirage and well...will finally find freedom through death.


Bonus points in that the Valkyrie are responsible for taking the honoured battle-dead to Valhalla, to become Einherjar. And in the chance that Tenno believe in some sort of after life, especially considering the as mentioned spirituality...is it not natural that Valkyr, our fallen Valkyrie, seeks to die an honourable death to go to the vaunted halls of a supposed 'Tenno Valhalla'?

Valkyr Warframe Series

Here, the difference is quite stark as wearing the Valkyr Warframe is something which, like I said earlier, is likely impossible to 'just take off' if we treat 'wearing' as we would think of wearing. Why?


Those 'arm guards' and I use the term very loosely, are screwed into and through her very forearms. Go look at them again if you don't believe me, but they're stuck in like an over zealous nail, and bonus points for being blunt cylinders. Short of some absurd biological engineering, I find the idea that a Tenno can take off a Valkyr Warframe and don another one without necessarily repairing the missing chunks of their arms very hard to reconcile with the fact we're always told we have 'one Tenno' using all our frames.


Unless of course it is as I outline above, and only a consciousness is shared between frames, the eminently more likely alternative to get around body size differences and, well, the Valkyr 'armguards'.


Why make a Warframe series though for Valkyr, when she's broken rage? Well, it's actually perfectly reasonable in the Posthuman context. Valkyr, as a Warframe Series, like all other Warframes, are arguably little more than elaborate masks a Tenno can use to look at the world. Not only do they experience things differently physically, eg running as Loki is different to running as say Saryn, but they offer a possible perspective insight to the Original Tenno who began that 'series'.


To reiterate, a Posthuman arguably has no 'fixed' identity but builds themselves out of the different 'perspectives/identities' they assume. It means that wearing Valkyr Warframes for Tenno is their best way to understand her. Live as she lived, suffer as she suffered, in a way, to grow and develop as a Tenno themselves.


As the expression goes, 'walk a mile in their shoes'.


Difference is that for Tenno wearing a Warframe per the Series, they can only take an impression of the Original. Signposts in the 'act', so to speak, but they are a distinct Tenno and thus, are limited in how much they may understand the greater emotional weight that Warframe may symbolise. This runs particularly well with the Ascetic nature of Tenno culture.

At any rate, I hope this was a sufficiently interesting read, Netsuki.


Complete tangent - contains philosophy

Mostly irrelevant, but I have to admit that it is interesting how much the Posthuman narrative makes sense to me. During an essay on Hume's Bundle Theory and what it meant for the individual, I came to a sort of interesting Synthesis between it,  Nietzsche's 'Drives' and Heraclitus' comments on how we 'don't step into the same river twice'. In essence, I arrived at the notion that the individual person is a mixture of emotions and drives, and the interplay between them is what makes the 'self' that we recognise by name.


Allegorically: "The self is a theatrical performance, differently masked actors vying for attention through the life of an individual, forging that person's identity from the interplay. As a person develops, some actors become more pronounced than others, some masks diminish and new ones arise as the person expands their emotional and physical experiences."


Compare and contrast that to the Posthuman definition outlined at the top, and I guess it can be argued that Warframe's as 'masks' for one Tenno to wear just resonates with me philosophically. To the point that, yes, I've actually defined what Concept a Warframe represents for 'my Tenno' narrative. Even down to New Loka Sigil choice.


Edit: Formatting, minor grammatical corrections, some clarification

Edited by Blakrana
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This is....really wow. I mean, wow....And no one did mention about Stalker's codex. 


The question is...did the humanity split into different way? I mean the humanity has forgotten about few years ago and no one did remember it until New Loka formed new orginization. 


Give or take, Vor has his own view us as demons of void, just like halo series (That's when the enemies used to call Spartans as Demons) 


What about Corpus? They already did worship technology and calling us as betrayer, except Darvo called us as Tenno. 


Humanity, as the Orokin Empire fell, did what it always does; it survived. However, the means to do so were...disparate. I am willing to suspect that the ages to come were full of conflict, and survivors of the Tenno 'Betrayal' recalled those times bitterly.


Former Orokin vassals could easily have left records, detailing the Betrayer's actions, which is what the Corpus take up in their worship of the Orokin technological prowess and, supposedly, culture. Darvo, by contrast, could be someone who has found contrasting evidence and sources, informing him of the Orokin hubris that the Tenno executed them for; we don't know his sources, but if Darvo say had found an artefact detailing how the Orokin were behind the Infestation, and the Tenno killing the Orokin is a supposedly known fact to all but ourselves, due Cryosleep, then we are left with a more rounded Darvo who's a bit of a sly academic.


Theoretically, of course. Could just be the equivalent of Corpus 'rebellious teenager'.


The Grineer, again, are somewhat from the same sort of bitter history, but they faced something that potentially forced them to take up cloning to survive. Perhaps there was a threat they needed to outnumber, perhaps they had only a handful of people and there was no viable way to avoid immediate inbreeding problems, making rampant cloning the lesser of two 'evils' as, for a time, it was perfectly sufficient. Something breaks, things go down hill, and well...there we get the Grineer as we know them.


Hating the Tenno for potentially catalysing their ruined existence. Tenno Skum indeed...


Those not Grineer or Corpus are civilians who, basically, are completely screwed unless Tenno halt the advances of the aforementioned parties. Bonus points for their likely constant terror of Infestation Outbreaks. There's dying, and then there's being Infested...


Which is where New Loka may be drawn from; the humans who grew up listening to stories of the Blue Earth, of perhaps how humans used to treat each other as equals regardless of creed or power. Inaccurate accounts, but that's the thing about a symbol of faith or hope, they tend to be so much more beautiful than the real thing. Like I've discussed before elsewhere, Humanity is great, but it demands you to perform Mercy Kills on those who've been infected by the Technocyte before they lose their humanity, just as much as it demands treating a Kubrow nicely.


Admittedly, this theory post is mainly dealing with Tenno and how they 'wear' Warframes. As for Stalker, I did discuss him somewhat here (post #5), and as he is by his own admission not a Tenno, discussing him here would arguably be 'off-topic'.


This said, I don't mind entertaining the tangential questions you have raised, and I hope my response helps clear possible confusion with possible solutions.

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Well we do know that Hayden Tenno was the first Tenno and that the Dark Sector and Warframe universes are the same and are connected and was responsible for creating the order at sometime during his life. And that the Tenno themselves are human but have been affected by the virus in the same manner that Hayden was thousands of years ago just not to as severe degree as Hayden was so the virus itself did not create a suit over the body like it happened with Hayden. And the Orokin created the Warframe suits to manifest the void energy trapped inside of the Tenno and use the suit as a conduit to use the power in many different ways and since it was confirmed that the one tenno may inhabit several Warframes lets assume that they come off think of it like the Ironman suit different suits give different capabilities and the wearer can go from one suit to another taking on the traits and abilities of each suit.

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Your response is fair, although strictly speaking that's the other way things can work; a form of advanced bio-armour that doesn't necessarily care for the physical form of the wearer, if any of them can be worn by any Tenno. The 'like Ironman' sort of view struggles though, considering that every Warframe has a distinct physical build, none of them overlapping, whereas all of Iron Man's various suits are designed to fit him or someone of similar build. Not saying it's impossible for DE to just say 'Warframes use hammer space so anyone can wear them', but I admit I personally find that a little dull if that is the case.


Again, when we have Warframes like Valkyr with metal cylinders embedded into their arms, just 'taking it off' seems somewhat difficult to approach from a conventional way of wearing something. The Tenno may have been human, but they're definitely at least Transhuman once they are involved with the Warframe armour.


As it is the case for Tenno being able to interchange between any Warframe, regardless of physical stature or gender traits, makes it somewhat plausible to consider that the Orokin created the Warframes to be more 'inhabited' than 'worn' like we would think of them. Orokin science has been shown to be a mixture of technological items, organic items and for later, definitely Tenno related research, Void based items.


Considering we don't know what the Void is necessarily, there's actually no standing evidence that you have to have a physical body to manifest Void powers. Arguably, Corrupted Vor is an example of just that, seeing as he is explicitly energy now. Right now, it seems reasonable that Pure Void energy, like Vor seems to be channelling, is expressed neutrally with the user 'colouring' it, making the Warframes a very specialised lens, as Vor states, to 'shape your furious light'. His metaphor does have a measure of credence based on what we know.


At any rate, we'll just have to see I guess. Eventually, someone's getting Jossed and there's no point not having a bit of fun with existing lore until that happens.


In regards to Hayden 


He actually found the Proto-Excalibur suit, the Technocyte only turning his right arm and most of his right torso metallic, other than the Glaive powers and some degree of power copying. There's some connection, certainly, however the time difference between darkSector and Warframe makes much more than 'legendary influence' unlikely. Possible, but unlikely.

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Your response is fair, although strictly speaking that's the other way things can work; a form of advanced bio-armour that doesn't necessarily care for the physical form of the wearer, if any of them can be worn by any Tenno. The 'like Ironman' sort of view struggles though, considering that every Warframe has a distinct physical build, none of them overlapping, whereas all of Iron Man's various suits are designed to fit him or someone of similar build. Not saying it's impossible for DE to just say 'Warframes use hammer space so anyone can wear them', but I admit I personally find that a little dull if that is the case.


Again, when we have Warframes like Valkyr with metal cylinders embedded into their arms, just 'taking it off' seems somewhat difficult to approach from a conventional way of wearing something. The Tenno may have been human, but they're definitely at least Transhuman once they are involved with the Warframe armour.


As it is the case for Tenno being able to interchange between any Warframe, regardless of physical stature or gender traits, makes it somewhat plausible to consider that the Orokin created the Warframes to be more 'inhabited' than 'worn' like we would think of them. Orokin science has been shown to be a mixture of technological items, organic items and for later, definitely Tenno related research, Void based items.


Considering we don't know what the Void is necessarily, there's actually no standing evidence that you have to have a physical body to manifest Void powers. Arguably, Corrupted Vor is an example of just that, seeing as he is explicitly energy now. Right now, it seems reasonable that Pure Void energy, like Vor seems to be channelling, is expressed neutrally with the user 'colouring' it, making the Warframes a very specialised lens, as Vor states, to 'shape your furious light'. His metaphor does have a measure of credence based on what we know.


At any rate, we'll just have to see I guess. Eventually, someone's getting Jossed and there's no point not having a bit of fun with existing lore until that happens.


In regards to Hayden


He actually found the Proto-Excalibur suit, the Technocyte only turning his right arm and most of his right torso metallic, other than the Glaive powers and some degree of power copying. There's some connection, certainly, however the time difference between darkSector and Warframe makes much more than 'legendary influence' unlikely. Possible, but unlikely.

Well you have to remember that those metal tubes and such were a result of her experimentation we don't know how she was before hand and of course you don't actually know if they go into her body.

Edited by Archangelzz
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Considering the positioning and very straight nature of the arm restraints Valkyr possesses, it is quite likely that they go through her forearms. It'd be a very strange kind of world if the Corpus, Alad V in particular, showed some measure of mercy.


Considering it is also this incarnation of Valkyr that is currently in mass production for the Tenno to use, it's not actually relevant to hypothesise about her prior, original form as the current one is the one that begs the rather salient question. Original Valkyr pre-Zanuka Project would be just as interchangeable as the current one, going off of the account I've outlined in either case.


I grant that we can't 100% verify that they go inside her arms, but the design does give the direct implication that's exactly what those cylinders do to keep that arm restraint locked into place. Especially considering at the wrist is where it has some form of band restraint to hold it steady, which could easily have been duplicated at the other end instead of, going on the 'not piercing' line of thought, some sort of super magnetic lock cylinders or some such...something significantly easier to remove than something embedded into the physical body.

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That you mention she has a high pain threshold/no sense of pain does make a lot of sense when you realize she has really low base health compared to tankier frames like Saryn, Rhino, and Frost.



I like to subscribe to the theory that: Valkyr reproductions possess these restraints and such as remembrance and symbolism of the original Valkyr. So the nubs that you see are just decorations, and do not go into the bone like the original had to endure... but that does beg the question, does this symbolism and representation help the "wearer" understand the real pain and torment the original Valkyr went through?

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Valkyr Series frames could work like that, especially in light of the fact that there's only so much they can understand without 'being there' themselves. How much this is actually 'accurate' to Orginal Valkyr's experience could vary, as in the end, empathy has limitations relative to personal experiences.


As for the effectiveness of symbolism...it honestly depends. If the Tenno capacity to project themselves into the 'context' of the Original Warframes is particularly strong, purely mechanical ornamentation would be part of the 'mnemonic' the Warframe serves as, to encourage that 'persona' in the Tenno, perhaps. It'd be an interesting state of affairs if they're purists for the 'real experience' mind...and yet what is life but the willingness to embrace all forms of experience, however dark? I guess it boils down to the value Tenno place on truthful reproductions to the last possible detail. A symbolic chain is still a chain, after all. I'm not denying it's not possible, but it's certainly an odd ordeal.


As for Original Valkyr...it is an interesting relationship. I've generally figured that she only has Average Health because that extra base 50 would make her insanely resilient, which, whilst fun, isn't exactly how you'd figure it'd work after being tortured for goodness knows how long.


In all honesty, Valkyr really needs something to make her life less full of suck. Granted that may be due to my ACI view of why she might still be fighting so hard but there we go. Actually leaves me musing this one a bit, to quote Life on Mars:


'If you can't feel it, it isn't real'.

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Sentients (which we admittedly expect due to Narrative Causality).


hmm... I assumed the next faction would be the Orokin. The Sentients were human, and the Orokin weren't sentient (we name our enemies based on how they are different from us; Allied soldiers in WW2 didn't call the enemy Humans, they called them Nazis).


Actually, I love DE for coming up with a truly alien enemy. I mean, no sentience? Either they're robots, or aliens so different from us that I literally cannot come close to imagining how they 'think'. 


Even better, we need two new factions; the reemergence of the Orokin-Sentient war. I assume that Grineer would ally with the Sentients (being descended from them) and the Corpus with the Orokin (having worshiped them).


Both factions would hate us though xD

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