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How Long Did It Take You?



Hey guys, im planning to build loki prime but atm i only have the systems (i know where to get the rest of parts)


How long did it take you guys to farm for the parts of your most rare warframe/weapon?


Also could you give me tips on farming?

Edited by mkmahdi24
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9 answers to this question

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Loki Prime?
Oh geeze. I kept a tally, just like Rhino.


26 40-minute T1 survivals for the Chassis.

38 T4 Defense for the Systems, which I ended up buying from a player.

I got the helmet with the systems for free.

And about 5 or so runs T2 Cap for the BP.


Unless you meant regular Loki, which took me no time at all compared to the prime version.

Just keep trying, over and over.

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The hardest prime for me was Frost Prime back in U10.Took me a while to get all his parts, not sure exactly how long, but It was for sure the longest by far I had to farm for a prime frame. Systems where the worst offender by far.


After that I never really bothered to farm seriously and just gather up parts as they come and then put in the effort once the next prime is released to "on and off" farm the previous one.


Weapon wise I never really had any trouble with anything in particular but I think scindo prime and hikou prime might just give me a rough time.

Edited by nickelshark
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