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Siren~Frame (Concept Art) Wip


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I'm making my "work in progress" pile taller but still, a friend of mine asked me to please upload this here, so since I finally had the time to, I did.


So, sirens, we all like them, right?

I was actually drawing something completely not related to Warframe and the idea got stuck in my head and so I drew and drew till I had this.
Even if on the full body drawing she has a helmet is not the one I decided should be the common one...at first it seem like a good idea then I discarded it? Idk.




Hope you like it , and well, I guess I'll be working on this from time to time!




Edited by Eliasdrid
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Can we suggest Abilities or will you choose 'em?

I guess you can suggest them? I haven't really really thought of about them yet.


She must sing with one of her abilities! charming enemies making them leave whatever they are doing to come to her *.*

Same thing I thought, singing will be definetely one of her abilities, maybe weapon drop for a while till her song ends? 


Though sound and water based frames already exist, this design has good line flow and silhouette. Good job.

Thank you very much!


Why not a buff frame, different songs in an aura like form that add different effects depending on what one is used like energy/health regen and maybe extra armor or damage. Kind of like a bard class. 

Sounds good, maybe even a song that boosts up the strenght of the attacks of her squad... 

Edited by Eliasdrid
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Why not a buff frame, different songs in an aura like form that add different effects depending on what one is used like energy/health regen and maybe extra armor or damage. Kind of like a bard class. 

Well That sounds good but what you suggest is more like a MUSE WARFRAME that i would picture to be more as a woman in Arabian type of outfit... like Jasmine from Aladdin or This.V.V.V.V.V.V.V

ef22c17be55684a48ddbe027f256bc7a.jpg or this>>>>>>>ML_70320_11_copy_C2012.jpg

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