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Can We Get The Option To Vote For The Theme Of The Next Warframe?


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I remember it was in a devstream (28 or so? before oberons release). Steve mentioned the newest frame (Oberon) has a alittle bit of earth in him.


Although DE more or less considers him a paladin based on his design and even his description

It was said more recently in post by a member of DE after there was a rise in threads asking for the Earth frame. 

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It was said more recently in post by a member of DE after there was a rise in threads asking for the Earth frame. 


That sucks, i was actually hoping for an Earth-themed frame. Cause, you know, elemental stuff is better than cowboys and pirates....wait... they turned a water elemental into a pirate, god knows what they could turn earth to....


A tap dancing frame? He controls the earth by stepping on it repeatedly.

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That sucks, i was actually hoping for an Earth-themed frame. Cause, you know, elemental stuff is better than cowboys and pirates....wait... they turned a water elemental into a pirate, god knows what they could turn earth to....


A tap dancing frame? He controls the earth by stepping on it repeatedly.


Maybe the next frame could be the Nag frame who constantly complains and complains and makes ridiculous hyperbole to bolster his complaints. His ult would be the power to melt people's brains due to the constant stream of nagging and lame jokes.

Edited by EetNotErn
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If you're in the Design Council DE will sometimes let you vote on the next theme. Limbo's skills were based on Council ideas and Nova in general (possibly Nekros as well?) were Council votes. 


Ahhhhh ^^

so that's why Limbo is what it is, i couldn't believe it was actually the fruit of the mind of any professional game developer (lost to pure sadism,  perversion and a melancholia for the times in which he must have been reading way too many shounen manga)

Edited by perfectStranger
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Ahhhhh ^^

so that's why Limbo is what it is, i couldn't believe it was actually the fruit of the mind of any professional game developer (lost to pure sadism and perversion)

That's pretty harsh. I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you have yet to actually play him or see him used effectively. He is probably one of the most fun frames I have played, as well as one of the most powerful solo frames in the game. 

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That's pretty harsh. I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you have yet to actually play him or see him used effectively. He is probably one of the most fun frames I have played, as well as one of the most powerful solo frames in the game. 

Man you could write me an essays in 12 books telling me how much you love limbo, i still

- hate its look because it is totally childish, it is like it is the only thing in a game rated M that seems to be made for a kid of age 12 or less

- hate its abilities because they work counter-coop, disrupting the game esssence

and yes i played it, level it for mastery only while i was loathing every moment of that experience, and finally shelved it for good


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Forget about the theme: I want to vote for the name. I'm a native spanish speaker and "Mesa" sounds ridiculous, and I'm used to english words that don't mean what I think they mean. But first Limbo, and now this one... Ugh. Just "ugh".


But hey, maybe the next Warframes will be called Sillón, Cafetera, Exprimidor or Toallero. I'm just throwing ideas out there!

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Forget about the theme: I want to vote for the name. I'm a native spanish speaker and "Mesa" sounds ridiculous, and I'm used to english words that don't mean what I think they mean. But first Limbo, and now this one... Ugh. Just "ugh".


But hey, maybe the next Warframes will be called Sillón, Cafetera, Exprimidor or Toallero. I'm just throwing ideas out there!


That's the name?

That is a horrible name in both languages.

Table for  Spanish or some elevated land with a flat top in English.

Which took the name from the Spanish word.

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That's the name?

That is a horrible name in both languages.

Table for  Spanish or some elevated land with a flat top in English.

Which took the name from the Spanish word.

I like it. Will probably color her completely black because of reasons.



And confirm Half Life 3 by doing so.

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If you're in the Design Council DE will sometimes let you vote on the next theme. Limbo's skills were based on Council ideas and Nova in general (possibly Nekros as well?) were Council votes. 

DC voted on Limbos powers?


Well that explains it all lol

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Yeah nova doesn't have a sexy hat.



Nova Single Thruster can be considered a hat that spews .....spew


edit:  Clarification...actually she wears a helmet...since it straps to below her face.


Nova wears a Helmet confirmed today.

Edited by Ishki88
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History repeats itself Robo sadly


Also I love Nova never hated her but Limbo is the total opposite of Nova



now i understand that some people get invited into the DC if they are showing interest and constant positive, deep, organic and constructive critic discussions and feedback in the community, i think it is a good and open policy from DE, but i can also imagine the possibility where any kid who had the money to buy a founder package back then (or even worse later re-buying those founder accounts went for sale) and thus got into the DC, might not necessarily show all that interest and could not posses all that positive criticism to bring something good to the table during the design process of development.


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Just a thought, but maybe part of the problem is Design Council? DE is taking all the voting from such a small percentage of the player base. I'm not knocking the members of the Council, they're in there for a reason, they're people who've proven themselves to be capable and notable in the community. But that does not change that they are still people, people who can have less than stellar ideas, or just unpopular ideas, because of that I'm not sure that it's quite fair that they get to make all the votes for the ENTIRE player base, they should allow the actual player base to make these calls so that it can at least be said that everyone had a say in it instead of "Well you weren't part of the Elite group, sucks to be you". And yes, there was the chance to buy into the Design Council by becoming a Master with the Founders pack, an opportunity that I kick myself for passing up, but that isn't quite fair to the newer players, many of whom are capable and smart in their own right, those people are sorely out of luck and therefor have no voice in decisions regarding the entire player base, and that in my mind seems entirely unfair. So as I say, perhaps Design Council itself is the problem, perhaps it should be done away with, and while I doubt it will be, partially because it was included the Founder's Pack and partially because it would peeve off every member of the Council. But hey, that's just my take on it.

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Please no fan ideas like Typhus. I'd rather quirky than generic.

Most fan ideas revolve around cheesy ideas of looking "cool and bad-a, with an attitude". No thanks.

IMO, Limbo and Mesa fits in as a 2nd/3rd generation of WF designs.

Edited by Hypernaut1
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Please no fan ideas like Typhus. I'd rather quirky than generic.

Most fan ideas revolve around cheesy ideas of looking "cool and bad-a, with an attitude". No thanks.

IMO, Limbo and Mesa fits in as a 2nd/3rd generation of WF designs.

I only want Typhus so all those intensesuperedgygrimdark people can migrate from Ash.

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Please no fan ideas like Typhus. I'd rather quirky than generic.

Most fan ideas revolve around cheesy ideas of looking "cool and bad-a, with an attitude". No thanks.

IMO, Limbo and Mesa fits in as a 2nd/3rd generation of WF designs.

But...he is a SAMURAI.....and his design looks like something that would fit perfectly in this game.

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