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A Const-Party System Concept ("truly Trusted")


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Since the day the Liset has appeared, too many of us dreamed about inviting other people on their ship. Recently, I thought about a whole different level. What if we could not only invite others, but also can allow them to use our arsenal as it is?

So here comes the concept:


- Adding a friend to the friendlist will allow you invite him and be invited by him.


- If you played together up to N number of games, you can allow them to use your arsenal as it is (fully moded). This includes weapons and sentinels, except the Prime ones. Also, you will get an additional exp, while playing together


- If you played together N+N number of  games, they can also use your warframes, excluding the Prime ones. Also, they can use your Kubrau, but their trust level (e.g. damage) to your friends will be reduced by 30%. Exp bonus doubled.


- If you played (N+N)*2 number of games, you can exchange data between your Codex and their (by pressing a special button I think) and you both will get full exp for new entries in the Codex. Exp bonus tripled. Also, you can now exchange mods between each other w\o any price for exchanging.


Level 3 is limited by, let's say, 8 people. Therefore, removing a friend from a friendlist will reset all given "trust" and allows you to pick another one to be trusted. The N number will be, let's say, 100 - not too big, not  too small.


What do you think about that, Tenno?




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Guys, some people just do not have guns/warframes, that have you. Because of different causes. And you obviously can't keep all guns in game - simply there is no reason to do this. But, if you play in a const party together - there is a big chance, that your partner will have that gun, maybe even potatoed and 6-formed. So, perhaps, you will want to test it - will it worth? And if it is - you made your own. Another example is - builds. Maybe you have different builds and, instead of arguing with each other - you just pick each other weapon\frames and test them.

Or you can just give them a same-themed frames to look like badass party.

Edited by Agentnewbie
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