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Peacemaker Might Be A Bit Op


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It doesnt pass line of sight. Only hits enemys she can see. Though sometimes only through very narrow cracks between tons of obsticles. The shot is still possibly but only for a sharpshooter on steriods which she is. AND I LOVE THIS DONT NERF IT PLEASE.


And please for the love of god make there be a way to scale her Peacemaker via secondary. Mabye x2 crit chance and x1.5 crit damaqge and x2 overall base damage

Ive noted it passing solid objects entirely multiple times


I dont think peacemaker should scale with your secondary weapon


Instead have it scale with secondary mods to make weapon choices less limited


Bleed procs rip her to shreds despite her 3 resisting the actual bullet damage..

For some reason it seems like shields take less damage than HP with it as well


I might be crazy


You know whats hilarious?


Reflecting a bombard rocket and taking 0 dmg from it


Honestly it is her 3 that needs adjustments.

Not her 4 now.


You can play just using 3 and going nuts.

I can get on board with that almost entirely


Her 4 though could use a range check


Make it affected by power range or something


Peacemaker's killrate is incomparable to the superior spawnrate in later tiers, if any she can't hold out for herself.

Shes not a holdout for herself frame


Shes a superior killer to near any caster th support


Even without she kills things quickly from far away and safely


Alot of people think burst damage from powers and all the kills that they get at once make them kill more but then theres valkyr who kills one or a few at a time consistently and gets more kills and more damage at a slow and steady rate


Shes the same way


Ill note that when im using just peacemaker its easy to get 60+ of the damage on my own in any mission i run...


Without taking damage too much


According to codex stats(at least as far as the wiki updates, but hearing no changes I'm assuming they're still accurate) Corrupted heavy gunners have equal armor to both regular heavy gunners, and bombards/napalms. But have the highest health pool out of all of them, and a few extra levels in their scaling formula which has always seemed to compound the problem(Basic Crewman being bulkier than Elites because they have fourteen extra levels in the scaling formula, despite having 2/3 as much total hit points at respective base levels). 

Bombards are much tankier than heavy gunners at equal levels...


The bane of my saryns existence


Though that doesnt explain the rest of the units that that other guy seems to think are tankier than grineer despite only having shields and/or HP with no armor

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The range can also not be increased , not only reduced , so thats ok , dmg affected by your secondary weapon ? Finally a reward for using good weapons , OP ? no , constant energy drain while youre vulnerable .


Thanks for the tip. Just tested out myself with +135% range vs -48% range and there really is no difference in range. Still 35km in the end.

Edited by Haldos
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The range can also not be increased , not only reduced , so thats ok , dmg affected by your secondary weapon ? Finally a reward for using good weapons , OP ? no , constant energy drain while youre vulnerable .

Thats part of the issue


The range cant be increased or decreased


You can use narrow minded without penalty


And the range is something like 45-50 meters


You really dont need any more than that anyways

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Someone earlier in the thread mentioned that any abilities that root you into place and deal only non-scaling damage are bad. I must say that I do agree with that; it'd be nice for it to scale somewhat or at least have some other effect attached to it to at least make you consider using it against higher level enemies. As it is right now you'll probably be wrecked in moments if you use it out in the open.

Edited by Haldos
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Someone earlier in the thread mentioned that any abilities that root you into place and deal only non-scaling damage are bad. I must say that I do agree with that; it'd be nice for it to scale somewhat or at least have some other effect attached to it to at least make you consider using it against higher level enemies. As it is right now you'll probably be wrecked in moments if you use it out in the open.

Immobile doesnt matter when you have the range to snipe enemies and the power to kill along with a few simple things such as


Sound quake, snowglobe,bastille,vortex,cataclysm, ect


Its very powerful on its own to the point where it doesnt need these things for quite a while to defend mesa and by the time it does enemies are a fairly high level


I dont see the problem with non scaling damage when its able to scale into lvl 50-60 enemies

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Alright, that about does it for the cleaning.


Somethings to note, moving forward:


Please do no insult others for their opinions, or in general, please do not actively troll others, please do not derail from the original topic.


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Please keep these standards in mind.


Thread reopened.

Take care, everyone.

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It's not OP. It's actually underwhelming. I'm still going to play her, and it just looks the best, but you're gonna get rekt if you go to void. Shield is ok if you keep moving, but the ult keeps you still, and takes for ever to take dodownarger targets because damage doesn't scale at all

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It's not OP. It's actually underwhelming. I'm still going to play her, and it just looks the best, but you're gonna get rekt if you go to void. Shield is ok if you keep moving, but the ult keeps you still, and takes for ever to take dodownarger targets because damage doesn't scale at all

Used her in void to wave 40


she scaled beautifully into lvl 50-60s with her 4


I only find the range not being affected by mods questionable


Her 3 however is an issue


It takes drones from killing me in one second to taking 10 seconds to break 225 shields



Also starting to wonder if and how much power STR affects it


The damage difference with blind rage wasnt so noticeable...

Edited by Azawarau
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I can confirm having seen Peacemaker ignore LoS and shoot through cover. Tried taking cover behind a box and using the ability on several occasions, and sometimes she started shooting into the cover hitting the targets on the other side of it.


Seems to be soft-LoS. 

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Her 3 will likely see a change though

I dont know....

It makes her downright awesome in a gunfight but doesn't do squat in a brawl or when the whole areas on fire.

It feels like they were going for the "If its a gunfight I'm going to win" vibe and they achieved it.

But it leaves her vulnerable to any and everything else. This is most notable against infested.

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I dont know....

It makes her downright awesome in a gunfight but doesn't do squat in a brawl or when the whole areas on fire.

It feels like they were going for the "If its a gunfight I'm going to win" vibe and they achieved it.

But it leaves her vulnerable to any and everything else. This is most notable against infested.

Against infested well.... they cant get close


And for other factions ive only gone down once while it was up and im honestly not sure how that happened still

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Against infested well.... they cant get close


And for other factions ive only gone down once while it was up and im honestly not sure how that happened still

Id wager the average player isn't having quite the same experiance keeping the infested at bay consistantly.
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Id wager the average player isn't having quite the same experiance keeping the infested at bay consistantly.

I honestly think it has a lot to do with positioning. If you place yourself in the middle of the room with no way of making the infested struggle to get to you, you're gonna get overwhelmed in all directions. By simply placing yourself back to the wall, or slightly elevated you can thin their numbers without having them all attack you at once.

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I honestly think it has a lot to do with positioning. If you place yourself in the middle of the room with no way of making the infested struggle to get to you, you're gonna get overwhelmed in all directions. By simply placing yourself back to the wall, or slightly elevated you can thin their numbers without having them all attack you at once.

Infested can certainly be overcome with smart play. I'm more saying that fighting infested involves the challenge of keeping them at bay.

If they are too easily kept out of their most effective range they become rather uninteresting.

The current infested event has some hairy situations at times. As it should.

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Peacemaker is insane. The DPS on it is insane. The range is LUDICROUS. I might be exaggerating now, but it feels like I am doing the damage of 10 radial javelins by the time an excal manages to cast one radial javelin, except I have 3 times the range... Although I can't quite shoot behind walls, yet sometimes I do that anyway(bug?).


You won't get shot when you play with other frames on maps like T3 Defense since your teammates are 90% likely to bring some sort of mass CC ability, giving you the leisure to activate peacemaker, set up a sunchair on-top of the pod, have a glass of martini in one hand while you spam-click right mouse-button with the other, put on some chilling music and watch everything die in rapid succession. By the time scaling catches up to you most abilities that are not CC are useless anyway so there's really not much to discuss there. 


It's a good ability, and it's benefits far outweigh the drawbacks... Although I'd like to see some bullet-dodging between the shots, like Grammaton Clerics. 

Edited by TwiceDead
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Ok, having finally gotten Mesa, I can comment on Peacemaker. Stacked with Shatter Shield, she's worthy of being nicknamed "Cleric" when she uses Peacemaker: Near invincible and able to put numerous enemies down quickly. My only qualm with Peacemaker has to do with the animations: I feel there needs to be smoother and more fluid transitions when she changes positions - which incidentally are rather nice. But really, that's all I can find wrong with the ability so far and the only thing that I feel the devs need to touch about it.


I'm heavily considering throwing Energy Siphon on Mesa. Unless DE decides to release a Pistol Amp mod...

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Ok, having finally gotten Mesa, I can comment on Peacemaker. Stacked with Shatter Shield, she's worthy of being nicknamed "Cleric" when she uses Peacemaker: Near invincible and able to put numerous enemies down quickly. My only qualm with Peacemaker has to do with the animations: I feel there needs to be smoother and more fluid transitions when she changes positions - which incidentally are rather nice. But really, that's all I can find wrong with the ability so far and the only thing that I feel the devs need to touch about it.


I'm heavily considering throwing Energy Siphon on Mesa. Unless DE decides to release a Pistol Amp mod...

Speed holster will greatly increase the animation speed of Peacemaker.

Greatly improves the versatility of the ability.

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Id wager the average player isn't having quite the same experiance keeping the infested at bay consistantly.

Hit 4 and click....


Stand on a box too


I honestly think it has a lot to do with positioning. If you place yourself in the middle of the room with no way of making the infested struggle to get to you, you're gonna get overwhelmed in all directions. By simply placing yourself back to the wall, or slightly elevated you can thin their numbers without having them all attack you at once.

Perhaps at very high levels but i dont see this as a real scare within the games range

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Hit 4 and click....

Stand on a box too

Perhaps at very high levels but i dont see this as a real scare within the games range

The games current infested survival event has given me some interesting moments lately.

Nothing impossible to overcome just stuff that was more challenging than just stand on box, hit 4 and click.

Sure, while peacemaker is active it's easy to keep everything at bay (except when it's priority targeting goes wonky).

But depending on how energy goes it's not always feasible to keep peacemaker going.

Of course...like I always say, If we can spam our ults constantly it messes everything up anyway.

No developer can reasonably create interesting combat encounters around constant room clearing aoe spam.

usually the room clearing aoe has to be kept rare enough that you cant rely too much on it. But we have established all that.

Outside of the ever present constant ult spam problem the new infested set up can bring some challenges to Mesa that her 3 doesn't counter. 

Her 2 is quite a bit more useful in those situations but only does so much.

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The games current infested survival event has given me some interesting moments lately.

Nothing impossible to overcome just stuff that was more challenging than just stand on box, hit 4 and click.

Sure, while peacemaker is active it's easy to keep everything at bay (except when it's priority targeting goes wonky).

But depending on how energy goes it's not always feasible to keep peacemaker going.

Of course...like I always say, If we can spam our ults constantly it messes everything up anyway.

No developer can reasonably create interesting combat encounters around constant room clearing aoe spam.

usually the room clearing aoe has to be kept rare enough that you cant rely too much on it. But we have established all that.

Outside of the ever present constant ult spam problem the new infested set up can bring some challenges to Mesa that her 3 doesn't counter. 

Her 2 is quite a bit more useful in those situations but only does so much.

I was actually surprised with how useful her 2 was sometimes


And still find that using her 3 takes away reason to use 4


I mean to say


You could use her 3 and 4 and not die or just use her 3 and face tank everything while not using all fo your energy....

Edited by Azawarau
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