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Nullifier Crewman And Permanent/long Duration Nullification?


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I'm running Callisto on Jupiter and ran into these weird backpack-toting Nullifier Crewman guys that are pretty darn hardcore. I'd never seen them before today!


They prevent power use, but they seem to do it for a random and odd duration - long after they're dead and their anti-ability sphere is gone. There's no visual indicator I see of their debuff on me, and I can't tell when it's OK to use my power again. I'm assuming this is a bug - my host never got powerblocked at all, and I spent 90% of the four-wave interception we did without any powers at all.

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I'm not liking where DE is going with all this.


First a tactical alert with insane energy drain, now an enemy that straight-up disables your abilities. Soon, we might as well be picking unmodded warframes because we'll have everything about a warframe disabled.

Edited by Sarmon
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I'm not liking where DE is going with all this.


First a tactical alert with insane energy drain, now an enemy that straight-up disables your abilities. Soon, we might as well be picking unmodded warframes because we'll have everything about a warframe disabled.

Agreed. It's like they are wanting to do a 180 on their whole game, and it's really frustrating to see them constricting options more and more. With the nightmare mode quest missions, this new corpus unit (which wasn't in patch notes), and just general trickery makes me wonder if anyone except Valkyr will be viable in 6 months.

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Agreed. It's like they are wanting to do a 180 on their whole game, and it's really frustrating to see them constricting options more and more. With the nightmare mode quest missions, this new corpus unit (which wasn't in patch notes), and just general trickery makes me wonder if anyone except Valkyr will be viable in 6 months.


And even Valkyr is not so great - their spheres turn off Hysteria as soon as you run in, and with the odd duration on their power block... I got to use it once in four waves of enemies. I think they're an interesting challenge as it stands, but I am certain they are not blocking powers correctly at this time if you're a client rather than a host. We did a bit more testing and the host seemed to get their powers back as soon as the crewman was dead/the host wasn't in the sphere.

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The powers are taken away if you are in the bubble and are restored when you leave the bubble.

If you kill the nullifier while in the bubble your powers are not restored. To get your powers back you need to find another nullifier, enter that bubble then leave.

I'm pretty sure this is a bug and not intended mechanics.

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It was a joke as valkyr, just went in hulk mode into that bubble and rekt like a silenced chicken.
Anyway I think the game will make a huge change in the near future.
As DE's said they want to support individual loadouts/playstyles alot. But as it is this corpus type is absolutely OP. It makes soloing alot harder for stealthy/based on abilities-melee frames.
Just my opinion.

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The powers are taken away if you are in the bubble and are restored when you leave the bubble.

If you kill the nullifier while in the bubble your powers are not restored. To get your powers back you need to find another nullifier, enter that bubble then leave.

I'm pretty sure this is a bug and not intended mechanics.

i've also had this same problem, when im the client, doesnt seem to happen when i host


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I'm bringing this back to life as I saw Nullifier Crewman on Themisto, today, 12.7.2014, when running Alad V. Based on the patch notes from recent changes, I'm not certain if they're supposed to be ingame or not at this point. I also saw some weird new types of Ospreys, including a "Searing Osprey" which looked like it was fully functioning and launched weird mines.

Edited by Rydia
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  • 1 month later...

Please rebalance this nullifier bubble. Opticor, Dread, sniper rifles are useless as rhino's iron skin too

... also the iron sharpnel augment mod don't kill the nullifier crewman.

Edited by red490
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  • 4 weeks later...

I just got hit by that bug in T4 D. The mission pretty much failed because I couldn't make the frost bubble anymore. Twenty something minutes and tonnes of resources lost. You cant imagine the amount of insults that were hurled at me.


But thanks for that temporary solution, next time it happens I will run straight into another bubble then out.

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