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Update 7.9.0: The Glaive


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This update is wonderful.


You even brought in an actual solution to the boss BP farming problem by making objective closer to extraction.


Slash Dash and Rhino Charge are fixed too. (I haven't checked slash dash yet but I'll take your word for it)


It really shows that you do listen to the players.


Nicely done, DE.

Edited by OoKeNnEtHoO
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Is it just me, or have the shockwave MOAs colour changed from orange to green? Because...yea. They look just like normal MOA's, but bigger.

I just noticed this as well, they have changed from orange to green.

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The whole point of the Hek's tight spread was to make it a strong mid-range weapon. It really doesn't have much of a use with the current implementation of the damage drop off. It might be a good idea to balance shotguns a different way, because as it stands now it seems like a lazy solution that creates more problems than it solves. 

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How about you actually try and help be productive? Send in a ticket; see what's going on. And if that doesn't work, you can still buy plat from the website itself.

What do you think ive been doing? Ive sent tickets, talked to the devs about it. All i get is the generic "Its not possible right now".

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The whole point of the Hek's tight spread was to make it a strong mid-range weapon. It really doesn't have much of a use with the current implementation of the damage drop off. It might be a good idea to balance shotguns a different way, because as it stands now it seems like a lazy solution that creates more problems than it solves. 


That's what I was saying, they completely shut down the purpose of it having a tighter spread. Unless they plan to implement mods that decrease fall off to the point that it doesn't exist anymore (When the mod is maxed)

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game is incredibly laggy after update on all maps, they start out fine, about 1/8th of the way in all movement causes lag. i think its textures popping in more or something, its different since the update though im sure. is anyone else having issues with performance since the update?

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