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Update 7.9.0: The Glaive


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Ugh! Don't bother fixing this skill, just get rid of is already! How is it that the only healer frame has the best tank skill? Makes no sense.

Love everything else in this update, but I can't really wrap my head around this Link thing.

Cause Trinity is a tank, it's just that shes over looked because of Frost. Shes the only other warframe with two defensive polarities other than Rhino.


Frost just has more armor.

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mhmkay, I just loaded up warframe and had a 6mb update, anyone else?


Gorgon doesnt seem as bad as last night, but the accuracy is still lacking. I find it difficult to hit anything beyond 30m. The base acc stat of 5.4 is way too low.


Dual pistols, I tried em out finally and Aklato doesnt seem to fire slower than before, maybe I dont click as fast as you guys =P Infact, I got no problems with dual weapons personally.


And Hek is still horrid to use. Sorry.


EDIT: Grakata is alot more bearable now aswell. I'm eager to rank it up to put more damage mods on =)

Edited by MilesCadre
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Shotguns. Oh boy shotguns. This is the huge debate of the century, isnt it? "Shotguns should be Short Range burst weapons!" "But IRL Shotguns are accurate up to 100+M!" This is where we need to break from both reality and generic mindsets and have Warframe set the new standard on how shotguns should be implemented in games. Not as 100+M Snipers (Like Hek), or ohk weapons at 50+m, but as reasonably accurate weapons with reasonable range.


Personally, I think Boar should have a damage drop off beginning at 35m, and it be a sharp damage drop off. The higher RoF compensates for the lower damage and shorter range, and would reenforce boar's initial role of being Crowd Control.

Strun should have a 45-50m range with a sharp damage falloff, and a wide spread at 50+m. This reenforces Struns nice "In The Middle" philosophy, and will allow strun to take on more roles as a primary weapon.

Hek is the interesting one. The description for Hek reads; "The HEK is a powerful shotgun that fires its shots with a tight spread, making it efficient at medium range as long as its strong recoil is properly managed". That being said, I feel the effective range should be 60-70m, but maintaining the tightest spread of all 3 shotguns, to reinforce the role hek was made for; Medium Range. Also, Like the other 2, Hek should have a sharp damage drop off after said range.

Now why the sharp damage dropoff? Partially because youre firing small pellets with low mass which lose their velocity rapidly. As we all know; MxV^2="Damage" (Mass x Velocity^2) So after said range, the pellets will have lost so much energy (Or damage if you prefer), that they just dont carry on much further.


See, these are for example reasonable changes, but the current drop-off at roughly 10m is just stupid...

Edited by ragrag
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Lots of peple complaing about shotgun falloff. Could I have some more information before I decide?

The description says it is a medium range weapon (my question is what is medium range?  20m? 40m?)  I know it has a tight spread so I'm not sure how much falloff there should really be at 40m.

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Lots of peple complaing about shotgun falloff. Could I have some more information before I decide?


The description says it is a medium range weapon (my question is what is medium range?  20m? 40m?)  I know it has a tight spread so I'm not sure how much falloff there should really be at 40m.


At 40m you do 1 dmg per pellet...

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in all honesty, I rather have Gorgon's damage reduced to 20 and it get back its old accuracy and characteristics. But thats me personally.


I just hope DE works on saturdays and we wont be stuck with this over the weekend. Didnt realize that until bout 2 minutes ago.

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Thanks for the updates. But still wondering if there is going to be a checkpoint or save point system in all the missions and just not the defense missions. One that you physically have to use ( and each point only once ) so those that like it as all or nothing can keep it that way and those that want to use it can. You added them for the defense missions would you please add them for all missions. Many of us are not real hard core gamers and enjoy the checkpoint/ savepoint system in games. But please if you do implement this, make sure that it can be used only if you want to and not automatic so those that are real hard core gamers can still be just that. That way every one can enjoy the game the way they play.

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in all honesty, I rather have Gorgon's damage reduced to 20 and it get back its old accuracy and characteristics. But thats me personally.


I just hope DE works on saturdays and we wont be stuck with this over the weekend. Didnt realize that until bout 2 minutes ago.

I hope so too

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Lots of peple complaing about shotgun falloff. Could I have some more information before I decide?


The description says it is a medium range weapon (my question is what is medium range?  20m? 40m?)  I know it has a tight spread so I'm not sure how much falloff there should really be at 40m.

My 60 mod Hek with every damage on max. Became Useless.

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