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Which Syndicates You Trust The Most And The Least


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Steal Meridian - The ideology of stand for someone else and protect who can't protect them selves, made me believe and support them. I don't think that they maybe have other reason to do so, besides help the victims of the war.

I trust them.


Red Veil  - In part, they are right. A revolution is never beautiful or poetic. A war is followed for death, despair and sadness.

A revolution must be fast doing whatever is needed. And other thing, the Red veil is trying to take the system back to it's balance...

Not in the same way as we tenno do, but they are trying.

Even with this in my mind I can't trust them completely.


Arbiters of Hexis - These guys... I really can't feel comfortable around them... they are too right, too disciplined, too organized... 

I can't put my finger on them... is something that I don't know, but it's there. I really think that they will do something even worse

than the Red Veil is proposing.

I have my doubts about put my trust on them


Perrin Sequence - A interplanetary society based on trade... nope, one planets's mistake or don't honor the agreement of the trade is question

and BOOM! - We have war again.

They Ideology doesn't feel suitable to the current "era"...

For me one of the most uninteresting syndicates on the game.


Cephalon Suda - This one intrigues me... it's just a being trying to absorb as many knowledge  as possible, just because it's likes to do so... Well is a nice go and I like that idea of knowledge, but after it's complete it's objective... What it's will do with this knowledge? A being that retains all the possible knowledge possible would develop a God complex? If yes what it would do? care for the life, destroy it or simply create another.

I like Cephalon Suda, and I am thinking very serious in support it after Steal Meridian.


New Loka  - Fight for true humanity, repopulate the earth... Sister(the woman who leads the Lokas), humanity sucks. 


Sorry if I make a grammar mistake.
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Likewise, most trusted to least.

New Loka: I see the Earth-That-Was in the quiet moments of respite that pass for rest among us. I would do anything to bring that back. Even if I cannot dwell in the world we could create it is worthwhile to bring it into being again, and at last heal some of this systems scars.

Steel Meridian: You hate me. I pity you. We are much the same you and I, and I wish we where not destined to conflict. You could be more then you are if only reached out a step further, but you insist on clinging to old dogma. No matter, when your soldiers stand against me all I see are corpses.

Cephalon Suda: So strange. The Suda reminds me of our Lotus, and I can't help but find comfort in her measured words. I bare it no animosity though it's designs confound me. I will watch with caution but interest.

Red Veil: This rage is not your destiny, it's holding you down!

Perrin Sequence: You walk the same path as the place you claim to have abandoned. You aid us now but profit is still your only goal. Someday that lust will overwhelm you as it did your ancestors. When it does I will not hesitate to do what must be done.

Arbiters of Hexis: I neither asked, nor desired to rule. Your attempts to put a crown on my head regardless suggest that the gift you offer is woven of thorns.

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Red Veil - Assassins out to clear the corruption of the system. Little bit extremist but count me in.


Steel Meridian - Protect the weak. Let me help guys.


Arbiters of Hexis - Tenno potential. Ok maybe later guys we still have a mess in the system so after that.


Perrin Sequence - Profit. Yeah sorry guys no matter how much i like money too im not really interested in you.


New Loka - Human Purity. Umm im not exactly human so how about we leave each other alone?


Cephalon Suda - Knowledge. Ok look i had my fair share of SHODAN and GlaDos so i think we wont like each other much.

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Perrin SequenceWe can trust them to do the right thing for themselves and their money, much like the Corpus they broke off from. As they are therefore predictable, and since they are actually amenable to our existence and cooperation, we can count on their allegiance so long as we do not interfere with their investments and profit margins. Their dislike of violence may be a barrier to large-scale joint operations, but the fact that they tolerate our more mercenary factions is a good sign for future relations. Infrastructure and development is also crucial if we want the few free colonies to stand for themselves, and the Perrin Sequence is in a position to provide those.


Steel Meridian: They're resistance fighters. We can trust them to not interfere with our actions, and they can be a useful ally against Grineer expansionism. Still, they aren't the type to take orders from anyone else- we can't trust them to work with or under us to any meaningful degree.


New Loka: While our goals coincide in many ways, we are so far from their "pure human" ideals that it is difficult to cooperate with their more ideologically motivated members. However, their political goals of Terran reclamation and fighting the Grineer are close enough to our own that joint deployments are possible to further both of our aims.


Cephalon Suda: The Cephalons seem harmless now, but the last nonhuman intelligence we encountered on a large scale was the Sentients. We need to know more of Suda's goals to be able to deal with it properly. It may claim to dislike violence, but it is not afraid to take lethal action against Tenno who displease it. If we manage to decipher more of its aims, we may be able to create a comprehensive response plan should it turn against us at some point in the future. If it truly is only helpful, we can then use it to its full extent, but we cannot yet take such a risk with the future of the Origin System.


Red Veil: Also a resistance faction, but their anarchic and violent tendencies make them difficult if not impossible to deal with honestly and in the best interest of both parties. Our methods are similar, but we can't trust them to make the right calls for the future of the Origin System's power balance. Their experiments with infested are also highly worrying, and are likely to take them down a similar route to Alad V and his "Mutalist Empire". If we allow them to accomplish their goals, the large-scale unrest will make us prime targets (pun intended) for the Infested.


Arbiters of Hexis: We don't know their origins or how they know so much about the warframes, which is problematic and disturbing. While sympathetic to us as individuals, they threaten Tenno unity under the Lotus and could become a major opposition faction if they are allowed to gain too much sway over the Tenno. Unfortunately, our knowledge of them is too limited to work productively with them or reach a mutually beneficial compromise. As they are the only group that can truly affect us as an organization without actually attacking, and knows the most about us second only to the Lotus, the damage they could deal to the Tenno is incalculable if they find us unwilling to cooperate.

Edited by Periapsis
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Most-Cephalon Suda, I dislike humans and human flaws, I don't trust them, they've given too many examples of messing the stuff up, Suda is not one and I like that.

Least-New Loka, They're space racists....nuff said (I hope)



Most-Steel Meridian, they seem honest and the least likely to turn on you.

Least-New Loka, they're still space racists.

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Most to least:


Steel Meridian - Meridian doesn't choose. Meridian wants to defend the weak, their leader defected from the Grineer just to protect the colonists from the war, going as far as calling you a hero just because you decided to help them. Steel Meridian is humble and with a noble goal.


Arbiters of Hexis - Their ideals seem to be having the Tenno be their own masters instead of a pawn for someone else, being treated as people and not as weapons. I don't expect them to stab me in the back anytime soon, but I'm iffy if they wouldn't turn against the solar system if needed.


Red Veil - The objective is to clean the universe from corruption, killing is usually the best way to do so. They are for defending the innocent, so that's a plus. On the other hand, they don't seem to mind sending people to their deaths and I wonder what their view on "corruption" is.


Perrin Sequence - They want money, a free market without violence. They want prosperity. Perrin dislikes Meridian for protecting the colonies, because money is power, with their money they could influence the colonies, but Steel Meridian beat them to the punch. Screw them.


Cephalon Suda - A pacifist AI that wants to have all the knowledge. ALL OF IT. Like building weapons. Stopping other weapons. Battle strategies. Best way of killing. Yeah, no.


New Loka - Tree hugs, purity, dislikes Steel Meridian for unknown reasons. What is their concept of purity? Would they consider the Tenno pure if they were the big bosses of the universe? Do they only drink water and eat vegetables? Do they care about pollution? WTF is going on with them?

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Not a New Loka fan but when EVERYONE says "They preach purity, then use infested like hypocrites" I facepalm every time. The factions use specters.

Tenno specters are not real Tenno.

Infested specters are not real infested.

Back on topic:

Arbiters will help us uncover our mysterious past, therefore in Arbiters I trust.

Edit: I rescind my first statement. Just saw in hubs that Veil has infested "behind closed doors" so to speak. Instantly lowest on the totem pole now. Followed by the Hitler-esque "pure humanity" seeking New Loka.

Edited by Vorsches
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Steel Meridian - Another aspect of balance is to keep everyone that's not involved from any harm. Maybe they won't stand and see things like Tenno see, but both them and us work toward a same goal. And that earn my respect.


Cephalon Suda - In a sense, she's like us. Curious about the past. Curious about what caused things go the way it is now. To decide what path should Tenno walk today, knowing what path we took in the past (and the reason) is crucial. Even if she'll stand at the opposite side of us one day, at that point we'll know the reasoning for her action. And by then, we will eliminate Suda not because Lotus told us to, but because of our own decision.


Arbiters of Hexis - There's no denying that more power may corrupt and made Tenno stray from the 'Tenno way' and responsibilities. But, after Infested got a 'brain' to evolve themselves (thanks to Alad V carelessly toying with the Infested), emergence of Balor Fomorian, and the possibility of Sentients still around; we will need more power to deal with what's yet to come.


Perrin Sequence - In paper, they sounds reasonable. But there's still the benefit of doubt that they won't capitalize conflict indirectly to archieve their goal. After all, sometimes traditions are hard to resist.


New Loka - We are not human anymore. Which means, sooner or later we'll be at their crosshair. Besides, they have to basically totally wipe Grineer, Corpus. and Tenno to archieve their goal of 'true humanity only'. Which means 'almost' complete purge of Origin System, and a sign of narrow-minded leader.


Red Veil - What the great purge only serve is to roll the waltz of history. Another Red Veil will rise, and the endless waltz will continue. Who knows how many 'great purge' must happened before the Origin System know true balance. Not to add that there's a chance that Sentients still survive out there, and maybe this time Tenno's power are not enough

Edited by Lorche
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New Loka - The reclamation of Earth is a goal that, personally, I like the sound of. Perhaps New Loka doesn't want to share Earth with anyone else, but given their alignment with the Perrin Sequence, they could end up working together to make something very, very productive and stable. Maybe their gripes with the Grineer aren't out of a sense of disdain but... they don't want to put their companionship or trust in a people who will genetically degrade and wither after so many years. Maybe that's the impurity they're talking about.


The Perrin Sequence - After all the fighting is done, someone has to make something of the survivors. The Perrin Sequence has long-term plans stretching beyond the now, which sound good to me.


Steel Meridian - Not aligned with them, but their straightforward goal is noble. Whoever these colonies might be comprised of, if they're worth protecting, than I don't see much wrong with it.


Arbiters of Hexis - A lot of folks don't like the Lotus. Personally, I do. She hasn't steered us wrong so far. But these guys seem to have had enough of her. The Arbiters want the Tenno to realize their full potential, but... what do they want them to do with that potential once they've realized it?


Cephalon Suda - Kind of the same as above. An AI that just wants to learn and watch, not do. It accepts the help of the Tenno but it doesn't make its endgame goals anymore clear.


Red Veil - 2edgy4me (Red Veil are definitely the closest to inherently "evil" in terms of Syndicate standpoints. They talk about the cleansing and the fire and, while the Tenno have worked with them before, I don't know if they would play it safe with that "great and violent purge" or not.)

Edited by (XB1)Magnanimous Max
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Steel meridian: they are willing to protect the innocent. they've been giving the weak a chance for survival and freedom. If that's not worth our time,  don't know what is.


Red veil: I liked them at first but then i got a glimpse of what's behind their window at their room (watched a youtube video, was rank 10 T_T). They're keeping infested(Sure we're doing the same thing in our dojo's but I don't think a window is going to keep them contained). and what with this "cleansing fire" stuff. it doesn't sound like the red veil is going to make the infested give us puppy love. 


New loka: They talk way too much of this "purity" crap. In my opinion there's no such thing as purity. and besides, the purity they talk about sounds like "supremacy" like humans are the epitome of perfection. The way they talk about "humanity" and "perfection" make it sound like humanity is the race of perfection, which we all know is crap to begin with. If humans were so perfect, then where were the humans in the Orokin era?....Where are the humans in the new war?


Cephalon suda: At first I thought she was the warframe version of skynet. but she just wants to learn of things, and she isn't much of a fan of destruction like the red veil is, so there's that.

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Not a New Loka fan but when EVERYONE says "They preach purity, then use infested like hypocrites" I facepalm every time. The factions use specters.

Tenno specters are not real Tenno.

Infested specters are not real infested.

Back on topic:

Arbiters will help us uncover our mysterious past, therefore in Arbiters I trust.

That's what you deploy.


What they send after you, however...

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Cephalon Suda - A pacifist AI that wants to have all the knowledge. ALL OF IT. Like building weapons. Stopping other weapons. Battle strategies. Best way of killing. Yeah, no.


Haven't spent time grinding ranks, so I'm not that high up - but whenever you run a syndicate alert with Suda, she'll mention that you're in a very interesting place before Lotus pings you with the mission objectives. It's up in the air, but I'd say she's less concerned about you murdering everything and more about the pretty plants and rock formations you're sprinting past.

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From my most trusted to New Loka....


Meridian: They seem to be the genuine good guys of all the syndicates, looking out for the colonists.


Red Veil: We've been on good terms with them before. While there is the whole 'great and violent purge' thing with them, the fact that Meridian consider them allies means that they're not out to murder everyone, only those that they deem 'Corrupt'.


In short, these two seem to be the respective sword and shield that protect the vulnerable - Meridian defend them and Red Veil paint the walls with the insides of anyone deemed to be a threat.


Perrin: These guys seem nice enough and have what appear to be genuine goals in mind. That said, they seem to oppose Meridian on the basis of them being Grineer alone. They want to bring prosperity and peace yet hate those working to protect the weak.


Suda: Not too sure about this one, she's an AI more bothered about amassing knowledge than anything else. Not inherently good or bad but doesn't appear to be a threat to anyone.


Hexis: Whatever they're up to, it sounds shifty. I don't like them. There's also the part about 'rejecting the Tenno as a warrior mythology' that's immediately followed by them sending us off to indiscriminately murder in their name to gain their favour.


And then we come to the lowest of the low...


Loka: Insane space hippies with an obsession over racial purity with a leader comprised of nothing more than a floating torso and head. Need I say more?

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The purity that New Loka search have nothing to do with "Human Purity" that people keep talking about, if you level up on their syndicate they will eventually call you a Pure Tenno, so it has nothing to do with killing everything that is not human.

Are they lying? Well all the other syndicates can be lying too.

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Arbiters, they will lead us into top social class among the Sol system.


Ceph, will bring knowledge.




Loka, will only bring hippie stuff, they are the bad guys tho, enemy of my friend, is still my enemy


Veil, who's to say they won't start a war with the Tenno? (assuming they don't get taken down by the superior syndicate first)

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New Loka I least trust, they talk about "purity" and yet are in bed with the Infested?? Sorry but no. I trust Perrin more. Money, greed, and Corpus are evils sure, but then again how is that any different than our world that we live in now? It's not love that makes the world go' round, it's corporate greed :P

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Never trust an A.I. Eventually they will turn on you. Of course, it won't be personal.


Despite this, Cephalon Suda is aligned with the Arbiters of Hexis. I joined up and look forward to the incoming backstabbery.


Steel Meridian seems to be the most trustworthy, but that's not saying much seeing as every Syndicate seems exceptionally shady.

Edited by SinReplica
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To be honest, I don't really trust any of them: (Not in any particular order)


Steel Meridian -  They are one of the few Syndicates that actually care for others and are doing something. However, we don't know anything about these colonies they are saving. These are the closest to trusting, really.


Chephalon Suda - Well, its an AI that only wants to learn. AIs by themselves are not harmful. I could see helping this as beneficial, but its not really somebody I would want with me, watching my agenda, being void of emotion.


Perrin Sequence - Could be just because I'm in economics, but they aren't a threat. Preforming tasks so that trade can flow peacefully is a noble goal, but let's not forget the purpose of any business. Making money.


Arbiters of Hexis - These guys want to use us to "surpass our former masters." Well, we are trying to use the tech of the Orokin to end this conflict. This is also going to destroy a wealth of culture and learning. Like the Greeks to the Romans. Sure, the latter was better, but at what cost?


New Loka - They are a cult, just straight up. They want the perfect humans to populate the horrible polluted and destroyed Earth. Tenno are certainly not perfect, and how will having more humans on a dying planet help the war? A wasted effort.


Red Veil - Terrorists. They are completely open to that they are using the Warframes only for the destruction of the "corrupt." They don't care about the lives lost in their fight, and they certainly don't care about the lives lost on the enemy's side.


It's weird that I find the 2 most trustworthy groups on here splinter groups of the Corpus and Grineer.

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