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Gorgon Accuracy? Are You Kidding Me?


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absolutely hate the change, my gorgon can't hit for jack now id rather use my nerfed hek shotgun at that mid range distance since it actually hits things. i don't want a bigger bullet pool to compensate either because i don't want to sit there for 5-8 seconds wasting time missing everything when my hek or another mid range rifle can do the job better.


put the accuracy back, i understand the point of it being a bullet hose but even a bullet hose needs to be little more accurate than this currently.

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Prob is people were using hek and gorgon as sniper guns without the long zoom. I was sure it was always going to change. Another prob is, were in Beta so this could happen at anytime to anything in game. They wont put weapons back to how they were because that would making changing them in the first place a bad bad decision. They might meet you guys halfway or something but i cant see any more than that happening.


Also if you like to hit things at range try Latron. The feel of it is brilliant and the new sound on firing is a real boom! :) great gun.

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there are about 10 posts at least on the poor Gorgon nerf, so pretty sure they will buff it back again...

as for people saying  'machine guns arnt supposed to be accurate' You must not have ever used/seen/read about them

A machine gun with a long heavy barrel and heavy reciever is MORE accurate than any assault rifle!  MGs CAN are often are used for single shots

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there are about 10 posts at least on the poor Gorgon nerf, so pretty sure they will buff it back again...

as for people saying  'machine guns arnt supposed to be accurate' You must not have ever used/seen/read about them

A machine gun with a long heavy barrel and heavy reciever is MORE accurate than any assault rifle!  MGs CAN are often are used for single shots

Real machine guns are useable as sniper rifles. In warframe, weapons don't change movement speed. Therefore, for balancing reasons, they need to lose accuracy to make up for the fact that they can shoot more damaging shots more quickly compared to regular assault rifles.

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there are about 10 posts at least on the poor Gorgon nerf, so pretty sure they will buff it back again...

as for people saying  'machine guns arnt supposed to be accurate' You must not have ever used/seen/read about them

A machine gun with a long heavy barrel and heavy reciever is MORE accurate than any assault rifle!  MGs CAN are often are used for single shots


finaly someone who get it , by the way before the patch i only heard 1 dude complaining about the Gorgon ( and it was b*llsh*t about noise ) it would be logical to make it back since they made a big mistake, i mean if they play it like that when the game will officialy come out and ruin peoples bought weapon the studio will be on flame in no time ><.


EDIT: for me the only nerf would could be accurate is a slowdown on the character on walk or while running ( That the only logical downside of HEAVY weapon).

Edited by Leyden
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there are about 10 posts at least on the poor Gorgon nerf, so pretty sure they will buff it back again...

as for people saying  'machine guns arnt supposed to be accurate' You must not have ever used/seen/read about them

A machine gun with a long heavy barrel and heavy reciever is MORE accurate than any assault rifle!  MGs CAN are often are used for single shots

Thats a understatement there are like 6x that amount of posts when looking at all the gorgon threads combined if not more.






It was meant to be a minigun, but you could snipe with it quite accurately. And you don't see a problem with that?


It still has a larger DPS over time than many other rifles.


Miniguns are extremely accurate, believe me ive been to gunshows. Go see one for yourself, or just look it up. I do agree though if they want to keep the nerf they need to drastically increase the ammo cap + mag cap. If they dont do that then they need to revert the changes they did regarding accuracy even then if they increase the caps, the accuracy should atleast minorly be increased its a bit ridiculous at the moment. 

Edited by Klaww
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The whole idea behind machineguns is to shoot many bullets in hope that at least some will hit. I think that you shouldnt really complain about it cause enemies like jackal hyena phorid and lech kril are large enough to reliably full auto on them, not to mention shooting crowds. Damage is high, fire rate is high, capacity is acceptable. Some extra ammo reserves could help true but thats diffrent topic tbh. 

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there are about 10 posts at least on the poor Gorgon nerf, so pretty sure they will buff it back again...

as for people saying  'machine guns arnt supposed to be accurate' You must not have ever used/seen/read about them

A machine gun with a long heavy barrel and heavy reciever is MORE accurate than any assault rifle!  MGs CAN are often are used for single shots


If to believe Rebecca, it works *as intended* now. Hide your wives and guns you like, nerfbat grineer are in the town.

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finaly someone who get it , by the way before the patch i only heard 1 dude complaining about the Gorgon ( and it was b*llsh*t about noise ) it would be logical to make it back since they made a big mistake, i mean if they play it like that when the game will officialy come out and ruin peoples bought weapon the studio will be on flame in no time ><.


EDIT: for me the only nerf would could be accurate is a slowdown on the character on walk or while running ( That the only logical downside of HEAVY weapon).

What is the point about complaining before nerfs when you will just get downvoted to ground. 

Also tested on Jackal at 20m full auto not even 1 miss when firing at its legs. Its fine.

Edited by Davoodoo
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What is the point about complaining before nerfs when you will just get downvoted to ground. 

Also tested on Jackal at 20m full auto not even 1 miss when firing at its legs. Its fine.

Not missing the Jackal at a mere 20 meters against his legs is easy. You have to aim away from the Jackal to miss him at that short a distance.

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Not missing the Jackal at a mere 20 meters against his legs is easy. You have to aim away from the Jackal to miss him at that short a distance.

Considering that 1-2m is melee range. 10m is short range and 35m is long range already. Being able to full auto without any miss on mid range is fine. I see no point why it should be more accurate as braton which also starts missing when firing in full auto on 30-35m range.

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My problem is that the target can be less than 10 meters away and it's still missing shots, or shots are firing and hitting nothing (disappearing shot bug?).  I can deal with some innate inaccuracy, even on the first shot.  That's not very realistic but it's ok.


I can't deal with it being less useful than a shotgun at reasonable range.  Shotguns are supposed to be your close-range crowd control weapon.  LMG should be longer range crowd suppression weapons but the AI doesn't understand fear of dying, so it doesn't stay in cover while bullets are flying at it, it just randomly pops in and out.  That makes suppression worthless, because you can't suppress things without fear.  So it's got to be good at medium range crowd control.


But it's not.  It's not good at anything, except firing at bosses at close range, where a shotgun would be BETTER anyway.


So what's the point?  What is it useful for?


Evidently, eating credits and potatoes.

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My problem is that the target can be less than 10 meters away and it's still missing shots, or shots are firing and hitting nothing (disappearing shot bug?).  I can deal with some innate inaccuracy, even on the first shot.  That's not very realistic but it's ok.


I can't deal with it being less useful than a shotgun at reasonable range.  Shotguns are supposed to be your close-range crowd control weapon.  LMG should be longer range crowd suppression weapons but the AI doesn't understand fear of dying, so it doesn't stay in cover while bullets are flying at it, it just randomly pops in and out.  That makes suppression worthless, because you can't suppress things without fear.  So it's got to be good at medium range crowd control.


But it's not.  It's not good at anything, except firing at bosses at close range, where a shotgun would be BETTER anyway.


So what's the point?  What is it useful for?


Evidently, eating credits and potatoes.


Well, wouldn't it be fun to have a gun that can really supress the enemies? But that would require an overhaul, and I guess grakata with controlled bursts would outdo it.

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Considering that 1-2m is melee range. 10m is short range and 35m is long range already. Being able to full auto without any miss on mid range is fine. I see no point why it should be more accurate as braton which also starts missing when firing in full auto on 30-35m range.

My experience is that at 20 m, aimed down the barrel, you're going to miss about 50% of the shots fired with the Gorgon.  If the group is big enough, maybe those shots hit another target, assuming the bullet doesn't just evaporate (if I'm not the host this seems to happen frequently).  Most of the time, it just goes off randomly, not even near where the last shot went, and hits nothing.


At 10 m you'll probably hit 90% of your shots fired.  You might even be able to aim down the barrel and by sheer force of luck put a shot or two on the head out an entire magazine.


There is no position in which I wouldn't be better off with a Boltor, IMO.  Short, medium, even long range, you're more likely to hit, you're going to do more damage, and you're going to waste less ammo doing it, and take less time changing your magazine.  In exchange, you also get innate armor piercing damage, and stagger on some targets.


WHY USE THE GORGON?  Why focus on nerfing the Gorgon instead of fixing the Snipetron?  One would think the first goal should be to make the weapons no one uses more useful than to make the weapons everyone uses less useful.

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My experience is that at 20 m, aimed down the barrel, you're going to miss about 50% of the shots fired with the Gorgon.  If the group is big enough, maybe those shots hit another target, assuming the bullet doesn't just evaporate (if I'm not the host this seems to happen frequently).  Most of the time, it just goes off randomly, not even near where the last shot went, and hits nothing.


At 10 m you'll probably hit 90% of your shots fired.  You might even be able to aim down the barrel and by sheer force of luck put a shot or two on the head out an entire magazine.


There is no position in which I wouldn't be better off with a Boltor, IMO.  Short, medium, even long range, you're more likely to hit, you're going to do more damage, and you're going to waste less ammo doing it, and take less time changing your magazine.  In exchange, you also get innate armor piercing damage, and stagger on some targets.


WHY USE THE GORGON?  Why focus on nerfing the Gorgon instead of fixing the Snipetron?  One would think the first goal should be to make the weapons no one uses more useful than to make the weapons everyone uses less useful.


The mantra goes as "Nerfing everything is cost effective".

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Guys, the Gorgon is a LMG, it is not supposed to be able to snipe across the map, not even with single shots. A nerf has been necessary, see Hek (but they overnerfed the shotguns)


what is wrong with you? the gorgon is a heavy MG not a light MG there is nothing light about this gun, even in game description for it says heavy automatic machine gun. HMG's are more accurate than you think but this gun did not need a nerf the problem is other rifle type weapons like the burston or the grakata are so weak and couldn't compare. 


people are irritated because the gorgon was a fun gun to use while retaining a good level of performance. A lot of the rifle weapons just aren't that good to use as well compared to our secondary pistols which also have some better numbers on their mods as well (better % damage and multi shot versions, etc.).


current decent rifles as of now: boltor, latron and braton 


ones that should be buffed: burston, grakata, gorgon (put acc back) 


Special mention: snipetron because it needs some buffs to make it more worthwhile than just using the lex which has a more common ammo pool, better max ammo and faster reload

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