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Npcs In Dojo


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I've always thought that the dojos felt too empty, especially for small ghost clans like mine where there are less than 10 people in this large & complete dojo. I think a great way to make Dojos feel a lot less lonely would be the ability to 'hire' NPCs workers, for stuff like maintenance, or just NPCs you've rescued from Rescue missions. It would seriously liven up the clan dojos I believe.

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This idea was suggested long times ago because many clan dojos no matter small or large are lifeless. That would be good filled with npc's whom give you quests and just walk around the dojo or do some research-live on research rooms and bars. The clan dojo should become a place where not only just trade or research or sometimes you try duelling but you can do more complex social activity with your clan mates fun at gardens or just do more obstacles variations, holo simulations to train your skills etc. 


There is so many possible solution but still nothing implemented.

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It would be awesome if we could have NPC that walk around or able to put some specters in the dojo to guard the place so it does not feel empty.


make it so that we can fight our specters or the clans specters in the dueling rooms since sometime you're just the only one in the dojo.

Edited by prodavit
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the ability to 'hire' NPCs workers, for stuff like maintenance, or just NPCs you've rescued from Rescue missions. It would seriously liven up the clan dojos I believe.



And clan leader could assign them to do something like gathering clan-only resources which could be use to build decorations or defences for dojo defense missions :L

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And clan leader could assign them to do something like gathering clan-only resources which could be use to build decorations or defences for dojo defense missions :L

DE want you to grind for it lol. they want to force you to keep playing :P

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The Dojos are like unfinished Hubs/Relays. When can we use our Observatory to do squad missions like in the Relays? When can we get cool TV things in the Dojo like the Relay? When can we get the option to have NPCs in the Dojos like the Relay? When can we view our stinkin' inventory in the Dojo like in the Relay??


Please revisit the Dojo, DE!

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Why haven't I thought about this before? They would maintain reactors, place them in Dueling room and they cheer when 2 players fight, guards that walk certain path, have a cleaning lady dusting statues :D




DE, I want this! I also want big and small TV's around my Dojo like in Tenno hubs that shows Salad and Potato face when there is an event happening. Lotus could appear on TV when something major is happening like Tenno Hub gets destroyed.

Edited by Tulipunahapero
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