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I Believe It's As Good Of A Time As Any To Ask For Gameplay Design 2.0


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Don't ask for stealth. 


Improvements to the way enemies detect players and communicate to each-other? Sure. Might even help team-work if you wanna do some Army of two type thing.


Having it thrust upon you like a rifle and getting told to navigate it's no-man's land? No thanks. The most I'd like to see from stealth is that you can sneak past a super-tough enemy so that you don't need to expend a lot of ammo, or that you can use it as an alternative to alarm-powered-forced-runs to an objective. No special stealth rewards or stealth-only sections, please. 

The community at large has been asking for a fully developed and fully viable stealth system for a very long time. If DE does it, they'll do it and you will either enjoy it or you won't. If you won't enjoy it, don't play those missions. It's not like you'll come down with a terrible affliction if DE actually does stealth and does it right.

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One of the most important things which i dont like is that the weapons are not balanced... everyone plays with certain different weapons.. and it seems to me like DE is not caring about balancing weapons (for example the upcoming soma prime... the soma is already more than overpowered...)

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The community at large has been asking for a fully developed and fully viable stealth system for a very long time. If DE does it, they'll do it and you will either enjoy it or you won't. If you won't enjoy it, don't play those missions. It's not like you'll come down with a terrible affliction if DE actually does stealth and does it right.

No, and your way of viewing it is somewhat harmful. A small group on the forums have been asking for stealth. That small group isn't exactly Representative of the wider population. They saw the word "ninja" and started thinking that the game should change because of a wide-encompassing adjective. (if you get down to arguing symantics; you've lost. It's only be tedious to argue the use of 'ninja') 


I wouldn't come down with an affliction; But DE would be Ill-spending resources. Something they could spend on making something we already have better. On the list of big things I'd want DE to do, stealth would be eleventh on the shortlist (and by short list- I mean big things that group together loads of little things. on an actual list of every small detail I'd put stealth missions at well beyond 400. Improving detection is good enough for me) . Most players would rather good enemies or better parkour or more interesting mission variations or perhaps something to do with mods and scalling..


Granted; I'd have stealth before kubrows and archwing as it is currently; and it's a sad day that they went wrong with that.  But... Full on stealth missions with stealth mechanics: It's never going to work. It's a four player game. Also Abilities like invisibility and silence. Let's not forget that you can rush past everything you can sneak past. Also it's a four player game. It's a four player game. I don't want to be locked out of a door or unrewarded because my teammate buggered my stealth up. I don't want to be on a team where everyone wants to do it super-slow and sneaky. It's a loose-loose situation. 


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I'm starting to think it's time for Playerbase v2.0.

Perhaps one that rolls back to Complaining v0.5 beta.


"Again, I'm not saying that this game isn't a good game. It is a good game. It's squeezed more hours out of me than any game ever made. I enjoy it a lot still. However, because I love the game so much, I have to share what I feel will improve the game, draw in more players, and keep existing players from getting burnt out. Yes, I do know that this game in a long-term beta. This is why it's a perfect opportunity to expand, re-evaluate, repurpose, and revamp."


I agree with this, and generally the whole post in spirit, but go play Borderlands. Go play Global Agenda. Heck, go play Destiny.


They ALL do this. None of them are really designed to support more then say, a max 100 hours of game play, REGARDLESS of how you try and squeeze it out. After the "main play time" it comes down to "just how much do you just enjoy pulling a trigger?"


Other then dynamic missions, or heavily scripted stuff, this is not getting "fixed" any time soon. We were supposed to play a while and move on, not hang around this long. It was never designed that way, DE even admitted to this in a Dev stream. They are trying to add new stuff, but I don't think they are going to gut the foundation mechanics of the game to turn into into an MMO.


Warframe still remains the only game in my Steam list that I come back to because at least, every so often, I get new surprises. Nothing to write home about maybe, but better then logging in to every other game, and find it EXACTLY the same.


It's a 2 year old frigging game, it's just a baby. Lower your expectations. EvE Online is 10+ years old, and it only started implementing big changes recently, like no costs for new clones and infinite skill queues.

 You're quite possibly one the most dense, non-helping member's of the warframe community and every time you post you have something negative to say about the people offering up opinions on these forums. I have a great better idea, how about you go post on /wfg/ and keep your useless comments out of these threads. 

Edited by grillv20
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