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Can We Please Seperate Gear And "emotes"


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As the title says:

Could we please have seperate keybindings and, more importantly, seperate UI screens for gear and emotes.

When the gear menu was first shifted to the side, there were many complaints about decrease in functionality -- not technical functionality, but in-game-effectiveness, as it presents the same issue that was faced when U14 UI was released, and energy was in the bottom corner of the screen.

Neither of which have been addressed.

It takes time to move away from the crosshairs, to find then select the item needed -- especially with a non-symmetric gear window.

Now more than ever, with the infestation swarm actually being a swarm (which I like), sudden packs of toxic ancients appearing (also like), and the grineer snipers -- I mean all of them, not just the ones with sniper rifles -- (dont mind, but wish scorpians and infestation ancients couldn't grapple me moving at 30m/s) being able to quickly access all of our gear is a necessity.

"When opening the Gear or Emote menus the previously used item / emote will automatically be highlighted."
Is not a fix. I don't only use one gear item. Also, I haven't seen it working but that may just be me.


Could we please just get seperate screens for gear and emotes?


Thank you for reading,

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I totally agree. Since the gear menu was changed it is not very efficient to use. Sometimes you need Gear very fast (health or shield for example) and with this menu you are most likely to die while moving the mouse to the right gear. It would be much better to have two seperate menus and the gear menu shouldn't have a mousecursor, but just get the direction of the mouse and highlight the selected option, much like when using a controller. So you always know [Q] + [Move mouse right] is large team health restore.


I know there is the option for hotkeys, but this way you would just need one key to get quick access to 8 gear items.

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Agreed. To all.


-) Seperate Emote and Gear menu (at least for PC players, if controllers are the problem), putting the Gear wheel back to before that ...misthought... change

-) Put Energy somewhere its easily seen (you know, where the health, shield and stamina is for example, where I am looking to all the time (also you could put up energy for teammates, would help for trinity and dropping Energy packs)

-) U14 UI.... not much more to say about that, too sad


(Often, when the screen is hectic and much is happening. I can't even see where my mouse cursor is. Selecting gear in that mess has cost some lives (teammates and my own))

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wish they changed the sides that the emotes and equipment is on. I'm used to the old stick layout, and pressing square instead of X is a pain.

I agree!  Please at the very least give us the option to swap the sticks that gear and emotes use.  Separating the key binds would be ideal though!!


Thanks for the great update!!

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When the gear menu was first shifted to the side, there were many complaints about decrease in functionality


It takes time to move away from the crosshairs, to find then select the item needed -- especially with a non-symmetric gear window.


I don't particularly feel that they need separate screens, if the mouse appeared in the center of the gear-wheel rather than the crosshairs.

But yeah.

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I think it would also be good if we had it so it was like the old default gear menu, but we press a button and it switches (temporarily) to emotes. That way we only have one wheel on screen and we can just switch to and from the gear and emotes section (with gear being default when you first open this menu).

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