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Coolant Leak Mod Needs To Be Buffed


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It slows them down a lot, but it's very short ranged.


What it actually does for you is keep melee units from going all ginsu on you when they get in range. It slows their attacks a lot, giving you an opportunity to deal with them before they do significant damage. That's its utility.

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Now if Kubrows could just get an aura.



"Your Kubrow needs a bath and emits a noxious stench that physically assaults incoming enemies"

*Staggering aura*


Aura gets +50% range on ceres when raining, wet dog smell ftw!

[EDIT]: oh forgot to be in topic, I think Coolant Leaked is very handy and fine as it is, i wouldn't like companions to become too relevant in game terms, they are AI dependant and it would rise the power creep levels

Edited by perfectStranger
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