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oyes ya? oyes ya? ya oyes navidad  se asercan las vacaciones y mi ordis empieza a delirar

 los trineos listos estan los propulsores no dejan de brillar  los ginger y los  y corpus no saben los que les  vendra forst muy listo esta la tierra enfriara hasta elpunto que empiece a nevar volt muy listo esta y gran velocidad todos los arboles en punta con estrellas lottus empieza a decorar  y los enemigos ni cuenta de nuestra presencia se dan rhino con pisoton hace la nieve levantar solo  el puede hacer nevar de abajo hacia arriba los enemigos inpactados empiezan  a elevar su  scindo afilada esta y con precicion los empieza a revanar aca hac falta alegria mietras una mirage entre esjismos suelta luces ya!  ember lista esta emociona el aire empiza a calentar los enmigos destruidos estan la mision completa esta y frost empocionado no deja de hacer nevar la ember hace una fogata y todos toman leche calinte eb los cascos de los solados corpus que destrosados estan ya viene navidad las vaciones estan por llegar ahora tienes mas tiempos para vivr en el warframe los thenos listos emoocionados estan esperando    para que los empieces apner en forma esas buids que serina de las armas sin las bulids un catalizador orokin y los reactores entuciastas quieren estar ayi que seria serian de las bulids sin los nuclos muchos de ellos en tu carta hacen de ella un lujo que no serian nada sin las formas si aprendes de ello en  un pro te tranformas las campanas empiezan a sonar no son capanas es el rhino que golpea un ginger muerto con la katana mienstras un moa  de abraza en las llamas como un pavo mientras la sangre d elos infestados mojan la tierra  mission complete eso es musica   el grito de una valkyr eso es musica el aullido de un kubows raksa eso es musica  hacer enojar al viejo vor en las t4 eso es musica  enojar al feo van hek eso es musica dejar hablar alad v para luego matarlo con su zanuka proyect eso es musica  que bueno se vienen vaciones yo no salgo de warframe se siente se siente  la navidad esta presente   ordis canta y deja de delirar vamos cuelguen las llavec del vacio en el arbol pongan una estrella lottus sobre el y beban leche caliente en los  cascos de los enmigos esperemos al viejo vor que es muy hablador vamos hagamos merito para que venga el asechador juntenmos puntos para los sindicatos velo rojo me  dice despojo mientras secuencia perrini  me dice ven por los mods y las  armas de sindicato un sierra full es mi tarjeta de navidad un calibre pesado me dice falta poco para que me llegues a fullear vamos ya salgan ya que se acerca navidad vacionbes estan por llegar eso me alegra por que vivo en el warframe

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http://youtu.be/nVMCUtsmWmQ   <<-- Love this Christmas song ! :> Santa Frost is coming :


Have a happy lucky, void run ,

It's the best event in the game,

I don't know if there'll be crits or snow

But have some nice prime parts!!!! :D


Have a happy lucky Viver run , 

And when you walk arround the point...

Say hello to the stalker you know,

And every prodmen you meet. :)


HO ! HO! The chills you know,

Now you have the dread... 

Somebody needs your bid; 

It's Darvo with his deals!! :>


Have a happy lucky Cerberus run,

And in case you died already... 


Oh!! A message from stalker, have a lucky judgement year!!


Have a lucky funny Christmas!!!

And this time you jump so high,

Lights start flickering and stalker comes with his new best friends!!!


HO ! HO ! Vay Hek knows that I have a second plan...

Somebody noticed me, a rocket I begin to see ! x)


Have a lucky / funny Christmas!! 

And in case an eximus has noticed you , 

Oh , my god!!! I need to run, but my stamina is depleted !!!!! >XD


Have a happy Christmas all!!! :D  

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Jingle Hek


Rushing through the void

With a quanta on my back

My goal is to eliminate

As many corupted as i can

Infested or grineer

Alad v or grustrag three

All will fall one by one

I am a tenno i like to kill


Jingle hek

Jingle hek

Jingle all the way

Oh what fun it is to kill

The corpus all the day Hey 

Jingle hek

Jingle hek

Jingle all the way

Oh what fun it is to ride

My kubrow every day


Archwing deployed

Onorix equiped

Hyperion Thrusters go

You cannot match my speed


Under the guidance of red veil

Assasination is a piece of cake

I may be marked a thousand times

But dear stalker is gonna fail


Jingle hek

Jingle hek

Jingle all the way

Oh what fun it is to kill

Grineer all the day

Hey jingle hek

Jingle hek

Jingle all the way

Oh what fun it is to ride

My kubrow every day

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oyes ya? oyes ya? ya oyes navidad  se asercan las vacaciones y mi ordis empieza a delirar

 los trineos listos estan los propulsores no dejan de brillar  los ginger y los  y corpus no saben los que les  vendra forst muy listo esta la tierra enfriara hasta elpunto que empiece a nevar volt muy listo esta y gran velocidad todos los arboles en punta con estrellas lottus empieza a decorar  y los enemigos ni cuenta de nuestra presencia se dan rhino con pisoton hace la nieve levantar solo  el puede hacer nevar de abajo hacia arriba los enemigos inpactados empiezan  a elevar su  scindo afilada esta y con precicion los empieza a revanar aca hac falta alegria mietras una mirage entre esjismos suelta luces ya!  ember lista esta emociona el aire empiza a calentar los enmigos destruidos estan la mision completa esta y frost empocionado no deja de hacer nevar la ember hace una fogata y todos toman leche calinte eb los cascos de los solados corpus que destrosados estan ya viene navidad las vaciones estan por llegar ahora tienes mas tiempos para vivr en el warframe los thenos listos emoocionados estan esperando    para que los empieces apner en forma esas buids que serina de las armas sin las bulids un catalizador orokin y los reactores entuciastas quieren estar ayi que seria serian de las bulids sin los nuclos muchos de ellos en tu carta hacen de ella un lujo que no serian nada sin las formas si aprendes de ello en  un pro te tranformas las campanas empiezan a sonar no son capanas es el rhino que golpea un ginger muerto con la katana mienstras un moa  de abraza en las llamas como un pavo mientras la sangre d elos infestados mojan la tierra  mission complete eso es musica   el grito de una valkyr eso es musica el aullido de un kubows raksa eso es musica  hacer enojar al viejo vor en las t4 eso es musica  enojar al feo van hek eso es musica dejar hablar alad v para luego matarlo con su zanuka proyect eso es musica  que bueno se vienen vaciones yo no salgo de warframe se siente se siente  la navidad esta presente   ordis canta y deja de delirar vamos cuelguen las llavec del vacio en el arbol pongan una estrella lottus sobre el y beban leche caliente en los  cascos de los enmigos esperemos al viejo vor que es muy hablador vamos hagamos merito para que venga el asechador juntenmos puntos para los sindicatos velo rojo me  dice despojo mientras secuencia perrini  me dice ven por los mods y las  armas de sindicato un sierra full es mi tarjeta de navidad un calibre pesado me dice falta poco para que me llegues a fullear vamos ya salgan ya que se acerca navidad vacionbes estan por llegar eso me alegra por que vivo en el warframe    

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Tenno, Vor told me you're, da done dumb done dumb 

This new Tenno carol you see is, da done dumb done dumb 

Vor's final shot still stings my, ba rump bum rump bum 

Still waiting on this slow ping my, ba rump bum rump bum

Done dumb done dumb, rump bum rump bum

So to honor dead Vor, da done dumb done dumb, and then some. 

Little Kubrow why are you so, da done dumb done dumb 

I am a poor tenno too I'm a, ba bum bum bum bum 

I need more bullets to sling in my, ga gun gun gun gun 

My frame isn't fit to sing, ba rump bum rump bum, bum bum bum bum, dumb done done done

Shall I stray from you my, ga gun gun gun gun, am I very dumb? Vor nodded, da done dumb done dumb 

The new bow I just throwed, was fun fun fun fun 

I'm a tenno-less bum, I'm dumb dumb dumb dumb 

I'm glad that I saved my special gun, it's fun fun fun fun, gun gun gun gun, done done done done 

Then Vor just shot at me and, my gun gun gun gun.

I wish this game was more fun.

I give credit for the inspiration of this carol to all the countless time when Vor shot me when I had no gun.

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Joy to the Tenno! the lotus is come

Let earth receive her kin!

Let every hart prepare them room

And orokin and cropus sing

And orokin and cropus sing

And orokin, and cropus and greener sing.


Joy to the Tenno! the lotus reigns

The tenno there songs are strong

While kubrow and dukra

Rock, Space and void

Repeat the song of joy

Repeat the song of joy

 Repeat, repeat the song of joy


No more let kill and hunt grow

Nor infestest grow in ground

He come to make

His blessings flow

Far as the bugs is found

Far as the bugs is found

Far as, far as the bugs is found


She rules the void with truth and grace

And makes the planet prove

The glories of her righteousness

And wounder of her love

And wounder of her love

And wounder and wounders of her love


this is my tenno version of joy to the world. I think the proper name for it is joy to the galaxy or tenno :3

but really, I had to rewrite all of that from my notepad to here. so I hope I atless impress some people.

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To the tune of
from the Snowman.


Farming in the Void


We're farming in the Void

We're looting in the ornamented towers;

The corrupted far below

Are screaming at our powers.


I'm hoping very much

I'm counting on the horrible RNG

I'm finding I can try

Another five runs with you.


On across the solar system

The planets go by like streams,

The moons and the ships,

The farmers and the broken dreams.


Grineer yell open mouthed,

Taken by surprise;

Everybody down below

our blades will slice.


We're farming in space,

We're looting in the Corpus ships,

We're screwed over by

RNGesus whatever we try.


Suddenly swooping low

On a derelict deep,

Rousing up a mighty monster

From his sleep.


We're farming in the Void

We're looting in the ornamented towers;

Edited by Shaozis
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The Twelve Waves of Warframe

( Original: The Twelve Days of Christmas http://www.41051.com/xmaslyrics/twelvedays.html )


On the first wave of defense

Infested sent to me:



On the second wave of defense

Infested sent to me:

Two parasitic eximus

And Lephantis


On the third wave of defense

Grineers sent to me:

Three arctic eximus

Two energy leech eximus

And Captain Vor


On the fourth wave of defense

Grineers sent to me:

Four arson eximus

Three arctic eximus

Two energy leech eximus

And General Sargas Ruk


On the fifth wave of defense

Corpus sent to me:

Five shock eximus

Four blitz eximus

Three arctic eximus

Two energy leech eximus

And Jackal


On the sixth wave of defense

Corpus sent to me:

Six guardian eximus

Five shock eximus

Four blitz eximus

Three arctic eximus

Two energy leech eximus

And Alad V


On the seventh wave of defense

Syndicates sent to me:

Seven roller eximus

Six corrupted lancer eximus

Five scavenger drone eximus

Four moa eximus

Three charger eximus

Two ancient healer eximus

And the Zanuka Hunter


On the eight wave of defense

Syndicate sent to me:

Eight Zanuka Hunters

Seven roller eximus

Six corrupted lancer eximus

Five scavenger drone eximus

Four moa eximus

Three charger eximus

Two ancient healer eximus

And the Gustag Three


On the ninth wave of defense

Orokin sent to me:

Nine Energy leech eximus

Eight venomous eximus

Seven arson eximus

Six guardian eximus

Five shock eximus

Four blitz eximus

Three arctic eximus

Two energy leech eximus

And Corrupted Vor


on the tenth wave of defense

Corpus,Grineer and Infested sent to me:

Ten prosecutor guardsmen

Nine Energy leech eximus

Eight venomous eximus

Seven arson eximus

Six guardian eximus

Five shock eximus

Four blitz eximus

Three arctic eximus

Two energy leech eximus

And Infested Mesa


On the eleventh wave of defense

Lotus sent to me:

Eleven tenno specters

Ten prosecutor guardsmen

Nine Energy leech eximus

Eight venomous eximus

Seven arson eximus

Six guardian eximus

Five shock eximus

Four blitz eximus

Three arctic eximus

Two energy leech eximus

And the Stalker


On the twelfth wave of defense

DE sent to me:

Twelve Stalkers

Eleven Corrupted Vor

Ten Ambulas

Nine Councilor Vay Hek

Eight Hyena Packs

Seven Mutalist Alad V

Six Liutenant Lech Kril

Five Raptor

Four Infested Mesa

Three Tyl Regor

Two Sergeant Nef Anyo

And Hayden Tenno

Edited by TotoTheNeko
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Parody of "All I want for Christmas is You"


All I want is fun!


I don't need much today
There is just one thing I need
 and I don't care for the argon 
Under RNG's annoying side

I just prefer the fun
More than we will ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for this mission is fun, yeah.

Oh I don't want much today
There is just one thing I need
And I don't care for the argon
Under RNG's bad choice

I don't need to pray for loot
There up in the Void
RNG doesn't make me happy :(
With a troll on today's T4

I just prefer the fun
More than we can ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for this mission is fun, yeah

Oh, I won't pray to RNGesus
I won't pray for argon
And I'll just play and farm for fun
On today's run

I won't pray and cry for Primes
To the the devious RNG
I won't stay up all night to
complain to RNGesus

'Cause I just want to have some fun
Holding on to my mouse
What fun I'm having
DE, thanks for the fun today~

Oh, all the fun I'm having
Happy to click
And the sound of Corpus'
running and beeping

And Grineer are missin'
I hear the MOAs squeaking
DE, won't you bring me some more fun tonight?
Won't you please bring me fun tonight?

Oh, I don't want much today
This is all I'm asking for
I just want some more fun
Grinner outside the door?

Oh, I just prefer the fun
More than we could ever know
Make my wish come true
from this mission is fun!
fun missions~

All I want for this mission is fun!
All I want for this mission is fun!
All I want for this mission is fun!
All I want for this mission is fun!
(Thanks DE! Much love from FangWahnsinn!)
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You better watch out

You better not die

You better not bleed out

I'm telling you why

Vor is trying to take all the Tenno tonight

He checking your ship

And spying on you every night

Gonna find out where you sleep every night

Vor is taking all the Tenno tonight

He see you when your fighting

He know when are not

He knows if your bad or good

So are you going to fight him or not

So you better watch out

You better not die

You better not bleed out

I'm telling you why

Vor is coming to take all the Tenno tonight

Vor is coming to take all the Tenno tonight


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This Warframe Is Hunting You Down



You better watch out

You better keep armed

Better not part

I'm warning you now

This Warframe is hunting you down

I'm marking your heads

And shooting you dead

Gonna cut up who's daring and dumb

This Warframe is hunting you down


I see you when I'm creeping

Know how to use a blade

I know if you're healthy or down

So stay down for your own sake!




You better watch out!

You better keep armed

Better not part

I'm warning you now

This Warframe is hunting you down

This Warframe is hunting you down





So it might be more violent than festive, but I nailed the syllable counts I think. Enjoy everyone.

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Dashing through the space,in a archwing open sleigh,over the space we kill,slashing all the way,the mobs are approaching,we make warframe strong,what killinv is to slash apart, get marked from stalker,Christmas day Christmas day,shooting all the way, oh what fun is to get marked from angry stalker,Hey.

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"God Rest Ye Merry Captain Vor" (Parody of "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlfHyb397VY )


1) Oh hello Mister Captain Vor,

I was just waking up,

Hey what’s that thing that’s on my leg?

Ouch! This pain really sucks!

Okay and now you’re in my head,

Isn’t this just my luck,

O you are just getting in my way,

You’re in my way,

Yes you are just getting in my way.


2) I pity ye O Captain Vor,

You never got your prize,

I tracked you down to Mercury,

And stabbed you in the eyes,

I don’t care what you have to say,

About Lotus’ lies,

O you were just getting in my way,

You’re in my way,

Yes you were just getting in my way.


3) Hey wait a minute Captain Vor,

How are you still alive?

And hanging out on Phobos with

Kril who is twice your size?

Well I still want my Trinity,

So you will have to die,

O you are just getting in my way,

You’re in my way,

Yes you are just getting in my way.


4) Why thank you, oh dear Captain Vor,

That fight was really fun,

And now I’ve got all of the parts,

To build a brand new gun,

I also got Trinity’s helm,

My luck is on a run,

O you were just getting in my way,

You’re in my way,

Yes you were just getting in my way.


5) What the Hek is this, Captain Vor,

You’re in the Void now too?

So are you now just stalking me,

What can you think you’ll do?

I’ll kill you for Cicero mods,

My party needs them too.

O you are just getting in my way,

You’re in my way,

Yes you are just getting in my way.


6) Please Captain Vor give it a rest,

I’m trying to farm Primes!

I get that you’re now energy,

You’ve said a hundred times,

Look would you please leave me alone,

I’m running out of rhymes,

O you are just getting in my way,

You’re in my way,

Yes you are just getting in my way.


7) Oh sweet Lotus not this again,

Please Vor just go shove off,

I’ve got all that I can from you,

At your drops I now scoff,

I’ve hit thirty on Nova P,

To fight me is your loss,

O you are just getting in my way,

You’re in my way,

Yes you are just getting in my way.

Edited by Morec0
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Dashing through the space,in a archwing open sleigh,over the space we kill,slashing all the way,the mobs are approaching,we make warframe strong,what killing is to slash apart, get marked from stalker,Christmas day Christmas day,shooting all the way, oh what fun is to get marked from angry stalker,Hey.

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I know this isnt the best but it was still fun.



chestnuts roasting over a world on fire

snow globe nipping at your nose.

Sound quake being sung by a choir

And folks dressed up like limbos.

Everybody knows a prism and some overload

Help to make the map so bright.

Infested with their eyes a red glow

Will find they will be dead tonight


They know that valkyrs in Hysteria

Rhinos loaded lots of mods and potatos on his odonata

And every lotus loki is gonna spy

And zephyr really knows how to fly


So im offering this simple phrase

To tenno from 0 to 30

Although it's been said many times, many ways

May RNGesus be kind to you

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came up with this, a rework of The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire)



The Warframe Song (Corpus Roasting on an Ember Fireball)


Corpus roasting on an Ember Fireball, 

Frost Prime nipping at your nose,

Lieutenant Kril being stabbed with a Kronen, 

And Warframes dressed up like Kubrows.


Everybody knows a Potato and some platinum, 

Help to make the season bright.

Tiny Tenno with their auras all aglow,

Will find it hard to sleep tonight.


They know that Stalker's on his way;

He's loaded lots of ammo and weapons on his sleigh.

And every Tenno child is going to spy,

To see if he really does drop more than his scythe.


And so I'm offering this simple phrase,

To Mastery Ranks from one to ninety-two,

Although its been said many times, many ways,

A very Merry Christmas to you!


Original Song:   http://youtu.be/phdrgKpmINI (i picked Michael Buble's version...he's Canadian after all, gets me extra brownie points right? :P )



before i came up with this one, i also had a less festive version of jingle bells, i thought i'd share it even if i'm not using it as my entry :D


Sneaking through the base

with my Kubrow by my side
Lotus says make haste
ahead your target hides!
All my powers i will bring
Shrouded from enemy sight
What fun it is to run and sling
A slaying knife tonight!
Lieutenant Kril, Lieutenant Kril,
A Tenno is coming for you
you're on the wrong side
now i'm on my way-ay
Lieutenant Kril, Lieutenant Kril,
Soon you will be dead
don't bother pleading for your life
i know they'll just clone you again
A mission or two back
I thought i'd kill a boss
And soon, i had my crack
not knowing it'd be a loss
A stealth run it was agreed
with Banshee, Ash and Loki
our fourth he got DCed
a Valkyr joined and rage spree'd
|: chorus:|
Our stealth run was a wash
Valkyr raged while we bickered
we shrugged and fought on with a crash
until the lights began to flicker
Stalker appeared to taunt me
"I am your Reckoning" he would say
and Slash Dashed me with glee
to call for revive where i lay
|: chorus:| 
Now the grineer were alert
and across comms we could hear,
as the Lotus would assert,
Look out Tenno, it's the grineer!
Our Mission wasn't done
A boss there was left to slay
We fought on with blade and gun
and in the end, won the day! [and our pay :p]
|: chorus:|

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To the tune: 



*O' RNG* (O' Christmas Tree)



Your Void Rewards DE-light me!

The golden parts that shine real bright,

The endless grinding that end the night.


Your Void Rewards DE-light me!



You give me so much pleasure!

How oft a blueprint tide the sight,

O' Tower Three, gives us delight!


You give me so much pleasure!



Forever locked in battle.

Your Orokin they try to fight.

Stay bravely bold at grinding time.


Forever locked in battle.



You fill my slots with weapons.

Reminding me to buy some more.

To think of you who I adore.


You fill my slots with weapons.


Merry Christmas to all the Tenno!

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Let it Snow

Oh the infestation outside is frightful

But the lotus is so delightful

And since we've no planet to go

Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

It doesn't show signs of stopping

And I've bought Dual Knives for Killing

The Death are turned way down low

Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

When we finally kill good night

How I'll hate going out in the storm!

But if you'll really hold me tenno

All the way home I'll be warm

The fire is slowly dying

And, my Kubrow, we're still goodbying

But as long as you love me so

Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

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Oh the Corpus outside are frightful

But this energy is so delightful

And since its got no place to go

Let It Flow! Let It Flow! Let It Flow!!


The Grineer doesn't show signs of stopping

But they've brought some heads for popping

The energy ain’t running low

Let It Flow! Let It Flow! Let It Flow!!


When we finally find a key,

How I'll hate going out in the void!

But if you'll really stay with me,

All the way home I'll enjoy!


Alad V is slowly dying

But my Prism is still a-flying

I got about a half a bar to go

Let It Flow! Let It Flow! Let It Flow!!

Edited by (XB1)Blazing Wave
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White Christmas (White Kubrow)


I'm dreaming of a white Kubrow
Just like the one I want to grow
Where the tree tops glisten
And Grineer listen
To hear Kubrows in the snow


I'm dreaming of a white Kubrow
With every single egg I get

I grow a Kubrow our bonds knit
And may all
Your Ku-ubrows be white


I'm dreaming of a white Kubrow
Just like the one I used to have
When the Corpus killed it
They had overdone it
And there were slayings in the snow


I just got  a white Kubrow
And with every Corpus that we slay
We remember that horrific day
So may all your Kubrows
May all your Kubrows
May all your Kubrows
May all your Kubrows be white


I just got a white
Kubrow and I
am happy
All the day, all the day...


Original Lyrics: 

Edited by JadenStarblade
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On my first void defense the Lotus gave to me

A Loki Systems BP
On my second void defense...
2 Burston parts
One my third...
3 capture keys
On my 4th...
4 Orthos handles
On my 5th...
On my 6th void defense, we started panicking 
6 ancient toxics
On my 7th 
7 revive sessions
On my 8th...
8 laser trolls
On my 9th 
9 "holy sh--!"
On my 10th
10 "What the fu-- mates!?"
On my 11th...
11 syndicate drones
On my 12th void defense the lotus gave to me
12 Awesome Formas, 11 Syndicate drones, 10 "Wtf m8?!", 9 "Holy sh--!", 8 laser trolls, 7 revive sessions, 6 ancient toxics, FIVE. GOLDEN. CORES., 4 Orthos handles, 3 Capture keys, 2 Burston parts, AND A LOKI SYSTEMS BEEPEE 

Cheers everyone ^.^

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NOTE: From Corpus POV.  Original Song: Walking in a Winter Wonderland.


Scythe bells ring
Are you watching
For potatoes
Blood is glistening
A beautiful sight,
No Grineer happy tonight
Cause they're all dead
Walking in a Tenno wonderland


Gone away, is the Syndicate
Here to stay, is a Tenno
He sings a Death song,
As we try to run,
Dying in a Tenno wonderland


In the Labs we can build a warframe

And pretend that she is Valkyr
She'll say are you dead
We'll say NaBrO
But you can be our warframe
When you're on Jupiter


Later on
We'll invade
As we can't sleep by the Corpses
To face quite afraid
The plans that we've made
Walking in a Tenno wonderland


In the meadow we can build a warframe
And pretend that she's Mesa
We'll do lots of experiments to Mesa
Until the Tenno Rescue Her


When it Rains blood
It's not thrilling
Though your nose is a chilling
We'll try to run away, the Grineer way
Just walking in a Tenno wonderland


A bloody sight
We're Dead tonight
Walking in a Tenno wonderland


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