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R.i.p. Mesa


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If you're still firing at the same rate after the hotfix as you did before, I can only assume you are a really slow clicker. It has definitely been severely nerfed.

OR low fps player like me. I had to look into the ground to shoot faster -_-.


I hate it when I have 20-30fps and I see that sometimes i shoot slow and sometimes fast. There should be no fps barrier Even with 5 fps thats 5 clicks per second game should easily record. I didn't see mesa going really beyond 5-10 shoots per second.

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OR low fps player like me. I had to look into the ground to shoot faster -_-.


I hate it when I have 20-30fps and I see that sometimes i shoot slow and sometimes fast. There should be no fps barrier Even with 5 fps thats 5 clicks per second game should easily record. I didn't see mesa going really beyond 5-10 shoots per second.

not to mention sometime there are enemies in front of her and she didn't even bother shooting them though i press and hold the fire button

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Couple of issues with the new ult after testing. Before Mesa would fire both weapons at once. She doesn't anymore. She fires one after the other for the same effect which effectively halves her rate of fire.


The hold LMB is great and much needed but there are issues with this as well. First of all if you hold LMB and there are no enemies in range then she will not fire. However if enemies come into range whilst you are holding LMB she will still not fire. Making the hold LMB method crap and you need to use scroll wheel again anyway to make it usable.


In addition her range was nerfed by quite a bit which becomes particularly obvious on Cerberus.


DE really need to specify changes in their patches. Stealth nerfs just detract even more of our trust from them.


Prior to the patch Mesa was a viable frame for her ultimate only. It did high damage at a high rate of fire. However at the moment it is unviable without natural talent (Which improves the rate of fire somewhat but no where near what it was) and makes the frame terrible by removing the one reason she was good.


It's a shame really. DE seem to have a toxic approach to dealing with fun by patching it out. Rather than buffing other frames to match it. They just take the fun away.


Really says a lot about warframes development thus far.

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I think I was one of the first few who bought Mesa, though I was not impressed initially with her 1 or 2 I really had fun using her 3 and especially Peacemaker. She fired as fast as I could move my finger, so when I tell you her speed has been significantly changed take it as truth. I just had finished reading this thread and like some of you I did not see any notes regarding Mesa's nerf to her speed and damage, so I decided to test her out and see whats what. Now like most of you I am thoroughly disappointed with her, now her fire animation feels like slow motion compared to what it was before. I can't attest to how much damage she still does because to be honest I was so disappointed by her signature power now that I just aborted the mission, which was defense on Venera. This also has nothing to do with how you play, if your the type who likes to mash down 4 or whatever. What I take issue is the fact there are no notes to indicate those changes in the hotfix. I am going to tweet Steve about my displeasure in regards to this.  

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Mesa's peacekeeper is all wrong now. It wants to be a channeled ultimate but acts like an active. It's only good when you have lots of enemies who are in LOS (also LOS with this ability got nerfed)when you hold the LMB to fire. When you hold the LMB only enemies who are in LOSwhen you click LMB will be targeted as long as you hold it. So if there are 5 enemies in LOS when you hold LMB then only those 5 enemies will be shot at until you release and hold LMB again regardless of whether or not more enemies come into LOS while you are still shooting. Also the fire rate increases when you kill more enemies within one firing session however this buff resets when you release LMB and the increase in fire rate is highly required in order for this ability to be worth it. DE make it an active or a channeled ability because the way it is now is not worth using. 

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Just to reiterate. The problem with Mesa's rate of fire is not what most of you think it is. It's that now she fires her regulator pistols one after the other which essentially halves her damage.


Before she used to fire both at once.


That's why some people think that it's now faster. Because instead of those two numbers popping up at once, you get the first number and then the second number soon afterwards which makes it seem faster. But it's not. Because in that same time frame, the old ult would have popped off the second double shot.


It's a very very subtle method of nerfing the ult and I think DE thought we wouldn't notice it. But her damage is terrible now. It's a far larger nerf to her damage than people realise.

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Well, not to rain on your parade, but wave 40 is pretty average, that what most semi-organised squads aim for at a minimum.

See, that's the thing. We made it to wave 40 easy with me being the mesa doing most of the damage. The other frames were there primarily for support purposes. We were as "organized" as a team of randoms gets.

Edited by Psychus
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OR low fps player like me. I had to look into the ground to shoot faster -_-.


I hate it when I have 20-30fps and I see that sometimes i shoot slow and sometimes fast. There should be no fps barrier Even with 5 fps thats 5 clicks per second game should easily record. I didn't see mesa going really beyond 5-10 shoots per second.

Well, I feel like an idiot. I was still using my mousewheel to fire her guns, when now Peacemaker is a held trigger with a windup like the gorgon. This is the sort of thing that would be nice to read about in patch notes.

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Not really.


If you fail to hit another enemy in 2 to 3 seconds, you have to spin up from zero again.

Meaning more often than not, you are firing at sub par ROF.


Previously you can always be in "deployed mode" in any game mode and never suffer any ROF issues.

Now Peacemaker is forcing you to be more turret mode than ever as outside of MD, Defense and Interception missions, most missions simply don't spawn enough enemies for you to spin up to maximum ROF.



I will repeat what I said in another thread.

Yes holding down the mouse button is a great idea, BUT the spin up is too badly affected by mob density.

Previously you can enjoy the speed even in exterminations where normally there are only a handful of enemies in the room.


Right now you won't. 


The only time the Mesa will be shooting fast like before is playing Defense oriented types or Interceptions.

It is bad enough she is called turret frame, don't further encourage this by making her ultimate only better for horde defense game modes.



Also holding down the LMB will cause her NOT to fire if the enemy was previously not in range and has suddenly entered range. So you still need to un-click and click again. This is clunky and should be fixed.

Edited by fatpig84
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