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Corpus Hacking Minigame: Can't Properly Make The Lines Out


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I made a thread about this when it was first released and it barely got any attention nor was anything done to address it. 


It could be because of my monitor's colors, but my friend who I play with who can't actually see blue because she's color blind can't see what she's doing in that minigame at all anymore. 


The lines and the actual background itself blend together way too much. Why can't there simply be a streamlined ungawdy black and white version where the lines and where they could potentially connect are clearly defined instead of the un-contrasted mess it is now? 


The previous skin for it was just fine, now it's just infuriating on the tougher puzzles because my friend and I can't see what we're doing.


The grineer hacking minigames I've actually grown fond of. This? I feel like Mesa put her blindfold on me. 



For the love of god add a color blind option and then tweak the dang colors so the whites and the blues don't look like light and lighter blue! 


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reduce / remove transparency on the hexes and increase the contrast between the lines and their background on the hex.


it should have been this way to start with. a dozen translucent layers on top of each other is asking for trouble.

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When a high level Hacking comes up I go for the edges first and then just spin the middle wheel.


Before they updated the look I had no problem telling what I was supposed to make in the end. Even on the highest ranked one that came up in MR Tests was no problem for me. Now it seems to blend in too well.

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When a high level Hacking comes up I go for the edges first and then just spin the middle wheel.


Before they updated the look I had no problem telling what I was supposed to make in the end. Even on the highest ranked one that came up in MR Tests was no problem for me. Now it seems to blend in too well.


This is exactly my problem here. Before? Everything was clear as day and the puzzles present at higher levels like the ones we have now I would have had no issue with.


But the visibility for me is too poor because the lines and the background itself are just too similar in hue for me to differentiate what to pair up with the more complicated puzzles. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I adjusted a bit to the change but it still gets me I recall when the change just came out I'd only be able to do like 1/5 of the harder puzzles. The very first time this changed happened I could not do the puzzle and made three good attempts at it  before asking a random to do it for me because I was just...'visually overwhelmed' is probably the best way to describe as I have to take an extra second or two to decipher the mess of lines. As that was all I saw was lines I could not see a pattern or any sort of order to it upon release. I'm better at it now but I probably would opt for a colorblind option even though im not color blind it would help me identify the lines quicker for me its the equivalent of trying to read bad handwriting.


On the flip side though I actually have a reason to use ciphers now although I tend save those for the grineer ones when I have the entire circle to do and don't feel like actually messing with that.

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