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Anyone Else Dissapointed With The New Prime?


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wasn't 100% confirmed


If you see leaked stuff of Prime frames and weapons, that's confirmation. Until proven otherwise, look at it as confirmation, because EVERY time this has happened, EVERY time there are new prime items in the code  (guarantee you that the necessary files are already in the game, just not unlocked), that means those Prime items WILL be in the game.


Note: Caps are for emphasis, not meant to reflect shouting. They just provide more noticeable emphasis than italics or boldface.

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Your not very bright are you, one you ignored all the nova prime info on the forums, 2 you expected a male when there is a male male female femsle pattern, and 3 selling for credits? Not very bright at all

No need to INSULT me, I didn't realize the mmffmmff pattern until recently and I'm sorry for that and I'm selling for credits TOO MAKE A POINT YOU IMBECILE. Jeez this discussion was interesting and nice till you had to start insulting me. Don't call someone "not very bright" for not noticing something. 

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No need to INSULT me, I didn't realize the mmffmmff pattern until recently and I'm sorry for that and I'm selling for credits TOO MAKE A POINT YOU IMBECILE. Jeez this discussion was interesting and nice till you had to start insulting me. Don't call someone "not very bright" for not noticing something. 


Come on, you don't even need to bother feeling insulted by someone who uses your rather than you're...

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Nova is one of my favorites, but I'm still a little disappointed that Trinity or Saryn didn't get primed first. Kinda feels like they are jumping the shark with Nova and Soma Prime. I mean, what could they possibly offer us as a weapons after Soma Prime that would even be remotely comparable? Brakk Wraith (without damage dropoff)? AkSynoid Gammacor? Triple-barreled Marelok?

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Nova has always been DE's pet. It's always been stupendously overpowered, it's ugly as sin (this includes the Prime), and is able to be primed for no adequately explored reason, given that unless someone specifically states otherwise, it's a post-Orokin Warframe like the likes of Zephyr. If a Zephyr prime comes up, that'd be stupid too.


I'm not really disappointed, because I prefer the base frames for the most part anyway, but I'm so glad that we're going to be getting Nova Prime: Now With 200% Speed and Power Efficiency Edition out of the way.

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Nova has always been DE's pet. It's always been stupendously overpowered, it's ugly as sin (this includes the Prime), and is able to be primed for no adequately explored reason, given that unless someone specifically states otherwise, it's a post-Orokin Warframe like the likes of Zephyr. If a Zephyr prime comes up, that'd be stupid too.


I'm not really disappointed, because I prefer the base frames for the most part anyway, but I'm so glad that we're going to be getting Nova Prime: Now With 200% Speed and Power Efficiency Edition out of the way.

I think Nova is pretty cute, with the right colors. And hey, it's still possible for them to completely troll us. They could give Nova Prime an innate +20% power strength. Goodbye, Speed Nova Primes.

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It's sad, they nerf Trinity all this year and I assume the years before, basically punching all Trinity users in the gut every time.


We all thought, "Maybe they will make up for the abuse to us...maybe they will prime Trinity."


Nope, they backhand all Trinity users into oblivion with the release of Nova Prime, causing all users to wait months after another set of male primes have been released.


Dear god, Trinity and her users have had tough years. Hopefully they will get better but for now...all Trinity users will hide in their corner and wait, waiting for the next round of punches.

Edited by Pbrandon1
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It's sad, they nerf Trinity all this year and I assume the years before, basically punching all Trinity users in the gut every time.


Go back and count how many patches involved Trinity. 


Then count how many of those were a nerf.


I'll wait.

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I think I remember Reb saying they wouldnt make a metallic/prime color pallet just because we would have people making fake prime weapons or something like that

That makes no sense. A prime color toggle would be in a "new" fifth slot. The default would be gold.

The only way to toggle this color would be to buy a new packet. If you do not have a prime weapon, then you would not have this currently hidden color, available to toggle.

Easy to implement. There is no reason other than emotional ties for not including. It's like the designers say I know what looks good, you must like it to. Instead of making some money selling color packs....

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for as far as i know, Steve was parading around in Nova Prime, it may be a ruse, or they are beta testing NovaP since she was close to being finished, who knows, we may end up with Trinity Prime or Saryn Prime for all i care, im mostly interested in a Volt, Ash, or Mesa prime,but those might not be for a while, since the order follows : male male female female male male, and so on

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People actually expected Trinity, the frame which took forever to get an immortal skin concept they liked?  Yeah, no way she had a prime concept ready.


I would have preferred Saryn, but if it came down to Banshee or Nova I'll take Nova every time.

Edited by xNegikunx
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