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Baro Ki'teer And R10 Legendary Cores.


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Would not Legendary Cores defeat the purpose of trying to rank up the Legendary mods?


I mean, one Legendary Core = Instant rank-up without credit costs on any mod, and I have a good feeling DE(L) introduced these Legendary mods to create a rather deep core/credit sink. 

I personally felt a little mislead when it came to legendary cores. They were used to help repair a fix, a fix that was then exploited, but even then many members of the community didn't get any. DE suggested that they would be useful because they might be introducing high-level mods in the future.

Even after all that: said fix was Update 12.2.0. That was midway through FEBRUARY. It's been nearly an entire year since they shipped out, and until now, there's never really been a mod that even suggested to be designed to make use of a legendary core, so many people used them on vitality, redirection, serration, or hornet strike.


So to declare "well you shoulda kept your cores" now, is unfair.

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I personally felt a little mislead when it came to legendary cores. They were used to help repair a fix, a fix that was then exploited, but even then many members of the community didn't get any. DE suggested that they would be useful because they might be introducing high-level mods in the future.

Even after all that: said fix was Update 12.2.0. That was midway through FEBRUARY. It's been nearly an entire year since they shipped out, and until now, there's never really been a mod that even suggested to be designed to make use of a legendary core, so many people used them on vitality, redirection, serration, or hornet strike.


So to declare "well you shoulda kept your cores" now, is unfair.

That's not what they were saying, though.  Renegade was pointing out that "legendary fusion cores" already exist, but work differently than the OP may think.

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that's why i don't level up those primed mod, there will be something new about that and i don't want to lose my money stupidly.

But if they change it... people who already upgraded those mod would get legendary fuse core... what a problem... what should we do :D


I'll just wait until they do something to fix that.


Legendary fuse core isn't a good idea, but primed fuse core is a good one.

baro ki'thing could sell them and they would be a rank up of rare one

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I don't know it just seems a "little" expensive, and by a little I mean a lot. Anyone think it would be a good idea for Baro to sell Primed Fusion Cores, or Legendary Cores? Just to reduce the monotonous grind to max them?

I would say "Abused" ...
And over 1200 hours of play, I never had a single legendary Cores .
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And what, you think it that was not a damn bad idea?

Like this whole game did not have enough of such sinks, it needed more, bigger than ever?

Well what else could you do with all those cores, level up other mod sinks to sell for plat?


Adding these legendary mods to the existing sink pool is a good idea since these are useful mods and because if DE were to always release new content then the amount of balancing and all that changing that comes, it would like how archwing, dark sectors are like now. They are all new content, new things but there is a limited amount of replayability, and if there is no way to provide more replayability this idea is better than adding more half baked ones which are only going to be left neglected because everyone in this community has more than half dozen of dozens upon dozens of ideas to have DE test.

Edited by Niryco
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Well what else could you do with all those cores, level up other mod sinks to sell for plat?

What those cores?

Do every player have 1000 golden cores and 2 millions credits ready to be sank into nearly useless upgrade of an already existing mod?

I have some 150-200 hours of pure gameplay and 400+ on steam-counter and I'm not even done fully maxing Hornet Strike yet.

No way in hell I will play this game long enough to get to maxing such a mod and think about those who have just started to play. This game will become obsolete twice and it'll be time to release Warframe 3 from beta before they get to even think about touching it. Even those who are willing to buy S#&$ton of platinum and get it from traders already maxed won't be able to do so, because of the trading tax in credits, that cannot be acquired without grinding your &#! off. This is the type of content that may as well not exist for 99% of playerbase.



Well what else could you do with all those cores, level up other mod sinks to sell for plat?


And what, is it not what they are doing now with this mod? They've maxed it and try to sell, just twice as expensive.

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The complaint seems pretty valid to me.  The "dumb and happy" argument of "keep you head buried in the sand and just keep pouring resources down the drain until you're finally done" doesn't hold much water.


How does slowly ranking up stuff, the standard in video games, doesnt hold water?

You  have to explain how in a game where you rank up everything suddenly there is one element where this is ignored and you have to be able to rank it up to max the second you obtain it.

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What those cores?

Do every player have 1000 golden cores and 2 millions credits ready to be sank into nearly useless upgrade of an already existing mod?

I have some 150-200 hours of pure gameplay and 400+ on steam-counter and I'm not even done fully maxing Hornet Strike yet.

No way in hell I will play this game long enough to get to maxing such a mod and think about those who have just started to play. This game will become obsolete twice and it'll be time to release Warframe 3 from beta before they get to even think about touching it. Even those who are willing to buy S#&$ton of platinum and get it from traders already maxed won't be able to do so, because of the trading tax in credits, that cannot be acquired without grinding your ! off. This is the type of content that may as well not exist for 99% of playerbase.


And what, is it not what they are doing now with this mod? They've maxed it and try to sell, just twice as expensive.

Sadly this game is meant to be a time grind because not every player has 1000 cores or 2million credits and the upgrade is not absolutely useless, there are people that find it useful for extended duration builds.


In addition this game will take a long time to become obselete, why do you think they are touching up solely on the social aspects? They don't want you to leave this game or play it alone, this is meant to become a habitual activity that you can enjoy with friends through achieving small things or even working towards something in the long run that is much more tangible than working, so it doesn't matter because people are willing to pay it off and if they are, that 1% of the playerbase is going to generate about as good as 99% of their income within the millions so why not? The game is sensationalist, but that is how they get you to stay if not there is no other way.


Also yes people take the effort to max out something and they want their effort to generate profit, everyone wants their efforts to be of value, you want your effort to be of value, such as getting that hornet strike to max rank or any other things you want to achieve. As such it is proof that there are players out there who like this mod, they see it as an opportunity, they see it as a new goal, everyone sees it differently and clearly the amount of non-forum players who have acquired it far exceeds your dissents of the mod being a sink.


If the community agreed with you that this mod being a sink sucks, no one would have maxed it or gotten it in the beginning. Clearly there is interest and sadly that interest outweighs most of our opinions on the forums.

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I'd rather DE do something about the way these legendary cores have ten ranks. Why couldn't they do it with five, or at least give us the first five ranks for free. 

A few months back, they put up an alert for a "suspicious shipment" after a Devstream (I think).  The reward was ten R10 Fusion Cores, if I remember correctly...so they do exist.


Personally I wouldn't mind seeing this guy sell Legendary Cores at a steep price every once-in-awhile, or maybe R10 cores fairly often.  Having him sell Legendary Cores could have a huge impact on the market if they weren't priced accordingly, however:  as of right now, one can expect to sell a maxed-out R10 Rare mod for ~500 plat (not that I have any).  I imagine a maxed-out Legendary Mod is probably worth over 600 plat.  If Legendary Cores sold for anything that was worth less than 600 plat's worth of playing time, the whole market for selling maxed mods would deflate...which would screw a lot of players who base their income off of that.


If you can make, on average, about 20 ducats in ten minutes of running Void missions (just a guess), then a price of ~2,400 ducats would represent about 1,200 minutes' worth of Void missions.  I think that would be a fair price--something that wouldn't entirely ruin someone's livelihood.


If the whole point of putting up this Void Trader was to make it so that the hours spent getting useless items in the Void didn't go unrewarded, then having him sell Legendary Cores on occasion would go a long way towards making that a reality.  But then again, you'd just be reintroducing a "pay to win" scenario, where people can come in, buy a few Legendary Cores and be nearly as powerful as an MR 18 player (after investing a few forma into their frame).  Right now, the only way to power-level a mod is to buy a Legendary Core (difficult as it is), buy R5 cores from the market (assuming you get 1.5 rare cores on average from the bundle in the market, it would cost over 28k plat to max a Legendary mod), or trade for them (which is limited by mastery rank, meaning it would take 33 days for an MR 4 player to get enough R5 cores to max this mod).


I imagine that's why DE only gave them out that one time.

Edited by fadeinlight
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How does slowly ranking up stuff, the standard in video games, doesnt hold water?

You  have to explain how in a game where you rank up everything suddenly there is one element where this is ignored and you have to be able to rank it up to max the second you obtain it.

The content in most games are accessible to the majority of the playerbase, not the minority percentile that spend every waking moment grinding and farming.
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I don't know it just seems a "little" expensive, and by a little I mean a lot. Anyone think it would be a good idea for Baro to sell Primed Fusion Cores, or Legendary Cores? Just to reduce the monotonous grind to max them?


I knew ranking them up would be a task but that's pretty demoralizing. 

Edited by SinReplica
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