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Ash Prime Will Come Next After Nova... Proof?


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Alright, dude, you've officially crossed over into speculation. At this point, the soundness of the logic becomes meaningless. You are basing your argument on a hypothetical. If you have no solid ground for your argument, then it doesn't matter how logical your argument is. You need to have a verifiable basis for your chain of logic, that can be demonstrated to be true.


What you are now saying is, "I think it's possible that they subconciously put that in as a hint because of a meeting they may or may not have had." You cannot demonstrate that this meeting occurred before this image was made, and if you can, you still cannot demonstrate that there was any kind of subconcious suggestion for the person making the splashscreen. You are just guessing, and guesses are not proof.


I that is the basis of your argument, then your argument is flawed. However logical your argument may be, if you do not start on solid ground then the rest of the argument is going to be flawed, because your starting point is flawed. Additionally, the outcome matching with your argument will not verify it as true or valid or reasonable. You can be right and still have a bad argument and bad reasons for believing the right thing. You need to prove that your basis is true before you can argue for the rest of your case being true.


Now I don't know about anyone else, but that is my objection: Your basis is flawed. You keep talking about how logical your argument is but all the logic in the world is worthless if starting from an unstable, inverifiable, flimsy basis.

you sure are determined to try and shoot me down, not quite sure why. Can i proove that they did it deliberately, i cant. nor can i say they did it subconsciously with absolute certainly. just as you have no real proof either. I don't work for them. ive just presented a plausible scenario. why are you not presenting your ideas of theories, your just playing devils advocate? and there are no firm grounds to begin with, as i am just a player, and can just observe trends from the outside.

Edited by Dio_Brando
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you sure are determined to try and shoot me down, not quite sure why. Can i proove that they did it deliberately, i cant. nor can i say they did it subconsciously with absolute certainly. just as you have no real proof either. I don't work for them. ive just presented a plausible scenario. why are you not presenting your ideas of theories, your just playing devils advocate?


First off, of course I have no proof. I neve claimed to have any.


I don't care about shooting you down, but I can certainly see why it comes across that way. I am very stubborn and tenacious at times, very passionate to the point of being overzealous (and undoubtedly incredibly annoying) about good arguments, for whatever reason, and it irks me to see bad arguments being made, and to see others agree with those bad arguments. I object to your argument and would like to see you make a better one, one with a more stable basis. I'd also point out that your title implies you have proof, even if that's not your intent.


But if you like, I can certainly give reasons why I think this is not a plausible scenario.


This update was released around the time they were getting ready to implement the relays in the game, in a stress-test capacity. That means that prior to this they were working on the relays to get them into a state where they could be stress-tested, and at the same time were working on Mesa, and the weapons, and probably Nova prime, considering that she was first leaked in-game. The teams involved in that would likely have been focusing, not on the two primes that would come months later, but on the current warframe and prime conversion. They also would have been working hard on the relay population. I mean, they showed us a teaser of the relay rather close to their implementation of the stress-test, and some of the NPCs didn't have limbs. They were busy working on that. And thus, their meetings were likely to be focusing on the task at hand, not at what was coming months away.


Furthermore, the coding, character art, and animation teams, who would likey have been involved in making the new warframe and prime, are NOT the graphic design team, who likely would not. The graphic design team likely would not have sat on any meeting involving the two far future primes, not at this point at the very least. They would likely not be involved in any discussion on future primes at this point. Their job is to make the market, the launcher, and whatever other interface look attractive and eyecatching, and to keep it functional. I find it hard to believe that they'd be involved in the primes at all so very early on, especially with a new one coming out, at the time, very soon.


Because of DE's subject of focus at the time, I don't think that there were any meetings going on concerning primes after Nova. I'm also not entirely sure that DE even has their order planned out the far in advance. Nova being released now kinda puts the pattern the community has sort-of come to expect into doubt. It's possible they merely "give older frames priority," but don't have an order beyond that for their release.

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You do realize they're using the same kind of logic as you to say it's Volt Prime and not Ash Prime, right?


That makes it all the more hilarious.

No literal implication of it being Volt wasn't lost on anyone, or so I thought. Clearly they did't understand what I was saying. I'll make it easier. Steve didn't mean Volt at all. At all. That is completely absolutely clear, okay? No Volt Prime. But, by leaping to conclusions one can say he did to support their logic.


Man, that Salad V launcher screen sure has a ton of new Infested on it. Maybe it's a hint about the shocking new Infested Warframe (which I wouldn't mind seeing someday). 


So, Ash or Volt? I'm getting them both when they drop, anyway. So win/win.

Edited by SinReplica
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That all could be true but anything is possible, and the nova prime thing was not odd at all . Tge holidays are here so people spend money. Soma and nova sell. This was probably planned a long time ago


Anything is possible, but some things are more probable than others. And based on the evidence, it seems more probable that this is just a coincidence, and nothing more. Much as I agree that ash and volt are likely to be the next primes, I'm inclined, based on the reasons I've given, to believe this is not a hint.

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Anything is possible, but some things are more probable than others. And based on the evidence, it seems more probable that this is just a coincidence, and nothing more. Much as I agree that ash and volt are likely to be the next primes, I'm inclined, based on the reasons I've given, to believe this is not a hint.

But that's so boring, it's more fun trying to look for clues

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  • 4 weeks later...

All we know for sure is that next prime will need Excalibur Prime, Frost Prime, Mag Prime, Ember Prime, Rhino Prime, Loki Prime, Nyx Prime, Nova Prime and a Brakk to craft.


If you want to farm it the parts will drop from:


Dark Sector (PS3 version) for Blueprint

Adventure Pinball (forgotten island) (PC) for Chassis

Epic Pinball (PC) for Helmet

Star Trek (Xbox 360) for Systems

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All we know for sure is that next prime will need Excalibur Prime, Frost Prime, Mag Prime, Ember Prime, Rhino Prime, Loki Prime, Nyx Prime, Nova Prime and a Brakk to craft.


If you want to farm it the parts will drop from:


Dark Sector (PS3 version) for Blueprint

Adventure Pinball (forgotten island) (PC) for Chassis

Epic Pinball (PC) for Helmet

Star Trek (Xbox 360) for Systems

what about the darkness 2 for the 2nd helmet, it has 2 heads remember?

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All we know for sure is that next prime will need Excalibur Prime, Frost Prime, Mag Prime, Ember Prime, Rhino Prime, Loki Prime, Nyx Prime, Nova Prime and a Brakk to craft.


If you want to farm it the parts will drop from:


Dark Sector (PS3 version) for Blueprint

Adventure Pinball (forgotten island) (PC) for Chassis

Epic Pinball (PC) for Helmet

Star Trek (Xbox 360) for Systems

^ this man knows what is going on at DE.....tinfoil 1!!!!!!11!!!11


kind of reminds me of monster rancher...using CDs to get random monsters



but no really....next primes are hydroid prime and limbo prime...because screw seniority order

Edited by sekushiiandee
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All I want is trinity prime, maybe with these new fangled skins/cloth effects unlike now where it looks like she was made out of play-doh


Plus when I run out of revives on my one of my trinitys...I will have a back up so I can continue to heal people.


If it's volt or ash, I won't spend a cent on them.


I think we had enough of all these darned dps frames getting primed; it's about time they did a proper support one like trinity. You know, the frame everyone wants in their high end groups but barely anyone wants to play. If primed, maybe we will see more players playing her.

Edited by fizbit
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^ this man knows what is going on at DE.....tinfoil 1!!!!!!11!!!11


kind of reminds me of monster rancher...using CDs to get random monsters



but no really....next primes are hydroid prime and limbo prime...because screw seniority order

That order's been screwed since Frost Prime was released. Or did you not know that?

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Ash prime and Volt prime are most likely next. Hydroid prime won't happen for a while, as he was introduced only 2 Uniform updates ago. Vauban also won't happen for a while (this is assuming older frames are prioritized). Hydroid also doesn't deserve a frame yet. I am actually hoping Ash prime is released later on, because if they give him prime access, I want to buy it, but I don't have the money atm.

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