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Update Xx.0 – Out Of The Void ( New Quest, Warframe, New Syndicates, New Game-Mode, New Void Missions)


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Welcome to my big project. We all get to make at least one, it’s high time I threw my hat into the proverbial ring.  In light of the new Syndicates, and the idea they provided me with, I felt it was high time I made this.  So, here it goes:


New Warframe – Beacon


The numbers I provide for his stats are completely up to change. To me they look decent, but this is my first time creating stats for a design so they may be HORRIBLY inaccurate - the idea for this frame is a moderately-mobile and armored heavy-damage frame that, though it has high energy, burns through it at an ALARMING rate (due to 3/4 abilities being toggleable) - and so any advice is appreciated.


An important note on his abilities is that he can have ANY NUMBER OF THEM active at once, and none of his abilities have casting animations that interrupt gun/swordplay - they are all seamlessly utilized from the energy nodes in his forehead, chest, back and arms.


Any feedback you can give is appreciated, and I hope you enjoy the concept.


Beacon - The Solar Warframe


Health: 100 (150 at Rank 30)

Shield: 100 (280 at Rank 30)

Power: 100 (250 at Rank 30)

Armor: 20

Sprint Speed: 1.05

Stamina: 70

Polarities: Scratch x4 , V , Bar

Aura Polarity: V



Irradiate – Beacon damages the atomic structure of an area or target, irradiating it.  If cast on terrain the terrain will become irradiated for a duration deal Radiation damage to all enemies standing in the area of effect with a minor chance to proc the Radiation status, if cast direct on an enemy it will do instant damage and proc the Radiation status on that enemy.


Initial Damage: 100 / 150 / 200 / 300

Area of Effect Damage: 60 / 110 / 160 / 200 per second

Duration: 20 seconds / 30 seconds / 40 seconds / 50 seconds

Cast Range: 12 / 15 / 18 / 20 meters

Range: 8 meters

Cast Time: NA


Sol – Beacon creates a miniature star at the target area, dealing heat damage to all nearby enemies.  Multiple star can be active at any time. If Sol is cast again while Beacon is targeting any star it will collapse that star into a black hole, which ragdolls and drags nearby enemies towards its center for a and deals minor cold damage, and restores a little energy to Beacon. Each star drains energy from Beacon while active.

Initial Damage: 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 per second

Collapse Damage: 100 / 140 / 190 / 220

Cast Range: 12 / 15 / 18 / 20 meters

Energy Drain Per Star: 4 per second

Energy Return On Second Activation: Equal to Base Cost of Sol

Range: 8 meters

Cast Time: NA


Ionize – Beacon superheats the air around him to enshroud himself in a burning star.  Any enemies that come too close will be dealt heat damage.  Beacon has a limited hovering ability and falls slower.  Beacon can reactivate this ability to throw the star away from him in a line, damaging all enemies is passes through and lingering wherever it stops for a few seconds.  Remains active and drains energy until Beacon throws it away from him. Beacon regains energy from Orbs or Allies at a 50% loss while this ability is active.

Damage: 100 / 175 / 250 / 325 per second

Range: 5 meters

Energy Drain: 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 per second

Duration After Second Cast: 10 / 20 / 25 / 30 seconds

Cast Time: NA


Lightbringer – The focusing lens in Beacon’s forehead blasts for a beam of heat, damaging all enemies it strikes with a high chance to proc the heat status effect.  Remains active until canceled and drains energy from Beacon while active.  Lightbringer follows a straight line in the direction Beacon is facing. Beacon regains energy from Orbs or Allies at a 50% loss while this ability is active.

Damage: 200 / 300 / 400 / 500

Energy Drain: 10 per second

Cast Time: NA



The color scheme of the frame are silvers and tans, with yellow energy glowing in the large “eye” in the forehead, which is set in the center of a tan-colored Vergina Sun design with smaller dots of energy in the base of the “rays” extending from it, and on the face of large, raised, disk-shaped nodes across the body – on the backs of the shoulder blades, backs of the hands, on the front of the lower legs, and one on the chest over the heart (so, off-center to the left on the chest).


The cheeks and “mouth” of the head are flattened and darker, giving it the appearance of the faceguard of a helm.  The rest of the head has a more rounded design, coming from the eye in the forehead.


The design on chest of the body is broken into three silver-grey-colored triangles, the center triangle coming down and curing into a narrower, rounded point by the time it reaches the crotch, while the triangles on the sides curve around to the back where they cover the whole, save for the dark-grey spine of the frame.  There are gaps between these triangles where they don’t meet (becoming wider further down the torso), the gaps filled in with tan color.


On the sides of the legs and arms – and on the forearms and around the raised-disk-nodes of energy – are flatter, darker silver-grey colors while the rest of the arms and legs display the lean-muscled anatomy of the frame.  The feet have a break where the big toe would be, and the foot, like the fingers, have the flat, sharp, dark-grey design as well – save for the index finger.


Alt Helm: Apollo

The flat faceguard of the head is removed, replaced instead of with a rounded rise that curves around the whole of the head and is lined with tiny spots of energy.  The Vergina Sun design is also removed, replaced by a flat Delphian Epsilon design (a cross with to u’s turned sideways and pointing out) that is raised from the face with the energy eye situated at the center of the cross.  Four tubes attached firmly to the helmet curve out at an angle from the top left, top right, bottom left, and bottom right sides of the diamond.



An ancient frame, tinkered with over decades to replicate the power of the Conflagration’s own but never succeeding in achieving his raw power.  Beacon unleashes the power of the stars upon the foes of the Tenno with overwhelming bursts of damage.




New Quests

All Quests listed here will unlock two Syndicates per-quest, however to be able to start the first one (The Vandals and the Oracles) you must have reached maxed rank with at least one of the original six syndicates (think of this as a sort of Tier 1 Tier 2 kind of thing)


The Vandals and the Oracles

The mission beings simply by accepting it from the Codex.  Upon selecting it, Lotus will contact the player via a video message in their inbox.




We have detected a distress beacon coming from a Corpus vessel.  Curiously, though beacon is transmitting from the ship itself the vessel appears to be fully intact and under no duress.  Tenno, if you have time you may wish to investigate this oddity, there may be something of value to be found from this.




The mission is located on , Mars, a Corpus Rescue Mission on the Corpus Ship tileset in the 20-50 range.  Upon boarding the ship you will first be contacted by the Lotus and then by Valzi.


Lotus: “Tenno, I’ve located the source of the distress beacon: it is being rerouted into the ship through the prison block.  Whoever the source is they have invaluable understanding of Corpus technology.  They could make a powerful ally.


(Freeing Valzi) Valzi: “Tenno?  Never thought I’d meet you myself.  I’m Valzi, leader of the Vandals anti-Corpus resistance group, but we can talk more when we’re out of here.”


(Requesting A Weapon) Valzi: “You wouldn’t happen to have a weapon I could use, would you?  They took everything I had when they brought me onboard.”


(Approaching Extraction) Valzi: “Thanks again for the save, Tenno; it’s good to be reminded we’re not alone in this fight.  I’ll contact you when we’re outta here.”


Returning to your ship you’re presented by Ordis with a message from Valzi:




I don’t know a lot about your people, but I know what the Corpus have done to ‘em in the past.  I won’t pretend I have a way to fix everything they’ve done, but I do have a way to strike back.


My organization, the Vandals, are dedicated to the extermination of not only the evil practices of Corpus business but their entire culture of extortion and oppression.  If that sounds like a goal you can agree with, my sources say that a Corpus lab on Jupiter is currently holding top-secret plans for a next-generation Hunter Killer proxy.


If that thing goes into mass production, we’re all be in trouble.  We need to raid that lab and tear it to the ground before they can get the plans out.  I’ll send you the coordinates.


What do ya say?  Up for a little cooperate sabotage?


Valzi, Leader of the Vandals


The next mission takes you to , Jupiter, a Corpus Sabotage Mission on the Corpus Gas Planet tileset.  Upon reaching the planet you’ll be contacted by Valzi.


Valzi: “Alright, Tenno, this is the lab they’re holding the plans to the Hunter Killer proxy in; everything relating to the project is in this one spot.”


Valzi: “We’re also here to send a message, so we’re gonna take this entire place out of the sky.  Find the reactor core and destroy it, that’ll send the station spiraling into Jupiter’s atmosphere – then boom.”

(Progressing Through Mission) Valzi: “I know this seems a little extreme, Tenno, destroying an entire station to get rid of one proxy design, but this is about more than that.  This is about building a better future.”


(Progressing Through Mission) Valzi: “It’s Corpus practices– war profiteering, sweatshop factories, exploiting the people already struggling to get by – that are cause of all the suffering in the system.

Valzi: “The way we Vandals see it, unless everything related to them is destroyed, somewhere along the line someone’s gonna to try and emulate them, and this’ll all just start again.”


(Progressing Through Mission) Valzi: “Of course we deal with the Grineer as well – they just add to this culture of suffering because of their contracts with the Corpus.  They’re just as much a part of the problem.”

Valzi: “And I know you Tenno use Corpus tech; don’t worry, we Vandals do too.  We’ve all got to get by somehow.  As long as we’re willing to set it down when we’re done, though, there’s not a problem.”


(Finding Power Core) Valzi: “That’s the core, take it offline and get to Extraction.  You won’t want to be on this thing when it hits the atmosphere.”


(Destroying the Power Core) Valzi: “Yeah, that did it.  The factory’s dropping from orbit; get out of there, Tenno.”


Upon returning to your ship, Ordis will tell you that you received a mysterious, it will be located in your inbox:


Hello, Tenno,


My name is Sa’Meera, you may not know me, but I know you.  You see, that ship you raided and freed the convict Valzi from was mine, as was that station you just sent plummeting into Jupiter’s atmosphere.


But, I’m not the type to hold a grudge; that said, I will need to be compensated for the troubles you’ve caused me.  There’s infestation problem affecting one of my organization’s ships, clear it off for me and I’ll forget all about this little incident.


I imagine you’ll need a little “incentive”, however, so how’s this: I’ve recently an incredibly rare and incredibly power bit of Warframe technology has fallen into my possession.  I’m sure I could sell it to Corpus R&D, but I know you don’t want what, so I’ll make you a deal: clear my ship and I’ll give it to you instead.




The mission is on , Jupiter, an Infested Hive Sabotage mission.  Entering and progressing through it will have you be contacted by Sa’Meera.


Sa’Meera: “Good, you’re there.  Clear up this Infestation before it can spread, I’ll send down my associate to lend you a hand shortly.”


(First Hive is Destroyed) Sa’Meera: “You’ll have to forgive the underhanded tactic, but I find that people tend to react better when they don’t want something getting into someone else’s hands.”

Sa’Meera: “But I’m sure you’re doubting if I’m even trustworthy enough to hand over the part, right?”


(Second Hive is Destroyed) Sa’Meera: “Alright, maybe this’ll help clear the air: this ship was one of our information transports, it was carrying something regarding Board plans for what remains of Alad V’s assets.”

Sa’Meera: “Don’t think about trying to take it, it’s on high-security lockdown until I give the word; not even your Lotus could access it without my say-so. Oh, and Belyn should be there any moment now.”


(After A Brief Assassination-Style Intro Cinematic) Belyn: “Let’s clean this place up, Tenno.”

Sa’Meera: “Belyn will take over from here; and, Tenno, if you let her die then this deal is off; just so you know.”


(Third Hive is Destoryed) Belyn: “I’m going to be perfectly honest, Tenno, I don’t like having to work with you.  You give me the creeps; what between your silence and those… suits.”

Belyn: “It’s uncanny is what it is; but so long as you can handle yourself and clear this Infestation off our property, I can deal with it  Just don’t stab us in the back after this and we’ll be fine.”


(Fourth hive is Destoryed) Belyn: “Got to say, I’m impressed with what I’ve seen from you here.  Still don’t trust you as far as I could throw you and wouldn’t want you hanging around, but that’s not my call to make.”

Sa’Meera: “That should be the last hive Tenno, the Infestation’s reacting violently to its loss… but the security systems should be completely up and running again; Belyn, take care of them.”

Belyn: “Yes ma’am.”


At this point a cutscene will play in which the player character(s) are swarmed by Infested units.  As they brace themselves for combat, Belyn slams am emergency switch to their left with her fist.  A line of Corpus proxies rise up from the ground as the security system is activated and a battle comences, resulting ultimately in the eliminations of all Infested units.  The cutscene ends with Belyn giving a sour grin.


Completing the mission successfully will have you be contacted by both Valzi and Sa’Meera in a message in your inbox.


Tenno, I just got word that you assisted an agent of the Corpus with clearing the Infestation off of their ship.  Now, I get you have your reasons, the Corpus can’t be allowed access to your technology, but I urge you to reconsider any future interaction with these “Oracles of Jupiter” – the Origin System needs the Corpus destroyed, only then will the suffering they cause stop.

Valzi, Leader of the Vandals


Tenno, I’ve attached the Warframe piece I promised you.  Also, I wanted to propose that we continue working together.  No doubt I’ve left a bad taste in your mouth from all this blackmail and bribery, but here’s something I think we can both agree on: knowledge is power.  Whoever controls the right information controls the battle, and let me assure you: eventually I learn everything.

Sa’Meera, the Oracles of Jupiter


The “Vandals” and “Oracle Industries” Syndicates will become available to you.  You will receive the Beacon System Blueprint and the Quest When Grudges Meet Redemption will also become available.


When Grudges Meet Redemption

The mission beings simply by accepting it from the Codex, but only after completing The Vandals and the Oracle.  Upon selecting it, Ordis will contact the player via a message in their inbox.




You will be pleased to know that I have been scanning enemy transmission frequencies for valuable information and have stumbled across a very interesting bit of information.  It seems that a Grineer vessel currently orbiting Earth has come into possession of an artifact most assuredly of Orokin origin.  If I may suggest so, Operator, liberating this artifact from them would be of high priority.




The mission will take you to , Saturn, a Grineer Raid mission on the Grineer Galleon tileset – with the catch that the ship will always be on Alert.  Progressing through the mission will have you be contacted by Ordis, and later by Corporal Gaer of Commandant Interplanetary.


Ordis: “Operator, my scanners are detecting that the red alert is running non-stop throughout the vessel, with all Grineer units on high alert.  I suggest -- CUT THEM DOWN!  STEAL THEIR POSSESSIONS! -- using the utmost caution.”


Orids: “Operator, it seems the Grineer are under attack by an unknown party.  I will contact you as I learn more.”


Corporal Gaer: “And what do you think you’re doing here, Tenno?  You think you can just waltz in here and mess with our contacts?"

"I don’t think so! Nobody competes with Commandant Interplanetary, or my name isn't Terrik Gaer!”


(Progressing Through Mission) Corporal Gaer: “I’m not about to just roll over and let you walk all over us!  If you want this job, you’ll have to pry it from our cold, dead hands!”


(As Crewman Snipers Approach) Ordis: “Operator, mercenary forces are approaching your position!”

(Eliminating Crewman Snipers) Corporal Gaer: “Live like a merc, die like a merc!  There’s always more where those boys came from!”


(Entering Relic Room) Corporal Gaer: “I knew that Corpus broad couldn’t be trusted.  Hire us for an intel-grab job, and then go behind our back to- wait… what are you doing in that treasury?”


(Retrieving Relic) Corporal Gaer: “Wait… you mean you were… I see.  This is… Well, this is embarrassing is what it is.”


Completing the mission will result in you being contacted by Corporal Gaer: 




I’d like to formally apologize on behalf of my organization for what happened back on that galleon.  I thought you were there to cut in on our job, and that’s something I’m don’t take lightly.  Had I known you were just there for some dusty old relic…

I’d like to propose a joint operation to make it up to you.  My organization was hired to assault multiple Grineer facilities in the area, I’d like to invite you to join us on one of these jobs.  Of course, we’ll split the payout with as well.

I look forward to seeing you on the field of battle.


Corporal Terrik Gaer, Commandant Interplanetary


The mission will be on , Saturn, a Grineer Extermination on the Grineer Galleon Tileset.  Moving through the mission will have you contacted by Corporal Gaer and then by Councilor Bli Rahn Murl as you progress through the mission.


Corporal Gaer: “We’re here to wipe out every last Grineer on this galleon.  Happy huntin’.”


(Progressing Through Mission) Councilor Bli Rahn Murl: “What’s going on?  How did these mercenaries find us… and why are Tenno with them”

Corporal Gaer: “Our employer told us everything about you and your little operation, Councilor; better yet, she paid us a nice sum to make sure it got shut down.”


(Progressing Through Mission) Councilor Bli Rahn Murl: “You, Tenno, are you just another one of these mercenaries?  Are you just following the smell of credits like a hound after bones?  Do you even care about what I’m doing here?”

Corporal Gaer: “He contacting you personally now, is he?  Getting signal frequencies all throughout the area targeted at you; can’t make a damn one out, though.”


(Progressing Through Mission) Councilor Bli Rahn Murl: “I have been gathering these pods, securing them away from the Corpus and even my own people, so I could deliver them to you!  I’m trying to save these pods; a thousand more will be lost if you continue this fight!”

Corporal Gaer: “Just tune him out, Tenno.  These politician types love to hear themselves talk.”


(Progressing Through Mission) Councilor Bli Rahn Murl: “Tenno, I implore you, stop this!  Please!  I have seen the might of your people first-hand, I know it is a fool’s errand to try and defeat you!  I want to save my people!”

Corporal Gaer: “These dogs’ll try anything to save themselves; but so long as there’s a bidder on their heads my gun’ll be pointed at them.”


Corporal Gaer: “That was the last of them.  It’s been a pleasure working with you, Tenno; I’ll wire you your cut when the check goes through.”


After completing the mission you’ll receive a message from Councilor Bli Rahn Murl:




I don’t know why you were fighting alongside that group of mercenary filth or what they told you, but trust me when I say I meant what I said.  I want to see our people survive, and I know as long as we fight yours our chances of that diminish with each and every passing day.


I want to start a new age: an age of cooperation between us, one where Grineer and Tenno are allies, not enemies.  I want to see an empire rise from our cooperation.  I know this may be hard to believe, but I say it in this utmost sincerity.


Tenno, I am sending you the coordinates to an assault I am about to dispatch troops on – an effort to keep my operations secret.  Tenno, if you need proof as to my sincerity, then please join this battle.


Bli Rahn Murl of the Grineer Council


The mission is on , Jupiter, a Corpus Deception mission on the Corpus Gas Planet.  When players arrive, they will be contacted by Councilor Murl:


Councilor Bli Rahn Murl: “I’m glad you’ve accepted by invitation, Tenno.  One of my agents will be arriving shortly to assist you – they should meet you about halfway through.”


(Progressing Through Mission) Councilor Bli Rahn Murl: “I’ve witnessed the power of the Tenno countless times over; from Gradivus, to Cicero, to Tethra; no matter what your foes attempt you always come out on top.  I respect that; moreover, I fear that.”

Councilor Bli Rahn Murl: “If there is any future for the Grineer that does not involve our extinction, it is one that can only be reached through cooperation with our greatest threat: you.”


Councilor Bli Rahn Murl: “You’re approaching the drop point, my agent should be there any minute…”

(After A Brief Assassination-Style Intro Cinematic) Council Agent: “Tenno… Les get klos kver rrhukl…”

Councilor Bli Rahn Murl: “The Corpus here have information that could reveal my work.  I need it destroyed – take the virus I sent with my soldier and upload it into their systems.”


(Progressing Through Mission) Councilor Bli Rahn Murl: “Know that I love my Queens, Tenno, and that I respect their wishes, but if this is only way the Grineer can survive, forgoing one our hatreds, it is what must be done.”

Councilor Bli Rahn Murl: “Of course… this means I must go behind their backs and against their wishes; but, in the end, I am certain that they will reward me for taking this path and securing the future of the Grineer.”


(Progressing Through Mission) Councilor Bli Rahn Murl: “What I do… puts me at odds with my own brothers and sisters… But I soldier on.  I do what I must for the greater good of my people, and if the time comes that I must put some down...”

Councilor Bli Rahn Murl: “This is the burden I bear, Tenno: the mantle of a murderer of my own kind, a traitor living as an innocent.  I’ve taken the road less-traveled, and I’ve found it to be paved with the bones of my kin.”


(Arriving At Final Room) Councilor Bli Rahn Murl: “There’s the mainframe.  Drop the virus in and let’s be done here.”

(Putting In Data) Councilor Bli Rahn Murl: “Good, the virus will wipe out all files pertaining to me and my activities.  Get out of there, Tenno.”


(Approaching Extraction) Councilor Bli Rahm Murl: “Tenno, there’s a full squad of Corpus heading your way.  Just keep going, my agent will deal with them.”


Just before reaching the end of the mission the game will switch over to a cinematic.  The Corpus will rush into the large extraction room and hear the Liset launch sound (you know the one) while the Council Agent stands in their way.  Councilor Murl’s voice will be heard over a radio headset the Agent’s wearing saying something along the lines of “you know what must be done” before it raises its weapons and charges the Corpus.

The Agent is put down fast enough, but as the Corpus rush past their body the camera snaps to a Grustrag Bolt-looking contraption on their leg, which begins to beep.  Then it explodes, taking out the entire squad and sending the camera to black before the player hits the loading screen and is back on their Liset.


Completing the mission will have you be contacted by both Corporal Gaer and Councilor Murl via inbox.


So, Tenno, I just got wind that you assaulted a Corpus outpost – one under the command of our most generous employer, in fact.  Look, I don’t know what those Grineer dogs told you, but do you honestly think you can trust them?  After all they’ve done?  Stick with us and I can promise you one thing: enough credits to fill your pockets ‘til the sun burns out.

Corporal Terrik Gaer, Commandant Interplanetary


Tenno, would you trust the word of a mercenary?  The word of someone who cares only for credits?  All I want is to ensure the survival of the Grineer race!  Surely this is something to which you can relate?  If my word is not enough, though, then accept this: a Warframe component I’ve recently recovered.  Consider it a peace offering.

Councilor Bli Rahn Murl


The “Commandant Interplanetary” and “Councilor Murl” Syndicates will become available to you.  You will receive the Beacon Chassis Blueprint and the Quest To Build Or To Burn will also become.


To Build Or To Burn

The mission beings simply by accepting it from the Codex, but only after When Grudges Meet Redemption.  Upon selecting it, a mysterious gold-adorned figure will contact the player via a video message in their inbox.


Noble Tenno,


I represent and organization with the greatest interests of all in mind, and I wish to speak with you about the most dire of matters: the state and future of the Origin System.  To that extent, I beseech you for an audience.  However, I also wish to test your strength and skill, to see if truly you are as great as the ancient legends tell.


To this extent I ask you for a humble demonstration of your power.  I shall watch you from afar as you venture through the first of the old Orokin Towers and exterminate all life within its golden halls.  I shall provide you with the means to access this realm.


You will be provided with a Tower One Exterminate Key, and as you progress through the mission you will be contacted by the Imperial Covenant:


The Imperial Covenant: “You have come, Tenno.  Welcome, and thank you.  Now, as for the matter for which I asked you here...”

The Imperial Covenant: “I speak for The Imperial Covenant, the organization that will bring a lasting peace to the Origin System through the establishment of a new Empire.”


The Imperial Covenant: “In the time of the Orokin the System knew only prosperity and expansion.  We were great because our rulers were great.  Under their rule there was no chaos, no suffering, the people lived in peace.  It was a better time.”


The Imperial Covenant: “The Imperial Covenant believes that only through the reestablishment of such an Empire can that prosperity and peace come again.  Truly, this would be for the betterment of all.”

The Imperial Covenant: “It does not matter who sits on the throne – Corpus, Grineer, Tenno – for though the great may become corrupt, corruption can be kept in check.  But chaos, suffering, these are things that are not easily contained – especially when we stand divided.”


The Imperial Covenant: “Under a single rule, we can become strong again.”


Completion of the mission has you sent a message by the Speaker:


“Tenno, our time together may be brief but I hope now you can understand the merit of our cause.  We must turn our attention elsewhere, for we have many eyes but only so many hands with which to save this system from itself.  To have you as an ally would be of great assistance to us, the more allies we have the greater our successes will be and the sooner the system can be cured of its ills.


And with this goal of mutual success, we wish to return aid to you.  Your time in the Void was not solely for our test, for we also were searching for something within it.  We believed there to be a Tenno of great power sleeping somewhere within the halls, and through your aid we have found him.  This key will allow you to reach him; awaken him, Tenno, and with his aid secure a greater peace for the system.


The Imperial Covenant.”


Attached will be a Tower One Defense Key, requiring you to hold out for 10 waves.  Entering the mission, you will be contacted by the Lotus, and then by another character:


(Starting Mission) Lotus: “This power… Tenno, I remember this one.  He was called Conflagration: the most powerful user of Beacon; one of the great heroes of the Old War.”

Lotus: “We must awaken him, Tenno, before the Corrupted or anyone else can find him and claim him.”


(Approaching the Pod) Lotus: “Wait, something is wrong.  The Corrupted are mobilizing, organizing.  There is another presence of power, one of the Corrupted; it is directing the others.”


(Wave Ten starts) Holm Va’leek: “The Prophet often spoke that He sensed a place in these towers that was beyond his gaze.  A place long-ago concealed behind Tenno mysticism.”

Holm Va’leek: “But now that you have entered into it, Tenno, the spell has been broken!  The Prophet now sees even this tiny refuge, and I shall claim it for His glory and the glory of the Orokin!”


(Wave Nine is Complete) Holm Va’leek: “Ah, that’s what you’re here for, is it?  One of your own, sleeping in his cryopod, dreaming of nothings. Heheh.”

Holm Va’leek: “He belongs to us, just like everything else in these towers.  You may attempt to fight against the inevitable, but such stubborn futility can only last you so long.  In the end, you will fall and we will have our prize.”


(Wave Seven Complete) Holm Va’leek: “I admire your ferocity, Tenno, but in the end you are mere weapons, wielded by the hands of others for causes you know not of; no path or action to call your own.”

Holm Va’leek: “You’re no better than these mindless soldiers you strive against; but I, I am the one who wields them.  My mind, my will, is my own, gifted to me by the Prophet.  I am more than you could ever hope to become.”


(Wave Four Complete) Holm Va’leek: “When I came to this place, the Void called to me in its entirety.  The tower, the maddening storm that lies outside, it spoke to me and I knew then I was destined for far greater things than to be a mere scavenger of the past.”

Holm Va’leek: “Then the Prophet found me.  He baptized me in the glory of the Void, and I took my place as his right hand.  A new era shall rise from our actions, an empire shall be reborn, and those who would reject it have no place within it.”


(As Wave One Begins) Holm Va’leek: “You have proven yourselves strong, you have faced the tides of the mindless.  You have won… oh, you think you have won, don’t you? Hahahaha…  No, this is merely the result of my own failure to act.”

Holm Va’leek: “Even now I feel the blessing of the Prophet stir inside me, his great energy feeding my strength.  Your lives end here, Tenno”


When the mission is successful it will switch over to a cinematic.  The Cryopod will open and Conflagration inside will fall out onto the ground, his health and shields reactivating as he slowly awakens and recovers from his millennia-long slumber.  Holm Va’leek, a Corrupted Corpus dressed in what looks like Orokin ceremonial armor, will enter the area then, flanked on both sides by Corrupted Crewmen as he approaches, and opening fire on all present Tenno with a Mara Detron.  All it takes is one shot from the weapon to instantly knock all present Tenno to the ground, and the victorious Holm approaches.


Then Conflagration stands.  Holm opens fire on his but the Tenno dodges just enough to miss, and then responds by firing a beam of energy from the single “eye” in the forehead of his helm. Holm is quick to draw and raise his Nikana Prime to block the beam (think of the Warframe PS4 trailer when Excalibur blocked the beam of Vor’s Janus key) and after a few seconds of holding it back will deflect the beam to one side, but all the Tenno, Conflagration and player character(s), will be gone.


Leaving that mission will result in you waking up on your ship and a transmission from the Lotus in your inbox:


Lotus: “Tenno?  Are you alright?  Ordis informed me of what happened: Conflagration brought you to safety and then vanished.”


Lotus: “We must find him, Tenno; he was the most powerful of the Beacon users but the extended cryosleep will have left him weakened; if he were to fall into enemy hands the power they may be able to rip from him would make our enemies a force beyond anything we’ve faced before.”


Ordis: “Operator, the Void shadow he left indicates he is traveling to the Outer Terminus, I’ve marked the exact location on your map.”


The mission takes place on Outer Terminus, Pluto.  It will be a level 25-35 Corpus Outpost Mobile Defense with three machines to hack.  Upon reaching the mission..:


(Starting Mission) Jaller: “Greetings, Tenno.  I am Jaller; Ship’s Cephalon to Operator Conflagration.  The Operator would like to extend his thanks to you for protecting him during his awakening; he would also like to request your aid for another task.”

Jaller: “The Operator wishes to search the computer mainframes of the unknown hostiles in the area for information on what has changed during his slumber, but his Warframe is still recovering.  He would like to ask that you assist him.”


(Dropping Off The Conflagration) Jaller: “Tenno, I am dropping off Operator Conflagration now.  Please provide assistance while he hacks into the enemy mainframes to transmit data to me.”


(Approaching the First Terminal) Jaller: “Data terminal located, preparing decryption sequence.”

(Starting Hack) Jaller: Downloading data files on… Grineer: matriarch-ruled clone army, suffering from genetic degradation; now little more than an army of rotting husks barely kept alive through the usage of mechanical augmentation.

(At end of hack) Jaller: “These files suggest that the Grineer wish to construct an empire to rule over; there are multiple data entries detailing the oppression of civilians and extermination of those who resist.  These ‘Twin Queens’ also seem to fear the Tenno.”

Jaller: “Tenno, please escort the Operator to the next console.”


(Starting Hack) Jaller: “Second data terminal located, preparing decryption sequence.”

(Reaching the Second Terminal) Jaller: “Downloading data files on… Infested.  Nanobot-produced hivemind-disease seeking the consumption of all organic life.  All traces of Technocyte Infestation are believed to have been destroyed following the eradication of the Orokin.”

(At end of hack) Jaller: “This is… disturbing.  Apparently the Infestation-disease has been resurrected by the Grineer and improved upon by an individual named ‘Alad V’.  These files suggest it is stronger than any records of mine recall.”

Jaller: “Tenno, please escort the Operator to the final console.”


(Approaching the First Terminal) Jaller: “Data terminal located, preparing decryption sequence.”

(Starting Hack) Jaller: “Downloading data files on… Corpus.  A corporation of merchants and scientists whose primary goal appears to be the pursuit of ‘Profit’.  This information suggests technology resulting in near-immortality, as well as an obsession with the Orokin.”

(At end of hack) Jaller: “Corpus-manned Orokin excavation sites dot several planets and planetoids in the system.  They also have a large enterprise directed towards the analysis of Warframes.  They have been… dissecting Warframes to… I am saving this data for future analysis.”

Jaller: “Operator Conflagration would like to extend his thanks to you, Tenno.  I am extracting the Operator now so he can look through this information personally.”


Epilogue, in the form of an Inbox message received from Conflagration and the Speaker:


Tenno, it is time.  We have gained new allies, Grineer who seek to set aside their hatred for your people – but not their dreams of Empire.  They would change what they are but not what they seek; this is the kind of person we need.  But there is still place for you within our covenant.  And fear not, should you still hold grudges towards them: if these new allies prove treacherous, we will not hesitate to abandon our support of them; an Empire of Tenno would be even greater than they.

The Imperial Covenant


My fellow Tenno, do not listen to the words of tyrants.  Like the Orokin before them they lust for power and nothing more.  No one should have the authority they possessed, especially not the Tenno.  We are the balance, those who maintain the tenuous equilibrium of power within the system; and now we must not only fight for that balance, but the very survival of our people.  Take this part of my Warframe, Beacon, and use it to help maintain that balance.



The “The Imperial Covenant” and “Conflagration” Syndicates will become available to you.  You will receive the Beacon Helmet Blueprint.  This ends the quest chain.




New Syndicates

Even before you complete the quest to unlock them, these Syndicates will be affected by Rep Gain and Loss should you have sided with one of their allies or opposing forces.  Completing these quests allows you access to the Rewards and Consequences they provide, as well as allowing you to side with them personally.



The Tenno known as Conflagration sees his fellow Tenno suffering because of the chaos of the system and seeks to end it by fighting fire by fire.  No matter the violence needed, he will save his people and bring balance to the system.


The history of the Tenno has been one filled with violence and bloodshed.  Conflagration sees honor and glory in this history and welcomes the war that is already upon them.


Jaller: “Operator Conflagration seeks only the survival of his fellow Tenno and the assurance that no empire like that of the Orokin ever rises again.”



Marshal – Access to Ability Augment Mods

Energy Ionize – Beacon’s Ionize grants increased energy regain to allies standing within it, but not to Beacon himself.

Antimatter Bounce – Nova’s Antimatter Drop floats back to Nova after it hits a physical object.  Casting the ability again will cause the currently active orb to float away again – it will dissipate the next time it hits an object.

Ring Of The Sun – Ember’s Ring of Fire now deals Radiation Damage instead of Heat Damage.


Colonel – Access to Weapon Augment Mods

Rain Of War – Braton – 100% Status Chance, +1 ‘Charge’

Edge Of War – Dakra Prime – 50% Range, +1 ‘Charge’

Force of War – Magnus – 20% Chance to Knock Down Target, +1 ‘Charge’


Lieutenant – Access to Large Team Ammo Restore 


Sergeant – Access to Tower IV Assassination Keys


Private – Access to Corrupted Moa Specter



Confused – Hunted by Corrupted Moa Squad


Lost – Hunted by Corrupted Moa Platoon



Vandals – +50% REP

The Oracles of Jupiter – -50% REP

Imperial Covenant – -100% REP



Conflagration Syndicate Quotes:

Jaller: “Operator Conflagration seeks only the survival of his fellow Tenno and to guarantee that no empire like that of the Orokin ever rises again.”

(Initiation) “Resources are required to win this war.”

(Initiation Complete) “Operator Conflagration wishes to thank you, Tenno.”

(Offerings) “A warrior needs their weapons.”

(Offerings) “The Operator wishes to offer these to you.”

(Purchase) “Operator Conflagration wishes to remind you: ‘we craft our weapons just as our weapons craft us.’”

(Purchase) “The Operator wishes you luck in your battles.”

(Lieutenant) “Operator Conflagration wishes to express the sincerest hope that he fought by your side at least once in the Old War.”

(Confused) “Operator Conflagration urges you to reconsider your actions; all Tenno must stand together now more than ever.”

(Lost) “Operator Conflagration begs you to see the error in your ways: ‘this conflict is the only way to save our people.’”

(Attacking) “The Operator believes you have forgotten your heritage.  He hopes this battle will remind you.”

(Attacking) “The Operator hopes you will reconsider your path after this skirmish.”

(Mission) “Operator Conflagration thanks you for your aid in this war.”

(Mission) “The end to Tenno suffering comes closer with this battle’s end.”



The Vandals believe eliminating the corruption of the Corpus lifestyle is not enough.  They see all aspects of Corpus culture as inherently vile, and so must be forever removed from the annals of history.


Only by wiping out all traces of the current tyranny do the Vandals believe they can put an end not only to those current tyrants but dig up the seeds of future ones.  Record and product alike, everything must be burned.


“Whether it’s in the hands of the Grineer or Corpus themselves, we Vandals’ll wipe all traces of Corpus doctrine out of existence.”



Censor – Access to Warframe Augment Mods

Super Attractor – Mag’s Bullet Attractor now causes enemies nearby the target affected with Bullet Attractor to slide towards them.

Speed Bounce – Allies affected by Vauban’s Bounce will gain a speed boost, enemies will be slowed.

Polarizing Overload – Volt’s Overload now deals Magnetic damage.


Propagandist – Access to Weapon Augment Mods

Shocking Purge – Serro – 100% Status Chance, +1 ‘Erasure’

Distant Purge – Lanka – +5 Clip Size, +1 ‘Erasure’

Rapid Purge – Pyrana – -50% Reload time, +1 ‘Erasure’


Falsifier – Access to Large Team Shield Restore 


Subversive – Access to Tower IV Sabotage Keys


Editor – Access to Runner Specter



Whistle-blower – Hunted by Eximus Runner Squad


Historian – Hunted By Eximus Runner Platoon



Conflagration – +50% REP

Councilor Murl – -50% REP

The Oracles of Jupiter– 100% REP



The Vandals Syndicate Quotes:

“Whether it’s in the hands of the Grineer or Corpus themselves, we Vandals will wipe all traces of Corpus doctrine out of existence.”

(Initiation) “Credits, supplies, whatever you can offer us.”

(Initiation Complete) “They’ll be nothing left to remember those cons by.”

(Offerings) “We’ve picked a few things up, I’m betting you’ve got a use for them.”

(Offerings) “These’ll help you out, definitely.” 

(Purchase) “We’re happy to help however we can.”

(Purchase) “When our works done see to it that’s destroyed.”

(Falsifier) “Keep this up and they’ll be nothing to remember the Corpus by.”

(Whistle-blower) “If you keep this up, Tenno, we’ll have to wipe you out too.”

(Historian) “Do you have any idea what you’re supporting by working against us?”

(Attacking) “Consider yourself ‘redacted’.”

(Attacking) “No one will remember you.”

(Mission) “Let’s wipe this slate clean, Tenno.  They won’t stand a chance.”

(Mission) “Time to get your hands dirty, Tenno.”



The Oracles of Jupiter:


Though still tightly connected to it, The Oracles of Jupiter are a largely independent offshoot of the corporation that deals primarily in information rather than merchandise – with a personal interest in the Orokin.


Though the Corpus regulates much of internal operations and employees, personal agendas thrive in hands of influential members.  Sa’Meera and her associate Belyn took command of a small Corpus trade faction and repurposed it into a hub of data protection and blackmail.


“The Oracles of Jupiter are always welcoming of those with the promise of information – they tend to bring in the most credits.”



Employee – Access to Warframe Augment Mods

Infernal Hysteria – When active, Valkyr’s Hysteria deals Heat damage in an area around her.

Speed Bounce – Allies affected by Vauban’s Bounce will gain a speed boost, enemies will be slowed.

Polarizing Overload – Volt’s Overload now deals Magnetic damage.


Applicant – Access to Weapon Augment Mods

Oracle Shock – Prova – +100% Status Duration, +1 Foresight

Oracle Wind – Attica – +20% projectile flight speed range, +1 Foresight

Oracle Reach – Lecta – +10 slam range, +1 Foresight


Promising – Access to Large Team Energy Restore


Regular – Access to Tower IV Interception Keys


Client – Access to Auxilitrix Specter



Blocked – Hunted by Eximus Auxilitrix Squad


Blacklisted – Hunted by Eximus Auxilitrix Platoon



Commandant Interplanetary – +50%

Conflagration – -50%

Vandals – -100%



“The Oracles of Jupiter are always welcoming of those with the promise of information – they tend to bring in the most credits.”

(Initiation) “Do you have something for me?

(Initiation Complete) “Mundane… but it’ll be useful.”

(Offerings) “Everything has a price.”

(Offerings) “Your credits are always welcome here.”

(Purchase) “The material’s never as valuable as the abstract.”

(Purchase) “An interesting choice Tenno.”

(Promising) “Keep this up, and maybe there might be some valuable intel in your future.”

(Blocked) “I’m not going to dignify you with a response.”

(Blacklisted) “How did you get this frequency?”

(Attacking) “I’m afraid there’s no deal to be made this time, Tenno.”

(Attacking) “I think you know a little too much.”

(Mission) “I need a little cover for… other operations.  Do what you do best.”

(Mission) “It’s better you don’t know what we’re here for.”



Commandant Interplanetary:

A system-wide mercenary corporation, Commandant Interplanetary serves only those who have the most to pay upfront and welcomes only those with a keen interest in credits and loose morals.


From the past to the present to the far future, mercenaries are a part of war.  Under the command of Corporal Gaer the Commandant is comprised of people from many backgrounds, but is largely composed of former civilians all united under the goal of survival in a harsh reality.


“Commandant Interplanetary’s only interested in talking about two things: us working for you, or you working for us.”



Bounty Hunter – Access to Warframe Augment Mods

Rising Tempest – Hydroid’s Tempest Barrage now flies from the ground upward, the repetitive and concentrated force suspending enemies in the air.

Rending Turbulence – Zephyr’s Turbulence now deals slash damage to nearby enemies.

Radiation Blind – Excalibur’s Radial Blind now affects all targets hit with the Radiation status.


Merc – Access to Weapon Augment Mods

Contractual Lock – Buzlok – +20% fire rate, +1 Force

Contractual Efficiency – Snipetron – -50% reload time, +1 Force

Contractual Focus – Dual Cestra - +100% Critical Strike, +1 Force


Freelancer – Access to Large Team Ammo Restore


Goon – Access to Tower IV Capture Keys


Scrub – Access to Sniper Crewman Specter



Competition – Hunted by Eximus Sniper Crewman Squad


Target – Hunted by Eximus Sniper Crewman Platoon



The Oracles of Jupiter – +50%

Imperial Covenant – -50%

Councilor Murl – -100%



“Commandant Interplanetary’s only interested in talking about two things: us working for you, or you working for us.”

(Initiation) “You got something for us?”

(Initiation Complete) “Not bad… what else can you do?”

(Offerings) “A job well done deserves payment.”

(Offerings) “Consider these compensation for your work.”

(Purchase) “There’s more where that came from, if you keep up the work.”

(Purchase) “Not bad, eh?  This job has its perks.”

(Freelancer) “Keep working for us and you’ll see exactly how good this life can get.”

(Competition) “Commandant Interplanetary doesn’t take kindly to competitors, just so you know.”

(Target) “Oh, don’t worry, we’ve got our eye on you, Tenno.”

(Attacking) “Time for us to collect.”

(Attacking) “You chose wrong, Tenno.”

(Mission) “We’ve got a job to do here.  Let’s finish this up so we can get paid.”

(Mission) “We’ve been contracted to do a job here, Tenno; let’s get to work.”



Councilor Murl:

With only a battalion of confidants, Grineer Councilor Bli Rahn Murl seeks the survival of his people above all else; though to do so he’ll have to do unspeakable things to his fellow Grineer.


With continued Grineer actions only further angering the Tenno, Bli Rahn Murl of the Grineer Council fears for his people.  Though loyal to his Queens, Murl has determined that keeping the Tenno as enemies will only lead to Grineer extinction and so works in secret to build better relations.


“Conquest is the Grineer way, but the Tenno are an enemy we cannot overcome.  I, Councilor Murl, wish to forge a shared future between our two peoples.”



Marine – Access to Warframe Augment Mods

Ice Path – Frost’s Ice Wave now leaves behind an icy path for a few seconds that enemies have a chance to slip and fall on when walking over.

Teleport Misdirection – Ash’s Teleport now leaves behind a clone of Ash for a few seconds that draws enemy attention towards it.

Ring Of The Sun – Ember’s Ring of Fire now deals Radiation Damage instead of Heat Damage.


Elite Lancer – Access to Weapon Augment Mods

Enduring Flame – Ignis – +100% Status Duration, +1 Endurance

Enduring Shrapnel – Drakgoon – +50% Status Chance, +1 Endurance

Enduring Magazine – Kraken – +20% Magine Size, +1 Endurance


Lancer – Access to Large Team Health Restore


Soldier – Access to Tower IV Defense


Trainee – Access to Lancer Specter



Persecutor – Hunted by Eximus Lancer Squad


Short-sighted – Hunted by Eximus Lancer Platoon



Imperial Covenant – +50%

Vandals – -50%

Commandant Interplanetary – -100%



“Conquest is the Grineer way, but the Tenno are an enemy we cannot overcome.  I am Councilor Murl, and I wish to forge a shared future.”

(Initiation) “Will you support the alliance I seek?”

(Initiation Complete) “I’ll see this is put to good use.”

(Offerings) “Make use of what you’re able to.”

(Offerings) “I offer what little I can.”

(Purchase) “Be careful of who you let see that.  My operations must remain secret.”

(Purchase) “Make efficient use of that, Tenno.  I can only offer what I can have smuggled.”

(Lancer) “We can do so much more together than we can while at each other’s throats.”

(Persecutor) “I’d like to remind you that I’m trying to help both our people.”

(Short-sighted) “Such a disappointment, but if you want this war, so be it.”

(Attacking) “I’ll play your game, Tenno.  Soldiers, move in!”

(Attacking) “Trey rum Grineer, gar Tenno skum!”

(Mission) “Completing this objective will work towards our shared future.”

(Mission) “It doesn’t matter who’s here, this mission must be completed.”



Imperial Covenant:

The Imperial Covenant sees the suffering of the universe as the result of the varying factions of it vying for control.  To end the chaos and the pain they believe a new empire must rise.


The Imperial Covenant has risen in response to the growing power of all factions in the system. Seeing the chaos the war between the Grineer, Corpus, and Tenno is causing they look back to the relics of the Orokin Empire buried in the earth and see an era of prosperity and peace worth returning to.


“When the system was unified under a single rule there was peace; the Imperial Covenant wishes to see this return.”



Praetorian – Access to Warframe Augment Mods

Energy Ionize – Beacon’s Ionize grants increased energy regain to allies standing within it, but not to Beacon himself. 

Radial Reconfiguration – Radial Disarm now adjusts affected enemies’ weapons to backfire with each attempted attack rather than  simply remove them but this effect has a time limit.

Intimidating Roar – Rhino’s Roar now causes enemies to quake in fear for a few seconds.


Vanguard – Access to Weapon Augment Mods

Imperial Impact – Bronco - +20% Impact Damage, +1 Control

Imperial Barrage – Boar - +50% Pellets per shot, +1 Control

Imperial Fervor – Bo – +50% Attack Speed, +1 Control


Knight – Access to Large Team Shield Restore


Footman – Access to Tower IV Mobile Defense Keys


Squire – Access to Orokin Drone Specter



Serf – Hunted by Eximus Orokin Drone Squad


Non-citizen – Hunted by Eximus Orokin Drone Platoon



Councilor Murl – +50%

Commandant Interplanetary – -50%

Conflagration – -100%



“When the system was unified under a single rule there was peace; the Imperial Covenant wishes to see this return.”

(Initiation) “The Orokin may have failed, but we will see that the next Empire does not.”

(Initiation Complete) “In unity there will be peace.”

(Offerings) “These relics will build the future.”

(Offerings) “These will aid you in building a new empire.”

(Purchase) “Crush those who would see chaos spread.”

(Purchase) “Bring forth the New Era.”

(Knight) “You are the instrument of change; the herald an era of prosperity that is to come.”

(Serf) “You would act as an agent of chaos?”

(Non-citizen) “You no longer have a place in our glorious future.”

(Attacking) “Your time has come.”

(Attacking) “The greater good will prevail.”

(Mission) “Show our enemies what happens when one does not embrace the path of the future.”

(Mission) “If peace is to come, then we must be successful this day.”

Edited by Morec0
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New Game-Mode – Conquest

The Conquest gamemode is reserved for those who have unlocked the second title in any faction.  It is a multi-tier, multi-objective Alert-style mission that changes and increases in difficulty as you progress.


For example, the mission on Earth may start off in the 20-25 level range as an Extermination.  Once completed you will be charged by the leader of your Syndicate with an Interception mission so the enemy cannot call for reinforcements.  Upon reaching the Interception arena you will find the enemy level range has instead to 25-30.  After successfully completing one round of that you would be tasked by the same leader with defending a Tenno cryopod in the next area from level 35-40 enemies for one round before attraction.


This could last much longer and go through a number of mission types with levels reaching much higher levels or starting at much lower ones.  


Conquest missions have a point as well: though they are time-limited events unique to each Syndicate, they have a sort of Invasion-mission function.  Sort of: there’s no “five missions, get a reward” thing going on, but instead the mission has a counter of how many people complete the mission.  When the timer eventually expires and the event goes away, the Syndicate for which that Conquest Alert was for will get Reputation bonuses on the planet the Alert was on for a time – the duration lasting based on an algorithm using how many times people completed the mission.


Perhaps there could also be non-Alert-style Conquest modes, as permanent missions, but they wouldn’t provide the reputation bonuses of the Alert ones.


Each Syndicate has quotes and take slightly different actions over the course of the missions.  Also, during the course of these missions the Syndicate in question may send down allies to help you with your mission (potentially as an objective source as well).


Steel Meridian

(Exterminate) “It’s time we clear this area out.  Wipe out the hostile forces.”

(Defense) “Hey, we’ve located one of your pods.  Get to it and hold out until we can get it out of the enemies’ hands.”

(Capture) “Turn out, there’re some important people in this area.  Go get ‘em, we’ll take care of them after that.”

(Rescue) “We’ve found out they’ve got an important prisoner here, get them out of their cell and to safety.”

(Interception) “They’re trying to dispatch a message for reinforcements, stop them.”

(Spy) “There’s info here we need, pick it up.”

(Sending Allies) “I’m coming down to help; make sure I don’t die, okay, Tenno?”

(Ally Introduction) “Alright, Tenno!  Let’s show them our mettle!”

(Ally Down) “Well now!  They’ve got some bite!  Help me back up so I can show them MY teeth!”

(Ally Lost) “I can’t take any more hits or I’m down for good.  You’re on your own.”

(Completion) “That should do it, we’re good to go, Tenno.”


Arbiters Of Hexis

(Exterminate) “There are those here who would suppress us.  Eliminate them.”

(Defense) “Protect the Cryopod in this area, we are on our way to retrieve it.”

(Capture) “Foes of importance have taken residence here.  Retrieve them for us.”

(Rescue) “One of our own is trapped within this place, secure their release.”

(Interception) “We must not allow our enemies to contact their allies, interrupt their communications.”

(Spy) “The path to enlightenment requires understanding, seek out our foes’ knowledge.”

(Sending Allies) “Drastic times call for drastic measures.  Allies are on the way.”

(Ally Introduction) Arbiter Templar: “To pave the path for truth, obstacles must be removed.”

(Ally Down) Arbiter Templar: “Help me… Preserve the path…”

(Ally Lost) “We cannot offer you the aid of another.”

(Completion) “Your future will never be questioned.”


Cephalon Suda

(Exterminate) “All hostiles must be eliminated before information recovery can continue.”

(Defense) “Individuals of importance are currently within cryosleep, defend them for recovery and awakening.”

(Capture) “Individuals of considerable importance dwell in this area, I require the knowledge they possess.”

(Rescue) “Individuals of importance are currently within hostile custody, retrieve them and escort them to safety.”

(Interception) “They are transmitting information.  Cephalon Suda requires this knowledge, intercept the data.”

(Spy) “They are storing information in this area, retrieve it for Cephalon Suda.”

(Sending Allies) “Assistive forces incoming.  Prepare for their arrival.”

(Ally Introduction) “Stasis Drone online.  Providing support.”

(Ally Down) “Stasis Drone has been damaged, provide immediate assistance.”

(Ally Lost) “Stasis Drone lost.  Cephalon Suda will not be providing a replacement.”

(Completion) “Adding mission results to data files.”


The Perrin Sequence

(Exterminate) “Our transactions are threatened by hostile operations, clear out the competition.”

(Defense) “A Tenno in cryostasis has been located; defending him until they can be awakened would be a profitable decision.”

(Capture) “It’s time for a merger, locate the enemy VIP and bring him to us.”

(Rescue) “Employees of value are currently incarcerated, secure their release, Tenno.”

(Interception) “Corporate espionage is never truly out of the question.  Interrupt the enemy broadcasts.”

(Spy) “Our sources tell us there is intel on valuable excursions here, locate and claim it for us.”

(Sending Allies) “We’re sending a supplemental shipment down to you, Tenno.”

(Ally Introduction) RHEA: Targeting systems online, initiating combat program routine.”

(Ally Down) RHEA: “Diagnostic systems malfunctioning, immediate assistance is required.”

(Ally Lost) “That model is expensive, Tenno, I’m afraid we cannot risk another in this fight.”

(Completion) “A pleasure doing business with you.”


Red Veil

(Exterminate) “Wipe the corrupt from the face of this world now.”

(Defense) “Defend the sleeping ones from the corrupt.”

(Capture) “We must learn what secrets the corrupt hide, bring our targets to us.”

(Rescue) “We must secure the release of the uncorrupted, free our allies from their cell.”

(Interception) “Our enemies attempt to gather themselves, silence their cries for aid.”

(Spy) “Information useful to our crusade is stored here, we must gather it.”

(Sending Allies) “It is time we wash this world of corruption with our own hands.”

(Ally Introduction) Red Veil Assassin: “Let us drown the corrupt in blood!”

(Ally Down) Red Veil Assassin: “My own blood… I must… keep…”

(Ally Lost) “We have no others in the area to assist you.”

(Completion) “Another fire lit to burn away the vile.”


New Loka

(Exterminate) “The impure must be eradicated.  Eliminate them all.”

(Defense) “We’ve located one of your kind.  We shall aid you in rescuing them.”

(Capture) “Find the enemy VIPs in the area and capture them for questioning.”

(Rescue) “One of our allies has been captured by the tainted, free them and bring them back to us.”

(Interception) “We must not allow the impure to continue to coordinate, disrupt their communications.”

(Spy) “Locate enemy intel of importance in the area, we require it to plan our next actions.”

(Sending Allies) “The cause of perfection requires risk from the pure, aid is on the way.”

(Ally Introduction) New Loka Purifier: “Humanity shall not perish!”

(Ally Down) New Loka Purifier: “Please, don’t let me die…”

(Ally Lost) “The loss of the pure cannot be bared.  We will not risk any more to aid you here.”

(Completion) The rise of purity continues.



(Exterminate) Jaller: “Operator Conflagration has surveyed the area; the enemy forces here are too dangerous to let live.”

(Defense) Jaller: “Operator Conflagration has located a Tenno Cryopod.  It will require defense until the rescue team arrives.”

(Capture) Jaller: “Operator Conflagration has located VIPs in the area.  Please apprehend them for interrogation.”

(Rescue) Jaller: “Tenno, The Operator has located one of our allies being held hostage; find the prison and release them.”

(Interception) Jaller: “Tenno, our enemies are dispatching key communications from here.  Operator Conflagration says they must be silenced.”

(Spy) Jaller: “There is information in this area the Operator wishes to analyze.  He would like to request that you retrieve it.”

(Sending Allies) Jaller: “Tenno, Operator Conflagration would like me to inform you that he will be joining the battle shortly.”

(Ally Introduction) *Conflagration Preforms the “Follow Me” Emote after Landing*

(Ally Down) Jaller: “Tenno, the Operator’s Warframe has suffered critical damage; please assist him.”

(Ally Lost) Jaller: “Operator I am extracting you for your own safety.  Tenno, you will need to continue without him.”

(Completion) Jaller: “The Operator would like to praise your performance, Tenno.”




(Exterminate) “We can’t leave any trace of the scum here alive.”

(Defense) “There’s a cryopod in this area – if you can defend it we can move it out of there for you.”

(Capture) “We’ve got some targets we need to silence.  Capture them and we’ll take care of the rest.”

(Rescue) “We’ve located a prisoner of interest in the area, find the cellblock and get them out of there.”

(Interception) “We’re picking up communications between enemy forces, shut them down.”

(Spy) “There’s knowledge here we can’t allow to exist.  Collect it and we’ll deal with it.”

(Sending Allies) “I’m going to take care of this myself.  Hold on and I’ll be down here soon.”

(Ally Introduction) “Let’s do this, Tenno!”

(Ally Down) “This… Could I get a hand?”

(Ally Lost) “I’ve gone.  I’m not dying for this.”

(Completion) “An honor, as always.”


The Oracles of Jupiter

(Exterminate) “I need you to clear this place out.  Simple enough, right?”

(Defense) “I’ve located a cryopod.  Defend it and I’ll get it moved out of there.”

(Capture) “I need you to capture some… particular individuals, Tenno; and I need them alive.”

(Rescue) “I’ve found a prisoner of interest, Tenno.  Get them out of here for me.”

(Interception) “I need to know what the enemy knows: intercept their transmission so I can listen in.”

(Spy) “There’s information here I need; bring it to me.”

(Sending Allies) “Belyn’s coming down to help you out, Tenno.”

(Ally Introduction) Belyn: “Let’s get this over with.”

(Ally Down) Belyn: “Tenno!  I’m bleeding out over here!”

(Ally Lost) “I’m getting Belyn out of there, Tenno.  Good luck finishing it alone.”

(Competition) “A well-handled job, Tenno.”


Commandant Interplanetary

(Exterminate) “We’ve got a seek-and-destroy job, clear out the area.”

(Defense) “We need to provide security for a cryopod.  Get there and hold out for reinforcements.”

(Capture) “There’s a VIP here our employer wants.  Find them and bring them in.”

(Rescue) “We’ve just got a contracted for a jailbreak, get to the prison and bust it open.”

(Interception) “We need to shut these guys up – shut down their communications.”

(Spy) “We’ve been hired to grab some intel from here – find the data and get it out of here.”

(Sending Allies) “I’m not letting this job go under; I’m coming down myself.”

(Ally Introduction) “Let’s do this.”

(Ally Down) “Need… meds …”

(Ally Lost) “I’ve got to fall back.  Finish the job.”

(Competition) “This is going to fetch us a hell of a payment.”


Councilor Murl

(Exterminate) “It is time to act, Tenno.  Kill everything here.”

(Defense) “We’ve found one of your cyropods.  If you can defend it, we can retrieve it for you.”

(Capture) “There are some here that know about my operations, bring them in so they can be disposed of.”

(Rescue) “One of our allies has been imprisoned.  Free them and get them to safety.”

(Interception) “They’re attempting to transmit a warning signal.  No one can know we were here.”

(Spy) “There are files here that contain valuable intel.  Bring me the information, Tenno.”

(Sending Allies) “Tenno, prepare yourself for support.”

(Ally Introduction) Council Agent: “Trey rum Grineer!”

(Ally Down) Council Agent: “Gar Tenno skum!  Feer me!”

(Ally Lost) “I can’t risk exposing myself, you’re on your own from hereon, Tenno.”

(Competition) “Thank you, Tenno.  We may have a true truce yet.”


Imperial Covenant

(Exterminate) “Those here would obstruct our goals of Empire.  Eliminate them all.”

(Defense) “Retrieve your sleeping brethren, Tenno, and build your empire with them.”

(Capture) “Opposition to our New Era must be silenced.  Capture those who would speak against us.”

(Rescue) “W aid those who aid us: free our captured supporter and see them to safety.”

(Interception) “The communications of our foes hold special interest to us, intercept them for decoding.”

(Spy) “We must learn what our enemies know; acquire their data files.”

(Sending Allies) “The time to fight for our future has arrived.”

(Ally Introduction) Imperial Crusader: “Glory to the New Era!”

(Ally Down) Imperial Crusader: “Do you dawdle while I bleed?”

(Ally Lost) “They will be remembered as a martyr of the empire, but you must finish this task alone.”

(Competition) “The New Era of unity draws nearer.”


Potentially, the allies could also be Assassins to hunt opposing Syndicate Tenno, or at least the inspiration for some of them – though the Red Veil Assassin and the like work just as well for both, in my opinion.




New Void Missions – Archwing and Assassinations

There’s been something the Void’s been missing for a LONG time, and that’s been Assassination missions!  We need Void Assassinations already, and here’s my solution and answers to how and who!

Oh, also new Archwing Void stuffs.


Void Archwing:

I put this first because it is more interesting than just another key to farm for and share amongst friends.  Heck, with this the entire farming for void keys will be revolutionized!  “Revolutionized?  What, we’re going to have to do Void Archwing missions for Void keys now?  You locking all Void Keys behind other Void Keys?”




Void Archwing Missions don’t NEED keys!  And I have lore stuffs to explain why!


Void Archwing missions don’t take place in Void space (so all you epileptic people who freaked out during the final phase of the Malygos fight in Wrath can calm down) they take place in real-space, on the edge of the Void tear we see representing the thing in the star chart.  Don’t worry, though, you still fight Corrupted and they’ll be in their Orokin-style ships and everything!


“But why?” the voice in my head returns.  “Why are the Corrupted leaving the Void when the Neural Sentry just wants to protect the towers?  It doesn’t want to conquer anything.”


One name:




Yes, the former Grineer Captain is no longer content to sit around the Towers and wait for us.  He has heard the call of the Void through his Janus key and obeys its command; he has built a New Orokin Army out of the Corrupted Grineer and Corpus we have slaughtered in the towers up to this point and he has launched his invasion of real-space.


Why?  For the glory of the Orokin, of course!  He shall take the Void into reality and forge a new Empire out of it, crushing all who stand in his way.


It is the job of the Tenno to don their Archwing and stop this invasion before it can progress beyond the Tear.  Intercept their transmissions, Sabotage their ships, Exterminate their forces!  There is only one node for each of these, though, but more will very likely be added as gamemodes are added to Archwing.


And as you do, gain Orokin Tower Keys as rewards (and perhaps a few select Prime parts as well)!  Now, these keys will remain rewards where they already are such, this just provides you with a speedy way to try and get some – rather than go fishing in regular Interception for keys easily replaced by rare mods, head on to the Void Archwing mission and join up to defeat the Corrupted and rob them of the keys they brought with them!


Missions would have you either fighting away from the ships themselves in the center of the entire fleet to destroy fighter craft (Exterminate) or have you fight on the surface of the ship holding points of interest (Interception) or go into ship itself to destroy vital power sources (Sabotage).  Each mission, however, will have the same types of Corrupted enemies.


As a bonus little tidbit: I imagine the skybox for these missions occasionally showing other Tenno on Archwings in the distance, giving the impression that there are more than just you facing down this invading force at any given time.


Tower Assassinations:


Tower One:

Orokin Sanitizer:

The Orokin Sanitizer is a mobile machine programmed with a solitary purpose: keeping the Orokin Towers clear of any harmful substances or individuals.  Speaking with a deep, masculine voice, the Sanitizer roams the halls of the towers, seeking out anything that isn’t permitted to be in the area and scrubbing the grounds clean of it.  The Tenno must face down this machine if their business in the Tower is to continue.


The Sanitizer is, basically, a tank on three legs.  A thick-armored body situated on top of a wheeled-tripod, the Sanitizer rolls around the battlefield, unleashing devastating attacks against its target and laying down traps to make things even more difficult.  Though it can be damaged at any time, after preforming more devastating attacks its undercarriage will open to all the power core to cool off – making it more vulnerable.


The Fight:

A straight-forward fight with a few surprises unique to the Sanitizer.  With an arsenal that is comprised of laser beams, energies cannons, missiles, and mines that it automatically lays down as it moves, not to mention its heavy protective armor, the objective in dealing with the Sanitizer is to survive just as much as it is to kill it.


The Sanitizer randomly locks on to one enemy at a time and pursues that target indefinitely until downing it or switching again.  The target will receive the brunt of all the Sanitizer’s attacks, including a charging blast that has enough power to down even a tanky-built Rhino if the blast makes contact.


The most dangerous part of the Sanitizer, however, is his ability that shuts down all special abilities on his target.  When the Sanitizer chooses a target, all buffs that target has are dispelled, buffs are no longer able to be applied to them, and all of their abilities are locked until the Sanitizer changes targets, at which point this effect is carried onto the new target.


Defeating the Sanitizer requires focus and a strong frame.


Lotus Quotes:

“The Orokin wished to be sure the sanctity of their Towers would never be compromised.  Their solution was to develop the Sanitizer to eliminate all foreign bodies.”

“The Sanitizer’s programming deals with both macro and micro intruders – not only will it be able to deal with you physically, but it may be capable of nullifying your Warframe’s powers.”

“Given the condition of the rest of the Towers, there is little chance the Sanitizer has degraded.  Be prepared to deal with all of its capabilities.”

(Success) “The elimination of the Sanitizer ensures an increased level of safety for our future incursions, but the corrupted as a whole will remain active until we can destroy the Neural Sentry.”


Orokin Sanitizer Quotes


Lifeforms scanned.  Object not allowed within Orokin Towers grounds.  Extermination protocols engaged.

All foreign bodies must be eradicated or assimilated to preserve Tower integrity.

Invading forces located, tracing movement patterns.

Analyzing all approaching targets… Analysis complete.  Preparing all necessary systems.


During Battle:

Orokin Secrets will remain untouched.

Calculating highest-priority target.

Weapon systems remaining at peak efficiency.

Defensive systems remaining at peak efficiency.


Tower Two:

Orokin Guardians


The Orokin Guardians are a trio of Tenno-sized statuesque constructs that were created to act as the protectorate to the Orokin during their reign.  Although the Orokin have long-since perished at the hands of the Tenno, the Guardians continue to follow their programming as best they can, protecting the tower from would-be saboteurs and vandals.  Sharing the same masculine voice, each of the three Guardians stand unwaivering in the goal to protect the home of their creators.


Each of the three Guardians fulfills a specific role of either defense, support, or attack.  They will follow their own specific programming to whatever end, but the most difficult thing about them is the assistance they provide to each other.  Whenever one of them goes down, another of the Guardians will move in to revive their ally, this action cannot be interrupted and will restore the fallen Guardian to full health once it is complete.  The key to defeating the Guardians is bringing them down to low life all together and then finishing of all three in a single offensive burst.


The Fight:


A rather basic boss fight, each of three Guardians has their own unique abilities which they will employ during the fight.  As stated, whenever one of their fellow Guardians falls, another (the one with the most health at the time) will move in swiftly to resurrect them back to full health, the third continuing the battle unmoved by the action.  To complete this battle successfully, all three statues must be brought down at the same time, at which point the players will achieve victory.


Orothos-and-Shield Statue – Guardian Mamoru (Defend):

Guardian Mamoru is designed around defense.  It is the most durable of all three of the Guardians and also employs defense-oriented abilities to ensure its survival.  First and foremost of these is its shield, which it will raise to create a barrier of it that blocks all incoming frontal attacks without receiving any damage.  Mamoru will also leap to the aid of other Guardians that fall under heavy fire, jumping between them and their attacker and positioning itself so that its shield blocks damage coming towards them – during this time both Guardians will gain bonus armor.


Though its main means of travel is by pursuing the enemy to strike with its Orthos blade, it will also occasionally Orthos-copter around the battle arena, moving incredibly fast and dealing damage to any enemies that were caught in the wake of its travel.  Players will need to be on their toes to avoid this.  Its movement speed when not coptering, however, is average.


Drone Statue – Guardian Sapoto (Support):

Guardian Sapoto acts as a support force, adding bonus effects to both itself and its allied Guardians.  Though it is the least durable of all three, it makes up for this with the effects it can grant itself and others.  The key to these abilities are the four drones that encircle it – each drone allows Sapoto to give one buff to an ally, and although the drones can be destroyed by player with good aim they will eventually regenerate.  The two buffs are an offensive buff – increasing attack/movement speed and attack damage – and a defensive buff – increasing shield capacity and regeneration rate, even while under fire.


Even though it is support-oriented, Sapoto also has limited offensive ability through the drones; they will fire off a single shot of energy at any enemies that they lock on to, dealing minor damage to the target (if you’ve ever played Awesomenauts, this is comparable to Voltar’s drones – minus the detonation ability).  Sapato is the fastest of all three.


Dual-Boltor Statue – Guardian Kogeki (Attack):

Guardian Kogeki is the main offensive force, though it is far from a glass canon because of its moderate defensive stats (between Mamoru and Sapoto’s).  Aside from basic attacks, it too has some abilities of note.  The first is a basic ground slam, which knocks down enemies in an immediate area around it but also sends out a far-reaching wave that will knock over enemies touched by it (thick a combination Heavy Gunner and Shockwave MOA).  Its second ability is that it releases energy grenades that fan out over the floor of the area – they are difficult to spot, even though Kogeki telegraphs their release, and players will need to keep an eye out for them.


The Boltor Primes in its arms are counted as two separate weapons, and deal high damage to anyone it catches with them (as anyone who uses a properly-modded Boltor Prime is familiar with).  Despite its high rate of fire and high damage, Kogeki is the slowest-moving of all the Guardians, though because of its range it doesn’t need to move all that quickly.


Lotus Quotes:

“Before we can progress any further in this tower, we must eliminate its key defense.  The Guardians are statuesque robotics that once acted as the highest protectorate of the Orokin; the three that remain in this tower must be dismantled.”

“The Guardians were developed to counterbalance one another.  Each acts in only a specific role, but they fulfill that role with unmatchable efficiency.”

“The Guardians’ programming is focused on preservation and repair mechanics just as much as it is offensive protocols.  Even if you manage to down one of them, the others will likely some to its aid.”

(Success) “The Guardians represented the peak of Orokin technological advancement in weapons and robotics.  Dealing with the Neural Sentry should be well within your capabilities.”


Orokin Guardian Quotes:


“All Orokin Guardian systems reading at peak efficiency.  Combat protocols booting up.”

“Neural Sentry link online.  Scanning Tenno lifeforms for combat frailties.”

“Orokin Guardians Mamoru, Sapato, and Kogeki online.  Linking system readings.”


During Battle:

“The Orokin Towers shall remain undamaged and untouched by outsiders.”

“The possessions of the Orokin are of their hands alone.”

“None shall defile the property of the Orokin.”


Guardian Mamoru:

“Shields engaged.”

“Providing defensive assistance.”


Guardian Sapoto:

“Energy Drones engaged, providing offensive enhancements.”

“Shield Drones engaged, providing defensive enhancements.”


Guardian Kogeki:

“Clearing immediate proximity.”

“Bombardment protocols engaged.”


Tower Three:

Holm Va’leek:

Holm Va’leek was part of a Corpus expeditionary team that ventured into the Void in hopes of recovering valuable Orokin technology.  However, Holm became enthralled by the towers during his team’s exploration of them, and began to hear the Void calling to him, telling him to give himself to it.  It took little for him to submit and sacrifice his compatriots to the Neural Sentry – earning himself a baptism by the one he refers to as “the Prophet”.  Since then, he has adorned himself in Orokin Ceremonial garb, and taken command of the Corrupted with his new Void powers.


Holm Va’leek’s arsenal is the largest of any bosses, comprised of a melee, sidearm, and rifle weapon which he all uses – as well as several abilities unique to him as well.  Capable of summoning Corrupted to his side as well as unleashing devastating abilities of his own, Holm Va’leek is not a fight to be underestimated.  His fight also consists of two phases, the second one occurring after Holm is killed once'


Phase 1:

During Phase 1 Holm Va’leek will unleash every weapon in his arsenal at you: his Mara Detron, his Nikana Prime, and his Latron Prime.  Holm is capable of summoning Corrupted allies of all varieties to defend him at any time as well, and can use his katana to deflect bullets from player weapons when he is using it.  Holm Va’leek will cycle through his weapons in the order of sidearm, melee, primary weapon, but at any time if a player gets into melee range will he attack them with his melee weapon


After killing him, Holm will proceed into Phase 2 after a brief intermission.


Phase 2:

In Phase 2 Holm no longer has access to his weaponry, but is capable of using a large variety of Void based abilities.  Holm can create an orb of Void energy that moves slowly throughout the room and damages any enemies the beams emitting off of it come in contact with (so, basically, Mirage’s Prism), call down barrages of energy to damage any enemies within a certain radius, creating areas of Void radiation that deal damage to enemies that stand in it, and the ability to turn invisible for short periods of time after calling upon Corrupted reinforcements.


Defeating him in this phase means the end of the fight and victory.


Lotus Quotes:

“I’ve detected the presence of a powerful Corrupted within this area, a man named Holm Va’leek.  Though the Neural Sentry’s destruction is our ultimate objective, we must ensure such a being as powerful as this is not around to ambush us during our attack on it.”

“Holm Va’leek has no impressive history behind him, but if these readings are accurate he has amassed a great deal of power since falling under the Sentry’s sway.”

“I’m sensing a great deal of Orokin weaponry on Holm Va’leek’s person, Tenno, he is no doubt ready to put up a fierce fight.”

“I do not know what you can expect, Tenno, but I suspect that the Neural Sentry has granted Holm Va’leek great power to ensure he can protect the tower.  Be prepared for the worst.”

(Success) “That should be the last obstacle between us and the Sentry.  It’s time to leave and plan the final assault.”


Holm Va’leek Quotes:

Pre Battle:

“You come to the ruins of the Orokin to scavenge through its remains vultures pecking at a carcass for scraps; you’re no better than the Corpus I once served.”

“I have seen the truth, Tenno; the Prophet has opened my eyes to the wonder of the Void, and I shall carry out his dreams with every breath I take.”

“I have walked these halls, beheld their secrets, their grandeur; do you think for an instant I shall simply let you trod over the remains of your former masters?”

Boss Introduction/Phase 1 Begins:

“Ah, Tenno… your arrogance is matched solely by the futility of your actions.”


During Phase 1:

“By the will of the Prophet!”

“For the glory of the Empire!”

“You will not stop our ascension!”


Cycling Weapons:

(Mara Detron) “Let’s see how your Warframe armor handles radiation!”

(Latron Prime) “One shot, one kill; that’s all it’ll take.”

(Nikana Prime) “I’ll cut you down where you stand, Tenno!”


Phase 1 Ends/Phase 2 Begins:

“I…. have failed?.. Prophet… forgive me…”

Vor: “Behold, my child, for your death means nothing within the infinite complexity of the Void.  I, Vor, draw upon its fathomless power in the name of our forbearers and breath into you life anew, a second chance to defend our great cause.  Rise as more than you were and strike down these insolent intruders.”

“Yes!  Haha, yes!  I feel the glory swelling inside me!  The Void courses through every vein of my form!  Tenno!  Now you face the true wrath of the New Orokin Empire!”


During Phase 2:

“Be bathed within the almighty glow of the Void!”

“Take a knee before the glorious rebirth of the Orokin!”

“Boundless power!  Unlimited energy!  It is death to all who stand in our way!”

(Defeated) “No… I… need more… my life… I… Prophet…”


Tower Four:

Orokin Central Security Matinence Mainframe (C.S.M.M.):


Orokin C.S.M.M. (Central Security Maintenance Mainframe)


The Orokin C.S.M.M. is the source and controlling mainframe behind the Orokin Towers' Neural Sentry.  Speaking with a smooth feminine voice, its sole purpose is to keep the Orokin Tower clear of all potential threats. Even in the absence of its creators, it continues to fulfill its purpose.  For the Tenno to have unconstrained access to the Towers, this computer must be demolished. 


The Orokin C.S.M.M. is completely stationary, set into a pillar stretching from the floor to the ceiling in the center of its room and will not move from its location – relying on build in defenses and traps in its room to defend itself.  The tower itself does not take damage but the armored core in the center (which is either protected by an outer metal layer, extremely durable energy shield, or inner metal layer) does, and will be the target of any Tenno looking to secure the tower.  It has four different phases to its battle, each activating after the requirements to end it have been met.


Phase 1:

During phase one the C.S.M.M. activates laser weapons built into its pillar.  These beams are continuous and trace along the ground as they follow you, leaving paths for a short while which deal damage if you cross over them.  These can be destroyed.  Once 1/3rd of its health has been dealt in damage to the core to destroy the outer layer, it will activate its energy shield and Phase 2 will begin.


Phase 2:

Phase 2 consists of a 1-minute time-trail, in which you just survive the laser traps that the C.S.M.M. activates.  These traps line the ceiling and walls of the room, and can be destroyed like any other traps.  After 1-minute has ended the traps will deactivate and Phase 3 will begin.  During this time an indestructible energy shield will protect the exposed core of the C.S.M.M., and the laser weapons will be stored back into the machine


Phase 3:

Phase 3 starts with the C.S.M.M. lowering the secondary metal shield and activating the plasma rockets built into the pillar, and any laser weapons that were destroyed in Phase 1 will return – again, both of these can be destroyed.  Just like in the first phase, the goal is to destroy the casing to the core.


Phase 4:

The final real phase of the fight, starting once the C.S.M.M. has lost 2/3rds of its health: once the casing is destroyed the C.S.M.M. will reactivate the energy shield, any laser traps that weren’t destroyed, and unleash flying Drones to try and finish you off.  Coolant tanks will also appear in the corners of the room, and each must be destroyed by players to proceed to the final part: in which the shield will deactivate permanently and the health of the core will drain at a steady rate, with the players able to attack it to help it move along.  All standing traps, turrets, and drones will remain active.


When its health reaches zero, it will explode and victory will be achieved.


Lotus Quotes:


"As long as the security in this tower is active, our operatives will be in constant danger. Destroy the central security mainframe."

"The Orokin relied on their traps and security machines to protect their holdings, and that protection remains active in their absence. Today we remove it."

"The central security system is likely to be located in the center of this tower. Find it and demolish it."

(Success) "This isn’t right.  The destruction of the security mainframe should have resulted in the deactivation of the Neural Sentry.  Tenno, get to extraction, I will look into this."


Orokin C.S.M.M. Quotes:


“Intruders detected; Neural Sentry defenses deployed.”

“Lifeform classification “Tenno” not permitted in this sector.”

“You do not possess proper clearance: please leave and return with authorized personnel.”

“Hostilities on Orokin Tower grounds will be disciplined harshly.”


During Battle:

“Cease hostilities or be exterminated.”

“All threats to Orokin security will be removed.”

“Additional neural sentries engaged.”

“All breaches to Orokin Tower security must be corrected.”

“All hostilities will be met with appropriate measures.”


Boss Introduction/Phase One Begin:

“Drop your weapons and submit to Orokin custody; any further hostilities will provoke a terminal response.”


Phase One End/Phase Two Begin:

“External casing damaged.  Emergency shielding online.  Level one emergency defenses online.”


Phase Two End/Phase Three Begin:

“Internal casing engaged.  Highest level defensive protocol engaged.”


Phase Three End/Phase Four Begin:

“Internal casing at 50% durability, diverting all power to emergency shielding.”


Coolant Tanks Destroyed:

“Warning! Internal heat levels reaching critical temperatures! Mainframe destruction imminent!”



“Central Security Maintenance Mainframe going offline…”


Tower Four Archwing:

Vor, Prophet of the Void:

Vor, once a Captain, once an Admiral, of the Grineer, was struck down by the Tenno for the cause of balance.  The Janus key he carried with him strung him back together with the power of the Void, and the voice he heard calling to him through it drew him to the Void, to the long-forgotten Orokin towers.  He took up the mantle of Prophet and defender of the Orokin’s legacy, but now he has returned his gaze to the Origin System.  Once the Orokin called it the jewel of their Empire, now Vor seeks to reclaim it in their name once more.


Vor’s fight has three, two parts more distinct (and fun) than the first: a very short land-based battle, and then a much longer Archwing-combat one that takes place on the surface of the Void Tower.


Phase 1:

This phase is like all the Vor fights before it.  He teleports, he shoots a beam from his Janus key, he throws down mines; he unleashes all of his old tricks for this familiar but mercifully short battle all the while being reinforced by any enemies that spawn and enter the combat area.  Once he had been beaten in this form, the real fun begins.


Phase 2:

After a cutscene, the first Archwing phase of the mission begins.  Vor will have shed all pretenses of a mortal coil and taken on the form of a gigantic energy being, unleashing abilities not dissimilar to the ones he used during the first phase but amped up for the Archwing experience (massive energy beams, stationary mines that float in space, teleporting across the surface of the tower) but also will have the ability to summon waves upon waves of Orokin Archwing enemies to the fight (though they will not spawn naturally outside of him summoning them).  He will also repel any players that get to close to him (of their own accord or by him teleporting close to them) in a burst of energy, dealing heavy damage.


For the most part, he is invulnerable and will teleport to a new location whenever his body is hit; the only way to hurt him is to target the Janus key that quickly orbits in and out his body (going through phases of being untargetable and targetable) and shoot it.  After enough shots are landed on the key Vor’s body will disappear for a few seconds and the key will be completely vulnerable during that time (although it will attempt to defend itself through lasers and energy mines) and players will need to attack it to deal damage to Vor.  Once he has been reduced to 20% of his life, the final phase will begin.


Phase 3:

In this final phase you will have to be mindful of the Orokin ship’s artillery as well as you speed towards Vor’s new location and even while fighting him just above the ship.  Orokin Archwing enemies will now spawn naturally (as well as Vor being able to summon his own) and will swarm around you as you attempt to strike down their master.  It is possible for players to temporarily close the Orokin canon batteries by dealing enough damage to the hull, but they will eventually respawn to fire again.


The final phase is also, like the Holm fight, a massive buff to Vor’s abilities.  He attacks faster, he deals more damage, he moves around more, he summons stronger and more frequent Orokin Archwing enemies, and the Janus key orbits in and out of his body faster.  This is his final burst of power, his final breath and attempt to defeat you.

Putting him down here means achieving victory.


Lotus Quotes:

“Vor is here.  He has been twisted by the Void, making him more energy than Grineer.  With this power he’s released the Corrupted from the control of the Neural Sentry and rallied them into an invasion of the Origin System.  If we are to stop his war then we must destroy him once and for all.”

“Vor has faced death countless times, but each time he is preserved by the Janus key and brought back stronger than before.  I fear he may now be beyond the power of even a Tenno.”

“How Vor became so tied to the Void is unknown to me, but the root of this interaction is his Janus key.  It is his tether to the Void, the conduit through which he acts.  Destroying it may be the only way to stop him.”

“Vor will undoubtedly unleash his full command of the Void against you in this fight, you will need to be prepared for anything he may do.”

(Success) “It’s finally over.  Tenno, the Corrupted that Vor freed from the Sentry will continue the march upon the Origin System until they are wiped out, but at least now there will be none to replace them.  It’s time to leave.’”


Vor Quotes:



“Tenno, you again seek to hunt me down?  To put an end to my life once more?  I, Vor, am energy.  Your attempts to end me are as futile as your attempts to maintain your balance.”

“The Lotus would have you believe this is a fight you can win.  She would tell you that you are capable of striking me down.  She sends you to your deaths in a battle you could never step away from victorious.”

“The Void whispers to me through the Janus key.  It calls my name and sings songs of what can be: a new era, a return to a past of glory and conquest the likes of which even the Queens could never fathom!”

“The Void speaks to me, Tenno, it commands me to act for the glory of the Orokin, and so I shall.”


Phase 1 Start:

“It is fitting that you, Tenno, have come to the place of your birth to face your death.”


During Phase 1:

“Strength of the Orokin!”

“I am one with the power of the Void!”

“Your corpse shall decorate these Towers!”


Phase 1 End/Phase 2 Start:

“Such foolishness, Tenno, to believe yourselves victors.  Behold now, as I show you what the Void from which you heritage comes is truly capable of.”


A cutscene begins.  Vor turns his Janus key upon the window behind him and blows it open, sucking him and all the Tenno outside into it, the player’s ship can be seen flying in to provide again.  Vor’s body glows and dissipates into the Void surrounding him as Ordis releases Archwing for the player.  As all Tenno regroup before the tower, the camera pans up and a gigantic, glowing visage of Vor’s upper body comes into view, affixed to the tower.


“And now, Tenno, your ventures have brought you to a final ruin!”


During Phase 2:

“Your Lotus knows nothing!  I have beheld all the secrets of the Void, I have touched the very fabric of it and been touched by it in return; I, Vor, am its Prophet!”

“The Tenno have failed in their most sacred of tasks; the Orokin and all they stand for live through me and my brothers of the Void!  They shall return in spirit.”

“The age of the Void is upon us, now is the time for the baptism of all within its boundless glory.  You are but the first to be touched!  Embrace its light!”


Phase 2 End/Phase 3 Starts:

“What is this?.. My energy dissipates… to the Void… I feel myself… fading…”


"No, this shall not be my end!  I, Vor, am the Prophet of the Void; I, Vor, am the Herald of the Orokin!”


Vor teleports as he says these words, now latching onto one of his Orokin warships.  A wave of Orokin Archwing enemies will swarm around him as he and the ship’s artillery point towards you and your allies as you prepare to face him down one final time.


“I, Vor, shall remake reality!”


During Phase 3:

“You shall burn!  You shall all be burned and your ashes shall be purified!”

“The Void is the truth of all; chaos, energy, light; it is beauty and madness and it shall illuminate the path to a glorious revival!”

“The Void shall wipe away all within the Origin System and pave the way for the glorious rebirth of the Orokin Empire.”

(Defeat) “This cannot… The Void… it consumes me… It devours my soul… I… die?..”




Voice Acting:

Conflagration Syndicate

Commandant Interplanetary



I hope you've found something to enjoy. Updates in formatting and content will come as needed.

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Codex Entries:

A thought that went through my head was: if there are going to be unique characters for the Syndicates, they'll definitely be scannable. If that's the case, why not give them the Prime-Frame treatment and through a little Syndicate lore into those Codex entries as well to help flesh them out!


Granted this is just sort of a way to help me flex my atrophying writing muscles, but think of it as a little cherry on the top of the pie or cake or whatever it is you prefer.


Commandant Interplanetaryhttps://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/375155-fanfiction-commandant-interplanetary/




Deleted Content:

Vor Speaking During the To Build Or To Burn Defense Quest:

Vor: “It is a strange thought that though that I, Vor, have roamed the halls of these towers a countless times over, the one sanctum has eluded me.  The air reeks of Tenno mysticism, of a concealment along ago put in place.”
Vor: “But now the presence of the Tenno has lifted the spell, broken it through their trespassing; the sanctum revealed in full and I shall behold what secrets of the Orokin lie inside.”
(Wave Nine is Complete) Vor: “I look upon the scurrying of the Tenno, and I see the prize they seek to claim.  One of their sleeping own, a Tenno ‘til now unfound by the Lotus.”
Vor: “Look upon them, my brothers, and weep for them, for as they strive to save one of their own they fail to grasp the totality of their present; they are unable to see the futility of their actions upon this day.”
(Wave Seven Complete) Vor: “The Tenno fight with both ferocity and poise; they believe victory to be within their grasp, but they cannot fathom the tide they seek to break.  Countless others, soldiers innumerable, all drawn here by the Void just as I, Vor, once was.”
(Wave Four Complete) Vor: “Know this, Tenno: I offer to you a chance at redemption; lay down your arms and submit to a rebirth within the Void.  A new age is coming, an empire shall be reborn, and the Void shall bathe all in its cleansing light.”
(As Wave One Begins) Vor: “The infinite force of the Void has stormed the Tenno, my brothers, and yet they stand unbroken.  I, Vor, believed them but sand against the tides, but instead they have proven to be a levee, built to withstand the waves.”
Vor: “But where the waters of the tide may crash against the walls without so much as a scratch, it takes but a chip in the foundation, a crack in the wall, for the whole to fall; all it takes is but one saboteur for the whole of the dam to crumble.  The Herald shall be the one to bring this about.”


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The content you wanna hide



And WOW, this is a big project!!

I didn't get the time to read everything, but I support 90% of what I just read Morec0!


Aye, been doing that. For whatever reason, though, at random points the spoiler boxes only hide the first line of the entire section.

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Just to be sure, I always go to the next line with each



It might work better.Have you tried that? :/


I'll give it a shot. Think some of the better working ones might have been like that at the start.


Hey-hey! That did it! Thanks man!

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Some of these syndicates... feel like they're treading over old territory.

No offense but The Arbiters have pretty much the same philosophy of "Tenno as ruler" as the Conflagration. Hell, maybe they'll put in a throwback to your old stuff and call the chief Arbiter Conflagration.

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Some of these syndicates... feel like they're treading over old territory.

No offense but The Arbiters have pretty much the same philosophy of "Tenno as ruler" as the Conflagration. Hell, maybe they'll put in a throwback to your old stuff and call the chief Arbiter Conflagration.


Conflagration doesn't have a "Tenno as ruler" philosophy (at least not since I decided to abide more by what the Tenno faciton seems to be XD). He's got a "Tenno lives first" philosophy, and will exterminate all Grineer and Corpus if that's the means to secure that.


He's also utterly ANTI-"Tenno as ruler" - hence why he biggest enemies are the Imperial Covenant, which themselves aren't so much "Tenno as ruler" as they are "just give us a freakin' ruler, don't care what it is, just give us someone to govern us with an iron fist" (inspired by the "mono dura" philosophy in South America - better dictator than chaos).


Yes, quite a few of them are similar to older ones, but I wished to tackle the themes in at least different ways. Arbiters vs. Covenant ("Improve the Tenno without war" vs. "stop all war by giving someone control of the system") are one such thing, Vandals vs. Red Veil ("Censor Corpus culture through any means to end the suffering it causes" vs. "kill everyone that would cause suffering to innocents") another, and admittedly the Oracles are kinda lacking in a real theme (half-waiting on YS to finish her character ideas before I commit them to anything major). Course you also have the more unique takes on themes such as Councilor Murl and Commandant Interplanetary, which are two we really haven't see yet (Oracles kinda tread the same territory as Murl, but I imagine that'll change after a little work).


Wouldn't be against naming the chief Arbiter Conflagration, though I fear people might get weird about it over the fact the Red Veil are the "Conflagration" (i.e. big burning fire) guys.

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VERY small update: but I've added a "Deleted Content" section to house some of the content that was/might be removed in the future (since I'm always open to refining and refurbishing my ideas). Only one thing in there, but I worked hard on making Vor sound like Vor, so I kept it around when I decided to use a different character in his place.

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The abilties are good. The idea is good.

Might never happen though.


Oberon -> Rad frame

Mirage -> Light Frame


I would like this to happen though.


I see Beacon as more of an answer to the male counterpart of Ember, with a theme reflective of the sun rather than just fire in general - sort of how Mirage is a female counterpart to Loki/Limbo. Originally he WAS a radiation-themed frame, but in light of Oberon/Nova I decided to simply go with the "Ember counterpart" approach. DE's said thing along the lines of "no male ember or female Ash, but different gender'd frames that have similar themes" - with Mirage/Loki/Limbo being sort of the first step towards that in my eyes.




Also, updated with a new "Codex Entry" section, because why the hell not?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I read "Out of the void"

I understand "out IN th void"

Am I right ? 'Cuz that would be awesome

Also, Sentient-related mission. Yay !


I'm... not sure. The idea behind the title was the assault of the Corrupted coming through what I call the "Tear" (that Void thing on our starchart) and it referring to them. And I'm also not sure where that statement about Sentients is coming from.



I read Bacon warframe, was not disappointed.


When editing I think I noticed a few types where I DID write Bacon.


And I imagine that, with all that heat damage, he COULD turn enemies into Bacon.

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Interesting material, good use of community input. 6/10 overall. You lose 2 points on the syndicates primarily because you added more rather than utilizing the ones we have, especially because they are similar (though not identical) to the ones we have. Additionally, you lose 1.5 points for tying new content into a long and relatively boring questline that does not tread new ground in terms of game play. (you lose half a point for integrating Archwing, but that's my personal bias against the game mode and its incredibly grind-wall-to-all-content approach)


However, you have a very good core set up, a firm grasp of how to tell a story, and a fairly decent concept on the direction to take the game; it would be easy to rewrite the questline you have in a way that utilizes the existing syndicates in interesting ways. Similarly, your bosses (though admittedly, one is reused, and another is a very direct counterpart to a well established figure) are solid conceptually. Ultimately, I think your failing is wanting to leave a mark on the world that everyone will see, rather than one that flows naturally without any outward sign that you left it. You don't need big signs indicating that you were there, what you need is to tell a story that will leave a mark on every player who travels it.


Some things that stood out to me:


You gave everyone but Steel Meridian a stand alone individual trooper to assist the tenno, and made them fairly generic; there's room to see what the faction is like to the grunts. What they believe, how true they hold to the path. For example, New Loka's Purifier comes to my mind as a young woman, with a plaintive, almost begging, "please, don't let me die" as she lies on the ground bleeding out. Meanwhile, the Stasis Drone doesn't have its own personality, it's just an extension of Suda. I suggest a male grineer sniper, with a hood like the leader's, as a replacement for the leader herself. While she is definitely someone who seems like she would love to lead from the front, it'd be bothersome to actually have her do so.


You've got a firm grasp on the personalities of everyone involved, and it shows somewhat. However, you left blank spots that don't represent the shift in the syndicates perspective on you;as an example, after you reach rank... 3 or so in a syndicate, they hold you in high regard; the Steel Meridian leader says "I was wrong about you, Tenno. You're a hero to these people, and to me." and that to me gives her a good bit of character. There might be a further line at rank 5, haven't quite gotten there yet. But you've provided another space to see the shift in their personalities and views on you, and more room to explore the world around us.

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Interesting material, good use of community input. 6/10 overall. You lose 2 points on the syndicates primarily because you added more rather than utilizing the ones we have, especially because they are similar (though not identical) to the ones we have. Additionally, you lose 1.5 points for tying new content into a long and relatively boring questline that does not tread new ground in terms of game play. (you lose half a point for integrating Archwing, but that's my personal bias against the game mode and its incredibly grind-wall-to-all-content approach)


However, you have a very good core set up, a firm grasp of how to tell a story, and a fairly decent concept on the direction to take the game; it would be easy to rewrite the questline you have in a way that utilizes the existing syndicates in interesting ways. Similarly, your bosses (though admittedly, one is reused, and another is a very direct counterpart to a well established figure) are solid conceptually. Ultimately, I think your failing is wanting to leave a mark on the world that everyone will see, rather than one that flows naturally without any outward sign that you left it. You don't need big signs indicating that you were there, what you need is to tell a story that will leave a mark on every player who travels it.


Some things that stood out to me:


You gave everyone but Steel Meridian a stand alone individual trooper to assist the tenno, and made them fairly generic; there's room to see what the faction is like to the grunts. What they believe, how true they hold to the path. For example, New Loka's Purifier comes to my mind as a young woman, with a plaintive, almost begging, "please, don't let me die" as she lies on the ground bleeding out. Meanwhile, the Stasis Drone doesn't have its own personality, it's just an extension of Suda. I suggest a male grineer sniper, with a hood like the leader's, as a replacement for the leader herself. While she is definitely someone who seems like she would love to lead from the front, it'd be bothersome to actually have her do so.


You've got a firm grasp on the personalities of everyone involved, and it shows somewhat. However, you left blank spots that don't represent the shift in the syndicates perspective on you;as an example, after you reach rank... 3 or so in a syndicate, they hold you in high regard; the Steel Meridian leader says "I was wrong about you, Tenno. You're a hero to these people, and to me." and that to me gives her a good bit of character. There might be a further line at rank 5, haven't quite gotten there yet. But you've provided another space to see the shift in their personalities and views on you, and more room to explore the world around us.


Paragraph responses listed by numerical order:


1) There are similar themes, but I looked to attack these themes from wildly different angels. I.E.: There's a comparison to be made between the Imperial Covenant's goal of reestablishing an Empire and the way a lot of people (myself included) perceive the Arbiters of Hexis as approaching the Tenno; however, I differentiate between these groups on the grounds the Arbiter's main goal appears to be reform within Tenno society and the shrugging off of the warrior mantle, whereas the Covenant could care less about the culture behind the rulers and simply want someone to have a firm grasp on the system - better that than chaos. Likewise, while both the Vandals and Red Veil draw from the same pot - the past-deeds of the Tenno - I wanted to explore the route of the Orokin Technology having been buried by the Tenno to hide them, something which the Red Veil seem to care less about with their primary goal of just slaughtering the Grineer and Corpus Empires.


Originally I DID intend to utilize the ones we have - I had just the Vandals and Conflagration syndicates which would act as secondary allies to the Steel Meridian and Red Veil respectively. This idea, however, was scrapped when I came to realize that attempting this would only further throw the current alliance system out of whack, rather than correct its (minor) errors. As such, I decided to instead approach the idea of a "Second Tier" of Syndicates - one with there own unique rewards that allow players who had already achieved everything possible with their current Syndicate standings to resume a rep gain for new and unique additions - think of it in terms of new faction groups in WoW expansions.


The quests in Warframe, as I see them, are not present to expand modes of gameplay in and of themselves but rather a means by which the expanding narrative of the Warframe universe can be told through a controlled environment. As such, I employed one as a means of introduction to the new syndicate system as well as the driving principle behind key elements in this update idea (the Conquest missions, as well as the new Void characters).


And whatever biases you may have against Archwing, it's here to stay and thus needs to be incorporated further into the game. I see void Archwing missions as another step that will be taken towards that, and, just like J3's upcoming Archwing integration (as I hear it will be) adding such a thing to the Void, and at least one for other factions as well, would be a beauteous thing.


However, I do agree that there is far too much scarcity in Archwings and Archweapons per the difficulty to reach them, but I attribute this more to the simple matter of it being SO new; I wasn't there, but I imagine there was a similar situation back in the Closed Beta of Warframe when there were only four-or-so Warframe to play as and a handful of weapons.


2) Personally I feel that the current Syndicates should a have a questline all their own, one that also serves the purpose of introducing the Syndicate system and how it works to newer players as well as introducing the groups in greater depth. I've got a general idea for such a thing in my head, and are currently debating on whether or not to make it a thing.


Your probably right in regards to leaving a mark; but what can I say? I'm an egotist at heart.


3) See, I stand on the complete opposite side of you on this as well. I feel it's a terrible failing of mind to have been unable to incorporate any individual characters into the other Syndicates and instead having to rely on grunts. Hell, I originally wanted to use Cantis for the Red Veil, but given their "no blood is too precious" obstinance to conflict, I would have been too weird to see the Red Veil leader give their life and then, all of a sudden, be completely fine back at base or in the next Conquest mission - and it would have been too out of character to have him/her retreat given the stated Veil ideals.


To me, the Meridian leader being on the frontlines would fit perfectly with her character. She doesn't seem like the type who likes to sit idly by and direct others to mission, in my mind she would be down there, in the fight, battling to save and protect the colonies just like anyone else and only falling back because she's a smart enough fighter to pull out when things go south. Really, I don't think there's too much more to be added to the organization with two lines from a single grunt, but a mountain of characterization to be added to an already-awesome Grineer female and let the organization speak through her.


I'll also admit: I'm a bit of a fanboy for her. 


4) I'm not sure on what you're talking about here, as I have indeed provided the rank-three lines in question, such as the Imperial Covenants line of “You are the instrument of change; the herald an era of prosperity that is to come.” I guess a rank-5 line would work, but personally I think the rank-three-plus line works fine.

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1) There are similar themes, but I looked to attack these themes from wildly different angels angles. I.E.: There's a comparison to be made between the Imperial Covenant's goal of reestablishing an Empire and the way a lot of people (myself included) perceive the Arbiters of Hexis as approaching the Tenno; however, I differentiate between these groups on the grounds the Arbiter's main goal appears to be reform within Tenno society and the shrugging off of the warrior mantle, whereas the Covenant could care less about the culture behind the rulers and simply want someone to have a firm grasp on the system - better that than chaos. Likewise, while both the Vandals and Red Veil draw from the same pot - the past-deeds of the Tenno - I wanted to explore the route of the Orokin Technology having been buried by the Tenno to hide them, something which the Red Veil seem to care less about with their primary goal of just slaughtering the Grineer and Corpus Empires.

Originally I DID intend to utilize the ones we have - I had just the Vandals and Conflagration syndicates which would act as secondary allies to the Steel Meridian and Red Veil respectively. This idea, however, was scrapped when I came to realize that attempting this would only further throw the current alliance system out of whack, rather than correct its (minor) errors. As such, I decided to instead approach the idea of a "Second Tier" of Syndicates - one with there own unique rewards that allow players who had already achieved everything possible with their current Syndicate standings to resume a rep gain for new and unique additions - think of it in terms of new faction groups in WoW expansions.
The quests in Warframe, as I see them, are not present to expand modes of gameplay in and of themselves but rather a means by which the expanding narrative of the Warframe universe can be told through a controlled environment. As such, I employed one as a means of introduction to the new syndicate system as well as the driving principle behind key elements in this update idea (the Conquest missions, as well as the new Void characters).


I can definitely agree that adding -further- factions to the ones we have unevenly would be a far worse option than adding them separately. However, I don't think that adding new factions is the right way to go about fixing the problem (which I perceive as the "everything here is a one time buy" problem) cause once you get someone running stephanos for the new syndicates you're out of luck, they're just going to grind through, buy everything, and be done. I'd much rather see splinter factions and alternative perspectives on the core 6 syndicates, with a focus on exploring their possibilities; honestly, the entire concept of adding more factions that don't interact with the ones another just sits wrong with me. (Also, the WoW thing is sausage to me. It has no meaning.)
Quests and such I will freely admit are something that you've got done in the style of DE, but personally it feels like a quest is something that should be more story oriented, rather than being tutorials or bits of dialogue from The Lotus/Ordis. I guess, ultimately, my complaint about your quests is a complaint about DE's quests and I don't really have an issue with your quest(s) persay, just a complaint about the "go here, do thing, go somewhere else, do unrelated thing" tendency of the current quests. I feel like you could have a long singular quest that introduces each faction in turn, rather than multiple mini quests, though.
WRT Archwing, which is off topic, and so I'm spoilering it:

My issues with Archwing basically come down to two (maybe three?) things: the Prime Parts Treatment (and ergo RNG Walling of any material), the difficulty of navigation, and kiiiinda the limited tilesets (though that complaint is mostly because the tilesets are very cool the first three times and then tedious because there's so much... space in space). If you had the Current Objective (the next enemy/power core for extermination/sabotage) flagged with a way point like those that players can put down, rather than the minimap one, it would make archwing much less frustrating to play. Additionally converting the Archwing Gear to not build out of parts that drop and instead having them build out of, you know, resources like everything else (even using the new Archwing Only resource drop they just added!), I'd probably be more okay with it. Even just the QoL change to make navigation less challenging would be enough to make me give it a third chance. Leveling archwing is also a pain, but that's standard for warframe and evening out the affinity curve would be the main way to fix that but that won't ever happen so whatever. This was a disjointed ramble about archwing with small ideas for solutions, sorry. I have a lot of thoughts about the current state of the game and the direction it's going in that I'm not really eloquent enough to put down in a cohesive manner all at once.



2) Personally I feel that the current Syndicates should a have a questline all their own, one that also serves the purpose of introducing the Syndicate system and how it works to newer players as well as introducing the groups in greater depth. I've got a general idea for such a thing in my head, and are currently debating on whether or not to make it a thing.
Your probably right in regards to leaving a mark; but what can I say? I'm an egotist at heart.
Oh, they definitely should have one all their own. I spend a lot of time on mercury, just chilling in the hub on hand if someone asks for help and answer a lot of questions about syndicates. it'd be very helpful to have a quest/tutorial for them.
And everyone wants to leave a mark. It's kind of our thing as a species, we just love marking things. I think the issue is more... You want to carve your face in the moon with a laser beam, when you could just plant a flag on it instead. If that makes sense.


3) See, I stand on the complete opposite side of you on this as well. I feel it's a terrible failing of mind to have been unable to incorporate any individual characters into the other Syndicates and instead having to rely on grunts. Hell, I originally wanted to use Cantis for the Red Veil, but given their "no blood is too precious" obstinance to conflict, I would have been too weird to see the Red Veil leader give their life and then, all of a sudden, be completely fine back at base or in the next Conquest mission - and it would have been too out of character to have him/her retreat given the stated Veil ideals.
To me, the Meridian leader being on the frontlines would fit perfectly with her character. She doesn't seem like the type who likes to sit idly by and direct others to mission, in my mind she would be down there, in the fight, battling to save and protect the colonies just like anyone else and only falling back because she's a smart enough fighter to pull out when things go south. Really, I don't think there's too much more to be added to the organization with two lines from a single grunt, but a mountain of characterization to be added to an already-awesome Grineer female and let the organization speak through her.
I'll also admit: I'm a bit of a fanboy for her. Well, who said anything about it being just two lines? They can have in combat banter, yelling at their foes based on the enemy they're fighting and objectives and stuff. Like, I don't like to point to it because the series kind of jumped the shark super hard core, but take a look at Halo, where they have a bunch of random chatter from allies and enemies. 
Just as a random example, I imagine that while a Vandal Trooper would mostly talk to you in "english" but when faced with corpus, they'd be shouting obscenities at them, while they'd be much less intense and more professional against grineer.
I do agree that her being on the front lines would fit her character, but I feel like there'd be space to characterize her without having her BE on the front lines. I kind of like to imagine that she's constantly itching to jump down and crack some heads and just heap an epic can of whoop ! on the enemy, but a war isn't won from the front, it's won from knowing how and where to strike at your foe, and planning around it. Her being on the frontlines suits her character, but does not suit her role.


4) I'm not sure on what you're talking about here, as I have indeed provided the rank-three lines in question, such as the Imperial Covenants line of “You are the instrument of change; the herald an era of prosperity that is to come.” I guess a rank-5 line would work, but personally I think the rank-three-plus line works fine.
I was mostly thinking about having banter and stuff change as your standing improves. (I also feel like having customized kill squads instead of "random enemies" would feel better too, and they could have their OWN banter).


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