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[Ic] Lotus In Bloom (Invite Only)


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Souna thought about Alise's words for just a moment before she shook her head slowly at some of them. 

"I do not think the Tenno are numerous or present enough to enforce a new societal structure. We are too different from them, taking a place like that would just make us vulnerable to acts of revenge. We will fare better by continuing our current path, assisting those who match our standards to win this war as a thorn in their enemy's side and let them take the brunt of administrative work. A Tenno who has a mission to fulfill can not afford the luxury of fairness, and we have the largest mission of all at our hands." 


On the other hand, her words about alcohol granted Alise an approving nod from the stiff Zephyr.

"Spirits are a long-acquired cultural good, and should be handled with the respect this implies. It is better to be careful than to indulge."


Then Souna followed Alise into the Armory, making way for Kate with her bulky deliver in case she's leaving immediately. 

"Greetings, comrades. We recovered some of the weaponry that was left on the battlefield." Wait, why did she take Alise in on this again by saying 'we'? Ah yeah, to not sound like the egomaniac she was, and because there's a chance that Alise will not make anything too bad from it.





Being so eager to continue reading, the green Banshee did not bother to look up what was around her. If there had been an alarm right there, she probably would have read at least a few more sentences before storming off to get her weaponry and helmet. 

Luckily, that did not happen. Without disturbance, she came closer towards the uneven duo, reading what appeared to turn into a mediocre love story told with boring objectivity. But her enthusiasm was unbroken and she was so focused that she did not address the room's floral inhabitants again. And neither does she notice Ancilla's drone when it came close to her - until she spoke, of course. 


With an undignified, girlish, completely un-Tenno-like squeak she startled, dropping her tablet in the process which clattered first onto her feet, protected by her warframe's shoes, and then the metal ground.

"IEEEK! Why do you..." Whatever she would have said, judging by her tone it would not have been an accusation, just pure surprise. But she stopped, letting the drone speak its greeting and question, not interrupting further. After that, she instantly calmed down a bit. 

"Oh myyy. I though you were one of the gardening drones. They were all soooo silent, not matter what I tried to ask them. What a surprise if they _could_ indeed talk! But... no, I have not. I had some preparations to do, and did not leave my room that much..." While talking, her little shock subsided and a pure, joyful attitude claimed the young face. She then lifts a hand to happily wave at Null, whom she apparently had barely noticed before. 

"Hello, Null! I am Maina! I'm here to help out the Crew!" 

Even as she stood there, Maina appeared to be constantly moving: A little tapping there, looking around, her gaze drifting off with no apparent reason, smiling or contemplating whenever she feels like it. None of that looks hurried, though. Her movements equal those of a seaweed in a calm river: With no aim and no cause she floated on a stream only she appeared to be aware of. 

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Souna thought about Alise's words for just a moment before she shook her head slowly at some of them. 
"I do not think the Tenno are numerous or present enough to enforce a new societal structure. We are too different from them, taking a place like that would just make us vulnerable to acts of revenge. We will fare better by continuing our current path, assisting those who match our standards to win this war as a thorn in their enemy's side and let them take the brunt of administrative work. A Tenno who has a mission to fulfill can not afford the luxury of fairness, and we have the largest mission of all at our hands." 
On the other hand, her words about alcohol granted Alise an approving nod from the stiff Zephyr.
"Spirits are a long-acquired cultural good, and should be handled with the respect this implies. It is better to be careful than to indulge."
Then Souna followed Alise into the Armory, making way for Kate with her bulky deliver in case she's leaving immediately. 
"Greetings, comrades. We recovered some of the weaponry that was left on the battlefield." Wait, why did she take Alise in on this again by saying 'we'? Ah yeah, to not sound like the egomaniac she was, and because there's a chance that Alise will not make anything too bad from it.

"We certainly aren't and our culture again is vastly different from the Grineer and Corpus. I think we'd need to know more about the --Oh, Pardon me," she said, stepping out of Kate's way. She tilted her head and asked with some alarm, "Are you alright?"


Alise turned her head when Souna spoke. "Well, Souna did most of the work. I just offered to lighten the load."

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Cordia’s thoughts were awhirl, searching for an answer to Abra’s question. They had no prosthetic blueprints in the medical database; it had become such an uncommon field, now that cloning technology could essentially regrow limbs. But it might be possible to refit other technology. Technology that had been designed with a very specific goal in mind.

“I’m afraid we do not have much of a selection, Abra,” the Trinity told the Oberon. “With the ability to regrow limbs from scratch, having prosthetics seemed… superfluous. However, we may have something that can serve a similar purpose.”

With Sahjey momentarily calmed by Lancelot, Cordia released her hold on her patient and tapped a series of keystrokes into her CPID. Though Abra may not have realized it, the files she was accessing were not part of the general medical database. These files were stored elsewhere, on a physically sequestered drive accessible only to a few select members of the crew. Temperance was not among them.

“This was originally intended as an exoskeletal piece for stabilizing broken limbs,” Cordia said as she keyed the file transfer, surprising herself at the smoothness of the lie. “With a little modification, it should be suitable as a prosthetic until we can grow her a replacement arm.” The transfer completed, and she bowed low to the Oberon. “Thank you for all of your help, Tenno Abra. I will leave this matter in your capable hands while I attend to the rest of my patients.”

Cordia had spoken and left too quickly for the Oberon to mention that he could simply give the engineers the specs for his Herakles, adjust the design for Sah'jey, and then press the "manufacture" button.

Looking over the exo-arm, Abra couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. Admittedly, you could jury-rig the exo-arm into a strong, resilient prosthetic that could crush ferrite beams, but finesse would be laughable. As a Mesa, Sah'jey would probably need accuracy and stability over pure brute force.

True, Cordia had delegated the task to him, but Abra wasn't entirely comfortable with going behind the Healer's back. At the same time, he was certain that repurposing the exo-arm was, though ingenious, downright impractical. As with many things, Abra considered both possibilities and took a third option: communication. His fingers flew on the CPID's keyboard, composing and eventually sending Cordia a message. She was occupied at the moment: no need to distract her from her work.

Though I admire your resourcefulness, a Herakles cyberarm (which was designed as a prosthetic, unlike the exo-arm you suggested) can be replicated from my own for Tenno Sah'jey's use, no repurposing needed. I believe this would be a preferable option, but I'd like you to know and give feedback before we begin manufacturing either prosthetic.

A message entered after the one he sent.

+++ Please take your time, Tenno Abra. I am simply seeking aesthetic advice; if you are able to assist your wounded kin, do so to the best of your ability. Hydroponics can wait. +++

"At least nothing is on fire." He noted.

He glanced at Sah'jey and, after some deliberation, sat beside her bed. Not on it: doing so would intrude on her personal space, and Abra simply didn't know her very well. Instead, he sat on a regular stool, crossed one leg over the other, and set his hands on his knee, relaxing the arms but maintaining proper posture.

"Hello, Tenno Sah'jey." He said gently. "How are you feeling?"


“Thank you Kate,” Alaric said. “I really appreciate it.”

He carefully handed the heavy energy cannon over to the Mirage, along with a set of power cells to replace the ammunition he had burned through in the battle with the Colossus. He shot Sema a quick glance over Kate’s shoulder, and was met with a barely perceptible shrug from the frameless Tenno. They did not want to be rude, but neither of them had a tactful way to ask Kate to leave so they could resume their work in private.

With only a brief examination and a little fiddling with the cannon (leaving be the obvious trigger), Kate found out how to eject the spent energy cells and slot in the fresh ones. Heavy weapons weren't her specialty. They were a real hassle to synergize with her acrobatic-based fighting strategy: most needed seconds she couldn't spare to charge up, and the Mirage was one of the most frail Warframes. After a few moments of trying to read the Corpus inscription out of curiosity, she looked up to see Sema and Alaric fidgeting without saying anything.

"No need to yell." She commented with a strained smile and turned away quickly, walking towards the door. "I'll be going now."

Souna followed Alise into the Armory, making way for Kate with her bulky deliver in case she's leaving immediately.

"Greetings, comrades. We recovered some of the weaponry that was left on the battlefield."

"We certainly aren't and our culture again is vastly different from the Grineer and Corpus. I think we'd need to know more about the --Oh, Pardon me," she said, stepping out of Kate's way.

She hadn't seen either Zephyr before, but Kate's thoughts weren't on unfamiliar faces. She only really noticed them when one of them spoke to her.

She tilted her head and asked with some alarm, "Are you alright?"

Perhaps on a different day, Kate would have been appreciative of this Zephyr's caring instinct, but Atlanta dominated her thoughts. Every spoken word felt like a condescending insult when placed on such a harsh background.

"No. Not really." She muttered, repressing the childish urge to shove Alise out of the way, even though she had cleared a path. She walked out of the Armoury, her destination already set.

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The soft ping of Abra’s message arriving on her CPID startled Cordia more than she cared to admit.  Reading the Oberon’s polite text, she realized just how much keeping the Captain’s secrets must have put her on edge.  Missing an obvious solution such as the one Abra suggested would have been unthinkable to her before this voyage.


+++ If your prosthetic can be easily replicated and refitted for Tenno Sahjey, I concur that it would be far preferable to a repurposed exoskeletal limb.  I will also speak to her about cloning a flesh-and-blood replacement, but in the meantime, a functional prosthetic should help keep her nerves active and healthy.  I appreciate your consideration in consulting me, Tenno Abra, and thank you for your impeccable solution.  You may proceed as you see fit. +++


Cordia proceeded on her rounds, checking to make sure that each of her patients was either being treated or resting comfortably.  Once she was finished, she intended to return to Sahjey’s bedside and talk to the Mesa about her options for treatment.




“Umm…okay.  Thank you again, Kate,” Alaric called as the little Mirage left.  The tone of her parting words sent a sharp stab of guilt through the Volt’s chest, and from the look on her face, Sema felt the same.


“Poor girl,” the Range Master said.  “I wonder why she…”


She broke off as the door opened again and a pair of Tenno in Zephyr warframes stepped through, their arms filled with a jumble of weapons.  The CPID she had transferred to the arm of her skinsuit identified them as Souna and Alise.


“That was quite considerate of you,” she said in reply to Souna’s announcement.  “If you could leave them on the table here, I’ll sort through them later.”


She shot a glance at Alaric, who shrugged helplessly.  There was no way of knowing when they would have the privacy to work on Sema’s warframe.




“A comprehensive refit using Orokin technology?” Tacis mused.  “Interesting, but perhaps impractical.  Forward the request to Chief Engineer Atlanta; give her full authority to indulge or dismiss it as she sees fit.  As for Healer Cordia, please notify her that I am on my way.”

“As you will, Grandmaster,” the twins replied, bowing from their cross-legged positions.


Tacis strode from the bridge with Nikephoros on his heels, heading for Medical and the fool of Captain he had been charged to oversee. 


Meanwhile, down in Engineering, Atlanta would receive a mercifully condensed version of Ancilla’s refit request, a rather ambitious project to turn the Hydroponics deck into a fully functional biosphere.  The refits were far from beyond the engineering staff’s capabilities, but it would be Atlanta’s decision whether or not it was worth their time and effort.

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He glanced at Sah'jey and, after some deliberation, sat beside her bed. Not on it: doing so would intrude on her personal space, and Abra simply didn't know her very well. Instead, he sat on a regular stool, crossed one leg over the other, and set his hands on his knee, relaxing the arms but maintaining proper posture.

"Hello, Tenno Sah'jey." He said gently. "How are you feeling?"

Sah'jey didn't really have much energy at the moment and was sure she reeked of blood, though she couldn't really smell it herself. Lazily casting Abra a glance her lips moved slowly and her voice trailed out quietly. "How do you think I feel, tried rescuing a complete idiot because I owed him. Look what it got me." She let out a small puff of air wincing slightly, "I want to know what was going through his mind. That was not any action a Tenno should undertake, charging an unknown enemy. While there are plenty others to deal with. Does he not understand the importance of teamwork in our art."

Edited by Astralin
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Null had retreated from the conversation, if only a little bit. He had much preferred conversing with the tertiary Cephalon than he did with another Tenno. Though he only thought it polite to give a slight, halfhearted wave back at her. It was as much as he was going to muster for the duration of this little encounter. "Pleasure to meet you." Short, curt, brief. This is what he had hoped this chance little meeting would be like. Though he had this niggling little feeling that this wouldn't be the case, seeing as she had been reading to the plants. Null couldn't help but shake the feeling that Ancilla would find her presence and natural affinity with the plants somehow useful to the little project that the Cephalon wanted to undertake. It wasn't that the extra help wasn't appreciated, quite the contrary.


Null just didn't like other Tenno.


Or Grineer. Or Corpus. Or pretty much any other humanoid that existed within physical space. He didn't mesh well with them, all that flesh and blood sitting there, judging him with their every slight movement. Null would tap the gold tip of one of his feet upon the ground, the sharp clicking drawing his thoughts back to the physical plane. For some reason, Null seemed to think that introducing him to Maina were the Cephalon's way of a playful joke. She of course had most of the information on him, surely she was aware that other Tenno weren't really his forte. And on the offchance that she didn't, since she could monitor vital signs, she certainly did now.

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+++ If your prosthetic can be easily replicated and refitted for Tenno Sahjey, I concur that it would be far preferable to a repurposed exoskeletal limb. I will also speak to her about cloning a flesh-and-blood replacement, but in the meantime, a functional prosthetic should help keep her nerves active and healthy. I appreciate your consideration in consulting me, Tenno Abra, and thank you for your impeccable solution. You may proceed as you see fit. +++

Sah'jey didn't really have much energy at the moment and was sure she reeked of blood, though she couldn't really smell it herself. Lazily casting Abra a glance her lips moved slowly and her voice trailed out quietly. "How do you think I feel, tried rescuing a complete idiot because I owed him. Look what it got me." She let out a small puff of air wincing slightly, "I want to know what was going through his mind. That was not any action a Tenno should undertake, charging an unknown enemy. While there are plenty others to deal with. Does he not understand the importance of teamwork in our art."

"I know what you mean... there must be a reason the commander acted like that. I'll ask him as soon as I see him again, alright?" Abra's helmet unfurled. He tried smiling, but it didn't reach his worrying eyes. He cleared his throat.

"I'm sorry, but I must change the subject." He sighed, taking a nearby datapad and quickly assimilating the information. Abra was already well-acquainted to arm injuries, and it was easy to recognize the highlighted areas. "The entirety of your left arm, save a portion of the humerus... is gone."

"Your clavicle and scapula are still intact, but... the deltoid muscle is injured, as are the triceps, teres minor, infraspinatus and..." He squinted at the analysis. Was that low definition really necessary? "... a portion of the supraspinatus muscles. Most tendons in your shoulder are in a very bad state as well."

"As we speak, a new, cloned limb is being built. Unfortunately, it will take three weeks for it to be completed and made warframe-friendly. We will have to operate beforehand to remove any unrepairable muscles and prepare the joint for the reattachment procedure." He tried to switch to kinder news, even though no part of losing a limb was kind. "In the interim, you can be provided with a cybernetic arm like my own. The Herakles can be completed and implanted within a day if you so choose."

He brought his hands together, carefully studying Sah'jey's reaction to all of it. Abra himself hadn't been very calm after his unwilling amputation. How odd that this role is now mine, he thought.

"Would you prefer a temporary prosthetic, or would you rather wait for the cloned limb?"


“Umm…okay. Thank you again, Kate,” Alaric called as the little Mirage left. The tone of her parting words sent a sharp stab of guilt through the Volt’s chest, and from the look on her face, Sema felt the same.

“Poor girl,” the Range Master said. “I wonder why she…”

There was no possible way for Kate to have heard or seen their reaction. Dry, sarcastic wit was not her forte, especially when feeling like crap. Her words must have sounded like a barely concealed jab. Misinterpretation, the root of so many cruelties. Perhaps this was an omen?

Unaware of this barely enlightening narration, Kate kept walking. Each step was just so heavier than the last, until eventually she got to the short hallway before the Engineering section. She stared at the circular portal, and her distorted, muted reflection stared back - barely visible, forgettable, but Kate had an eye for details.

She tilted her helmeted head to the right. The reflection moved, too, but to its right. Throughout the little observation, the Mirage thought. What to do? Walk in, hand over, depart smoothly? Simple, but she still didn't like it. Get somebody else to toss the gun at Atlanta?

It is important to keep in mind that Kate was not extraordinarily brave. So it was not because of the wise reason, "This is my responsibility, and I must deal with it", that she abandoned that plan. Why? It was a misguided motivation, born from hope, but ignoring reason.

If someone else does it... she'll just keep thinking I'm less than nothing, and the other guy would get a pat on the back. But if I go in there myself... maybe...

In a different emotional state, things may have been different. But Kate entered Engineering anyway - then considered going back out, then considered not doing so, then thought about leaving the Opticor behind, then realized that may be a bad idea, then...

When people are afraid, their resolve is shaken. Indecision dominates. Kate stood still by one of Engineering's door, pointing the Opticor down but still keeping a firm grip on it.

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"I know what you mean... there must be a reason the commander acted like that. I'll ask him as soon as I see him again, alright?" Abra's helmet unfurled. He tried smiling, but it didn't reach his worrying eyes. He cleared his throat.

"I'm sorry, but I must change the subject." He sighed, taking a nearby datapad and quickly assimilating the information. Abra was already well-acquainted to arm injuries, and it was easy to recognize the highlighted areas. "The entirety of your left arm, save a portion of the humerus... is gone."

"Your clavicle and scapula are still intact, but... the deltoid muscle is injured, as are the triceps, teres minor, infraspinatus and..." He squinted at the analysis. Was that low definition really necessary? "... a portion of the supraspinatus muscles. Most tendons in your shoulder are in a very bad state as well."

"As we speak, a new, cloned limb is being built. Unfortunately, it will take three weeks for it to be completed and made warframe-friendly. We will have to operate beforehand to remove any unrepairable muscles and prepare the joint for the reattachment procedure." He tried to switch to kinder news, even though no part of losing a limb was kind. "In the interim, you can be provided with a cybernetic arm like my own. The Herakles can be completed and implanted within a day if you so choose."

He brought his hands together, carefully studying Sah'jey's reaction to all of it. Abra himself hadn't been very calm after his unwilling amputation. How odd that this role is now mine, he thought.

"Would you prefer a temporary prosthetic, or would you rather wait for the cloned limb?"

Sah'jey listened to what Abra had to say, it annoyed her that he was being so, technical and calm about it, she was sure that he had dealt with this though given his state. She looked at his hand for several dozen seconds as she thought things through, if she just stayed with nothing until the new one was fully cloned then she would be unable to be of much use. Lack of use might also kill her nerves considering both Abra and Cordia had made such note of that.


Finally she looked up at Abra's eyes narrowing her own, "I would be more useful if I had 'two' functional limbs before and after the clone is finished. How long will I be bedridden?"

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On 2/17/2016 at 9:15 PM, Astralin said:

Sah'jey listened to what Abra had to say, it annoyed her that he was being so, technical and calm about it, she was sure that he had dealt with this though given his state. She looked at his hand for several dozen seconds as she thought things through, if she just stayed with nothing until the new one was fully cloned then she would be unable to be of much use. Lack of use might also kill her nerves considering both Abra and Cordia had made such note of that.


Finally she looked up at Abra's eyes narrowing her own, "I would be more useful if I had 'two' functional limbs before and after the clone is finished. How long will I be bedridden?"

If he were uncaringly honest, Abra would have said that Sah'jey was, besides the missing arm, in otherwise excellent physical condition and ready to do simple, one-handed tasks. But he knew exactly what the Mesa would try to do with that kind of liberty: she would storm over to wherever Temperance was being looked after and try to attack him, possibly making Praetor deploy Specters to restrain her.

The hypothetical situation rang no small amount of bells.

"You need to rest, Tenno Sah'jey. We'll need you soon enough," He added. "And you'd be of no use to anyone if you were tired. Exhaustion is a real problem for many Tenno, and it'd be best not to risk it."

He rose from his seat, giving her a comforting smile. "It won't be long now. Just try to relax, and you'll do alright."

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On 1/31/2016 at 4:19 PM, Achaix said:

With only a brief examination and a little fiddling with the cannon (leaving be the obvious trigger), Kate found out how to eject the spent energy cells and slot in the fresh ones. Heavy weapons weren't her specialty. They were a real hassle to synergize with her acrobatic-based fighting strategy: most needed seconds she couldn't spare to charge up, and the Mirage was one of the most frail Warframes. After a few moments of trying to read the Corpus inscription out of curiosity, she looked up to see Sema and Alaric fidgeting without saying anything.

"No need to yell." She commented with a strained smile and turned away quickly, walking towards the door. "I'll be going now."

She hadn't seen either Zephyr before, but Kate's thoughts weren't on unfamiliar faces. She only really noticed them when one of them spoke to her.

Perhaps on a different day, Kate would have been appreciative of this Zephyr's caring instinct, but Atlanta dominated her thoughts. Every spoken word felt like a condescending insult when placed on such a harsh background.

"No. Not really." She muttered, repressing the childish urge to shove Alise out of the way, even though she had cleared a path. She walked out of the Armoury, her destination already set.

On 2/7/2016 at 6:50 PM, Temperance000 said:

“Umm…okay.  Thank you again, Kate,” Alaric called as the little Mirage left.  The tone of her parting words sent a sharp stab of guilt through the Volt’s chest, and from the look on her face, Sema felt the same.

“Poor girl,” the Range Master said.  “I wonder why she…”

She broke off as the door opened again and a pair of Tenno in Zephyr warframes stepped through, their arms filled with a jumble of weapons.  The CPID she had transferred to the arm of her skinsuit identified them as Souna and Alise.

“That was quite considerate of you,” she said in reply to Souna’s announcement.  “If you could leave them on the table here, I’ll sort through them later.”

She shot a glance at Alaric, who shrugged helplessly.  There was no way of knowing when they would have the privacy to work on Sema’s warframe.


Alise frowned as Kate left. Perhaps something had happened during the battle. She seemed upset now, but maybe she'd seek out the Mirage later to ask after her. She moved to place the weapons she was holding on the table at Alaric's request.

"I'd better go and take care of my ears," she said, and looked to Souna. "Perhaps we'll talk again later?"

She'll then leave to head to her quarters for some quiet.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Ancilla's proxy pivoted back and forth between Null and Maina as an uncomfortable silence fell, contracting its wings and tail in apparent distress.

This is suboptimal the Cephalon thought, noting the spikes in Null’s vitals with concern.

“Pardon me Tenno Null, Tenno Maina,” Ancilla spoke.  “Is there a pre-existing state between the two of you that I am unaware of?  Conversation has lagged for the last three-point-four-seven seconds, and you in particular, Tenno Null, are showing biological markers consistent with elevated stress.  As it stands, this situation is swiftly developing qualities commonly considered ‘awkward.’”


Although the inflow of patients into Medical had largely abated, Cordia still had her work cut out for her thanks to the very simple fact that current patients outnumbered current staff by an inhumane margin.  As she moved between beds, she made a silent note to ask Temperance and Tacis about getting more personnel.

Fortunately, there were few cases of injury as egregious as Sahjey.  Since Abra seemed to be doing a fine job of keeping the Mesa calm and explaining the process of temporary limb replacement, Cordia took the opportunity to check in on one of her other problematic patients.

“Tenno Lancelot,” she greeted the helpful Excalibur standing by Dalimir’s bedside, casting a glance at the bed-ridden Nekros as she did so.  “How is our stubborn friend holding up?”


Tacis left the bridge in the capable hands of Hex and the Banshee twins, moving at a swift but unhurried pace towards Medical.  The Tenno he passed along the way were tired and shaken from the recent battle, but nonetheless stood up a little straighter and acknowledged him as he passed.  Tacis returned their polite gestures mechanically, his mind occupied elsewhere.

Incidentally, one of the many thoughts swirling through his head was an off-hand approximation of the precise amount of force needed to cleanly sever the neck of a certain idiot Ash.


Sema and Alaric thanked Souna and Alise again as the two Zephyrs took their leave, then immediately turned back to the work they had begun before Kate interrupted.

“Alaric, get started on that black box,” Sema instructed.  “I’ll double check…”

“The targeting software,” Alaric finished.  “Black box is already done, Sema.”  To illustrate his point, the Volt leaned around her and tapped a screen, pulling up a detailed record of activities compiled by Sema’s warframe over the last several hours.

“Automated process.  I set it running when Kate showed up,” he explained, sounding enormously pleased with himself.

“So you did,” Sema replied absently, scrolling through some of the recent logs to get to the battle with the Colossus.  “You know Alaric, sometimes I think you’re much smarter than I give you credit for.”

“I would be flattered,” Alaric said, “but isn’t that like saying Scorpions are much prettier than the average Grineer?”

“Why yes, I believe it is,” said Sema, and smiled.


((Finally!  Took me bloody long enough.))

Edited by Temperance000
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"Confused as to my behavior but otherwise of stable mind." said Lancelot as he patted Dalimir on the arm "Get some rest Shaman, we'll talk later, okay?" he then looked over Jinx then Abra and Sah'jey before asking Cordia "Anything else I can do to help?"

Edited by Drakeardian
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They had told her to stay calm, to take it easy for at least a day or so to let her back heal properly. It didn't hurt much anymore, she could move without it ending up with that stabbing feeling. But she had still been told to take it easy and rest. Which was boring. She didn't feel any pain anymore, which made it even harder for her to know what exactly was too much movement was too much movement.

Jinx caught herself growl in annoyance. It was all Temperance's fault. Everything from her own during the circumstances mild injury, to Setebos's and Dalimir. Not to mention Sahjey's arm. Him and that thing in his head. She'd give him a piece of her mind eventually. As soon as she wasn't risking making anything in her body worse by hitting him in the face.

Another thing that was bothering her was the absence of her Scythe. She didn't like not knowing where her weapons were. It didn't come with her from the battle field so ahe had no idea if it was still lying around inside of that tower where the beast had fallen or if someone had actually taken it with them.

Jinx heard Lancelot talk to a Trinity about what else he could help with and saw a chance to maybe change that. "You can always help me retrieve my blade. You're not a medic, it's not like you can help much beyond holding people's hands." That phrasing did came out a bit harsh, more so that it had done in her head but it was true non the les.


"I know I'm Carth, but I don't know your name. So what is it?" Carth said as he offered Xiu a handshake. Another one of the team prepared another Archwing for the newcomer while yet another too another look at a screen showing the ship and was separating it in a network of different sections. Making it easier to look through the ship's hull.


Chief Engineer Atlanta was looking at a screen and was busy running diagnostics on the newly repaired and installed systems, going through them all to see how everything was working. She felt pleased with the progress and what her people had accomplished. Yet she felt an emptiness inside which she tried to ignore. And the best way to take her mind off of that was working.

Though Atlanta didn't notice the Mirage standing by the door, one of her engineers did. The Volt stopped in his tracks and looked in shock at Kate before scurrying over to her and in a thin, hushed voice said "What are you doing here? You know that you shouldn't be here."

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16 minutes ago, Lady_Viper said:

They had told her to stay calm, to take it easy for at least a day or so to let her back heal properly. It didn't hurt much anymore, she could move without it ending up with that stabbing feeling. But she had still been told to take it easy and rest. Which was boring. She didn't feel any pain anymore, which made it even harder for her to know what exactly was too much movement was too much movement.

Jinx caught herself growl in annoyance. It was all Temperance's fault. Everything from her own during the circumstances mild injury, to Setebos's and Dalimir. Not to mention Sahjey's arm. Him and that thing in his head. She'd give him a piece of her mind eventually. As soon as she wasn't risking making anything in her body worse by hitting him in the face.

Another thing that was bothering her was the absence of her Scythe. She didn't like not knowing where her weapons were. It didn't come with her from the battle field so ahe had no idea if it was still lying around inside of that tower where the beast had fallen or if someone had actually taken it with them.

Jinx heard Lancelot talk to a Trinity about what else he could help with and saw a chance to maybe change that. "You can always help me retrieve my blade. You're not a medic, it's not like you can help much beyond holding people's hands." That phrasing did came out a bit harsh, more so that it had done in her head but it was true non the less.

Lancelot glanced to Jinx for a moment, staring at her for a while before nodding with a sigh "True enough, I'll be back." said Lancelot, nodding to Cordia "Tenno Cordia." then began to make his leave back to where he'd last remember seeing the Scythe."

Memories crawled back in from that fateful day where his old friend Ulthane sacrificed himself against the Stalker on the Grineer Galleon they sabotaged, Once he had arrived after a few minutes or so, he looked over the decomposing corpse of the Colossus before reaching over to pull the Hated Scythe from the monster's skull, looking it over with a sigh. He hated this weapon more than the Stalker, he then messaged Jinx via her CPID

"I found your Scythe, I'll be back shortly." he'd put in whilst looking the Scythe over, despite his hate he couldn't help but admire the weapon, sure it was crafted somewhat...crudely or suchlike but there was a certain elegance to it, He shook his head before messaging Jinx once more as he walked up the staircase back to the ship's medical bay "Is your brother alright by the way? I've not seen him come around to check on you."

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Alise's addendum to Souna's description of their accomplished task affirmed Souna's decision to not excluse Alise, and her image of her personality. As she was instructed, she put the weapons on to the designated table, a clattering pile of deadly tools. 
"I know what it is like to lose a weapon that you have trusted your life in many times... no need to bring that onto our crew any more than necessary. I am rather sure there were some under the bodies that I did miss and that will be hard to recover without dissecting those corpses." Although her words were compassionate and kind, her tone lacked involvement. She was doing what she estimated would bring her best results, it was not that seeing her crewmates happy was any emotional relief to her.

After depositing the weapons, Souna looked up just in time to see the quiet exchange of looks between Sema and Alaric. Not knowing what they were up to, she paused for a moment to give them a chance to explain themselves. The silence was broken by Alise, who announced her departure, and the White-golden Zephyr raised her hand as a good-bye.
"Get well soon. I am looking forward to it."
With a short, sharp bow Souna also paid her respect to her two superiours present in the room. Ironically, her warm gestures from the conversation before were hollow and heartless, but this cold gesture is an earnest one: With the well-decorated Tacis and Temperance at the top, their officers can hardly be people who have not yet yielded their part of admirable deeds.
"I will take my leave as well if you do not have further need of me."
If neither Sema nor Alaric proclaim their need of the Zephyr's assistance, Souna turned on her heels, her Syandana trailing behind her gracefully, to leave the Armory and make her way to her quarters as well.


Maina had not changed her restless behaviour during the silence after Null's little wave, her thoughts drifting here and there. She apparently already forgot about the tablet which she had dropped and which now laid face-down on the floor close to her feet. 
"Oooh, don't be like that! Silence is not awkward, it just means that there's no need for words! That can be a very nice thing!" She cheerfully answered to Ancillas technical question. As she looks at the drone, she notices the top hat still resting atop the proxy. With a little smile, her gaze wanders to Null - yup, the colors match! - and back to Ancilla, and with a mischieveous smile a thought forms in her head.
"And no, we don't know each other yet... but I really hope to have a little gift or keepsake from everyone onboard by the time we are back in Origin!" 
And just as she had spoken those words, the short Banshee nimbly snitches the top hat off Ancilla's drone, taking a little hop for it. And right after, she puts it softly onto the next plant that seems like it can handle the weight, stretching again to reach the upper branches. Although it's quite brazen to take a hat that is obviously Null's without asking, she at least is visibly careful to not break it. 
Swirling around towards Ancilla and Null again she spreads her arms widely for a presentation and proclaims with a bright smile:

"Ta-Daaa! It's a topped plant! You better take good care of it, Null, since it's wearing your hat!" 

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The innermost thoughts of Null were a bit like the Rift plane itself. Colourful, silent, limited to only himself... It suited him. And like the Rift, while his thoughts could not affect the outside world, he was still aware of what went on. And he could affect the world in whatever way he wished, when he deemed it appropriate to do so. Right now? He turned to look at the small drone proxy that Ancilla had chosen to manifest herself in. Yes, it was such a simple thing... Reminiscent of a Corpus Osprey. It was so dull... So utterly lifeless. It lacked any aesthetic beauty. It seemed to have been made with only most basic functionality in mind. It... Disgusted him. Like the Grineer and their horrid "machines" -if they could even be called that- did. The Corpus were only marginally better, if only because their tech was made for the highest bidder. No, the issue with theirs was the planned obsolescence, they created their robotics with the intent for them to break... There was no heart, no empathy, no love...

It was awful. Technology should be beautiful, it should flow gracefully. 'The Orokin mechanists knew this... They knew this well. Their towers.... So pristine... So beautiful...' Null took a deep breath and exhaled, drawing himself out of his thoughts again. His piercing green gaze darted between the nature Tenno and the drone a few times, before the latter addressed him and his lack of response. He had been absorbed in the act of simply staring at the tablet that Maina had dropped at her feet out of surprise... She made no effort to reach for it, no effort to remove it from the floor, why? As he opened his mouth to speak however, he was unceremoniously cut off by the lithe Banshee's words and actions. He reached out a hand to stop her, though stopped himself as he listened to her speak, lowering his hand to his side. His gold plated fingertips tapped impatiently upon his thigh as he listened to the Tenno speak. 'Quiet. Be quiet...' The Limbo grit his teeth covertly, showing no outward signs of emotion to his fellow Tenno. He knew her type, so bubbly and cheerful, trying to weaken his guard, trying to befriend him. How dare she. How dare she even begin to think of herself as an acquaintance of his. She was just like her. Thinking things were fine and dandy, even during combat...



Drizzling rain... It was pouring now. The waves reacted in turn, slamming against the metal supports in vain. "Ahaha! Come! Come, dance with me, clones of a broken age!"

A voice? The sounds of cleanly cut metal grinding against flesh... A dull wet thud that mixed with the sounds of the waves and the rain.

It was different.
Why laughter?

This one was different than the first... The dichotomy was intense, like that of the sun... The sun... The sun...

"Is that the best that you can do?! You fight among your fallen comrades like cowards, and when they come back to haunt you, you cannot even bring yourself to destroy them as well!"

She had brought back their dead to fight alongside her... But they were disposable. Disposable like the rest of her enemies.

Suddenly, the sound of detonite... The viscous liquid being forced along its chemical reaction... The metal shook and shuddered, groaning under the sheer force of artificial nature.

No... Not quite.
Dragging metal... Another liquid... Not rain... Not the detonite...

Something else.

She no longer danced like before... No longer slicing through their ranks with a prismatic blade... 1... 2... Th-... No, 2 were gone. One leg... One arm.
Yet still she lived. She clung to life.

Then, He came. From the spires reaching to the clouds, he descended. Wading through the sea above the water, he came to her. She, Master over death itself, now lay at her own doorstep and looked up at him. "Ha... Haha, looks like I really bit off a bit more than I could chew... Eh?" He didn't listen, his eyes looked at her, and around her, focused upon the glimmering blade near her.
"Gimme a hand, eh?" She chuckled, "we'll get me patched up, get you offa this rig, it'll be a nice little bonding session." She extended her functional hand to him, but he did not see it.

In his hands, he held firmly the metal grip. He felt the weight of it in his hands, the weight of something so perfectly designed to take a life. He ran a hand along its blade, wiping away the crimson that marred its pristine state. What did it feel like, he wondered...

A shimmering, dazzling rainbow that arced through, cutting the air, exerting its colour over the falling rain.
So cleanly.
So beautifully.

Another sound mixed with the rain and waves that day. She would find her home in the waves as well.


Maina stood there, arms outstretched as if waiting for applause. Sweat rolled down Null's forehead, along the contours of his face. He did not care for the fact that Ancilla could read his vitals, he could only wonder what they said about him now. But that thought was simply in passing. The glare of green from the Limbo was... Frightening, to say the least. In one swift motion, he snapped his thumb and middle finger of his left hand, pointing it towards his hat, which was immediately enveloped in the Rift, the telltale white energy surrounding it. Now between the planes, it fell through the plant it was currently perched on. Before it could hit the ground, the remainder of Null's helmet reformed around his head as he snapped his other fingers on his right hand, sending himself into the Rift so that he could grab his "hat" and place it back upon his head. One more snap of his right fingers and he was once more back on the physical plane. Underneath his helm, he narrowed his eyes at the Banshee, before snatching up the tablet currently at her feet, and the cactus he had been carrying along. He thrust the two back at her chest, making sure she had a hold of them before he let go. "The dataslate holds a wealth of information. It should not be mistreated as so." He spoke in a calm, measured voice, holding the barest hint of shake within it.

Exhaling and turning on his heel to face Ancilla's proxy, he ignored whatever musings that Maina may have had for him as he spoke. "Tenno Abra is on his way here, and can be briefed about your idea, Ancilla. I need to speak with you privately." He turned the rest of the way around, his back to the Banshee, and began to leave the way he came, before stopping a few steps forward and looking over his shoulder to the drone that may or may not have been following him. "Please?" There was no upward inflection to indicate that it was a question however, though it was meant with no ire. His hands clenched into fists, and relaxed, over and over. It was much more noticeable than the way they shook. He would undoubtedly calm down on his way to... Wherever he chose to head towards, he simply had to be out of this general area. Away from that Tenno. Away from other Tenno. He had something very, very important to speak with Ancilla about. Something he had been planning for quite awhile. But right now, it was a project that he needed to undertake to calm his nerves.

Edited by Starnsy_Warnsy
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9 hours ago, Lady_Viper said:

Chief Engineer Atlanta was looking at a screen and was busy running diagnostics on the newly repaired and installed systems, going through them all to see how everything was working. She felt pleased with the progress and what her people had accomplished. Yet she felt an emptiness inside which she tried to ignore. And the best way to take her mind off of that was working.

Though Atlanta didn't notice the Mirage standing by the door, one of her engineers did. The Volt stopped in his tracks and looked in shock at Kate before scurrying over to her and in a thin, hushed voice said "What are you doing here? You know that you shouldn't be here."

"No sh¡t." Kate snapped at him, but bit her tongue once what she had reflexively said sunk in. She hung her head in shame. "Sorry, I'm... I'm not okay right now."

Holding the cannon by the barrel, she drummed her fingers on the Opticor's grip, each small impact gaining a tinkling response. Thoughts thundered inside her head. Could another choice be made?

Here was a somewhat sympathetic Volt who appeared before the Nova did. If Kate wanted to pass the laser on to someone else and leave immediately, there couldn't possibly be a better opportunity. It was a godsend if she had ever seen one.

... So why wasn't she taking the chance?

Katherine Esperanza Fleming was not especially brave, but she made it a rule to stick to her decisions for as long as humanly possible. And a realization of what she truly wanted destroyed the possibility of simply turning away.

I want her to say she's sorry.

Yes, it wasn't quite as dramatic as other options, but that was what Kate wanted: an honest, face-to-face apology. Highly unlikely given the situation, but she was honestly tired of beating around the bush.

She strode forward, a strange sort of strength driving her onwards: not enough to be called confidence, but certainly determined. It was almost dreamlike, she idly thought, to be in that state. She stopped a few metres behind the Chief, the Tenno she had once affectionately called Boss.

It wasn't a shout or a whisper; rather, it was a firm call. The Harlequin helm betrayed no weaknesses... except for the spiderweb of cracks across the central mask section.


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On ‎3‎/‎7‎/‎2016 at 11:56 AM, Lady_Viper said:

"I know I'm Carth, but I don't know your name. So what is it?" Carth said as he offered Xiu a handshake. Another one of the team prepared another Archwing for the newcomer while yet another too another look at a screen showing the ship and was separating it in a network of different sections. Making it easier to look through the ship's hull.

Xiuhcoahtl shakes the offered hand with a firm grip, replying while he does. "I am Xiuhcoahtl." Disengaging from the handshake he grips the 'collar' of his frame and rests his arms in that way.  "What kind of damage should we keep our eyes out for on the flight? I've worked over a few ships before and was more or less in charge of keeping my old clan's dojo operational and up to date but none of thats been able to compare with the Manifold so far. Barring the cryotic malfunction." He stops himself there, recalling the incident and thinking on how to avoid a conversation regarding it.  Clearing his throat he shifts his weight from one foot to another, looking up and around the hangar.

Sighing he says "I don't mean to bring that up right now. There'll be time enough to vent after the ships cleared for departure."

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"Huh, well, for now I have proven myself wrong. Funny. I am Dalimir." Unfortunately, as Lancelot bid his farewell, he had patted his right arm, and he twitched in response. He then turned to Cordia. "Fine enough to walk, thank you." He quickly gave himself a once-over. He knew not to over-extend his right arm, as that had recently been dislocated at the shoulder. He could feel most of the flesh in his mid-section in its proper place, however, most of it was raw and only freshly mended, nevermind the fact that all of his ribs had been crushed and would take significantly longer to heal. It was official, Dalimir was no longer field worthy for the time being. Wonderful. He began to sit upright, but even that proved to be somewhat of a struggle, especially since he was only using his left arm.

He gently dropped himself back onto the table, knowing this up-hill struggle to be futile for the time-being. He then looked towards the door Temperance had been taken through and glared, crunching both hands into fists and pounding the table he lay on with his left hand as he growled in frustration at his helplessness. He then looked to Cordia. "When you have the time, I require more healing, enough to get me on my feet at the very least." He turned away in thought for a moment, then looked back. "Also, how much longer do you think we'll be docked at the tower for? There is still something I have to do before we leave, besides retrieve my missing firearms."

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Sah'jey had nothing to do now with that all in place, all she could do was wait for her limb and wait for dismissal from Cordia's care. She let her head fall to the pillow with a sigh, "Fine... when Lancelot returns let him know I wish to speak with him." Meanwhile she closed her eyes doing the best she could to rest and relax, though the idea of beating the tar out of their leader still hung quite close in her mind. Perhaps Lancelot would be able to talk her out of it, doubtful but it's at least a thought.


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The dull thumps of Setebos' footsteps were the only immediate sign of activity within the hallway of the quarters as he slowly drifted towards his room, each step bringing him ever so closer. After what seemed like a lifetime of walking, he finally reached his quarters. The door hissed open quietly as he approached, almost as if to welcome him back after a long time away from home. Setebos set foot within the threshold, but stopped halfway through as he faintly heard another set of footsteps. Soft, with a slight scraping noise to suggest that the feet had claws or talons of some sort.


Click, clack, click, clack.


After a couple of moments of standing frozen in the doorway of his quarters, Setebos dismissed the sound as just another crew member, and completed the journey into his quarters.

The door hissed closed behind him, Setebos looked over his shoulder to be sure the door way unlocked. It was. With that, he began pulling off his gear, starting with his Paris Prime, hanging it and his Magistar on the weapon rack, and his Dex Furis on the shelf above it, neatly arranged to appear symmetrical. With a roll of his shoulders, the dull hum of the Manifold was all that greeted him now. He looked over towards his trunk, where the plant lay. Still just a pot of dirt, but progress wasn't always about exterior change. Setebos went over to the sink, cupping his hands as he poured water into them. He then strode over to the pot, gently releasing the water he had stored to be absorbed by the soil. A reward for the plant's efforts to grow, no matter how small.

In his head, Setebos made a mental note to get himself a container that held water for the express purpose of feeding his plant. With nothing left to do, Setebos made his way to his bed, falling onto it with an exhausted and muffled thump. He rolled over on his back, realizing how much of a mistake that was now that his ribs burned in protest. With his left arm and leg haphazardly dangling over the bed frame, Setebos felt a new wave of fatigue envelope him, and felt himself drift away into a new period of slumber.

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Carth smiled sadly as Xiu reminded him of the incident. Nothing good had come of that except maybe the knowledge that they should go through the ship, and thus preventing any future accidents. He knew most of the ones who had been sent off to the medbay. Including the ones who had died.

The Frost was happy to change the subject and quickly brought up a hologram of the Manifold, now with its hull divided into different sectors. “This might take a while but it’s important that we are as thorough as possible or Atlanta will have our heads. Worst case scenario, someone dies due to our sloppiness.”

Carth hadn’t meant to but he subconsciously went back to the incident. It was now a constant reminder of what could happen if they didn’t do their jobs right. IF a Tenno had to die then it would be with a sword in hand, not by some stupid accident that could have been prevented.

“Now we’ll take the Archwings out and go through it all section by section. We’ll have scanners with us to detect any weaknesses along with other instruments that might be necessary for repair. But our eyesight is also very important for this. If you see something and your gut tells you that it might be something then you report in, okay?”


The Volt got startled by Kate’s sudden outburst as she moved on past him. He followed her, desperately trying to say something that would make her leave, but no complete sentence managed to come out of his mouth. Only a few strides later it was already too late. The only thing left for him was to be on standby, and keep an eye on how things unfold.

Atlanta could sense someone staring at her, something which wasn’t that uncommon. People waiting by for their turn to talk, or to get her attention wasn’t that unusual. What made her react was the voice, that damned voice. The voice she didn’t want to hear here in her own domain.

The Nova was wearing her helmet this time so Kate wouldn’t be able to see her face along with the Engineers scornful expression, but she could probably tell by the tone of her voice. “What. Are. You. Doing here” Her eyes wandered down to a familiar shape in the mirage’s hands, her Opticore. A weapon she had tinkered with and cared for during so many hours that she’d be able to tell it apart from any other of its kind. “And what are you doing with my weapon”

She tensed, every muscle of her being was on alert, even her lips pressed together to become a thin line as she stared at the Mirage. The cracked visor of the harlequin helmet was something her mind only registered for storage instead of something to care to ask about. Atlanta’s own main focus was on the fact that this Mirage once again had dared to come down here where she wasn’t wanted. And as a final insult, she was in the possession of her most treasured weapon.



Jinx, in lack of anything else to do, was observing the things around her. Like Dalimir who had finally woken and was now well enough to unhindered converse with his surroundings. The things she had seen inside his head teased her curiosity, but she also questioned what and how much to tell the Nekros. He was close on piecing together the puzzle on his own so why not help him?

Not too long after she had started her reflections on the subject she heard a little ping from her CPID to tell her she had gotten a message. Before she had even been able to read the first message, a second ping came.

She was pleased that Lancelot had found her weapon, less pleased with that it meant that no one had cared to pick it up in any cleaning of the battle field. Maybe that weird “scientist” who wanted to study the giant infested so bad had held his clutches on it.

The second one was one she couldn’t answer. She knew that something was off but she hadn’t had the time to ask him before he had gone off again and she didn’t like having to read his mind. She shouldn’t have to, she rarely had to, as they usually didn’t feel the need to hide anything for one another. And even though he sometimes tried to shut her out due to some strange thought that it was for her own good, it felt like a slap to be shut out.

Then again, she probably shouldn’t be one to say anything on the matter as she had done alot of things under his radar with the “you’re better off not knowing” excuse. The Nyx’s face became grim when thinking of it. Most of those occurrences had been on that blasted derelict church, and with Temperance in the centre. He and his psyco of a girlfriend.

Almost as if he had heard Jinx thinking of him, Arthur walked through the door. His face hidden behind the comfortable neutrality of his helmet. He knew he couldn’t hide anything from Jinx however. Others may not see his face and expressions, but she didn’t need to. Never had.

He found her lying on her side not too far from some other familiar faces. She was the only one so far who had noticed him immediately though. Red eyes like his own was staring back at him as he approached.

“Feeling better?” he asked, his voice sounded almost hollow by his attempt to not let his bad mood sound through. Something he knew she noticed as she narrowed her eyes at him in observation.

“Better now when I know that my weapons aren’t on the loose somewhere” She replied, avoiding the topic of her back. “Lancelot was kind enough to go look for it and should return shortly."

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On 3/9/2016 at 7:01 PM, Astralin said:

Sah'jey had nothing to do now with that all in place, all she could do was wait for her limb and wait for dismissal from Cordia's care. She let her head fall to the pillow with a sigh, "Fine... when Lancelot returns let him know I wish to speak with him." 

There was something very strange with the way the Mesa had spoken. Her voice seemed deeper, more cruel, as through she were speaking through a modulator that emboldened her words.

Abra looked back, but nothing was out of place.

"I must be imagining things." He murmured under his breath as he left Medical and headed towards Hydroponics.


On 3/12/2016 at 7:05 PM, Lady_Viper said:

The Volt got startled by Kate’s sudden outburst as she moved on past him. He followed her, desperately trying to say something that would make her leave, but no complete sentence managed to come out of his mouth. Only a few strides later it was already too late. The only thing left for him was to be on standby, and keep an eye on how things unfold.


Atlanta could sense someone staring at her, something which wasn’t that uncommon. People waiting by for their turn to talk, or to get her attention wasn’t that unusual. What made her react was the voice, that damned voice. The voice she didn’t want to hear here in her own domain.


The Nova was wearing her helmet this time so Kate wouldn’t be able to see her face along with the Engineers scornful expression, but she could probably tell by the tone of her voice. “What. Are. You. Doing here” Her eyes wandered down to a familiar shape in the mirage’s hands, her Opticore. A weapon she had tinkered with and cared for during so many hours that she’d be able to tell it apart from any other of its kind. “And what are you doing with my weapon”


She tensed, every muscle of her being was on alert, even her lips pressed together to become a thin line as she stared at the Mirage. The cracked visor of the harlequin helmet was something her mind only registered for storage instead of something to care to ask about. Atlanta’s own main focus was on the fact that this Mirage once again had dared to come down here where she wasn’t wanted. And as a final insult, she was in the possession of her most treasured weapon.

Hearing the Nova address her directly, the spell of not-quite-confidence was almost imnediately shattered. Kate almost froze up. Almost.

"What am I doing here?" She repeated while pointing at Atlanta directly, then letting the hand drop. "I've been choked. I've been hit in the face by a Stalker fanboy. I've been thoroughly f*cked over by God, Allah, Buddha, Brahma, or whatever deity. What am I doing here?"

"I'm looking for an apology from the smug motherf*cker who is the author of my existence. But that's impossible, so I'll settle for second best: an apology from you." She patted the Opticor. "I've got a f*ckoff laser, so don't you dare interrupt me."

"When I entered the scene of the accident," She paused for a moment, recalling that mess. "I saw you standing in the middle of the room, doing nothing - nothing! - as your engineers screamed. You only moved when I tried to snap you out of it, and to do what?"

Kate pointed at her neck as she spoke. "To wrap those lovely fingers around my f*cking throat. Not to help the injured, not to fix the real problem that was causing so much pain... but to choke me. And why? Because I had shown eagerness, because I wanted to be a part of this crew, because I wanted..." She bit her own tongue. Better not let the heat of the moment make her say something that personal. A cocktail of emotion was within her, and it itched to burst.

"Hey, Sparky!" She called at the Volt, anger colouring her words. "Better not make an effort, or the psycho engie will make you an antimatter piñata! Wouldn't want more people to die here, would we!?"

She was screaming hoarsely by the end of it, and took a moment to breathe heavily.

"I f*cked up!" She declared. "Is that what you want me to say? Is that what you want me to f*cking say!? Yes, I f*cked up by choosing to go back! So what? So f*cking what!? That makes me guilty? Oh well f*cking done, you Lotus-blessed darling! Top of the line deductive reasoning right f*cking there!"

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Arriving at the Infirmary, Lancelot looked to Arthur and nodded to him "Tenno Arthur, Good to see you." he then approached his sister and showed her the Hate he carried with him "It's crudely elegant I must admit." thought Lancelot to himself as he looked to Arthur before placing it down next to Jinx's bed with the blade on the floor and pointed to the wall to Jinx's bed to prevent accidents. "But not a weapon I myself would wish to have." 


He then looked to Sah'jey and Abra as he coughed before looking to Arthur "How are you feeling?" he asked the stalker coloured Excalibur, glancing to Dal once more as he talked to his fellow Excalibur.

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On ‎3‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 5:05 PM, Lady_Viper said:

Carth smiled sadly as Xiu reminded him of the incident. Nothing good had come of that except maybe the knowledge that they should go through the ship, and thus preventing any future accidents. He knew most of the ones who had been sent off to the medbay. Including the ones who had died.


The Frost was happy to change the subject and quickly brought up a hologram of the Manifold, now with its hull divided into different sectors. “This might take a while but it’s important that we are as thorough as possible or Atlanta will have our heads. Worst case scenario, someone dies due to our sloppiness.”


Carth hadn’t meant to but he subconsciously went back to the incident. It was now a constant reminder of what could happen if they didn’t do their jobs right. IF a Tenno had to die then it would be with a sword in hand, not by some stupid accident that could have been prevented.


“Now we’ll take the Archwings out and go through it all section by section. We’ll have scanners with us to detect any weaknesses along with other instruments that might be necessary for repair. But our eyesight is also very important for this. If you see something and your gut tells you that it might be something then you report in, okay?”

Nodding his head as he listened to Carth explain everything, it was a slight relief to Xiu knowing the procedure now. It was similar enough to what he was familiar with but still different in a few ways.  It has been a benefit working with others on the Manifold, if any of them ran into a problem to big for one to handle then help was just a few words away. Definitely a step up from needing to convince his clanmates to assist him when a job was just too complicated for one person.

"I get it now Carth sir."

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