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Lotus In Bloom [Ooc]


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No, no, I mean viper hates me because I have a tendecy to not post in long stretches despite being present on the forums. My point was yes, I'm sorry about that, and in no way does my screwup connect to Winged's. Separate things. I had a right to be annoyed, I don't now because Winged gave an explanation.

STMPD, you really like to talk about how much Viper hates you, but the only times I see her actually get angry at you is when you accuse her of it. Self-fulfilling prophecy.

That, or when you don't post, or write something irritating, but we all are displeased with anyone who does that.

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...Speaking of which, is Tacis actually in the hangar, or what?


Tacis is taking care of business in C&C.  So no, he is not in the hangar.



More relevantly:  I regret to inform everyone that I have a rather busy two weeks ahead of me.  Projects, finals, all that lovely stuff.  I will do my best to set everything up in my next post, but after that, I'm afraid my ability to post will be rather inconsistent.  Thanks for understanding.



Edited by Temperance000
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I know! I know. I get that's why you enjoy it when my characters get punched in the face. I'm trying to do less of that even if I doubt that will change your passionate hate for my presence. Eh. It's okay. We all have those times.


...Speaking of which, is Tacis actually in the hangar, or what?

Wow, you really do love to think that I hate you. It'd be amusing if it wasn't so irritating. And I've seen you have...two characters in the RPs? I didn't enjoy seeing Khaldrun getting punched in the face just because he's your OC. I enjoyed it because he's been behaving like a real arse and got what he deserved.


What I find odd is that you seem to be changing Khaldrun's character when seeing how much he's being disliked by other characters. Try to have him stay IC and don't try to do what you think would please people. I think I speak for most when I say that we like consistent characters.


Lia in LiDS is one of the most hated characters in that RP. Metro's trying to have her slowly but surely change after her experiences but she is an arse, and a consistent arse at that. Or perhaps Alad V himself. We all love to hate him but he's still a well written character.


Characters like that are good for drama, forces other characters to do things and in a RP world with ether the goody two shoes or just badly written characters, consistent arseholes are needed. I can say that there are some of Snale's OCs that I wanted nothing more than to punch in the face myself but I still enjoyed reading about them as they were well written.



... Editing post accordingly...

Erm..and Winged...you might want to take a look at your post again..."She made it to the hangar within time, strolling up to Tacis with a light jog, stopping to examine the hangar room before she'd send another message to Tacis confirming her arrival at the hangar."...yeah..

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Wow, you really do love to think that I hate you. It'd be amusing if it wasn't so irritating. And I've seen you have...two characters in the RPs? I didn't enjoy seeing Khaldrun getting punched in the face just because he's your OC. I enjoyed it because he's been behaving like a real arse and got what he deserved.

What I find odd is that you seem to be changing Khaldrun's character when seeing how much he's being disliked by other characters. Try to have him stay IC and don't try to do what you think would please people. I think I speak for most when I say that we like consistent characters.

Lia in LiDS is one of the most hated characters in that RP. Metro's trying to have her slowly but surely change after her experiences but she is an arse, and a consistent arse at that. Or perhaps Alad V himself. We all love to hate him but he's still a well written character.

Characters like that are good for drama, forces other characters to do things and in a RP world with ether the goody two shoes or just badly written characters, consistent arseholes are needed. I can say that there are some of Snale's OCs that I wanted nothing more than to punch in the face myself but I still enjoyed reading about them as they were well written.

Erm..and Winged...you might want to take a look at your post again..."She made it to the hangar within time, strolling up to Tacis with a light jog, stopping to examine the hangar room before she'd send another message to Tacis confirming her arrival at the hangar."...yeah..


Edit; I fixed it. Sorry. I'm tired and my eyes hurt. @n@

Edit 2; Ultimatum, there are a few mistakes in your post you may want to fix up.

Edited by WingedCrusade
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Oh, and before I forget. Dal wanted someone to point this out so I'm just gonna do it.


1. Dalimir, Khaldun's already left. He kinda squeezed past the twins before he could get insulted further.

^ "could someone please tell STMPD that I had Dal speak as if he was still there is because character's don't just freeze up and only do stuff because I've posted? If other people in the vicinity are doing things, I have to account for that." -direct quote from what Dal said in the chatango. 

Edited by Lady_Viper
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Oh, and before I forget. Dal wanted someone to point this out so I'm just gonna do it.


^ "could someone please tell STMPD that I had Dal speak as if he was still there is because character's don't just freeze up and only do stuff because I've posted? If other people in the vicinity are doing things, I have to account for that." -direct quote from what Dal said in the chatango. 


Oh and I'm going to make a post since I have a spot of free time.

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And to add to the questions for Ultima. Temp wonders how Annabelle was able to diagnose that engineer with just a glance. Though now on a second thought I have to wonder if it really was a "glance" as "quickly checking" doesn't have to mean that. But it is easy to see how that's interpreted as just looking. Perhaps an explanation is in order? 

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Speaking on Temp's instructions, Temp wanted me to relay a message to Fish, STMPD and Winged. He's asked me to tell you to go ahead and finish with the tower mission as he's got too much to do at the current moment.

Edited by Drakeardian
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I will edit it Drake, and I will elaborate, Madamoiselle Viper.

((^See? That's what I mean!! I didn't @(*()$ know! How was I supposed to? They don't teach that stuff in American schools! And if they do, I didn't care at the time.))

Edited by ultimatumcore
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A quick note:

I am going to come outright with it, I am not that good at RPing, nor am I all that amazing at writing in itself.

There, done.

That said, I recognize this, and I recognize the proficiency to which certain of you all have developed it. This is important to know, because I will say a few shocking words,

I. Want. To be good at this.

Right? Mind blown? No? Yes?

Either way, I don't care.

I came to a community so that I could get feedback. this is great! I get wanted feedback on a daily basis! I LOVE it.

The only conceivable problem can, and will, be from this feedback bottling up when certain people have very certain inhibitions. This could be disastrous, because not only would I suddenly realize how bad I am at this, I will feel as if I'm under attack, because these inhibitions have been basically loading a gun. That. Sucks.

So please. I beg you. If I'm ignorant of important procedures, if I mess something up, TELL MEEEEEEEE!!!!!

This is imperative, because I apply what I've learned to my stories that I write, and if I think I'm doing fine, I continue on a straight line.

Winged, I think, needs to keep reminding me to check the spelling, I understand that can get tiring, I'm sorry, but I want to express my gratitude for doing that.

Drake has to keep reminding me about WALL OF TEXTS. I once again apologize, it should only need to be said once, but I get carried away with myself, again. Thank you so much. It's really important.

Otherwise, I don't hear all that much outside anonymous tips or from myself, me, and I. I can guarantee I'm not perfect in your eyes, so please be sure to inform me of my imperfections at your latest convenience.

I was informed that Annabelle cutting life support there was out of line, via someone who said "you didn't hear this from me."


Are you conspiring against my character? That's what it seems like when someone has to warn me anonymously that I'm being stupid.

In any case, let the hate flow, directly toward me, I'm not some prissy little girl, cuss me out f you wish, I ENJOY it.

That's my bit.

((Drake, no WOTs right?... Right? Idk...))

Edited by ultimatumcore
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A quick note:

I am going to come outright with it, I am not that good at RPing, nor am I all that amazing at writing in itself.

There, done.

That said, I recognize this, and I recognize the proficiency to which certain of you all have developed it. This is important to know, because I will say a few shocking words,

I. Want. To be good at this.

Right? Mind blown? No? Yes?

Either way, I don't care.

I came to a community so that I could get feedback, this is great! I get wanted feedback on a daily basis! I LOVE it.

The only conceivable problem can, and will, be from this feedback bottling up when certain people have very certain inhibitions. This could be disastrous, because not only would I suddenly realize how bad I am at this, I will feel as if I'm under attack, because these inhibitions have been basically loading a gun. That. Sucks.

So please. I beg you. If I'm ignorant of important procedures, if I mess something up, TELL MEEEEEEEE!!!!!

This is imperative, because I apply what I've learned to my stories that I write, and if I think I'm doing fine, I continue on a straight line.

Winged, I think, needs to keep reminding me to check the spelling, I understand that can get tiring, I'm sorry, but I want to express my gratitude for doing that.

Drake has to keep reminding me about WALL OF TEXTS. I once again apologize, it should only need to be said once, but I get carried away with myself, again. Thank you so much. It's really important.

Otherwise, I don't hear all that much outside anonymous tips or from myself, me, and I. I can guarantee I'm not perfect in your eyes, so please be sure to inform me of my imperfections at your latest convenience.

I was informed that Annabelle cutting life support there was out of line, via someone who said "you didn't hear this from me."


Are you conspiring against my character? That's what it seems like when someone has to warn me anonymously that I'm being stupid.

In any case, let the hate flow, directly toward me, I'm not some prissy little girl, cuss me out f you wish, I ENJOY it.

That's my bit.

((Drake, no WOTs right?... Right? Idk...))


A few things.


One, if you feel out of the loop, you could join us in the chatango. (Lotus-in-bloom-ooc.chatango.com, if you don't have the url handy) We talk about the RP basically all day there. I know you've expressed your reservations regarding it, but we've had the means for effective communication for a while now; don't blame us for you not using it.


Two, please don't drum up the "go ahead hate me, I like it." Nothing good can come out of that. We've seen plenty of people pull that line as an excuse to distance themselves, and preemptively disregard criticism as personal attacks. Like you've asserted, we also are here to enjoy RP, not to enjoy cussing out random people, nor be on the receiving end of that.


Three, whether people are planning anything regarding your character is irrelevant to this being an OOC conflict; that happens to any of us. I can't say specifics because SPOILERS, but planning makes things fun.


Four, it's unfair of you to delegate the task of proofreading your work off to people. It comes across as demanding, and it's redundant; we all check each other's work and point out errors, usually through the chatango to avoid filling the OOC with spell checks.


Five, I believed it best to exercise discretion when tipping you off, because I didn't want this little oversight to be ballooned into a big drama thing. I didn't call you stupid.


Please drop the melodramatic preambles, I speak for some when I say it's more grating than the legitimate concerns you mention.

Edited by SnaleKing
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^Will do.

I do understand it is unfair to ask that of you guys, but I hope for at least the warning or procedure thing, I do at least attempt to proofread my posts, so you shouldn't have to worry about that, and the hate thing? That was me being hyperbolic in order to get the point across that I'm actually kinda thick skinned, I don't actually like it when people hate me... Though that's controversal...

I will attempt to keep an eye on Chatango, but it bothers me that I can't scroll up to look at corrections I've missed or other mistakes I've made, and I can't be on it all the time, But I'll do my best if you believe it's the best way to go. Thanks.

The one about planning against my character took a second to understand... But I agree, go ahead and plan, as long as she's not tossed into space for a mistake I made.

Edited by ultimatumcore
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Well, Winged's out, and since I'm normally the absentee I intend to let him do as he may and come back when he will.

I'm waiting for Fish's post. That's all.

I was going to reply but it only would come out to a short paragraph, so I'm waiting for fish so I could make my post longer.

Edited by WingedCrusade
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I'm waiting for Fish's post. That's all.

I was going to reply but it only would come out to a short paragraph, so I'm waiting for fish so I could make my post longer.

Sorry for taking so long; I've got some writer's block that I'm trying to push through. I'll get that post up sometime today, hopefully. Edited by fishworshipper
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