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Lotus In Bloom [Ooc]


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At last, a mess that showed just how much of a bad idea it was to keep Lotus in Bloom as an "Open" RP. Thanks for being the necessary evil, Unbroken, now please get out.


I don't even know what I did to make you call me the "evil". Da heck man?

Not my fault you guys are confusin' people.

I just wanted to Rp. 030

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HA! I wasn't even yelling. I was short and to the point and apparently you can't do that to some people. And yes, you were spamming. Your last post in the IC proved that as you posted it there and not in here. 

I'm not sure you understand the definition of Spam.

Spam is saying the same thing over and over to piss people off. >_>

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In our "high quality" RP, asking before posting is common. However, The Dojo and Tuckr's thread have no such requirements.

Believing that Unbroken should know our customs when that information was never available to him is a logical fallacy.

I didn't mean "evil", but more of an expected element that will finally bring change to this RP.

Edited by Achaix
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In our "high quality" RP, asking before posting is common. However, The Dojo and Tuckr's thread have no such requirements.

Believing that Unbroken should know our customs when that information was never available to him is a logical fallacy.

I didn't mean "evil", but more of an expected element that will finally bring change to this RP.

Oh yeah, our thread is high quality, but is also said Open, my point is that even among threads that says Open people usually ask for permission first. And yes, if the threads Tuckr's in are the only ones he's been in before then it's understandable that that custom would be unknown to him.

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I'm not sure you understand the definition of Spam.

Spam is saying the same thing over and over to &!$$ people off. >_>

One, please don't double post. Two, who wants to take the liberty of asking the mod to delete all the OOC posts in the IC thread? I will, if anybody'd like.

Edit; I've taken the liberty of asking Silver to deleting posts 618-623, being that they disrupt the RP posts. Also, I have explained the situation and to change the Open tag to Closed. Forgive me if that last detail was against my power to do, but it is to avoid future confusion.

Edited by WingedCrusade
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Ive never really done forum RP and the onl one Ive been on here is the Dojo and nobody has noticed any of my posts. I have done Gmod Hl2rp so I know a lot of this lingo. Im trying to get into Brimstone and I did read the guide at the top, but yeah I was confused by the "Open". Sprry if I was rude or unknowingly interrupted anything. I just want to get involved some how. :P

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In defense of my own laziness, there is a nice little tagline in bold at the top of the first IC post, directing all aspiring participants to the OoC for important information.


I am not sure if I can change the thread title on my own, but I will check and see.  Winged, thank you for taking the initiative.  Just for propriety's sake, maybe shoot me a quick PM next time?  Otherwise, well handled.

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In defense of my own laziness, there is a nice little tagline in bold at the top of the first IC post, directing all aspiring participants to the OoC for important information.

I am not sure if I can change the thread title on my own, but I will check and see. Winged, thank you for taking the initiative. Just for propriety's sake, maybe shoot me a quick PM next time? Otherwise, well handled.

I believe you can edit it, but I can't remember off the top of my head. Also, apologies for not sending the heads-up or asking permission first, but the thought slipped my mind until I had already sent the request.

I'll make sure to try to remember to ask or give a shout out in the future, though.

Edited by WingedCrusade
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In defense of my own laziness, there is a nice little tagline in bold at the top of the first IC post, directing all aspiring participants to the OoC for important information.


I am not sure if I can change the thread title on my own, but I will check and see.  Winged, thank you for taking the initiative.  Just for propriety's sake, maybe shoot me a quick PM next time?  Otherwise, well handled.

All you need to do is head to the first page of the post. Click more reply options or something and you can edit the title!

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Yay, not 100% why it hadn't been changed after the... previous.. inccident. but that doesn't matter it is now, and I'm not sure but maybe some new blood soon would be good as we have been caught in another violent needing to wait on some people storm as which always tends to happen. Understandable I know but it'd be awesome if it could be avoided entirely, Viper I posted and messaged Zokah, temp I did the same to Sema, so whenever you guys can reply it'd be awesome.

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Are you sure the Tenno know of their betrayal in this scenario? Because I've been acting like they don't, but you put in your most recent post a part about Lusith knowing that, and I'm not sure how she or any Tenno would know by now (what with the Codex and its twist being very much an in-game thing) - or even if they should, for the sake of plotline.

Edited by S.T.M.P.D
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Are you sure the Tenno know of their betrayal in this scenario? Because I've been acting like they don't, but you put in your most recent post a part about Lusith knowing that, and I'm not sure how she or any Tenno would know by now (what with the Codex and its twist being very much an in-game thing) - or even if they should, for the sake of plotline.

I'm not sure about the status of the twist, but the codex is definitely an in-lore thing.
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To be fair here, the codex is an in game thing, yes. But it is also confirmed lore. The question is, would scanning the stalker really be how you'd get that information story wise? Is that codex entry for us so that we get more lore of the game or for our Tenno who live the lore in game? Personally in stories I've written I've had it so that that was something a provoked Stalker told the Tenno he was fighting to kill. Because really, it sounds more like something that would be said face to face. But that's something we'd need to discuss here. 

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Once again, thanks for catching this guys.


It's a relatively minor thing, but I generally like to exercise some skepticism where the betrayal of the Orokin is concerned.  That is, my characters consider it a particularly disturbing rumor rather than historical fact.


However, in this case, I think it can be brushed off as Lusith's interpretation of lore rather than absolute canon.

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Once again, thanks for catching this guys.


It's a relatively minor thing, but I generally like to exercise some skepticism where the betrayal of the Orokin is concerned.  That is, my characters consider it a particularly disturbing rumor rather than historical fact.


However, in this case, I think it can be brushed off as Lusith's interpretation of lore rather than absolute canon.

And that ladies and gentleman. Should be the end of the conversation.

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