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Lotus In Bloom [Ooc]


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As someone who hasn't heard anything of whatever turmoil you're going through I don't really feel bad when saying this. I still haven't forgotten nor forgiven your backstabbing in the end of Faithful. I have an incredibly long memory for slights Dread, try to remember that for any future BS you might have any ideas of pulling off. If that happens I will not hold back, understood?

If you want to know Viper there will be a time and a place for that. But there won't be any tricks this time, no wicked schemes to provide my own entertainment. I'm going to fill whatever role is given to me, nothing more, nothing less. All I ask is that you put your vendetta aside for now, I don't want complications between us, not anymore. I'm asking from you the same thing I asked Temperance. A chance.

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If you want to know Viper there will be a time and a place for that. But there won't be any tricks this time, no wicked schemes to provide my own entertainment. I'm going to fill whatever role is given to me, nothing more, nothing less. All I ask is that you put your vendetta aside for now, I don't want complications between us, not anymore. I'm asking from you the same thing I asked Temperance. A chance.


You sound far too much like Rotten Salad.

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You sound far too much like Rotten Salad.

Hmm... I must still be pretty young to this section of the forums. I'm unaware of who that is... Heard the name, but haven't met them.

Although, I'm all for giving him a chance. He seems very... Well-written, and I like it.

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Viper, it's in the past now. Grudges are dirty, don't hold them. Forgive and forget..~

Words that I can live by.  I also vote that we give dread a chance, he has come asking for help in a time of need, by me regardless of what he's done or what has happened that warrents another chance.

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Did I say that we shouldn't give him a chance? No (doesn't mean I have to like it though), I gave him a warning for what will hapen if he tries to sneak behind my back and stab it again. And you lot really should know by now that I don't let my personal opinions of someone affect how my Characters act. I keep my OOC opinions out of the IC thank you very much.


And yes, I do have the right to say "I told you so" and time will tell if I have to or not.



Oh, and winged... I rarely forgive, and I never forget. Doesn't mean I can't work with said people, but it will Always be with a watchfull eye and with paranoia.

Edited by Lady_Viper
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Dear Winged,

Alad V = Salad V

Mutalist Alad V = Rotten Salad

......... *Stops talking*

Oh, and winged... I rarely forgive, and I never forget. Doesn't mean I can't work with said people, but it will Always be with a watchfull eye and with paranoia.

... Yes ma'am...

(Pray I don't get on her bad side...)

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Seriously, what happened? Can someone who was in Faithful give me a sort of run-down so I know what to expect in the coming months?

I mean, summer's coming up, we're all probably gonna be posting more, things may happen...

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I've learned quite a lot from that blunder, and with my time away from RP I've had a lot of time to think and revise how I write. If I were to ever bring him back I'd certainly be setting limits on myself to avoid a repeat of last time. But it won't be in this thread.


Anywho I've been green lit to create an OC here so  I can join the rest of you so I'll be making my character bio now.


IMPORTANT: Due to IC complications this post is currently being revised and thus should be considered void until properly fixed, The main issue being the frame.


Name: Micheal 

Frame: Chroma 

Station: Assistent Researcher in the Astrometrics Lab


Personality: Over all very polite and well spoken but takes his work and anything involved with it very seriously. Due to this he can be paranoid and nervous. Chroma's armor is a detachable ward and due to Micheal's paranoia he will usually leave it in the lab in case he needs to leave. The armor will safe guard his research and the lab itself. Tends to be nervous around high authority figures to the point where he will stutter and ramble.

Micheal tends to shy away from conflict or altercation if possible but will not back down if it is unavoidble.


Appearance: Micheal's armor is an ash like grey, the rest a smooth black. His energy color is dark blue.


Thats all I've got so I will make a post when given the opportunity if that's ok with you all. Again thank you for letting me be here.

Edited by MasterDread
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SuuuuummmiiiiiiiI!!! Where have you been? YOu had me worrried.


Croma wasn't around by the time of Eyes of Blight which is when this is.


And really Temp, Yuuki's Antics and atempt to start a war was the only thing you remembered? Then let me remind you about how Dread went behind our backs and went to a diffrent chatroom to talk with Sumi, the DM, behind our backs. Convinsed him that his ideas was better and so things were done his way all while the two of us were out of the loop, while Dread now was the only hone having Sumi's ear. How Dread made it so that events that should have happened and made sense IC to happen never did. That We had to alter the end sumation several times because he Went balistic with Yuuki and had him do things he really shouldn't have been able to do. How it all was even RETCONED in the next instalation because Dread told Sumika that since the two of us, temp, wasn't going to be in it, our actions and what we had done in the threads previous wouldn't matter to the story anyway. Wouldn't matter att all. So why not rewrite it all anyway right? Remember all that Dread? Because I do. I never forget.

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SuuuuummmiiiiiiiI!!! Where have you been? YOu had me worrried.

Croma wasn't around by the time of Eyes of Blight which is when this is.

And really Temp, Yuuki's Antics and atempt to start a war was the only thing you remembered? Then let me remind you about how Dread went behind our backs and went to a diffrent chatroom to talk with Sumi, the DM, behind our backs. Convinsed him that his ideas was better and so things were done his way all while the two of us were out of the loop, while Dread now was the only hone having Sumi's ear. How Dread made it so that events that should have happened and made sense IC to happen never did. That We had to alter the end sumation several times because he Went balistic with Yuuki and had him do things he really shouldn't have been able to do. How it all was even RETCONED in the next instalation because Dread told Sumika that since the two of us, temp, wasn't going to be in it, our actions and what we had done in the threads previous wouldn't matter to the story anyway. Wouldn't matter att all. So why not rewrite it all anyway right? Remember all that Dread? Because I do. I never forget.

Yes, everyone who was there knows what Dread did. Yes, we all remember. And Dread has admitted to regretting his decisions, and he has been going through a massively tough time and the LAST thing he needs right now is for you to BERATE him for the things he did and RANT about the mistakes he made.

Even if you don't forget, Viper, learn to at least FORGIVE.

Seriously. He doesn't have the energy to deal with your S#&$ right now, so drop it.

Edited by fishworshipper
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SuuuuummmiiiiiiiI!!! Where have you been? YOu had me worrried.


Croma wasn't around by the time of Eyes of Blight which is when this is.


And really Temp, Yuuki's Antics and atempt to start a war was the only thing you remembered? Then let me remind you about how Dread went behind our backs and went to a diffrent chatroom to talk with Sumi, the DM, behind our backs. Convinsed him that his ideas was better and so things were done his way all while the two of us were out of the loop, while Dread now was the only hone having Sumi's ear. How Dread made it so that events that should have happened and made sense IC to happen never did. That We had to alter the end sumation several times because he Went balistic with Yuuki and had him do things he really shouldn't have been able to do. How it all was even RETCONED in the next instalation because Dread told Sumika that since the two of us, temp, wasn't going to be in it, our actions and what we had done in the threads previous wouldn't matter to the story anyway. Wouldn't matter att all. So why not rewrite it all anyway right? Remember all that Dread? Because I do. I never forget.



Yes, everyone who was there knows what Dread did. Yes, we all remember. And Dread has admitted to regretting his decisions, and he has been going through a massively tough time and the LAST thing he needs right now is for you to BERATE him for the things he did and RANT about the mistakes he made.

Even if you don't forget, Viper, learn to at least FORGIVE.

Seriously. He doesn't have the energy to deal with your S#&$ right now, so drop it.

Fish don't stress yourself for me, I will handle this myself. Viper we all know by now what I did, and yes I made a mistake, several in fact that I regret. So I'm going to repeat myself once more. I am NOT here to cause trouble. Temperance and I had a discussion in the chat tango last night, you can go read it if you want.  We came to the conclusion that enough time has passed IC that Chroma is perfectly acceptable.


And Viper. I don't want to fight with you, I don't want to talk about what happened in Faithful, I don't want to be reminded of it ethier because I want to MOVE ON. I don't have the energy, the mental fortitude to be at odds with you like this Viper. What do you want? Do you want me to apologize for what I did? Because I will. I'm sorry for what nonsense I put everyone through with my OC, and whatever other nonsense I may have done during my time in Faithful.


I'm asking you to forgive me Viper. Because if this is how its gonna be the entire time I'm here then I won't bother coming back because I CAN'T DEAL WITH IT AND I DON'T WANT TO.

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Oh hi Viper. I just kinda forget that the warframe forums even exist and same with the chatango. I have to remind myself or I forget. It may be because my character is currently asleep here and won't be doing anything for a little while longer. Either that or because I never bothered to enable e-mail notification when posts happen after I initially disabled it. Back when I was in threads here that went through phases of hyperactivity and I could get like 100 notification e-mails in about an hour.


Also, could we not bring up past mistakes? I don't think anyone wants to go through the stress of pursuing that unpleasant path. Especially Dread, given how much garbage he's been through recently.

Edited by Sumika1204
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... those are too many caps.

I suggest we let Dread in and avoid a verbal jihad. If he f*cks up, we kick him out. If he doesn't, then the Manifold has another crewmember.

I won't ask you to forgive, Vipes, but I ask you and everyone to keep calm and carry on with this new development.

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(Something's wrong with my internet or the forums for me so I'm currently unable to quote. Or copy paste for that matter)


For Fish:


Ranting? This is me reminding Temp of something he seems to have compleatly forgotten about or perhaps he doesn't want the others who wasn't there to know what Went down. You know, the other people in this thread who weren't in faithful and who've been asking what happened. I just told them without spoiling any details.


This is not me ranting, being snarky maybe, but not ranting. So you can stop that or we can take it in the chatango. I don't forgive just like that, but that doesn't mean I can't bury the battle axe. I've said that Before. So stop talking about how damn sorry he is and that he'll do better and actually show it through actions instead of words. Or in our case, the things you do IC with your char.


And once again, no I don't know what he's going through so for all I know it could just be teenage stuff that the two of you find hard and tough to go through.


For Dread: See above


For Sumika: That was mostly when you know who was with us, and he's gone now.

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(Something's wrong with my internet or the forums for me so I'm currently unable to quote. Or copy paste for that matter)


For Fish:


Ranting? This is me reminding Temp of something he seems to have compleatly forgotten about or perhaps he doesn't want the others who wasn't there to know what Went down. You know, the other people in this thread who weren't in faithful and who've been asking what happened. I just told them without spoiling any details.


This is not me ranting, being snarky maybe, but not ranting. So you can stop that or we can take it in the chatango. I don't forgive just like that, but that doesn't mean I can't bury the battle axe. I've said that Before. So stop talking about how damn sorry he is and that he'll do better and actually show it through actions instead of words. Or in our case, the things you do IC with your char.


And once again, no I don't know what he's going through so for all I know it could just be teenage stuff that the two of you find hard and tough to go through.


For Dread: See above


For Sumika: That was mostly when you know who was with us, and he's gone now.

First Viper drop it please, don't drag a corpse out of the dirt. Dread said he's been dealing with some stuff IRL and i'm sure he doesn't need to be reminded of the past if you've got a problem rant to me in skype because you know i'll listen.


Second I'll be cramming out a post here in a few hours.


Also, I don't remember was Sah'jey ever assigned a room/dorm in the ship, cause I don't remember at all.

Edited by Astralin
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