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My gameplay is 97% Frost and he needs love!


Not knocking other frames that need touch-ups too, but this thread is about Frost.


I would add more to his overall stats too. Like for a "battle mage" his powers arent all that more powerful than the next frame. And he's so slooooooow compared to the 'HEAVIEST" frame in the game(rhino) who runs circles around him.


Besides that freeze either needs AOE freeze proc or make the one shot scatter in mid flight like a cluster missle and rain icy death.


I cant add to ice wave. I particually like it so i cant think of constructive add-ons for it.


Snow globe: TIMER or HEALTH.....that


Avalanche should do what ice waves augment does. It should not only freeze the poor sods that are within range, BUT icing the floor all around you that avalance covers


these are my constructive criticism

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IDeas for Frost.
Freeze: This small AoE should not make only damage but had 100% slow proc chance by cold
Ice Wave: It should have push back stun on hited enemies. Adding Range mods should make this Ice Wave bigger because its looks the same with range mods but range actually is bigger.
Snow Globe: Cold air inside should be too be bigger with range mods, not only the globe.
Avalanche: Nerf damage to 900 like Rhino Stomp, Freeze targets for 6 seconds. Frozen enemies take double damage or After 6seconds freeze duration they take the same damage as they get while got frozen (Example: Enemy is frozen for 6 seoncds in the first 5 seconds enemy got 5k damage after freeze duration ends he get another 5k damage)

Edited by IfritKajiTora
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I agree with this thread. Frost Prime has been my main since I got him last year, and I use him for basically everything. He fits the role I love playing. 


Freeze should have a bigger radius and increased duration. Damage done to the enemy/enemies that  is/are frozen should not prematurely end the effects, either. The damage for all I care can be minuscule for compensation.


Ice Wave should have been doing what it's augment allows it to since day one, honestly. I also like the idea of knockdown, even if the damage is low as a trade-off. Other than that, it's not that intolerable, but it could definitely be better.


Snow Globe annoyingly has the issue of being on a time limit, and having an invisible health bar. It should be one or the other, not both. I'd say health only is more fair simply because the pre-adjusted Snow Globe that was duration-based only was pretty overpowered. Especially big ones. 


I like your idea for Avalanche. You would think something named after a horrible weather phenomenon would live up to it's namesake, right? 

Damage first, and then a massive freeze debuff or something would be so much better than how it currently is. As sad as it is, the Warframes you mentioned really do outclass Frost at CC. The damage doesn't have to be to where you one-hit kill everything, I simply want it to be an amazing CC.


Regarding augments, they seriously are the Ability problem all over again. They should be passive for our abilities when we purchase them from the Syndicates. As it is, I don't have room to make use of  Freeze Force or Ice Wave Impedance. Which is a shame because both are quite nice utilities, but I cannot use them without sacrificing vital mods to my Frost Prime's build. We shouldn't be forced to ruin our builds over something that should already be part of our abilities in the first place.

Edited by Tymerc
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Uhhh I do.

Then again presumptuous threads laced with opinions presented as facts is standard forum fare.

I completely understand that I am biased to Frost, and I understand that's clouding my judgement, I really do. After waiting for so long for him to get his love from DE, I kinda became more biased to him being touched up first. I mean, after all, it's been 8 months since a useful touch up was done, and even said useful touch up wasn't all that useful. 


Most of my gameplay is with him, he's my favorite frame. I've always loved ice themed characters and cryomancers. So yeah, I am a little biased, but not without reason I don't think. Been too long since DE even mentioned him. And I rarely see another Frost, it's almost like all the planets have lined up in a row. Most of the Frames I see are Ember, Nova, Rhino and Loki. Oh, and Ash now.

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I agree with this thread. Frost Prime has been my main since I got him last year, and I use him for basically everything. He fits the role I love playing. 


Freeze should have a bigger radius and increased duration. Damage done to the enemy/enemies that  is/are frozen should not prematurely end the effects, either. The damage for all I care can be minuscule for compensation.


Ice Wave should have been doing what it's augment allows it to since day one, honestly. I also like the idea of knockdown, even if the damage is low as a trade-off. Other than that, it's not that intolerable, but it could definitely be better.


Snow Globe annoyingly has the issue of being on a time limit, and having an invisible health bar. It should be one or the other, not both. I'd say health only is more fair simply because the pre-adjusted Snow Globe that was duration-based only was pretty overpowered. Especially big ones. 


I like your idea for Avalanche. You would think something named after a horrible weather phenomenon would live up to it's namesake, right? 

Damage first, and then a massive freeze debuff or something would be so much better than how it currently is. As sad as it is, the Warframes you mentioned really do outclass Frost at CC. The damage doesn't have to be to where you one-hit kill everything, I simply want it to be an amazing CC.


Regarding augments, they seriously are the Ability problem all over again. They should be passive for our abilities when we purchase them from the Syndicates. As it is, I don't have room to make use of  Freeze Force or Ice Wave Impedance. Which is a shame because both are quite nice utilities, but I cannot use them without sacrificing vital mods to my Frost Prime's build. We shouldn't be forced to ruin our builds over something that should already be part of our abilities in the first place.

You know what? I may just make a post about the abilities 2.0 aka augments. It is pretty bad if you ask me. And yeah, Frost should be the go-to for CC, considering he is a cryomancer of sorts. In other games, it's normal for them to deal respectable damage, but absolutely demolish the opponents by slowing them down, wearing them out and pretty much just make it hunting a wounded fawn. 


See, in the part of Canada where I live you don't want to be outside any more than necessary. It's actually very dangerous. You slowly freeze to death if you're outside too long. Whereas with Frost, enemies walk all over him. That's not how it should be. And an Avalanche? I mean really come on, it IS a terrifying natural disaster. I'd rather have a tornado hit my city than be stuck in an Avalanche. To be honest, you can hide from a tornado, and if you get sucked up I'm sure the death is quick. An Avalanche though... You're buried and crushed under freezing snow and ice. So you get paralyzed in the cold, suffocated and all the rest of that. Seems a much more slow and terrifying death if you ask me. 


That's the sort of terror I want Frost to instill. You know, debuffing enemies so they can't do anything. Wearing them down, pummeling them with cold.


Sorry, my response got pretty morbid lol.

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Snowglobe needs to become more interesting IMO. It's too good as it currently is and at the same time too boring. Saw someone(Can't remember who don't ask) suggest you turn snowglobe into spinning hexagons, each with an individual health amount. When one hexagon goes down, another takes its place because it's spinning. That sounds interesting. 

Ice Waves augment really should've been the default. 

Freeze needs a bigger cone where only the target hit gets frozen, the others get cold procced. 

Avalanche ... Shouldn't deal direct damage? Just have it cover enemies in ice where you can shatter them to deal area cold damage. 

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I would like to have him buffed and his powers revamped so they can actually scale. His 4 doesn't have any utility, its flat out damage. In order for it (and he in higher levels) to be viable beyond Snow Globe, at least leaving the cold proc on enemies or also leaving behind an area of ice would be useful.


The ice wave augment should've been given to us outright as an innate traite of Ice Wave, it irritates me that this came out as an augment when we asked for it to be built into the power.


Augments should not fix his powers to make them viable and scalable, they should add an interesting dynamic to his powers, while not making these augments necessary for use.

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Frost may not be squishy, but Snow Globe isn't too useful either. It's got health AND a timer, and neither are good. It's good for reviving a player when damage abilities fall off, and that's it. It usually dies after 17 seconds of usage for me, and I'm running full power build just to try and make the underpoweredness hurt less.

I agree that the other three of Frosts' abilities could use a look, but downplaying Snow Globe isn't the way to do it.  Snow Globe continues to be extremely powerful.  Consider that if yours dies after 17 seconds of usage, you got 17 seconds of invulnerability to everything except grenades and splash damages(with decent protection from splash if you stay back from the edge), 17 seconds of a massive melee snare, and gave the same thing to everyone else in that area around you.  It's useful on-demand cover in a large variety of situations, or to create a choke point, or even as a hard CC in a doorway to keep enemies from quickly entering a room or shoot into it.


Freeze is terrible.  Truly one of the terrible #1 abilities(there are plenty).  Trivial damage, a hard CC that breaks long before it has a positive effect, and a trivial AE.  Easy to fix, bad the way it is.  Pushing this button is time you could have spent pulling the trigger.  It's barely worth using while reloading, considering that you might want that energy for snowglobe.  I don't really see the buff augment adding anything particularly meaningful to this.


Ice Wave isn't all that bad, but it's not all that great either.  Punching it through doorways and the like gives a good reprieve.  I agree that the augment is borderline insulting and that it should be included in the base ability because it's the proper thing to make it shine.


Avalanche simply needs a CC.  Its damage number is high, it's radius is mediocre.  The fact that it doesn't include a CC strongly detracts from the ability, and like all raw damage abilities leaves it completely lacking in scalability.  For the brief period that it had a small period of CC of sorts(was a bug during same update that changed Snow Globe), the ability was pretty amazing.


One thing that I think would add quite a bit to Frost would be to just plain speeding him up.  Being the slowest frame by a fairly large margin goes a long way toward pigeon holing him, and frankly it's kind of outdated for him to be as slow as he is.  On top of this, being as slow as he is tends to require Frost to actually USE his large health, armor, and shield pools, all but necessitate the rush mod(making the augments harder to add).

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I agree that the other three of Frosts' abilities could use a look, but downplaying Snow Globe isn't the way to do it.  Snow Globe continues to be extremely powerful.  Consider that if yours dies after 17 seconds of usage, you got 17 seconds of invulnerability to everything except grenades and splash damages(with decent protection from splash if you stay back from the edge), 17 seconds of a massive melee snare, and gave the same thing to everyone else in that area around you.  It's useful on-demand cover in a large variety of situations, or to create a choke point, or even as a hard CC in a doorway to keep enemies from quickly entering a room or shoot into it.


Freeze is terrible.  Truly one of the terrible #1 abilities(there are plenty).  Trivial damage, a hard CC that breaks long before it has a positive effect, and a trivial AE.  Easy to fix, bad the way it is.  Pushing this button is time you could have spent pulling the trigger.  It's barely worth using while reloading, considering that you might want that energy for snowglobe.  I don't really see the buff augment adding anything particularly meaningful to this.


Ice Wave isn't all that bad, but it's not all that great either.  Punching it through doorways and the like gives a good reprieve.  I agree that the augment is borderline insulting and that it should be included in the base ability because it's the proper thing to make it shine.


Avalanche simply needs a CC.  Its damage number is high, it's radius is mediocre.  The fact that it doesn't include a CC strongly detracts from the ability, and like all raw damage abilities leaves it completely lacking in scalability.  For the brief period that it had a small period of CC of sorts(was a bug during same update that changed Snow Globe), the ability was pretty amazing.


One thing that I think would add quite a bit to Frost would be to just plain speeding him up.  Being the slowest frame by a fairly large margin goes a long way toward pigeon holing him, and frankly it's kind of outdated for him to be as slow as he is.  On top of this, being as slow as he is tends to require Frost to actually USE his large health, armor, and shield pools, all but necessitate the rush mod(making the augments harder to add).

Couldn't have said it better myself. I just wish the globe could block all incoming damage, that way it functions as it should. AOE shouldn't go through the globe. Maybe a future augment could be that, as the timer runs out or the globe is destroyed, cold procs could be applied to enemies within and around the globe. I just DE would make up their mind with the globe, either make it timer, or make it life. Personally, I'd like timer so that we can actually see when the globe is going to go down.


For Avalanche, I would hope that it would either leave behind an AOE cold proc area, or also have the enemies that don't die from it have the cold proc inflicted upon them.


Freeze, gosh I wish it was buffed to be more AOE on the Freeze affect or leaves behind a small area of Cold Proc to make it actually viable later on in-missions.


Ice Wave, ugh that Augment makes me furious, it should've been added in outright as an innate trait of the power.

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Thank you all, I'm really loving the support this thread is getting. It still needs more of it though, DE needs to confirm that they've seen it, and confirm that they will do something about it.


That being said, Snow Globe does need some changes, but not just the timer OR health. It could also use a small explosion of 100% cold proc to give you a grace period. When 10 T4 Heavy Gunners jump on that and take it down, it leaves you severely vulnerable. It could also use a visual cue as to when it's about to break, like cracking. Also, it needs the visibilty tweaked. Seeing out of it is an absolute nightmare, it really hinders your sight. 


But all in all, I'd just be happy for him to get CC. That's his main pain right now. He can't scale with enemies at all. Most others can, be he's one of the few that can't. Those few that can't desperately need a rework. Hell, even Nekros scales better than Frost. And Nekros isn't even close to a tank. However, as he is, he's not much of one either. He has the high shields and health, but lacks the damage output and usefulness of other frames. Yes, he does damage heavily, however it doesn't scale well at all.


He needs to be usable, viable and most of all, a tank. He's only slow and has high shields and health. That's really his only true merits. Snow Globe is good, but kinda broken as it is.

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IMO as he sits right now frost is a fine frame. Hes made to do one thing really well and he is the king of protecting objectives. That said, his 4 is just as good as most mass aoe room clearers (better actually because while casting it stuns all the enemies). His 2 is also useful being a good line attack, and its even better with the new augment mod. Freeze is the only ability that I think needs some help. As is its a decent single target CC but unlike say oberons 1 it doesnt open an enemy up for a finishing move or hit other enemies. I think thats what needs a change. Just make it a constant freeze that you can shoot an enemy through and/or perform a finisher on and it would be good. I would also like to see it spread to other enemies either on contact or once an enemy is killed

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IMO as he sits right now frost is a fine frame. Hes made to do one thing really well and he is the king of protecting objectives. That said, his 4 is just as good as most mass aoe room clearers (better actually because while casting it stuns all the enemies). His 2 is also useful being a good line attack, and its even better with the new augment mod. Freeze is the only ability that I think needs some help. As is its a decent single target CC but unlike say oberons 1 it doesnt open an enemy up for a finishing move or hit other enemies. I think thats what needs a change. Just make it a constant freeze that you can shoot an enemy through and/or perform a finisher on and it would be good. I would also like to see it spread to other enemies either on contact or once an enemy is killed

His problem is that his abilities barely scale, have little CC, and also don't have that much Utility. Snow Globe, what makes him the "king at protecting objectives" has a time limit and has HP, so if the timer isn't what opens the area up to attack, its the health of the Snow Globe. It doesn't scale at all, nor does it last very long in prolonged missions or high level content. Having the limitation of both Time and HP makes the globe vulnerable to two variables, not to mention its a massive target. If they would go with health, I'd suggest bumping up the health of that sucker, or adding an innate scalability to its life somehow. If they went with time, then that would solve the problem of the globes usefulness in prolonged or high level content flat out.


Oh don't get me started with Ice Wave, that augment should've been added as an outright trait of the power because it naturally made sense. An augment should allow the power a new dynamic, add something to it, it should not however, ensure the usefulness of the power or be an aspect that should already be within the power. This new augment is just a patch up to something that should've been the start of an entire rework. Even those within the Design Council who voted on some of the recent augments asked why many of the new augment cards weren't given to these frames as outright fixes since that's what they were, fixes, not new dynamic changes to powers that added a different element to them.


Two prime examples of this patch up job was the new Frost Ice Wave Augment and the Slash Dash augment for Excalibur, both of these augments add a trait that should already be within the ability because of the functionality of those abilities. Slash Dash has Excalibur hitting enemies with his melee weapon, so why is it not already adding to his melee counter outright? Frost is shooting a wave of ice out of his hand, wouldn't that leave behind some residue or a strip of cold in its wake already? Both of these were traits that anyone would think to already be within the ability, so why make them a fake patch job? An example of an augment that actually DOES add a dynamic to a power without making it necessary to have that augment is the Irradiated Disarm augment. Loki's Radial Disarm is already a powerful ability that scales well, adding in the fun of Irradiated Disarm is something that isn't needed for the power to be functional in high-end or progressively harder content, but it is a nifty trick to have on hand. THAT's what the augments should do, ADD something to the powers, NOT fix them.


But, that is a story for another tread. Getting back on topic, I would say Freeze is the weakest of his kit in its' nature because the freeze only works on one target, and not just that, but it also has a low HP limit, so if the target is hit enough, and does not die, the target unfreezes and can continue to fight. Having be a larger AOE or gives the area to which it hits, if it doesn't hit a unit, a small AOE of cold would help it out somewhat.


Even Avalanche itself has multiple glaring weaknesses, one that it shares with Mags' Crush as well. They don't do anything but give flat out damage. There is barely any CC, and no Utility from either. Once you cast either of those, the caster is vulnerable to damage while the animation is happening, and even as the damage is inflicted upon these enemies, that's all that happens. There's no lingering affects, nothing to help the power scale other than its ability to do damage, which becomes mitigated quickly with enemy armor or increasing HP. Having Crush actually hinder enemy units that survive by having them knocked down after the animation and receive the magnetic/blast/slash proc gives her the ability to inflict damage to her opponents while still having Utility within the ability to make it viable later on in-mission. Same with Frost, having his Ult leave a cold proc on enemies that survive it allows for the ability to scale, as the enemies are slowed down and players can pick them off while they're incapacitated. Such elements of these powers should be added outright, as they add CC and scalablilty to the powers in the form of Utility. I must iterate though, because I'm seeing and alarming trend with DE, that these SHOULD NOT be augments, and should be traits BUILT INTO these powers, as they make them scalable and add CC these powers should have outright.

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His problem is that his abilities barely scale, have little CC, and also don't have that much Utility. Snow Globe, what makes him the "king at protecting objectives" has a time limit and has HP, so if the timer isn't what opens the area up to attack, its the health of the Snow Globe. It doesn't scale at all, nor does it last very long in prolonged missions or high level content. Having the limitation of both Time and HP makes the globe vulnerable to two variables, not to mention its a massive target. If they would go with health, I'd suggest bumping up the health of that sucker, or adding an innate scalability to its life somehow. If they went with time, then that would solve the problem of the globes usefulness in prolonged or high level content flat out.


Oh don't get me started with Ice Wave, that augment should've been added as an outright trait of the power because it naturally made sense. An augment should allow the power a new dynamic, add something to it, it should not however, ensure the usefulness of the power or be an aspect that should already be within the power. This new augment is just a patch up to something that should've been the start of an entire rework. Even those within the Design Council who voted on some of the recent augments asked why many of the new augment cards weren't given to these frames as outright fixes since that's what they were, fixes, not new dynamic changes to powers that added a different element to them.


Two prime examples of this patch up job was the new Frost Ice Wave Augment and the Slash Dash augment for Excalibur, both of these augments add a trait that should already be within the ability because of the functionality of those abilities. Slash Dash has Excalibur hitting enemies with his melee weapon, so why is it not already adding to his melee counter outright? Frost is shooting a wave of ice out of his hand, wouldn't that leave behind some residue or a strip of cold in its wake already? Both of these were traits that anyone would think to already be within the ability, so why make them a fake patch job? An example of an augment that actually DOES add a dynamic to a power without making it necessary to have that augment is the Irradiated Disarm augment. Loki's Radial Disarm is already a powerful ability that scales well, adding in the fun of Irradiated Disarm is something that isn't needed for the power to be functional in high-end or progressively harder content, but it is a nifty trick to have on hand. THAT's what the augments should do, ADD something to the powers, NOT fix them.


But, that is a story for another tread. Getting back on topic, I would say Freeze is the weakest of his kit in its' nature because the freeze only works on one target, and not just that, but it also has a low HP limit, so if the target is hit enough, and does not die, the target unfreezes and can continue to fight. Having be a larger AOE or gives the area to which it hits, if it doesn't hit a unit, a small AOE of cold would help it out somewhat.


Even Avalanche itself has multiple glaring weaknesses, one that it shares with Mags' Crush as well. They don't do anything but give flat out damage. There is barely any CC, and no Utility from either. Once you cast either of those, the caster is vulnerable to damage while the animation is happening, and even as the damage is inflicted upon these enemies, that's all that happens. There's no lingering affects, nothing to help the power scale other than its ability to do damage, which becomes mitigated quickly with enemy armor or increasing HP. Having Crush actually hinder enemy units that survive by having them knocked down after the animation and receive the magnetic/blast/slash proc gives her the ability to inflict damage to her opponents while still having Utility within the ability to make it viable later on in-mission. Same with Frost, having his Ult leave a cold proc on enemies that survive it allows for the ability to scale, as the enemies are slowed down and players can pick them off while they're incapacitated. Such elements of these powers should be added outright, as they add CC and scalablilty to the powers in the form of Utility. I must iterate though, because I'm seeing and alarming trend with DE, that these SHOULD NOT be augments, and should be traits BUILT INTO these powers, as they make them scalable and add CC these powers should have outright.

I agree that most of his abilities could use further buffs. However that wasnt the point I was trying to make. The point I was trying to make is that his abilities are already for the most part decent (or at the very least I dont have any issues). I agree that some CC should be added to all his abilities (slows or freezes) but hes still ok the way he is.


As for snowglobe, you do know its health scales off its own health and frosts armor right? Frost is one of the few cases where I think building armor is a good way to go (plus that extra D slot on frost prime makes that easier). It could scale better for sure but I havnt had any major issues with keeping his snowglobe going on 60+ minute survival or 40+ wave defenses in the void). I dont think it should be limited via duration either though because then youre giving group invicibility to everyone inside it. So IMO it needs to scale off of health and for what I do its alright at this moment in time. I would be ok with there being buffs but wanting buffs and needing buffs to be viable are two different things

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I agree that most of his abilities could use further buffs. However that wasnt the point I was trying to make. The point I was trying to make is that his abilities are already for the most part decent (or at the very least I dont have any issues). I agree that some CC should be added to all his abilities (slows or freezes) but hes still ok the way he is.


As for snowglobe, you do know its health scales off its own health and frosts armor right? Frost is one of the few cases where I think building armor is a good way to go (plus that extra D slot on frost prime makes that easier). It could scale better for sure but I havnt had any major issues with keeping his snowglobe going on 60+ minute survival or 40+ wave defenses in the void). I dont think it should be limited via duration either though because then youre giving group invicibility to everyone inside it. So IMO it needs to scale off of health and for what I do its alright at this moment in time. I would be ok with there being buffs but wanting buffs and needing buffs to be viable are two different things

Actually, I think they only limited it to armor, so the ability only scales with his armor. We had duration before, it worked, but people felt like it got boring because they could stand and fight in there. Personally I had no problem with how it was, but others did. And his kit does need buffs, for the Snow Globe, some tweaks are needed, and some decision of if it should scale off of either armor, or have a duration. I'd say duration because it frees up a slot if you build for shields rather than health, but I can see how people like it if they went full armor and went with the tankier side of him rather than his caster attributes, but for others that went caster, it's a pretty strong damper.

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Keep in mind that Snow Globe does scale with enemy level.  In the initial indestructible period, any damage it takes is added to its health, which means that a Globe thrown down while taking heavy heat by high damage opponents is far more likely to last a long time.


I do agree that it could use some quality of life changes, though.  A numeric health bar of some kind would be invaluable, and I agree that it could really use some visual sign that it is failing.  To be honest, I'm a little on the fence as to whether it really needs to cause an additional effect on failure, though--it's one of the very few heavily defensive abilities that can be recast while currently active, which means that barring energy reserves, it is infinitely available.

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Thank you all, I'm really loving the support this thread is getting. It still needs more of it though, DE needs to confirm that they've seen it, and confirm that they will do something about it.


That being said, Snow Globe does need some changes, but not just the timer OR health. It could also use a small explosion of 100% cold proc to give you a grace period. When 10 T4 Heavy Gunners jump on that and take it down, it leaves you severely vulnerable. It could also use a visual cue as to when it's about to break, like cracking. Also, it needs the visibilty tweaked. Seeing out of it is an absolute nightmare, it really hinders your sight. 


But all in all, I'd just be happy for him to get CC. That's his main pain right now. He can't scale with enemies at all. Most others can, be he's one of the few that can't. Those few that can't desperately need a rework. Hell, even Nekros scales better than Frost. And Nekros isn't even close to a tank. However, as he is, he's not much of one either. He has the high shields and health, but lacks the damage output and usefulness of other frames. Yes, he does damage heavily, however it doesn't scale well at all.


He needs to be usable, viable and most of all, a tank. He's only slow and has high shields and health. That's really his only true merits. Snow Globe is good, but kinda broken as it is.

As you giving and telling everyone that some frames need a rework , You are good at doing this. Keep up the thread you made. I'm looking forward to see a buffed frost. You dersved it.

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Keep in mind that Snow Globe does scale with enemy level.  In the initial indestructible period, any damage it takes is added to its health, which means that a Globe thrown down while taking heavy heat by high damage opponents is far more likely to last a long time.


I do agree that it could use some quality of life changes, though.  A numeric health bar of some kind would be invaluable, and I agree that it could really use some visual sign that it is failing.  To be honest, I'm a little on the fence as to whether it really needs to cause an additional effect on failure, though--it's one of the very few heavily defensive abilities that can be recast while currently active, which means that barring energy reserves, it is infinitely available.

It does help, but 4 seconds is a pretty short amount of time for a globe that's meant to be a powerful area of defense against enemy mobs that can continuously pump out that kind of damage far longer than 4 seconds. Maybe an extension to the invulnerability timer could be added to a rework?

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I wish ice wave would spread in a cone the further it travels and freeze to be an actual AoE freeze .

Yeah this is a must for at least some cc.And also avalanche needs a buff thats certain.It cant do any damage to 30+ enemies it has no cc no other utility.I use ice wave and freeze a lot.But freeze needs a timer not a damage counter.Snow Globe MUST be invincible.Because when playing against 40-50 level enemies a gunner will destroy it in seconds.I think it should be invincible.

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Yeah this is a must for at least some cc.And also avalanche needs a buff thats certain.It cant do any damage to 30+ enemies it has no cc no other utility.I use ice wave and freeze a lot.But freeze needs a timer not a damage counter.Snow Globe MUST be invincible.Because when playing against 40-50 level enemies a gunner will destroy it in seconds.I think it should be invincible.

Not if well moded for power strength and a maxed Steel Fiber , modding for strength is what makes your globe resistent yet i wish it either had just a timer or just hp not both so we can mod for one thing and not get #*($%%@ on another side at the same time .

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As you giving and telling everyone that some frames need a rework , You are good at doing this. Keep up the thread you made. I'm looking forward to see a buffed frost. You dersved it.

Yeah but you and others are what is keeping this thread alive, and we all need that if we want to have our Frosts buffed and able to scale well with enemies. So once again, thanks guys, I really do mean it. Let's keep this traffic up, get Frost his well deserved buffs. 

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