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Soma Prime's Underwhelming


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My proposition doesnt make it overwhelming at all. Just makes it always crit. And sometimes red crit.

I should just link you the Warframe Builder build calculator so you can work this out yourself.


Quickly explained, a weapon's features are generally classified as damage per hit, damage per second (burst/sustained), status probability (pellet/continuous), and ammo economy.


Knowing this, just consider what Soma Prime's base status chance does considering its high rate of fire. Also, consider that as it stands now, its damage per second is already very balanced considering the balance of its damage, crit chance, and crit multiplier. It's one of the more formidable primary weapons in the game, and is not at all weak when considering the DPS and status it is capable of inflicting.


Asking for more crit chance would increase the DPS and therefore make it overpowered. Red crits owuld definitely make this weapon overpowered. As it is now, even the most minor buff can make a big difference. So nothing more than a buff of like, 2 base damage or 5% crit chance would be acceptable. Maybe just an increase in ammo reserve would make a ton of difference.

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This whole out deeps Boltor P with headshots is just stupid. Aside from being in some enemies face, when would a Heavy Cal build Soma even pull that off? Not to mention damage sag because of 75% crit chance. In a game full of RNG and people begrudgingly accept that RNG is rarely on our side, not sure how a 25% chance to for crap damage is ok.


I say buff crit chance just so that damage sag is gone. Boltor P not only has consistent damage but it also has damage spikes too. Soma hasn't been a top contender for primary, let alone just weapon, for a long time now, just because it's infamous for being the best gun at some point doesn't mean that buffing for a primed version would make it OP.

^^THISSSSS^^ Is all I am trying to say. Stop letting the Soma Prime have damage sags its annoying. And yes heavy cal nukes the idea ofgetting head-shots.



No, I had/have zero idea what it is you're trying to say.

That little thing called closed beta. Or mabye that little thing we all call the frist two months it came out, and was really slow and painful.

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plenty enough critical chance mods you can always do red crits, no need ever for a buff and ignoring its other significant upgrades is highly ignorant of its already far out does the regular soma which can still do red crits always with correct modding


the damage has no problem unless your aiming at the floor.

Edited by -Ignis_Fatuus-
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The whole thread just screams "DE why aren't you adding severe power creep to the game!".


Soma was not bad, and now there is an even better version. End of story.


DE (At least used to) is trying to make guns more equally viable and eliminate "tiers", at least that's what I heard from them last. You're just asking to take already top-tier guns and make them even more powerful. 

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Holly F*** OP is a cry baby...

Soma P already have the double of the normal Soma Mag, and more damage, idk what more you would want from it, it don't need to have more damage to be better than boltor, and you can just shot and still have bullets in your mag.

And about beying since the closed beta make your opinions "better" i'm here since the game wasn't even out, playing on the first beta (this is my second account) that don't mean i want to be special, that my opinions are better than the people who just joined this year, or not a long time ago.

Edited by hCorv
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I should just link you the Warframe Builder build calculator so you can work this out yourself.


Quickly explained, a weapon's features are generally classified as damage per hit, damage per second (burst/sustained), status probability (pellet/continuous), and ammo economy.


Knowing this, just consider what Soma Prime's base status chance does considering its high rate of fire. Also, consider that as it stands now, its damage per second is already very balanced considering the balance of its damage, crit chance, and crit multiplier. It's one of the more formidable primary weapons in the game, and is not at all weak when considering the DPS and status it is capable of inflicting.


Asking for more crit chance would increase the DPS and therefore make it overpowered. Red crits owuld definitely make this weapon overpowered. As it is now, even the most minor buff can make a big difference. So nothing more than a buff of like, 2 base damage or 5% crit chance would be acceptable. Maybe just an increase in ammo reserve would make a ton of difference.

I dont need a lecture on how crit chance works. IT would yes buff the DPS. Thats the point, but not the damage. The problem with the soma as previsouly stated is that is has these massive damage sags where it doesnt crit. AT ALL. And it sucks and gets less the 36K DPS. Warframe builder is not nearly as accurate as you think, and pulling DPS numbers from it is a bad idea. Also with 100% crit chance the damage per second goes up by 25% except for random 10% chance times where you get a whopping one 12k hit and you go "OH JESUS YES" as the red crit dissappears.

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plenty enough critical chance mods you can always do red crits, no need ever for a buff and ignoring its other significant upgrades is highly ignorant of its already far out does the regular soma which can still do red crits always with correct modding


the damage has no problem unless your aiming at the floor.

run the numbers go to warframe builder, you can never never get the soma to red crit territory.

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That little thing called closed beta. Or mabye that little thing we all call the frist two months it came out, and was really slow and painful.


You should have specified closed beta. Just saying 'I've been here since beta' tells us nothing as even the newest player can make that statement. Not that stating you've been here since closed beta adds anything to your argument. 

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Also clarification on the "beta statement" that you all took way to seriously. What it means is that I have experience with the forgotten warframe weapons, and using them the moment they came out, and hearing people talk about the fabled "Soma Prime". Something that isnt fabled anymore, at all. The Soma quickly became another forgotten weapon, and will again. Simply because of easily acquired horrid weapons like the boltor prime. 

Edited by Gear-hart
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Crit chance increase is equal to damage increase. Wish they left primes with the original stats to avoid posts like this. New soma looks badass and the huge clip alone had me buying it.

And the remark about playing since beta. You didn't have to say it should make your opinion have weight, the context in which you used it simply implied that being an older member your opinion should matter more. Which it shouldn't, unless you're a master your or grand master youre pretty much the same as everyone else without your access to the design council.

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This is the SOMA PRIME, the gun that is supposed to feel like a god. Now I understand that being OP is unneccesary, but seriously the thing would be amazing if it was given i dont know at least the paris primes crit chance? then we would randomly get red crits and always be critting.

Not too much to ask.

Give it a 45% crit chance.

Then it would feel like a prime. And mabye 15% status. All I really care about it the crit though, buff it to 45%. Then Its perfect. and you can leave it alone.



IF its gets HEADSHOTS. Oh great... so if the boltor headshots it still out DPS's it. Wonderful that is not the POINT. And it wouldnt change it much, other then make it feel the way it should. As someone who has been playing this game since Beta, it would be great if our primed legendary weapon felt legendary. All that needs is a buffed crit chance. It wouldnt change DPS that much. Other then increasing the number of times you crit by 25% and then boost 12% of those crits damage. It is completely fair. And Not that much of a buff.

Make the soma prime the first red crit projectile weapon. AS IT SHOULD BE. (Besides by just buffing crit chance it wouldnt out DPS the boltor, unless it was headshots.)



It doesnt need to be the best. I am not asking for that. If I was i would say give it a 50% damage increase. I said give it a higher crit chance. That doesnt buff Damage. Did any of you read my post? The point is to make one of the most loved guns in the game's prime feel the way it should. Its not a monster. My proposition doesnt make it overwhelming at all. Just makes it always crit. And sometimes red crit.



So you don't want much...you just want it to perma-crit, with the capability of Red-Critting.

Have you tried the paris prime out recently? it can red crit with Max Rank Point Strike and you know what? that's all it needs:


~2k damage non-fully charged anywhere 

~4k damage non fully charged in the head

~9k damage anywhere w/ a redcrit... non-fully charged


do i even need to put up the charged values I'm capable of?

that ~10-12% chance of redcrit decimates t4 enemies and it does so often (1 in 10 isn't that much to gamble on with 72 backup arrows). the damage red crits are capable of puts damage output out of perspective.


You are asking for a rifle 200 round per magazine rifle to be capable of having a 10% (effectively 20% w/ Multishot) of red-critting on each individual bullet.


No, you're not asking for much, you're just asking for a rapid fire Paris/Dread.

I feel the need to repeat this.



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Crit chance increase is equal to damage increase. Wish they left primes with the original stats to avoid posts like this. New soma looks badass and the huge clip alone had me buying it.

And the remark about playing since beta. You didn't have to say it should make your opinion have weight, the context in which you used it simply implied that being an older member your opinion should matter more. Which it shouldn't, unless you're a master your or grand master youre pretty much the same as everyone else without your access to the design council.

Crit chance buff = DPS buff.

Damage Buff = Physical Damage types (base damage type) increase.


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So you don't want much...you just want it to perma-crit, with the capability of Red-Critting.

Have you tried the paris prime out recently? it can red crit with Max Rank Point Strike and you know what? that's all it needs:


~2k damage non-fully charged anywhere 

~4k damage non fully charged in the head

~9k damage anywhere w/ a redcrit... non-fully charged


do i even need to put up the charged values I'm capable of?

that ~10-12% chance of redcrit decimates t4 enemies and it does so often (1 in 10 isn't that much to gamble on with 72 backup arrows). the damage red crits are capable of puts damage output out of perspective.


You are asking for a rifle 200 round per magazine rifle to be capable of having a 10% (effectively 20% w/ Multishot) of red-critting on each individual bullet.


No, you're not asking for much, you're just asking for a rapid fire Paris/Dread.

I feel the need to repeat this.



Love to point this out:

Paris Prime charge base damage  = 200 + Base Crit multiplier (4.4x) + Crit damage + red Crit (2x) = 1760 Damage per red crit shot.

Soma Prime base damage = 12 + Base Crit multiplier (6.6x) + Crit damage + red Crit (2x) = 158.4 Damage per red crit shot.

Well look at those numbers^

Look at what a massive difference there is.

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I love, absolutely love, how all these "My Soma Prime isnt Overpowered enough" crybaby entitlement threads get torn to pieces by people with logic and common sense.


It's like christmas. So much amazing blowing-out of stupid opinions and dumb kids begging for more and more and more.


The delusions around the Soma Prime are so fantastic. "Underwhelming". Yes, a gun that tears through every single enemy in the game in a scant few bullets is underwhelming.


God these threads make me smile. They are so marvelous at showing the sort of trash people will suggest so the game's difficulty can be even easier and more trivial.

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Love to point this out:

Paris Prime charge base damage  = 200 + Base Crit multiplier (4.4x) + Crit damage + red Crit (2x) = 1760 Damage per red crit shot.

Soma Prime base damage = 12 + Base Crit multiplier (6.6x) + Crit damage + red Crit (2x) = 158.4 Damage per red crit shot.

Well look at those numbers^

Look at what a massive difference there is.


So, you're pointing out the difference between a single shot of the two crit weapons while completely ignoring their massive firerate differences and projectile types. Why?

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I love, absolutely love, how all these "My Soma Prime isnt Overpowered enough" crybaby entitlement threads get torn to pieces by people with logic and common sense.


It's like christmas. So much amazing blowing-out of stupid opinions and dumb kids begging for more and more and more.


The delusions around the Soma Prime are so fantastic. "Underwhelming". Yes, a gun that tears through every single enemy in the game in a scant few bullets is underwhelming.


God these threads make me smile. They are so marvelous at showing the sort of trash people will suggest so the game's difficulty can be even easier and more trivial.

I am not asking for it to be overpowered. Over powered would be asking for 5 more base damage. Asking the damage line it deals to be flat? how is that overpowered. It would go from 36k DPS to 45kDPS . which is far behind the synoid gamacore, and I see no one screaming for it to be nerfed.

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This is the SOMA PRIME, the gun that is supposed to feel like a god.

Show me any quote from an official source that says the Soma Prime is supposed to feel like a god or get out.


Soma is a very good weapon, an enhanced version of a good weapon is a better weapon, i don't see your point, damage alone it has a 20% buff from regular Soma.

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