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Log In Failed. Timed Out


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PSN is now running smoothly and online is working with all games now, eeeeexcept Warframe apparently. I just bought both prime access packs, tried to log on and am now greeted with this constant error message from the game....

Seriously wtf. Its been bad enough that I had to put up with PSN's crap all day, but now this? Come on. I can't use any of my prime access gear, anything. I can't log in. However purchases weren't a problem for me on LittleBigPlanet or GTA.

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Blame it on the stupid lizard squad ddos attacks. My guess is that Sony is slowly unblocking IP address for psn users to come back online. However, warframe servers probably need a constant connection to psn and they haven't unblocked those IPs yet.

After all this time, you'd think that engineers at PSN would've figured out how to prevent this or respond quickly enough.

The only reason I'm still able to reply here is that I have this page unclosed on my tablet brower. I can't even login on my other computer since warframe.com can't authenticate my psn credentials there.

Anyway, my extractors would've probably been destroyed by leaving them for so long now. Grrrr.... Sometimes I long for those good old days of single player, non connected games!

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PSN is now running smoothly and online is working with all games now, eeeeexcept Warframe apparently. I just bought both prime access packs, tried to log on and am now greeted with this constant error message from the game....

Seriously wtf. Its been bad enough that I had to put up with PSN's crap all day, but now this? Come on. I can't use any of my prime access gear, anything. I can't log in. However purchases weren't a problem for me on LittleBigPlanet or GTA.

Except its not . Psn may be working for you and a few others but its still not working for the masses . Intill psn fully recovers warframe most likely will not allow sign ins . 

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The strange thing is why some people actually are able to log in while others are not. On my friends list many are logged in and playing Warframe. Yet I have been getting  Login Failed. Timed out  for close to a day. Missed 2 Alad V Nav coordinates as the only thing I could do was sit and watch the % go down while trying to get on Warframe.

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patience young one, we are all in the same boat and really none of this is on DE some virgins decided to DDOS sony and microsoft to expose their security weakness which begs the question whats the point in even doing something like this most of them cant even own a credit card legally or are only just old enough to posses one and they do this out of some kind of righteousness to protect us from the potential hackers out there who would be dumb enough to cross the banks who are probably the most powerful entity in this world today, either way im not convinced by their motives and they are still young and ignorant to the workings of the world. From what i have observed a lot of their real life info has been posted all over the web so these little pencil neck ectomorphs who are all private school students are probably going to have to wear knee pads to bed at night because their parents credit card details etc are all over the web atm.

Dont worry mate, it will be back up soon and we can all go back to being no life fgts who would rather wait around all boxing day to try and play warframe then be out socialising or whatever people do to entertain themselves.

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It's been over 14 hours now by my reckoning, since I first tried to login.  The PSN business seems resolved with respect to signing in, but the logins are still timing out on Warframe in particular.  Odd business, that.  If it doesn't resolve kinda soon, then a full 24 hours will lapse and everyone will lose their login bonuses through no fault of their own.

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...then a full 24 hours will lapse and everyone will lose their login bonuses through no fault of their own.

Hate to break it to you, but it has been something like 28 or so hours for me already. Got on for a while on Christmas eve, but even that was iffy and laggy. What really stinks about this is the missed salad v have and the missed sale. I was hoping to pick up the illiac while it was cheap.

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Waking up to find everything is down, completely at the moment. This is not fun, at all.

Hoping it gets fixed soon, really hoping... But its false hope at this rate. PlayStation's support twitter account is just spamming automated responses at this point and its sick because we have no official update from PlayStation since yesterday.

Sitting here keeping together the little bit of patience I have left.

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Ummm, from what I'm reading online, ps3 never went down. See, ps3 doesn't need the psn to play games online, so it wasn't affected.


Yes, ps3 was down, I tried a bunch of times myself! Also, there's always games you can play at the ps4 that don't require you being online! Talking Single Player of course!

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