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Is There A Point To The Mod Conflicts Between Sentinel And Player Weapons?


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It's annoying and it adds nothing to the game. 


Let's not even get into how I can change between shotgun and rifle (no such comfort exists for pistol or melee sentinel weapons)  It's just a silly-stupid thing that causes minor frustration. Did you want me to level up my mods doubly so that I have a set for sentinel weapons? If you're going to do that, you might as well add sentinel-specific weapon mods (don't. That'd still be a pain) 

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It is a tad bit annoying. It's the only reason that I decided that I would have to sell some more prime parts so I could get an extra primed point blank for my sentinel as well. I kinda wish it didn't exist, because then we can't really use any of our exclusive mods on it.


I get it's common sense, but still annoying as hell. I need a ranked duplicate of said mods just for my sentinel.

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Yeah there is, common sense. Gertrude has a ball, she invites his friend Bethica over. They play catch. Is it possible for Gertrude to have the ball if Bethica is holding it. No. So is it possible for your sentinel to have serration if you already have it?

I can hold onto someone's coat if they're wearing it. Your point is null. 



Also; Phobos. 

Edited by Innocent_Flower
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Yeah there is, common sense. Gertrude has a ball, she invites his friend Bethica over. They play catch. Is it possible for Gertrude to have the ball if Bethica is holding it. No. So is it possible for your sentinel to have serration if you already have it?

This isn't god damned playtime, we don't have time for your sh*t! This is WAR!

*Slices the ball in half*


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Can both you AND your sentinel use laser rifle at the SAME time? Do you two both hold onto it at the same time and shoot? If so good luck aiming at multiple targets.

Ah, but you can plug two cables into one wall socket/power source. It's not the same gun, it's the same module. 

Edited by Innocent_Flower
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Yeah there is, common sense. Gertrude has a ball, she invites his friend Bethica over. They play catch. Is it possible for Gertrude to have the ball if Bethica is holding it. No. So is it possible for your sentinel to have serration if you already have it?

I like your example names.

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Also, let's put this out here: Mods are not "magic the gathering cards", they're a simple interface design for things that would overload the game.


Serration is a modified barrel to install inside of your rifle. You own 1 tricked-out, heavily-modified barrel... and you want to install it in 2 different guns... at the same time. Split chamber is an actual, modified chamber that you replace the default receiver with, in an attempt to force two bullets out of one gun.


If you realize the cards represent physical parts for your heavy-duty internal re-rigging, it no longer makes any sense at all to have one in your hand and one in the little robot over your shoulder be the same exact one.

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This isn't god damned playtime, we don't have time for your sh*t! This is WAR!

*Slices the ball in half*


So by that logic you have a maxed serration on both so its a R5 serration for each, ok I get it?


I like your example names.

I made sure they were that way.

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It is an annoying mechanic, especially considering how you can jam serration on 100+ guns at the same time in your inventory but putting it on 1 tiny flying robot causes an issue.


Thing is, the reason it exists is so you have to do work to make your sentinal 'good'.

If you COULD just put the exact same maxed Serration you have on everything else, it'd be really REALLY easy.


Not that it isnt easy NOW, but even easier.


In a perfect world, sentinal guns would have their own mods, much like how sentinals and archwings themselves have custom mods.

The guns on the sentinals are incredibly tiny, and the idea that a mod that works on something as fat as the Drakgoon can also work on a gun as tiny as the Carrier's Sweeper is silly.


Who knows.

Maybe one day Sentinal guns will get their own sets of mods, dual stat mods, and such. But probably not anytime soon.

But as it is, the system works fine.


The REAL problem is you have no way of identifying what mods are being used by your sentinals when you scroll through them.

Some sort of marker or icon on the corner of a mod currently being used by a Sentinal would be a massive improvement in the GUI.

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Ah, but you can plug two cables into one wall socket/power source. It's not the same gun, it's the same module. 


you can plug two cables into one wall socket (which generally have two plugs) but you have to have TWO cables. You can not plug ONE cable into both plugs.

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Did you want me to level up my mods doubly so that I have a set for sentinel weapons?


I did. I don't have a problem with it considering how strong the better weapons can get. Wish there was an icon in the corner of mods that told me which were on my sentinel. That would remove all annoyances for me.

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I made sure they were that way.

They sound like cat names. :3



The REAL problem is you have no way of identifying what mods are being used by your sentinals when you scroll through them.

Some sort of marker or icon on the corner of a mod currently being used by a Sentinal would be a massive improvement in the GUI.

I thought they added a symbol for this in one of the hotfixes?

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Yeah there is, common sense. Gertrude has a ball, she invites his friend Bethica over. They play catch. Is it possible for Gertrude to have the ball if Bethica is holding it. No. So is it possible for your sentinel to have serration if you already have it?

This game isn't very realistic. I highly doubt allowing the same mod on both a weapon and a sentinel is horribly game breaking for anyone. Something tells me you have a fully ranked up set of mods for both your weapon and you sentinel and don't want those to go to waste.

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There's no reason to make the change, it's been this way since sentinel weapons could be modded. Everyone else under the sun has adapted, but because YOU didn't want to miss christmas with your dad, THEY should have to do a lot of work to change the code and then do even more work yet to compensate everyone (I, and many others, will be FURIOUS about making 2 maxed serations for nothing!), while adding something that makes zero sense to anyone?


Dude, talk about the ultimate in irresponsibility.

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There's no reason to make the change, it's been this way since sentinel weapons could be modded. Everyone else under the sun has adapted, but because YOU didn't want to miss christmas with your dad, THEY should have to do a lot of work to change the code and then do even more work yet to compensate everyone (I, and many others, will be FURIOUS about making 2 maxed serations for nothing!), while adding something that makes zero sense to anyone?


Dude, talk about the ultimate in irresponsibility.

Sell the second maxed serration for a large sum of plat? That seems like a pretty good deal for anyone who has 2 ranked up serrations.

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Nah. Just wanted to say that. If they really wanted to, they could. They just need to use their space transmodifier and clone the ball like a Grineer is all!

Oh yes, lets all strive to be more like the grineer.


They sound like cat names. :3

I was thinking more along the lines of old fat white women from the south.


Something tells me you have a fully ranked up set of mods for both your weapon and you sentinel and don't want those to go to waste.

To be completely honest, I am nearing my second anniversary of playing but my serration only cost 8 to equip. So yeah, I have never maxed nd R 10.

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Oh yes, lets all strive to be more like the grineer.


I was thinking more along the lines of old fat white women from the south.


To be completely honest, I am nearing my second anniversary of playing but my serration only cost 8 to equip. So yeah, I have never maxed nd R 10.

If it isn't a high rank, then not much was put into ranking it up. If it is max/near max, it can be sold for a lot.

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Yeah there is, common sense. Gertrude has a ball, she invites his friend Bethica over. They play catch. Is it possible for Gertrude to have the ball if Bethica is holding it. No. So is it possible for your sentinel to have serration if you already have it?


SInce when has Logic had anything to do with WARFRAME!?!?! XD

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