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Permenately Banished(By A Limbo)


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Okay, so here's what happened. I decided to host a T2 survival, I get a guy asking if I want a Limbo. I invite him because I don't care what frames or weapons other players use.


When we enter the game, he banishes me. I believe he had a duration Limbo. Before the banish wore off, he realized that we were in a survival mission and not in a defense mission(what he was looking to play) so he leaves. After he leaves, I never exit banish, nor could I exit it manually via dodge rolling or backflipping, I was stuck in the rift.


Here's the screen shots to prove it. First one shows who was in the game and what frames they were using, there is no Limbo in the player roster. I took screen shots up to the 20 min mark to document it, and throughout the whole match I never left the rift.









To reproduce, I believe you just need a Limbo, enter the game, have him banish you then have him leave the match. I was the host, so I do not know if being a host or client has any bearing on whether or not this bug occurs.

Edited by GhostSwordsman
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Where are the rift FX

I run everything on low settings so the FX might not show up(didn't even know it had a unique FX). I assure you that I could not kill any enemies with anything other than peacemaker and took 0 damage from enemy attacks.


Also, just look at my mesa, she clearly has some sort of blue energy wrapped around her, which is not normal for any frame. If you want to say those are my abilities, just look in the corner, not a single ability of mine was ever active in the pics.


1: Where's the effects of being in the rift?

2: have you tried rolling or doing a backflip? I'm assuming you didn't know as you didn't mention trying it

1. See above

2. I actually did, right in the middle of the post. I'll quote myself and bold the part where I said I tried rolling.


Okay, so here's what happened. I decided to host a T2 survival, I get a guy asking if I want a Limbo. I invite him because I don't care what frames or weapons other players use.


When we enter the game, he banishes me. I believe he had a duration Limbo. Before the banish wore off, he realized that we were in a survival mission and not in a defense mission(what he was looking to play) so he leaves. After he leaves, I never exit banish, nor could I exit it manually via dodge rolling or backflipping, I was stuck in the rift.


Here's the screen shots to prove it. First one shows who was in the game and what frames they were using, there is no Limbo in the player roster. I took screen shots up to the 20 min mark to document it, and throughout the whole match I never left the rift.









To reproduce, I believe you just need a Limbo, enter the game, have him banish you then have him leave the match. I was the host, so I do not know if being a host or client has any bearing on whether or not this bug occurs.

Edited by GhostSwordsman
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