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Crashing When Trying To Play Online


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Since yesterday I have been unable to play with other players at all. Every time I try to start a mission the game crashes. This is true regardless of whether I am playing Online or Private with friends. I haven't installed anything new, I haven't changed anything that I know of. It just crashes. 


I can, however, play Solo just fine. 


This is the WAR number I got: WAR-51211

Edited by CorrTerek
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I have a similiar problem aswell, although my game crashes when I try solo-play, I haven't tried online but I assume it would end up crashing aswell. The game crashes instantly after a 5-10 sec to the first mission of the game, each and everytime I try to play.


I have all my graphic settings to the lowest possible, I've taken off the options of 64 bit and dx11 from the launcher-screen, I'm playing windowed aswell. I've no clue how to make the game work, it simply just crashes whenever I try to play nomatter how I try it. (I'm sure my rig is capable enough to meet with the game, the tutorial section went just fine with most graphic settings up high.)


The crash code I get everytime is: WAR-43910


With best regards.

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The crash code I get everytime is: WAR-43910


With best regards.

Hi MonkeyWars, thank you for your WAR-#. Fortunately your crash appears to be the same one that was posted by CorrTerek -- just submitted under a different number. What this means is that (hopefully) once we clean up CorrTerek's crash then yours will be fixed as well. I apologize for the inconvenience and we hope to have more info on a fix very soon.

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WAR-52768 is my code. The game tends to crash in the middle or towards the end of a solo mission. It freezes and then force closes. I've actually submitted at least 3 previous reports before this one, all tonight, but didn't right down the codes.

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I'm not sure if this could be part of the issue but while in game someone in the design council stated that after the update his/her gpu is running hotter than before the update. I checked mine and it was running at almost 80 degrees C and it typically runs between 60 and 70 degrees C. I manually put my fan at a higher speed to cool down my GPU and it seems to be running fine so far. Went through three missions. I also run everything at low quality. I also disabled dx11 after the crashes started.

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WAR-50140. I guess the GPU heating wasn't the issue. After the game updated again my GPU was running around 60-65°C and right after I get the Ash Ssytems BP I cast Chaos, the game freezes and then force closed. It was the last BP I needed too. I have this feeling I won't be seeing it for quite some time now. I'm calling it a night.

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Im trying to do Eligor/ Europe / defense mission, but every time a wave appears, the game just freeze and tell me "Host migration in progress" and then "You're discconected from the game", and I appear in the solar system. Never happened to me, so Im guessing is the new pacht, not really sure. Hope  you can fix this, because I want to kill some of the new moas and complete this fantastic weekend event!

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  • 2 weeks later...



I thought of giving an update for my status with the crashing-issue, since I believe it just got solved after submitting a support-ticket. My game crashed instantly when I started a mission, no matter whatever settings I choose.


I simply had to clear the cache and the launcher prompted me to download the files again (All of them?.. Not sure) and the problem with my crashes vanished.


If you haven't tried the same trick, it wouldn't hurt to attempt. I guess some of my files were corrupt to some extend.

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My game's been crashing a lot in the past couple days, most often during Mobile Defense missions. It'll freeze for a second or two, resume working normally for a second or two, and then crash into the crash report window.



Did you install the new Nvidia beta drivers?

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After playing an hour or two today my game started freezing once i zoomed into a world in anything but solo mode. 


I don't get a crash error code or anything because it doesn't CTD, it just freezes and i end the process via task manager. 


It's happened on every planet I've looked at (mercury, neptune, jupiter) , every time. I don't know what changed from the couple hours before crashes started occuring to now. I hadn't even rebooted the game or anything - i was in a public game, game ends, now freezing.


edit - restarting my computer seems to have solved this problem. 

Edited by splodead
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