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Gender Options


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Absolutely agree, in the last livestream they said that they are thinking about it, it is an option, but not in work yet (as far  as i understand)


They also said that they hadn't really planned on it because each frame was supposed to be their own identity, an actual person of sorts.

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It wouldnt change their personality at all though, because each frame has his own style and colors, it doesnt matter if you take the boobs away and make the shoulders and torso stronger and the other way around.


that's like saying you'd be the exact same person if you were a girl but you wore the same color clothes...

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No i was talking about the playing style and overall appereance. Also, you cant have the same 10 persons run around each one 1000 times if every frame is a different person, i think you control the one and same tenno who wears different warframes, as they are only exosuits, you dont play different characters, you just change your clothes, so it would make sense to choose your gender at the account creation or the devs say tenno are beings that are generally without gender.

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Hey, a lot of people really would like total equality in choices, and the best way to let the Devs know it's what we want is to bump the issue occassionally. It's not even like it wastes space. It's the internet not a peice of paper with finite surface area.

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Hey, a lot of people really would like total equality in choices, and the best way to let the Devs know it's what we want is to bump the issue occassionally. It's not even like it wastes space. It's the internet not a peice of paper with finite surface area.


They even mentioned it in the livestream. If that isnt enough, maybe they should add signatures under everything they do like: NO, WE WONT ADD ANY BIG PVP AND NO WE ACTUALLY HAVE PLANS WITH GENDERS AND NOT THINK ABOUT GENDER SELECTION RIGHT NOW AND YES WE ARE TRYING TO ADD A TRADE SYSTEM...


Do you think that would stop people from making threads about a topic that was discussed a million times? Do you think a topic becomes more valuable by just spamming the forums with it?


Its ok that people dont read the faqs. These days, it seems nobody is actually reading the faqs. Otherwise, there wouldnt be so many useless threads around here...

But maybe using the search function before making threads would help a bit....

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This topic has come up many times on the forums, but rarley has it actually been DISCUSSED in an mature fashion. 


I'd like to direct anyone reading this thread to this little video over yonder. -> http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/jimquisition/7196-Boob-Wars-and-Dragon-Crowns


Come on, if you can't spare a few minutes to watch an intelligent, thought-provoking video, on a persistent social issue, then I suggest you re-evaluate your life ._.

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The gender of the Warframe should be chosen when you acquire it. That or you need a different component to have a different gender, kind of how males have testosterone and females have estrogen. Each gender could have a specific part they need, which could be added in some later patch.


Just a suggestion.

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The gender of the Warframe should be chosen when you acquire it. That or you need a different component to have a different gender, kind of how males have testosterone and females have estrogen. Each gender could have a specific part they need, which could be added in some later patch.


Just a suggestion.

I don't want to farm bosses to get the rare "Testicle Blueprint" or "Uterus Blueprint."



"Dammit! Testes again! Okay guys, let's run it one more time."

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We often bring this up in our Livestreams, you should check it out!

Could you please give a direct answer, pardon me and dont think my intention is to create polemic.

But sometimes I think the Reason behind the female warframes was your choice. 


Gender option would be nice, since 90% of the players and Male. 

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Gender option would be nice, since 90% of the players and Male. 


90% xD


Could you send me your fact sheet to show me those numbers?

And please. Not those "statistic" for overall gaming.

I would like to see a sheet of WF and its playerbase.....

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