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[Bug] Torid: Enemies Hit Directly Not Damaged By Clouds [4+ Months Old]


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don't get me wrong, the new moas are fine for normal missions, but for defense they are just in the way. i mean they put those flying infested into defense and people complained and they removed them, even though they weren't even that bad, but they seem to refuse to remove the new moas from defense even though there is an even bigger outcry to remove them. 


what is so wrong about sticking brood mothers and boilers instead of the moas? that's still more of a challenge than before without completely breaking the gamemode. hell, i would even be fine if they added the flying moas as well. anything is better than being one shotted while trying to level up stuff. 

Nothing whatsoever is wrong with your statement UNLESS Vauban is involved. DE really has a mad on for anything that negates difficulty totally and rather than just change how energy works or implement some new mechanic on #4s universally they insist on making things harder and harder for those that do not implement said game breaking strategies.


The same goes for the p42w farmers. DE "So you're going to stand around and trivialize our game, then here are enemies that restrain YOU a little bit and utterly wreck everyone else's experience" 

Issue still persists please FIX.

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Also confirmed, But i read somewhere (cant remember where) that when hitting a mob direct with it, It was suppose to deal the damage all at once instead of over time and instead turns the mob into a walking poison carrier... again dunno if it is intended or not but should be looked into.

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Moved to weapon feedback.

WHAAAAAAAT? At least this is not still in weapon feedback. Really, we would appreciate the content of our posts being analyzed prior to snap judgement being made.  I have experienced this many times and in each case subsequently had my threads moved back to where the originated from. 

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Bump for awareness. This and the mutalist quanta have been broken for way too long.

what amazes me the most, though, is that this bug isn't some dainty little issue that happens rarely, or something that dosn't affect gameplay. this is a bug that directly ruins the weapon and yet, even people who use the torid don't seem to make a peep about it, besides the few that posted here. i find it very ironic that DE claims to listen to their players but when they complain about a weapon that DE clearly dosn't use themselves nor even care about (eg Torid, never used it once in a livestream), it goes unnoticed. 


if it was only 2 months old, that would still be pretty bad. but it has reached bout 4 months now. that is unacceptable for a simple "enemiesclouddamage= True" change. 


my worst fear is they are completely ignoring this bug post because the change was intentional, which begs the question then, why is an enemy immune to the gas clouds from the infested blob stuck to it? someone along the line someone messed up some code, or did it intentionally, and because the Torid is one of those junk weapons (at least it appears to be so by DE's lack of attention to it) that just dosn't need to be fixed. 


i am so glad they hate the kraken too, otherwise they would have ruined the sound back when they messed up weapon sounds for no reason. the kraken wasn't touched and still sounds good while the gorgon and bronco weapons sound like they run on compressed air. 

Edited by superbot34
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Still not fixed yeat. Torid is not an OP weapon but is usefull an fun in certain situations, but this bug kill it. On higher levels i prefere to not directly shot at enemy because he take more damage from cloud. I hope this bug will be fixed soon, maybe need more people complain about this for DE look at it and fix in next patches.

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1. When you hit an enemy with the projectile, the resulting gas cloud won't damage it.


2. If you hit cover that an enemy is behind the gas cloud will not damage the enemy, even if the cloud extends far enough.


3. The projectiles bounce off of nullifier bubbles. I'm not sure if this is a glitch, but it is the only surface it bounces off of.

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1. When you hit an enemy with the projectile, the resulting gas cloud won't damage it.


2. If you hit cover that an enemy is behind the gas cloud will not damage the enemy, even if the cloud extends far enough.


3. The projectiles bounce off of nullifier bubbles. I'm not sure if this is a glitch, but it is the only surface it bounces off of.

1 is a bug, i noticed it too.

3 isn't a bug, everything, EVERYTHING bounce when hiting the nullifier bubble. Even arrows.

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What de needs to do is actually pay attention to player feedback. As in HIRE someone whose only job is to monitor feedback threads for recurring complaints and then allow said person to tally various bits of feedback to actually give them a proper view of the communities opinions.



This is supposed to be DE Rebecca's (and Megan too, I suppose) job. Community Managers.

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This is supposed to be DE Rebecca's (and Megan too, I suppose) job. Community Managers.

Given how few posts they actually respond to I consider them more akin to a fire prevention/mitigation team. Currently there are no individuals from among the DE team that are responsible strictly for the forums. If there were I would think we would see much more developer feedback on various matters that have been deemed quite popular by the forum members.


What DE attempted to do was implement community moderators which only serves the purposes of sorting data and enforcing forum rules and procedure. Unfortunately there is still a large disconnect between the players and DE in general. It would be fantastic if they gave the players more reasons to communicate, but as it stands it feels as though a large measure of the community is simply ignored and therefore wastes it's time in giving extensive feedback. I think quite frankly that's why we see many ill thought posts and far less productive feedback than we could. Simply put it feels like the devs don't care about many of our concerns and therefore many players do not care whether they actually put a large amount of thought into what they post.

Edited by geninrising
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