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The New Afk/dead Rule In Patch Notes


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End of discussion, this change barely effects anything.


Okay thanks, this helped a lot, but they really should have clarified on notes, the forums exploded with outrage, since they didn't really explain... Well that sets my fears aside time to get back on.

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DE hasn't fully explained how it works, but it sounds poorly executed. Regardless, it feels down right sneaky to slip this in a single line in the patch notes when everyone is already &!$$ed about void keys, making it likely to be missed.(Edit: Addressed by DE in a different thread.) Even worse is that it seems all of the UI functions DE needs to implement a solution already exists. I can press "I" to inspect a profile to see how awesome that player is, but I can't start a vote-kick from that same profile? F1-F12 aren't bound by default as far as I know, so it would be easy for players to Bind F1 to vote yes, and F2 to vote no. Or maybe even give those "Agree" or "Disagree" options when holding Q a valid use.

Edited by EntropySquared
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I know AFK has been always a problem in MMO, but this solution from DE is... unbelievable. Now I have to check my watch to see if I moved my frame in the last minute.


And here in lies the biggest reveal of the problem. The fact that more than several minutes can pass by in this game and nothing interesting happen.

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More punishment. I don't know what kind of bug got into them, but it's just.. every update, every hotfix, has been punishing players. Are we going to fix bugs? Nah, we're gonna make it harder for players to get into the void and other endgame content, and introduce new things that make even more bugs.


What about people with IBS, chrohn's, or other bathroom-related illness? What if I ate a terrible taco and have to afk for a few in a survival while my friends keep me alive? Give a votekick option to the Host, or let there be votekick options. A minute is tiny compared to the 40m+ missions regularly done by endgame players.

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Awful decision. How about instead of this crap you add votekicking to the game and let the players get rid of leechers, trolls, afkers etc. There are so many occasions where I just want to votekick that one idiot who's ruining infested defense with snowglobes, not that I play with pugs too often but votekick should still be there.



DE will not pay you for defending their bad decision (I hope). It's a poorly thought-out design decision, you can't buy it, nobody can, there's nothing for you to shill for here.


do you even run 90+ m survivals just for the max time? you can waste all 4 in 1 run and insta-die

I doubt the person has ever been outside DEAC. Not a lot of the goys actually play the game outside liset or short DEAC missions with their prime access gear.

Edited by Uuni
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Please allow the host to change game type while in a group but before entering the mission. And allow the host to kick people while not in a mission. Kicking people while in missions doesn't really work that well in warframe due to the nature of the game, that's fine.

Edited by Watlok
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Question on the rep farm part: Now, if I am considered AFK for spamming 4 with excal, do I get Syndicate Rep Bonus at the end, because that is TECHNICALLY slowly gained throughout the mission. 


Second: What happens to alerts? Do we actually lose the whole opportunity for the alert if we "afk" on a mission? And how do alert defense and survival count? Are the alert rewards considered "endless" or "end reward"?

Edited by Blazer-X
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wow this new rule is awful, the clarified but i dont think its any better

still didnt touch on the whole out of revives thing  either, 1 minute is way to steep, when im in a survival for 45 min with my friends they have no problem with me afk for 1-5 min, cuz we take turns if u need to bathroom or phone whatever real life stuff, they should put in a vote to kick someone if they have been afk for like a minute or two at least, so that way when your covering for a friend and dont mind them afk, they can get reward too, and they dont touch on what if im out of revives on a long &#! mission, i run out of revives say 36 min in and my friends wanna keep going, not minding im gone for 5-10 more min to get the part we want, do i lose everything because they wanted to stay longer? 

they need to change this rule, its pissing alot of people off more than are happy


More clarifications:


1) What about stuff I pick up? Resources/etc?


Stuff you pick up is never affected by this disqualification. Stuff you pick up is not an 'end-of-mission' reward.


2) What if I go pee?


Consider the following:


- Start Exterminate mission, immediately go to bathroom for 59 seconds.

- Exterminate mission takes 59 seconds complete, your team did the work.

- Return to no End-of-mission reward because you were AFK whole time.


Consider the following:

- Start Exterminate mission, immediately go to bathroom for 60 seconds.

- Exterminate mission takes 10 minutes to complete, you came back and helped kill things.

- End-of-mission reward is yours, enjoy!

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Read the first post. Apparently, spamming power in the same place for 60 seconds is considered AFK.



Yeah technically you're not AFK but obviously DE wants people to do more than just sit at their keyboard munching chips and literally just pressing one key over and over again. Steve even has said that he doesn't want the game to played with "Homer's drinking bird". 

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So... wait. Help. Some high level missions, defense mainly, actually require me to stand on the same spot for more than 60 seconds, especially when I'm playing with Mesa/Peacemaker. Do I lose anything if I do that or what? I'm very confused.


The general concept sucks big time though. It offers the leechers a way to effectively bypass the anti-AFK system (with macros) and punishes those who actually have an emergency of any kind and are forced to stay away from their PC mid-mission for 1 minute, perhaps with the consent of their squad mates too.


This new year really started in a very, very bad way.

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Here is what I gather from all of this;


Endless missions ie, defense/survival/interception are not affected by this

Timer only starts when people are already at extraction. If you haven't moved in that last 60 seconds you get nothing. So if you are afk with 58 second to go, you are fine.

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welp... there goes myself playing while working.

I have a small shop here, with snacks and drinks and some beers. It's like a convinient store and I am such a gaming person. I always play games while working. Be it league, dota, warframe, some emulators, some singleplayer.


I AFK in few moments because there are customers buying, and it can become worse when they happen to be here in crucial times.

Wave 40 with 10 eximuses, two are energy leech bombards, and lots of nullies surrounding the pod? let's have a kid, who can't even speak clearly, keep pointing the wrong snacks when I'm asking what does he want to buy.



But that's just my problem huh? Surely other people have the least problems and reasons to AFK like "need to pee"


Don't get me wrong, I've played long enough to know what to do and what can happen in-game. 800 total hours of gameplay, have obtained warframes and weapons (only lacks stuffs I like: loki prime, nyx prime and soma prime, few clan tech because I dont have enough formas) through grind and all.



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I think this'll be more of an issue in nightmare mode where the chances of everyone dying or running out of revives is far more present. 



If your not ready to go into a mission, don't start it.

If you run out of revives, you should have gone in with another frame in the first place. 


Sure this sounds like it's a punishing rule, but for whom ?

- People who run around with no revives but want all the rewards ?

- People who coptor off from the team at 100 MPH and die at the other side of the map before anyone can get to them ?

- Leeches who stand there and do nothing for the mission yet prevent 'actual' players from entering and helping you ?


Lets see this in action, and now that you know about it you can prepare yourself for it.

DE wants players to be playing the game, they don't want their servers clogged up by people joining games who then decide to go off and talk to the neighbour for 10 minutes yet still win. There is no victory in talking to your neighbour !!

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I think this'll be more of an issue in nightmare mode where the chances of everyone dying or running out of revives is far more present. 


I just did a test for this.


Nightmare - Jackal.

Fought the boss once, died and stayed dead til the end. No nightmare reward.

Second time, went to almost extract, died, told the random person I was with to wait two minutes (sadly they died too but eh, they revived). I revived when it seemed about time and went to extract together. I got my reward.

Third time, Nightmare-Nef Ayno, die after killing him, remain dead for hopefully 1 minute, let teammate 1 go to extract, revive, teammate two gets on, stay hidden (using invisibility while moving), let them extract, reward earned. Now I can't say with 100% certainty that they didn't step off and reset the timer but I believe they didn't. I kinda dont like imposing THAT much on people, so these tests are sufficient enough for me.


So unless I was off about the timing literally all you have to do is revive before the end and move.

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