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Secura Dera: The Revengeance


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Thanks :)

I trimmed some fat off the first post, i want to streamline the reading experience for any dev who stumbles across it.

By the way, did the post lose the underlined formatting i gave it? Maybe it just doesnt show up on this tablet?

Edited by DarkTails
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I love the Dera, although for different reasons....


Mine is a mini-compact Supra... AKA Plasma Sprayer. Heavy Cal decreases the accuracy by more than 90%, which makes it quite fun.... and yes I put Speed Trigger on.


While I did slightly struggle with this build on a 1 hour Palus Pluto run (before nullifiers), that was because I too lazy to switch out Corrosive + Ice.


However, if your suggestions go through, I DEFINITELY SUPPORT IT.


I'd personally agree with your Status increase, indifferent about the damage focus, agree with magazine increase or reload decrease, would really appreciate punch-through and projectile speed increase, and sort of accept this firerate decrease. (Would still slap Speed Trigger anyways...)


Although I do have some questions: Does this make the original obsolete while still costing Forma to craft? Should it be moved to the market as a blueprint? Should all energy weapons have some sort of advantage? (Such as splash damage or elemental damage.) Would the implementation of this weapon delay any potential rework of energy weapons in general? (Like Supra and Cestras.)

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Good point, though there's nothing stopping players from joining a clan and grabbing the BP once they're MR4.


The problem i see with that is that once they are MR4 and have access to clantech BPs they have a far greater selection of weapon to chose from, some which are more powerfull and popular than the Dera, like the Marelok, Grinlok, Quanta, Amprex, etc. Which i think is one reason the Dera is so under used.


By that point the Dera would not be as attractive as it could be if they just started and see it dangling around in the market. Hence why i think it would be better placed there with resources from venus to mars as requirement.


Though there is always the chance they might shuffle around what is clantech and what market based.

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Although I do have some questions: Does this make the original obsolete while still costing Forma to craft? Should it be moved to the market as a blueprint? Should all energy weapons have some sort of advantage? (Such as splash damage or elemental damage.) Would the implementation of this weapon delay any potential rework of energy weapons in general? (Like Supra and Cestras.)


•Straight buffs always make the original obsolete, the original can still be used as a stepping stone/training weapon while building the new version, like MK1 gear. I think it would make sense to move the original Dera to the market at that point, and remove forma cost to give easier access to new players.


•I think the "bullet types" should have innate dis/advantages. However, I don't see why we would need even more advantages considering how fast enemies die already.


•I don't see how working on this one weapon would significantly delay that kind of a rework. It's not like it's hard to tweak a few numbers in a text file and recolor a weapon skin. Anyone who has ever modded games before can tell you it takes like 1 minute to tweak a weapon's stats, plus however long it takes you to recolor the weapon's texture.


Then again, I don't know how much work it is to tweak numbers behind the scenes in this game, like how many people that decision has to go through before being approved.


The problem i see with that is that once they are MR4 and have access to clantech BPs they have a far greater selection of weapon to chose from, some which are more powerfull and popular than the Dera, like the Marelok, Grinlok, Quanta, Amprex, etc. Which i think is one reason the Dera is so under used.


By that point the Dera would not be as attractive as it could be if they just started and see it dangling around in the market. Hence why i think it would be better placed there with resources from venus to mars as requirement.


Though there is always the chance they might shuffle around what is clantech and what market based.


The problem is players want the horribly OP weapons as soon as possible, there's nothing the developers can do to change that.


By the way Grinlok, Amprex, and Marelok are MR5 weapons, players can use the MR4 Dera while they craft the MR5 weapons. Quanta of course is ridiculous at MR4, it's just as accurate, shoots forever, and has no travel time, completely overshadowing the Dera. So yeah, moving Dera to the Market, and maybe lowering the crafting cost, would be a good idea.


Unrelated: Editing posts with my tablet removes any underlined formatting, what a weird bug lol. I added the underlining again to the first post.

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The only issue I see with moving Dera to the market... is that dual cestra, marelok, and castana are all still clan tech, and they make up half of the existing clan tech weapons.


I'd kind of like to see the clan tech version of the dera receive some kind of buff, though, since its DPS is actually less than that of the Grineer equivalent grakata, which is in the market.  Perhaps a base damage of 30 or so for the dera, and with its lower fire rate, your syndicate dera could use a base damage of 45 or so, like the buzlok.  That way, dera would deserve its position as a clan tech rifle due to superior damage compared to the grakata.  And also because I think energy guns should be more powerful anyway, because plasma projectiles are more sci-fi and higher tech than bullets.


Perhaps plasma should be a damage type... but that's a different topic altogether.

Edited by Holeypaladin
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Yeah, lots of things to consider. If its too much of a hassle to find a suitable place for clan weapons, id rather just get the Secura Dera into the game first then deal with those particulars later.

Plasma as a damage type exclusive to laser/plasma weapons would be neat. Not sure what the full rammifications of adding a new damage type are though, what needs to be tweaked to accomodate it, if it even should be introduced, etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

As someone that had a potated Dera and disliked it so much that I sold it, I can say that increasing the shot speed and reducing the RoF would go a long way towards improving the weapon in my eyes. It's easy to burn half a clip trying to hit a long or even medium distance enemy that decides to shuffle around and spin a lot, which is very frustrating.


IMHO, the aesthetics of the weapon could be punched up a bit, too. The weapon feels very weightless - keep the zero recoil (which is an important feature of the weapon) but add some pulsing energy or plasma steamy discharge to show how the weapon is being stabilized. In the absence of any visual feedback, I'm only left to assume that the weapon has no recoil because it's shooting very underpowered energy bolts. Similarly, the "reload" animation could use some suitably gassy/steamy effects assuming it still has that weird heat-cycling style reload.

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I really don't see any good reason for reducing the fire rate. 


As stated, it's for increasing ammo efficiency without negatively affecting the weapon in any significant way. It shoots way too fast right now, wasting ammo on acrobatic backflipping enemies lol. And with increased projectile speed, more bullets will land on target, further making the current very high fire rate unnecessary.


As someone that had a potated Dera and disliked it so much that I sold it, I can say that increasing the shot speed and reducing the RoF would go a long way towards improving the weapon in my eyes. It's easy to burn half a clip trying to hit a long or even medium distance enemy that decides to shuffle around and spin a lot, which is very frustrating.


IMHO, the aesthetics of the weapon could be punched up a bit, too. The weapon feels very weightless - keep the zero recoil (which is an important feature of the weapon) but add some pulsing energy or plasma steamy discharge to show how the weapon is being stabilized. In the absence of any visual feedback, I'm only left to assume that the weapon has no recoil because it's shooting very underpowered energy bolts. Similarly, the "reload" animation could use some suitably gassy/steamy effects assuming it still has that weird heat-cycling style reload.


I guess they could show some gassy stuff coming out the vents, or whatever that row of black slots along the top edge is, just as long as it doesn't interfere with aiming

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have been working closely with [DE]Drew to get this weapon into the game with promising progress. And by "working closely" I mean sending him pictures of sad raccoons until it gets into the game. And by "promising progress" I mean restraining order.


But hope dies last, Tenno!

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I have been working closely with [DE]Drew to get this weapon into the game with promising progress. And by "working closely" I mean sending him pictures of sad raccoons until it gets into the game. And by "promising progress" I mean restraining order.


But hope dies last, Tenno!


Sounds rather counter productive, if you really did that.


Like something which could end up as joke in the game ala:

Darvo: "I had some Secura Deras in my inventory once. But nobody wanted them, so i threw them into the sun."

As a retaliation for being bombarded with PMs over something.


Have you thought about trying to convince them not, under any circumstances, what ever they are doing, to put a Secura Dera into the game?

Edited by Othergrunty
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I have been working closely with [DE]Drew to get this weapon into the game with promising progress. And by "working closely" I mean sending him pictures of sad raccoons until it gets into the game. And by "promising progress" I mean restraining order.


But hope dies last, Tenno!

I'll send him a link to 10 hours of Sarah McLachlan "angel"

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I was just kidding, to make a bump, but the reverse psychology sounds great!


Hey [DE]Drew, we totally DON'T want this Secura Dera in the game! We WANT to keep using the same lame Dera we all hate! Don't change a thing!


...I can feel it working already!



I'll send him a link to 10 hours of Sarah McLachlan "angel"


We want the weapon added to the game, not mass depressed Crewman suicide!

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Day 163 of pleading with Crewman DE[Drew]

I shadow the revered Crewman like a panther stalking a cyber-bigfoot, or a child chasing after an ice cream truck. At this point I have forgotten what my original objective was, and have become obsessed with tracking his every movement.


Today he consumed a can of tuna, or rather, he inserted the can into a slot in his helmet and a few moments after the empty container was ejected out a different slot in his suit. I am fascinated. Disgusted. Awed.

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