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Stop Buying Plat


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I, and I'm pretty sure a lot of you others, have had it up to here with DE's recent incompetent additions to the game.


I don't know why they are so keen on trying to jump the shark lately, with terrible and rushed ideas like the anti-afk system and nullifiers, but I don't even care about their reasons, and neither should any of you.


Not letting them getting away dumb decisions like those I mentioned above, while they are waving "It's still in Beta! XD" Get Out of Jail Free card around, is our duty as consumers. I mean the game's nearly been out for 2 years, for god's sake.


You know the recent vote about what should be replacing the syndicate T4 key rewards? The one with two awful choices?


Yeah, vote with your wallet instead. Don't buy plat until they get their stuff together.

Edited by -Himari-
Edited post for language.
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Awful choices? You get survivals in the rotation finally, lol


And DE has their crap together. You DO realize, Christmas just happened, and they have a ton of stuff planned, I presume you don't even watch the Livestreams.


Makes sense why you're so mad. I'm actually happy with the game, and the fact that you complain about the new systems and enemies they're working on is pretty hilarious..


You do know the game is still in BETA right?

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I recently rolled a 50% off plat discount on login, but I didn't even bother buying any, partly because of some of the reasons you listed. Hell, I used to literally play this game every day (I've got around 1,800 hours and have only been playing since around update 9 or 10), but over the last couple weeks, I've only logged in to check on my dog and occasionally play my Syndicate dailies. Eyes of Blight wasn't fun at all.


I'm really hoping that update 16 brings some good new additions/changes/balance or whatever they have planned.

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