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Why You No Wanna Use Teamwork On Defense? D:


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Sooooooooo many times I've been playing a high level defense where teamwork is key and we get 1 or 2 "Gods" that run around killing a few things making us have to run around to get loot and save them when they end up dieing.... Why not stay in my Frost's Snow Globe around the container and blow stuff up as a team in the safety of the ball of ice? Why not kill everything around the container so we can easily loot stuff for my slow &#! Frost doesn't spend half a wave trying to gather the mana orbs and mods all over the place....So tired of fail pugs when i don't have a full group of friends to do the higher lvl defenses. And i can't even yell at the fails because chat doesn't work! WTB a kick system for the host so when people join and start being dumb they get removed until they learn their lesson.


That's a lot of *@##$ing i know but if you agree speak up, there's no reason it has to be like this when it's pretty much the only end game we have atm.

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Unfortunately, mainly due to free-will, we cannot tell players how to play.


We can suggest it, prove it, demonstrate it, plead, beg, and bribe, but we cannot force a player to play a certain way.


It's times like these when I wish I could get 3 friends to all sit down at the same time... Damn real life keeps getting in the way.

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But we should be able to choose how they play if they are in our group and we are the host. Otherwise the trolls will always win just because they want to be that way. I understand not everyone who plays this way is doing it on purpose but letting them do it without any consequence isn't going to change anything.

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I think what there should be more than anything else is a way to vote kick someone mid mission if you are playing in a public setting.  There needs to be some way to hold trolls accountable.  If nothing else there needs to be a way to "ban" someone from joining your games if your primary host.  This would solve a lot of issues with reoccurring boss rushers and other issues like defense trolls.

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Unfortunately, mainly due to free-will, we cannot tell players how to play.


We can suggest it, prove it, demonstrate it, plead, beg, and bribe, but we cannot force a player to play a certain way.


It's times like these when I wish I could get 3 friends to all sit down at the same time... Damn real life keeps getting in the way.

When we get the much desired Kick option, we can force them to work as a team.

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tried communicating with those "GOD" killers? sometimes, when i communicate with them, they listen and agree, but there are other times when they just ignore me and the rest of the team and just do what ever they want. i mean, whats the point of joining a public game if you don't want to co-op with people and do whatever you want?


i sometimes act like that, only because my frost is too slow. but majority of the time(well, nearly ALL the time) i stay with the team so that we can survive the game. but i really do hate it when these "rushers" or aka "Gods" player just rush forward leaving everyone behind and expect us to run over to them to heal them when they leave us behind to deal with a mass horde of enemies. or they just rush to extraction and expect us to make it there in the next few min, when the rest of the team is still half way through the mission area.

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When we get the much desired Kick option, we can force them to work as a team.


kick option just open room for group of trolls, just did an alert for something like potato? you get kicked at extraction and loose it.


nothing good can come out of kick option.

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Join a clan that has the same ideas as you.. What you're asking for is the definition of a clan or a team. Find one on the forums or in regional chat instead of complaining about PUGs. This is the same for any online game that you play. Forcing a random teammate to play your way will never end well.

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But we should be able to choose how they play if they are in our group and we are the host. Otherwise the trolls will always win just because they want to be that way. I understand not everyone who plays this way is doing it on purpose but letting them do it without any consequence isn't going to change anything.



I think what there should be more than anything else is a way to vote kick someone mid mission if you are playing in a public setting.  There needs to be some way to hold trolls accountable.  If nothing else there needs to be a way to "ban" someone from joining your games if your primary host.  This would solve a lot of issues with reoccurring boss rushers and other issues like defense trolls.



When we get the much desired Kick option, we can force them to work as a team.



I'm going to play Devil's Advocate because all three of you have a similar view: Force them to do something.


1. Give host a vote kick.

Con: Troll Hosts kick right before the mission is done


2. Vote Kick.

Con: 2-3 Trolls and kick the poor solo guy before the mission is done



My suggestion? Mods and resources work just like credits do now: One person picks it up, the whole team gets it (Keep it random though, like it is now)


On top of that, when someone dies without being revived, forced them to spawn on a team member that is alive. Nobody alive? Mission ends.

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you know what's the worst? when everyone decides they wanna play hero. and no one bothers to actually defend. then they lose


I onced joined a mobile defense in progress, and immediately put a snow globe up on the computer....for the mission to fail 15 seconds later. cuz apparently, those dumbasses were so "HURR DURR IMA HERO" that they ventured out all the way to the wrong computer room. it was mind boggling

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I'm going to play Devil's Advocate because all three of you have a similar view: Force them to do something.


1. Give host a vote kick.

Con: Troll Hosts kick right before the mission is done


2. Vote Kick.

Con: 2-3 Trolls and kick the poor solo guy before the mission is done



My suggestion? Mods and resources work just like credits do now: One person picks it up, the whole team gets it (Keep it random though, like it is now)


On top of that, when someone dies without being revived, forced them to spawn on a team member that is alive. Nobody alive? Mission ends.

I could bring up 1000x more Pros as to why we need it. But that's not for discussion. It's announced that Kick options are on the works. The question is, how will it work.

Edited by Sikab
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I get the idea and I understand the frustration but the way you worded it just makes it seem you're trying to make people play you're exact way.


Gloriouse grouped up raced


Pitiful runing around killing everything randomly fail race.


Not sure what defence you're talking about but in my experiance some need some people running around like psychos getting the guys in the distance if it's grineer/corpus but infected yeah from what I've played it's good to stay together and mow them down and some cases split into 2 groups and have one thin out as they spawn in then another as a last defence.I usually run around for grinner cause some don't seem to want to get close to the thing we're defending also I don't like standing still but if someone politely asks (find that to be rare) for me to stay close then sure don't mind.


People sujjesting a clan are right though find a group with comon interests instead of trying to force people to play your way also as explained in previouse comments a kick option is just too exploitable.

Edited by Batwing
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Join a clan that has the same ideas as you.. What you're asking for is the definition of a clan or a team. Find one on the forums or in regional chat instead of complaining about PUGs. This is the same for any online game that you play. Forcing a random teammate to play your way will never end well.

The trolls are trying to force us to play their way by not working with us so you telling me not to complain about them and to not force them to play what most of the community would consider team friendly in the same breath is a little ridiculous. Whats the point of your post exactly? I said in my original post that i can't always have a whole group of friends to farm the mission with, joining a clan wouldnt change the fact that people who arent on arent on when i wanna do the defense mission and they might not want to do it.


What I love is that all the people saying a kick option would be good, are apparently getting down votes in this topic. Because apparently letting the trolls do what they want is what the community wants, and if anyone starts complaining about them, people like you will come in here and tell us we shouldn't.

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Not sure what defence you're talking about but in my experiance some need some people running around like psychos getting the guys in the distance if it's grineer/corpus.

That makes sense, cept i specifically was talking about teaming up with my frost who uses a snow globe which makes most ranged come into melee range and group up to be killed while being slowed in the snow globe. Im not forcing anyone to play my way, the point im trying to make is work with your team, if you have someone who can protect you from all ranged damage then take advatage of it. Instead of ramboing it up and forcing the rest of the team to fix your mistake when you cant solo the whole wave.

Edited by Uboros
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Ah k then that wording made way more sense, if people just go off dying a ton and can't do what they're intending to do then just leave and walk over them :/ as for the snowglobe thing if it can protect the defence point well enough makes sense but if they CAN go to a point where the snowglobe isn't protecting the objective and you can't shoot from a certain angle makes sense to go off and take those guys out real quick.But yeah people who just run off again and again to die while trying to be a "god" are just like yappy little dogs chasing a car :/


say ( I I I I ) <- snowglobe


{} < defence point


if its laid out like this ( I I I I ) {} (and grineer are here or shooting it from here)


Makes sense for people to run out of the snowglobe to take out the others on the oposite side.



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The trolls are trying to force us to play their way by not working with us so you telling me not to complain about them and to not force them to play what most of the community would consider team friendly in the same breath is a little ridiculous. Whats the point of your post exactly? I said in my original post that i can't always have a whole group of friends to farm the mission with, joining a clan wouldnt change the fact that people who arent on arent on when i wanna do the defense mission and they might not want to do it.


What I love is that all the people saying a kick option would be good, are apparently getting down votes in this topic. Because apparently letting the trolls do what they want is what the community wants, and if anyone starts complaining about them, people like you will come in here and tell us we shouldn't.


So get a clan that is active and is willing to help others out when they want it.


If you think you have a better chance with PUG's then you do asking clan members for help....

Well, I don't know what kind of clans (If any) you have been in the past, but clans usually do stuff that their members want to do.


All you would have to do is ask. It's not guaranteed  but it sure is a much bigger chance you will not only get other members to do it with you, but you will enjoy it much more when doing it.

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I think what there should be more than anything else is a way to vote kick someone mid mission if you are playing in a public setting.  There needs to be some way to hold trolls accountable.  If nothing else there needs to be a way to "ban" someone from joining your games if your primary host.  This would solve a lot of issues with reoccurring boss rushers and other issues like defense trolls.

Just so you know, the same trolls will be able to vote kick you as well.

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When I don't have enough people to play with to make a full team and a random that joins us only goes off and floors themselves, we let them die. Its only fair since they wanted to be the shining star that ended up burning up and being a white dwarf. No pity for people who play in a team like its a solo map with bots that are supposed to help you.

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The answer to the OP is a simple one, lack of an effective way to communicate, the chat box is very bonk, the talk part is weird, hard to figure out and the DEs really need to do something to rework the way a PUG squad can communicate with each other. I have joined several squad where I can hear 1 or 2 members talking but I cant talk, dunno how to figure it out, there is no tutorial or explanations in how to do it. 

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I just troll them back. LOL.  One mission is not the only mission... (I am thankful for that.) I end up going to wherever they're camping and take away 3/4 of their kills in a match of, "who can get closer to the spawn point" and usually the combination of fast deflection on my frame and guardian from my sentinel can handle most of the wave's attacks.

People don't learn without failing.

This is similar to the runner/rusher type thread.  I am not a slow player by any means, and I wait for the majority of my teammates to show up in the next room, if I'm faster...


I usually tell folks to adapt to the team, but if there's one guy who's badass enough to run way ahead of everyone, but they miscalculated on how many enemies there would be or the strength of the enemy, then tough cookies the rest of the team was busy playing together.

Some dude yesterday kept sending myself and other team members sarcastic messages, "thanks guys" for not running fast enough toward him. we revived this dude like 3 times. I just chatted back, "change your tactics, stop running ahead without backup, I'm not gonna revive you anymore. lol."

Edited by sushidubya
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