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Here's How We Remove Serration And (Attempt To) Balance The Game. Damage 2.5 (Designated Megathread)


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Thanks for your post, you have hit the nail on the head, all the ballyhoo here is about selfish wants disguised as complaints about what is wrong with the game . . . except yours, can't hide the selfish want here.


Other than that the majority whining here are low MR ranked lazy arses . . . they see the monumental mountain of maxing serration and go whimpering to DE to change the game . . . I hope DE stick by all the guys like me who climbed that mountain, and every other maxed mod mountain, and tell these kiddies to bugger off . . .

Good thing that i'm not lazy or a low MR right?Good thing that i have 2 Serrations too right? Seeing that you are a vet is pretty much sickening that you have that kind of attitude.

It's quite sad to see someone as selfish like you.

Edited by Alphafox
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I think many people are fogetting that *IF* DE removes serration its not like they are like fine, its removed no other changes. If this happens it will be part of a larger overhaul.

Yeah serration may go away and become innate on weapons or something totally different. But DE WILL balance the game around what ever they decide.

The issue is that if you are going past a 20m timer in the void, or doing T3+ serration, hornet strike, and pressure point is required on every weapon build. And when every weapon needs it, it doesn't feel useful, just mandatory.

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Good thing that i'm not lazy or a low MR right?Good thing that i have 2 Serrations too right? Seeing that you are a vet is pretty much sickening that you have that kind of attitude.

It's quite sad to see someone as selfish like you.

Nothing selfish about it . . .since when did greenhorns call the shots ?

Wanting to keep the big mods is not selfish, it's being cautious about the game taking a wrong turn. Balanced against that are all these selfish wants disguised as game improvers . . .  I'm sure DE will see what's what, they usually do.


The only difference with me is I don't have a limp wrist and say it as it is.

Edited by CaptainEras
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Nothing selfish about it . . .since when did greenhorns call the shots ?

Wanting to keep the big mods is not selfish, it's being cautious about the game taking a wrong turn. Balanced against that are all these selfish wants disguised as game improvers . . .  I'm sure DE will see what's what, they usually do.


The only difference with me is I don't have a limp wrist and say it as it is.

"Low MR noob" founder that supports their removal, reporting in.

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Thanks for your post, you have hit the nail on the head, all the ballyhoo here is about selfish wants disguised as complaints about what is wrong with the game . . . except yours, can't hide the selfish want here.


Other than that the majority whining here are low MR ranked lazy arses . . . they see the monumental mountain of maxing serration and go whimpering to DE to change the game . . . I hope DE stick by all the guys like me who climbed that mountain, and every other maxed mod mountain, and tell these kiddies to bugger off . . .


I know the main weapon needs: Serration, Heavy Caliber, and Split Chamber, as a norm but asking DE to remove these (with massive compensation for guys like me who have them maxed out), and balance everything else accordingly could stuff the game and cause a riot.

That said, I've been here long enough to accept big changes and what will be, will be, and I'd just get on with whatever we get . . and make the most of it.


This is what's known as a strawman argument. I personally suggest you avoid them.

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Which is 90% of the time.... not really a change.

Then change the proc chance. :P I'm not a genius, just seems like the simplest, easiest way of going about fixing up Multishot.


Lets try thinking of mods as a trading card game! :D

Edited by Sidathe
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Then change the proc chance. :P I'm not a genius, just seems like the simplest, easiest way of going about fixing up Multishot.


Lets try thinking of mods as a trading card game! :D

Or make them use ammo instead of cloning bullets...

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Have not read the whole thread.


OP, you had me until you randomly tacked on something about turning guns into a progression at the end. Not necessary, not related and IMHO not a wise move for the game either.

It's simply there for a sense of progression.


If new players could instantly just access Tier 5 guns, and dominate everything there wouldn't be a sense a progression. Don't forget, weapon Tiers are essentially tied to their damage output (since the increase ranges from 1.1%-5.5% per tier, or +33% to +165% which is essentially the feeling of progression that Serration currently has for new players as new players steadily max it out as they play). 


Also, I personally think we need more of a Mastery Rank lock on things - or just more of a general cleaning up on MR and weapons in general. It's a bit wonky as it stands. 

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If new players could instantly just access Tier 5 guns, and dominate everything there wouldn't be a sense a progression.


On what planet?


Mods are the progression. Collecting them. Fusioning them. Hek as a new player the #1 bottleneck for me was always creds when I went and made other accounts to try the new player changes out. Guns are primarily a collection and I like it that way, but I won't derail your thread.

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On what planet?


Mods are the progression. Collecting them. Fusioning them. Hek as a new player the #1 bottleneck for me was always creds when I went and made other accounts to try the new player changes out. Guns are primarily a collection and I like it that way, but I won't derail your thread.

That's true. Mods are the progression, and I imagine things like the Conditional Mods could provide that with a lack of Serration.


The reason I linked some of it to guns also was simply because a maxed Serration damage output on every gun will pretty much wipe out all the early planets, no matter what. But I guess new players won't really be gaining access to Tier 5 guns too easily anyway xD But still, I do feel like MR should matter in this.


Now I'm derailing my own thread. Back on topic :P 

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This is what's known as a strawman argument. I personally suggest you avoid them.

MMmmm . . . if I'm not misrepresenting anything, but others are, who is the strawman ?

You only have to read all the posts to see the personal bias in the comments . . .in fact, I'm sure you could see it if you looked close enough.


Strawman theorum runs close to Argumentum ad Hominem so I invoke that to show your remark as a fallacy . . .lol

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MMmmm . . . if I'm not misrepresenting anything, but others are, who is the strawman ?

You only have to read all the posts to see the personal bias in the comments . . .in fact, I'm sure you could see it if you looked close enough.


Strawman theorum runs close to Argumentum ad Hominem so I invoke that to show your remark as a fallacy . . .lol

Those people must not actually have a larger reason to want serration removed, they're just selfish!

Yes, that's a strawman. Please don't even try to pretend it wasn't.

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This is all beginning to sound like, One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest.


Does Serration get removed for logical reasons or player votes ?


In my book DE will decide what they want to do and as long as it fits into sufficient posts here or elsewhere it will be implemented . .

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If pure damage boost mods get removed, then It would definitely be a perfect excuse to re-examine alot of things like enemy scaling, traits and behavior as well as warframe energy and power usage. I'd only support the idea of removing that mod if alot of other things got fixed or adjusted at the same time too.

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Some of the "keep it" crowd is making a stronger argument for getting rid of it than anyone else.  Every single one of the turdtastic posts that just says "noobs don't wanna level it!!" and nothing else is actually making a great statement for getting rid of it.


See, if we take them to be absolutely right about this(they're not, in my opinion, it's one of the few viewpoints I actually DO think is stupid), then reworded it, what they're saying is "New player retention would be higher if they did not have to overcome this obstacle".....and then proceeding to offer little or nothing in how keeping it would retain the more veteran players.


Since we aren't seeing a thousand screaming ways that it would cost the old customers, but are having it pointed out time and again that it costs the new ones.....seems like bad business to not do a rework, doesn't it?


In my opinion, those that want to keep it should ditch that attitude and offer up REAL reasons to keep it around, you're essentially making a better case for removing it than keeping it.


DISCLAIMER:  If you DID give a reason why this is the case, it's not you I'm referring to.  All comments above are opinion and not implied to be fact.  I point this out because, well.....sheesh.  I can't believe how often I'm getting kicked in the head lately for not having this disclaimer.  Thank you to those of you that feel this nuance should be self obvious:P

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