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Is This A Good Loki Prime Build?


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Nope. Remove Vigor and Fortitude as they are useless on Loki. Get yourself range mods ( Overextended and Stretch ) and duration ( Continuity, Constitution and Narrow Minded ) and then decide do you want to be range or duration Loki.



Loki only needs Redirection for survivability as he has low health, shields and armor value. You either want to have maximum duration on Invisibility ( solo build ) or max range on Radial Disarm ( team based build ).

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Well you have all three duration mods and no fleeting expertise so yes it's good for invis time.


Things you can do to make it longer are maxing narrow minded and getting primed continuity instead of normal one.


I can't comment other mods since the only thing you specified you want is a long invis time. I would change the other mods except duration/streamline for my own play style though. (And I don't suggest full invi build because it's not nearly as good as disarm build)

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Could you tell me a disarm build that would keep a long invis time? If one like that exists?

There isn't a GOOD disarm build with LONG invis time. You'll want fleeting expertise for it so you can do 25 energy disarms which reduces duration and you don't want narrow minded which screws up your range, which reduces duration even further.


The build I use for both invi and disarm is:




Fleeting Expertise (+essence helmet for maxing efficiency)

Primed Continuity



The last three mods are up to you (no narrow minded). You can go for shields/hp/rush/maglev/disarm augment/whatever.

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And for the Helm, I have the Swindle one, will that do?

Using swindle (if it's arcane that is) gives more range but it's not really needed after stretch and overextended and it's not much. Arcane essence helmet allows you to get to max power efficiency using only one mod slot. If you're not changing the build in any way, you'd be using 40 energy cost disarms which is 60% more energy usage compared to 25 cost and it will reduce the amount of disarms you can cast.

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You *can* set up a disarm build with less than max range. It won't be as good for defenses but works well enough for survivals. A rank 5 Narrow Minded will still leave you with a respectable 40 meter disarm and give enough duration to counter FE's loss. 


For survivals, something like http://goo.gl/TujirF works well, which gives you more than a 20 second invis and still good disarm stats (plus the augment). The last slot can be a defensive mod, runspeed, natural talent, or even more duration (by using streamline and downranking FE to r2) to personal preference. In fact that last option (http://goo.gl/TnbZzO) gives you just about 25 sec of invis, on top of a 40 meter augmented disarm and max efficiency.

Edited by Darzk
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I use 2 builds, one is for 30 sec invisibility with a decently-range radial disarm/decoy/teleport and a survivability mod, and one is for a max range, max efficiency, augmented radial disarm and a shorter 15 sec invisibility.


The builds are the same except for two mods:-

- Overextended

- Stretch

- Streamline

- Flow

- Continuity

- Constitution


Use Quick Thinking for the first build, or Irradiating Disarm for the second

Use Narrow Minded for the first build, or Fleeting Expertise (R4 or R2 if essence helmet), for the second.


The first one is a nice build for solo play, or long survivals with people you don't know that can't be trusted to stick together and work as a team. It gives you 30 seconds of invisibility, 1810 effective HP (with full energy) and a decent disarm to eliminate deadly crossfire and help your teammates if you end up near them. It also allows longer-range decoy placement and switch teleport for the craftier Loki.


The second build is if you have good teammates that know what they are doing and stick together. It is a standard Disarm of Doom build, with ~15 sec of invisibility. (12 if no essence helmet, 18 if essence helmet and Primed Continuity). No Quick Thinking here, but you won't need it with the Disarm of Doom, and teammates nearby to revive you.


It should be noted that Quick Thinking is the best survivability mod for Loki, granting 1810 effective HP with one mod vs  1110 with a maxed Redirection AND Vitality equipped. There is an argument for Redirection if you have the Guardian sentinel mod, which would give Loki 1335 HP, with no penalty to your energy bar. I have a third build with this, that I use for short missions where I don't expect to have a full energy bar before the mission is even done.


I use the first one for everything except hardcore defense/survival, where the Disarm of Doom really shines and should absolutely be used if you plan on going for a long time.

Edited by (PS4)icysuspect
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I use arcane swindle instead of arcane essence. The way I see it is, you don't need that much mod slots on Loki in the first place that you need to sacrifice a helm slot and -10% power duration in order to squeeze efficiency to 1 mod slot. So, I would definitely go with Arcane Swindle.

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I use arcane swindle instead of arcane essence. The way I see it is, you don't need that much mod slots on Loki in the first place that you need to sacrifice a helm slot and -10% power duration in order to squeeze efficiency to 1 mod slot. So, I would definitely go with Arcane Swindle.

This is a terrible idea. The Swindle give you 3 more meters of range. That's it, three. In other words, you are getting 1% more range after overextended and stretch are taken into account. That does effectively nothing in practice. It's a complete waste compared to an extra 15% of power efficiency. It looks cool, but the actual functionality of the arcane version is relatively terrible.

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This is a terrible idea. The Swindle give you 3 more meters of range. That's it, three. In other words, you are getting 1% more range after overextended and stretch are taken into account. That does effectively nothing in practice. It's a complete waste compared to an extra 15% of power efficiency. It looks cool, but the actual functionality of the arcane version is relatively terrible.

You know that efficiency is capped on 75 %? So if you are using Streamline and FE, using Essence also isnt brightest idea.

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This is a terrible idea. The Swindle give you 3 more meters of range. That's it, three. In other words, you are getting 1% more range after overextended and stretch are taken into account. That does effectively nothing in practice. It's a complete waste compared to an extra 15% of power efficiency. It looks cool, but the actual functionality of the arcane version is relatively terrible.

6.3% more range. It's not much, I agree, but with the way I'm running my build, I DON'T need the extra 15% power efficiency. I'm running with FE + Stream + Redirection + Irradiating Disarm on top of the 4 staple mods (OE + Stretch + Primed Cont + Const). If I were to use essence and max FE, I would get 1 more slot. But since I don't need it in the first place anyway, I would probably put something like rush/intruder/maglev on that extra gained slot.


I could put Vit on, but it barely even matters since I'm rarely getting hit, if at all. Unless you're using the QT + Primed Flow combo, then I guess you could use that extra slot. I don't use it, because I hate the stagger effect from QT. Redirection was more of a buffer for eximus' ring of fire (forgot what it's called).

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Oops, I stand corrected. 6.3%, not 1%.

My point still stands, though.

I personally use the Essence to take off 2 ranks on FE to have 3 more seconds of invisibility and radiation status effect time.

I suppose the change is small either way, though I'd still rather take 3 extra seconds over 3 extra meters.

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