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I Hate You, Ancient Disruptor!


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..... A player who is struck by one's arm will be completely drained of all his/her energy ...... You are also unable to earn Energy Orbs around during the scramble (you will still pick up those orbs resulting in a waste of pick ups).




I Just Wanted To Get It Off My Chest :)

Edited by battlelamb
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they're rough no doubt


ive been wanting them to get a movement speed and attack speed buff for awhile too, and more hps


but hold up, i also think they shouldn't drain 100% of shields and power, just 50% (plus their regular dmg, otherwise they could never hurt you)


this would mean if you got hit more than twice in a row, you'd still have most all of yer power drained, but one stray hit wouldn't mean certain death most of the time


i think this would still have them be badasses (having them being faster and harder to kill would really be nasty), just not a cheap as they are currently

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they're badass as they are the stupid things... They have super stealth skills and just when you least expect it, they drain you! >_<


They are a game breaker especially when a hoard of infested is rampaging toward you... T-T

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Or they just lock your powers, like when get hit by him you cant see or use any power for a long time or until you kill the one which debuffed you. When he debuffs you, you and the disruptor glows - green or red -.


And i dont know you have to get away from the battle until your team mates take it down, because it will be hard to fight a horde of infested with no shield and powers.


Just an idea, come to me after i read CY13ERPUNK's post. :))

Edited by battlelamb
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2 words: Radial Javelin


Evade his attacks, get close, and use your power before he drains it. Thats how I deal with them in my excalibur warframe.



Use Rhino. Press 2. Laugh at the Ancients.

though both of these are true but not many ppl use these frames thus not satisfying many players

Edited by KIll3RX15
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Use Rhino. Press 2. Laugh at the Ancients.

I used to think this way as well, until in one defense mission, I encounter >3 high level Ancient distruptors FOLLOWED BY a like number of Toxic Ancients.... a single lapse in between Iron Skin or when I run out of energy = near instant death...


I probably need to replay some low level infested missions to heal the ego ;)

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There are methods for dispatching with Ancient Disruptors. Their attacks may also be evaded.


That they are sneaky bastards and very influential on shaping how combat is conducted in their presence is something desired. This renders them onto a viable threat and appends a dynamic element to the battle.

Indeed it is their combination with other Infested enemies which turn them so effective against Tenno, as they are rather easily declawed if are alone by themselves.


I think they function quite well in doing their job. Well designed and adds to the system's intrigue.

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Window broke. Ran over to the console to hack it so I wouldn't die. Turned invisible with Loki to do the hacking. Disrupter hit me mid-hack while I was still invisible. Insta-dead. ._.

Are they supposed to be able to hit you while invisible? It seems like it might be a byproduct of the whole 'hand tracks player no matter where they are' thing.

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Taking 100% of your energy with a single hit is seriously overkill. I don't like having to use up my energy as soon as I see a disruptor because I know I'll inevitably lose it from a single hit at some point (probably after another ancient charges and knocks me down).

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They are a priority target in most missions, but in defense missions or if you just get unlucky and 3 or more show up, then you're just going to get your energy drained. Getting all your energy jacked 100% is terrible, because energy is PROBABLY what you rely on to get out of trouble.


They should have an energy siphon attack or aura instead, one that sucks energy away but does not do so instantly.

Edited by Huitzil
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My main complaint with disruptors is that they have a guaranteed knockdown attack. I don't mind the drain, but when they hit me with the unavoidable charge attack, and THEN drain me when there's literally nothing I can do about it, now THAT is quit inducing. The only ancient that should be able to knock you down is Healer, because, really, Healer needs something to make it acknowledgeable around the other two. Toxics poison is already hilariously broken, it doesn't need a knock down, disruptor is already hilariously broken, it doesn't need a knock down. Healer... is just, kinda, there.... not even. It could use a knockdown to make it actually threatening.



EDIT: and by use I mean keep, so it has an edge over the other two. The other two could stand to lose their bonuses.

Edited by Zsword
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Considering that some of the frames are being prized as "an alternative to gunplay", these stupid p***ks are royally screwing the game up for them. Especially since their special attacks are near-instant and always aiming directly at the players, even if the player has already entered stealth.


I'm fine with them stealing shields and power, but for the love of god, reduce the amount drained and change knockdown to stagger... getting knocked down even once can be the end of any caster-type player who doesn't have Vitality among his mods.

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I think that making the first hit drain all shields, and the second drain all energy would be the way to go with these guys - also yes, change knockdown to stagger. They could be buffed damage/HP-wise to make up for this.

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I love/hate disrupters


In one hand they add an awesome dynamic to a mob of infested and require you to be really careful with what you do and how you do it.


In the other, their horribly fustrating annoying jerks who can effectively do 600+ damage in a single hit, in additon to stealing your energy which in alot of frames is how you prevent horrible deaths.


In short, I want them to stay as they are because they actually make me sweat when im soloing.

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A good strategy would be to use a powerful gun (like lex) with a freeze and damage mod which will slow him down and shoot his right boot, and rolling whenever he is too close for comfort.

Edited by John87156
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They are a game breaker especially when a hoard of infested is rampaging toward you... T-T


Yeah, I'd like it if they get a lone enemy bonus. Maybe being close to a lot of other infested would slow them down and reduce the chance of them sprinting, but when they get singled out they go berserk. That'd be cool.

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They are a pest and very annoying and that's exactly why they should stay in game just the way they are,

because without a challenge this and everything else would be boring.


Best against ancients for myself, equip a frost damage mod on either your main or off weapon, ground slam to make

them fall (requiring them to take allot of time before they can attack) move a bit away and start damaging.

This could be repeated if you have a buddy, all tho you can only "knock back" him  every few seconds,

a friend or ally does not count to your knockback, so if you knock him down and he stands up, your friend can knock him down directly after and by the time he gets up (with frost slowing mod) you will be able to knock him back down.


If you don't have a friend tho the best would be a weapon with stun or stun mod (+ frost of course) with each stun he will stop sprinting which makes him a very slow moving target. When facing more than 1 best would be a weapon with alot of ammunition, like Goron or the new Grakata.

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