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No Reward For 3 Hours T4 Survival.


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Note: Yes, I submitted support tickets already


So I died near the 3 hour mark, as we were extracting. Even though I clicked revive the game didnt register I revived so......no rewards, and as an EXTRA slap in the face, no leaderboard position (my squadmates are in the top 10 now).








Enemy levels at about 3 hours (almost level 1000)





Glitched reward screen since I was both dead and alive:




Post-game reward screen.....: (







Bonus screenshots:


Shield polarize nuke:









I am very sad now, the run was a crapload of fun though. *runs to a corner and cries* WHY AFK REWARD SYSTEM WHY



edit: The leaderboard with 2rei, Z3R0-1, VeRDict_MG (my squadmates). Notice I'm not there ;_;













Feel free to ask me how I survived in the comments, I'll tell you what I know

Edited by cyrus106
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RNG at it's finest


Here's a sad gif



EDIT: Did you go AFK at any time or stay dead for longer than a minute?

negative, I did not. I had to run for oxygen and constantly assassinate nullifiers, I had no time to stand still. and everybody else got a reward except me

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I don't understand how people do this, at that point an Orokin Drone could fart two star systems away and still vaporize even the tankiest warframe and the health, even with Viral procs, would be absurd.  

On topic though, really sucks that that happened, hopefully the support ticket will get you your stuff back. Had the same screen show up during a "successful" run of the Tac Alert, didn't count towards the goal.

Also, I thought the AFK system wasn't supposed to affect endless mission yet. Did that change?

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I don't understand how people do this, at that point an Orokin Drone could fart two star systems away and still vaporize even the tankiest warframe and the health, even with Viral procs, would be absurd.  

On topic though, really sucks that that happened, hopefully the support ticket will get you your stuff back. Had the same screen show up during a "successful" run of the Tac Alert, didn't count towards the goal.

Also, I thought the AFK system wasn't supposed to affect endless mission yet. Did that change?

Shield polarize scales infinitely. Mag did 93% of our total damage, even with my mega dps synoid gammacor I only did 3% of the total damage. Stack bastille and torid on the door, have a nekros desecrate a revive us, mag shield polarize, loki assassinates nullifiers and disarms

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Shield polarize scales infinitely. Mag did 93% of our total damage, even with my mega dps synoid gammacor I only did 3% of the total damage. Stack bastille and torid on the door, have a nekros desecrate a revive us, mag shield polarize, loki assassinates nullifiers and disarms


Ah, okay.  Still, I thought the Orokin Drones only gave a fixed amount of shields (this is something I remember hearing a while ago so it's very possible that it's wrong) so the only enemy that would be really effective against would be Crewmen and unless you got a big group of them together you wouldn't be able to take out a heavy or bombard (or lotus forbid, heavy/bombard eximus).

Edited by Aumaan
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Ah, okay.  Still, I thought the Orokin Drones only gave a fixed amount of shields (this is something I remember hearing a while ago so it's very possible that it's wrong) so the only enemy that would be really effective against would be Crewmen and unless you got a big group of them together you wouldn't be able to take out a heavy or bombard (or lotus forbid, heavy/bombard eximus).

we would wait til a ton of nullifiers and moas would group up (especially with shock eximi) and then use polarize, we never spammed it

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we would wait til a ton of nullifiers and moas would group up (especially with shock eximi) and then use polarize, we never spammed it

Oh yeah, I forgot MOA's/Nullifiers had shields for a second.  I'll assume the damage explosion of SP isn't nullified by the nullifier shield then?

Good to know, I've been meaning to mess around with my Mag again for a while, maybe I should try working my way past my 40min limit for T4...

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Oh yeah, I forgot MOA's/Nullifiers had shields for a second.  I'll assume the damage explosion of SP isn't nullified by the nullifier shield then?

Good to know, I've been meaning to mess around with my Mag again for a while, maybe I should try working my way past my 40min limit for T4...

It IS nullified, that's why im there (loki) to remove their shields by shooting them

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It IS nullified, that's why im there (loki) to remove their shields by shooting them


Wouldn't groups be accompanied by like 3-4 Nullifiers at least by that point (if the number of them at 40min is any indication)? Even with the gamacor taking down shields they have some kind of staggered reduction speed so it would take a decent bit of time.  Time I would assume the group wouldn't have because of enemy damage at that point.

(you'll have to excuse all the questions but I've brainstormed long runs and they just seem impossible/nearly impossible, especially with Nullifiers and Bombards now).

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Wouldn't groups be accompanied by like 3-4 Nullifiers at least by that point (if the number of them at 40min is any indication)? Even with the gamacor taking down shields they have some kind of staggered reduction speed so it would take a decent bit of time.  Time I would assume the group wouldn't have because of enemy damage at that point.

(you'll have to excuse all the questions but I've brainstormed long runs and they just seem impossible/nearly impossible, especially with Nullifiers and Bombards now).

 It's fine. And trust me, with 2 gammacors and a phage with punch through, nullifiers are #*($%%@ bubble-wise. Also for the first 90 minutes we have a torid-rape cloud that insta-gibs nullifiers at the door

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We've also did a massive T4 interception went in the drain without rewards :/

I litterelly stopped playing for a few days .

Anything with long duration games i wont consider playing atm.

Good luck OP, justice has to be served

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considering how long it took me to kill an ancient that was level 900, Idk if this is entirely true

ohh ok i always stop when we hit 60 mins  people in pubs tend to stop killing after that ...I have only been to 120 mins  in one pub run but was only because three of us was using corrosive projection  +viral 

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