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[Mini-Boss Idea] Derf Anyo, Son Of Nef [The Immortal Megathread]


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As much as I love the idea and think it's pretty funny, I personally want to see more serious characters put into the game. I feel as though Warframe has fairly solid tone going for it and this wouldn't be aiding it.


I'm absolutely for new random encounters and even the idea of a bosses son (or daughter) taking up arms to seek personal revenge as it is a pretty notable idea but the level of comedic relief in Derf is too much for my taste, at least in Warframe.


Pushing your basic idea further, I think it would pretty cool to have a 4 person squad of Boss's children (Both Grineer and Corpus) working together to either avenge them, or kill you to gain family respect.

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I wonder if Devs have even stumbled upon this thread. Cmon look how many people have necroed the crap out of this thread and how many views/likes. Make an official announcement DE D:<

DERF was mentioned in the last livestream, thus why all this reviving and such. Rebecca said it so it lives...Besides catframe... T,T Curse you Scott!

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I do believe that this is the single most greatest idea to have ever been created. Ever. +Infinity This needs to happen. Like right now.


The Tenno should also have a unique victory pose in the form of, "What... what just happened?" Facepalms, shake head, etc. Done when Derf is beaten. Obviously, it shouldn't force you to finish it so you're not totally vulnerable (or have it so that they're still facepalming, etc. while moving).

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>Browsing the internet


on YouTube.



This should be his little entrance and battle music. Funny, but intense... AT THE SAME TIME. 


As well might as well revive the thread... XD

That was awesome! Thanks for the share +1 for ju!!!


Also Derf Anyo 2013. lol

Edited by NinjaRican
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*A Cloud of SUPER Mystical TOTALLY ninja smoke appears....uh is it glittery?*


Slowly building intro a crescendo AWESOME 80's power metal cords build into weedling riff.


DE must hear us, we the community must have what we desire.  


DERF ANYO is not the Mini-Boss we need, but he is the mini-boss we deserve.  His lack of skill generated in his head over a non-existent career make him the ideal foe to hunt us down so we can kill him.  


Think of NEF slain at the hand of Tenno... some one should, i guess, avenge him or something. Think of the Stalker, the poor guy spends more time rebuilding his weapons and recovering in traction that stalking Tenno, let's face it he needs a break or at least some help.  


DERF ANYO FOR MINI BOSS 2013... because you know we should.


*DERFPLANT* ...sigh

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