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[Question To The Community] If Synoid Gammacor Is To Be Decreased In Effectiveness, How Do You Want It To Be?


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I think the s-gammacore is a missed opportunity, its supposed to be tailor made for defence by a "vast conciousness" that has been hoarding data for who knows how long and the weapon is just a ammo efficient short range damage dealer.


Perhaps substantially decrease its damage, but then give it an effect like a small shield around it when looking down sights, providing its operator partial cover, or have its beam do a some shield regen to allies it hits.

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I Have been with Suda since Syndicates came out (before Syndicate weaps were even a thing) and I'm the one that posted the biggest nerf.


Synoid outclasses absolutely every weapon in the game at the moment. That is wrong.



What? So the gun next in line gets to be the new best? Why don't we just go right ahead and nerf that one too, and the next, and the next

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What? So the gun next in line gets to be the new best? Why don't we just go right ahead and nerf that one too, and the next, and the next


The problem is not that there is a best weapon. The problem is by how far said weapon is the best.


People cry nerf against Boltor P, yet, even though many players regard it as the best primary it has competitors like Soma P, Amprex, Latron W, Attica, Dread, Paris P, etc.


Synoid is so far above every weapon from every category that its stupid. The only weapon that can maybe compete is Brakk and it has fall-off damage as well as spread. Synoid can be use at long ranges with Ruinous Extension.


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Ammo efficiency or damage (if not a bit of both). Almost every automatic secondary is incapable of being used for extended periods of time because of how fast they eat up ammo. Finally having an automatic secondary that isn't an ammo eater is not that bad of a thing until you reach the second point: Its base damage surpasses most sniping weapons on damage per hit and it has a faster firerate. That being said, I've never used the synoid gammacor so maybe that limited range thing somehow fixes all this and balances it out. Doesn't really matter much to me if it gets nerfed or not, its current state just seems a bit silly to me.


Though it did give me a ridiculous idea: what if all the other syndicate weapons were buffed up to what the synoid gammacor is, the new top tier would be syndicate weapons with clantech/prime weapons just being another rung on the progression ladder (this is not at all what i want, just a silly idea).


Unrelated anecdote: When I finally maxed out my standing with red veil and got the Rakta ballistica the first time, I traded it for a synoid gammacor because I just ran into someone willing to make that trade and then I traded the gammacor for the vaykor marelok because that was a weapon I actually could have fun with (semi autos are more my cup of tea). Wasn't the last time i made that trade either, people love their mastery fodder.

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Don't touch it. Period

It took A LOT of expensive and valuable resources to being able to build it.

It doesn't make the game easy at all unless you're talking the solar system or low level towers.

Please, don't... Just don't.

They should touch it. Full-stop. (procceded by text, defeating the point of stating punctuations) 


It's piss easy to get. It takes no resources other than rep or a friend.  


'solar system or low level towers' constitutes a good 90% of the game outside of the liset. 


Please, Don't... Just don't... Post dishonest or unvaluable feedback. 

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i don't think it needs anything else than a ammo count nerf as i fail to see a reason as to why on earth a weapon with a ammo consumpiton of 2r/s was released with 375 ammo in the pool while stuff like the viper etch has 210, i'd bring the magazine size/ammo pool back at the same level of the normal gammacor maybe a bit lower, don't forget that the brakk is still aroud and it has like a 20k dps edge on the gammacor (and btw the telos akbolto outdps the s.gammacor) and it's considered fine due to damage falloff while a weapon with hard capped range and lower dps it's considered in need of a nerf so i don't really see a need of changing anything besides that ammo pool/mag size which is simpy there for no reason besides making picking up ammo not needed.

tl dr

it needs to go from having 75/375 ammo to 20/150 and it will be fine

Edited by bl4ckhunter
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Double the rate of fire, halve it's damage, magazine reduced to 60, and reduce status to 15%.


I'm cool with it having the highest dps in the game, but there's no reason it should have high status chance, be crazy ammo efficient, have a large magazine, and large ammo pool.  Limited range does not justify all of that.

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i'd rather they buff the other syndicate weapons to be more in line with the difference between the gammacor and the synoid gammacor. as is, the other weapons are basically just recolorings of their "normal" counterparts.

^Agreed. Why do people have to jump straight onto the nerf train?



What? So the gun next in line gets to be the new best? Why don't we just go right ahead and nerf that one too, and the next, and the next

Exactly. & I get the argument that it's too much better than other weapons in its class. So does that mean soma and boltor p need to be nerfed? They outclass all the other rifles. Why not ask for buffs to others instead of nerfs? It's way too likely that any nerf will go overboard. 



To answer the original question, if anything has to be nerfed about it, I'd say ammo. 

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i don't think it needs anything else than a ammo count nerf as i fail to see a reason as to why on earth a weapon with a ammo consumpiton of 2r/s was released with 375 ammo in the pool while stuff like the viper etch has 210, i'd bring the magazine size/ammo pool back at the same level of the normal gammacor maybe a bit lower, don't forget that the brakk is still aroud and it has like a 20k dps edge on the gammacor (and btw the telos akbolto outdps the s.gammacor) and it's considered fine due to damage falloff while a weapon with hard capped range and lower dps it's considered in need of a nerf so i don't really see a need of changing anything besides that ammo pool/mag size which is simpy there for no reason besides making picking up ammo not needed.

tl dr

it needs to go from having 75/375 ammo to 20/150 and it will be fine


Brakk has a higher burst but it has fall-off and spread so after around 10m the damage falls hard.


Telos Akbolto has travel time so the actual dps isn't the same as on paper dps as you will miss 1/3 of the damage most of the time if not more.


Synoid on the other hand has absolutely no drawbacks because 25m is enough (some would say a lot) and it can be remedied with Ruinous Extension.

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^Agreed. Why do people have to jump straight onto the nerf train?



Exactly. & I get the argument that it's too much better than other weapons in its class. So does that mean soma and boltor p need to be nerfed? They outclass all the other rifles. Why not ask for buffs to others instead of nerfs? It's way too likely that any nerf will go overboard. 



To answer the original question, if anything has to be nerfed about it, I'd say ammo. 


Boltor P and Soma P have competitors (Attica, Amprex, Quanta and a few others), Synoid does not.


As to why ask for nerfs instead of buffs. Its easier to nerf 1 weapon than to buff a bunch of them.


Edited by RexRgisIocus
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I would rather the synoid be left alone, it is the one end game pistol we have now to go with out boltor P, but if it does have to be messed with I would rather they just make it burn ammo faster, its a great weapon, I like it a lot.


although something I would like to see on the gammacors would be an alt. Fire that fired three seperate beams each doing 1/3rd of the DPS.

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It's &!$$ easy to get. 

Are you sure?


If you consider

A grand total of 472,000 standing to unlock

500 circuits

2 control modules



glaive prime blade

frost prime helmet

 974,000 credits


"easy to get," then sure


Let's not forget there is a rep cap now




Hours of straining your eyes at the trading panel

like 90 plat

2000 credits.

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Telos Akbolto has travel time so the actual dps isn't the same as on paper dps as you will miss 1/3 of the damage most of the time if not more.


if you miss 1/3rd of your shots with the ak boltos then I think you need some practice. 

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I would like to see some evidence.


So far, Boltor P is the only thing i see.


Boltor P: 41k burst, 23k sustained + ragdoll kills + 2x headshots.

Soma P: 35k burst, 24k sustained + 4x headshot crits.


Attica: 32k burst, 19k sustained + 4x headshot crits + ragdoll kills.


Dread: 32k burst, 15k sustained + red crits + 4x headshot crits + ragdoll kills.


Kohm: 7k burst (65k at full spool), 6.7k sustained (no idea at full spool cause I don't know the formula to calculate it) + innate 1m punchthrough + bullet rebound.


Latron W: 34k burst, 18k sustained + 4x headshot crits.


Paris P: 29k burst, 13.7k sustained + red crits + 4x headshot crits + ragdoll kills.


There you go, evidence that competitors exist.

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Boltor P: 41k burst, 23k sustained + ragdoll kills + 2x headshots.

Soma P: 35k burst, 24k sustained + 4x headshot crits.


Attica: 32k burst, 19k sustained + 4x headshot crits + ragdoll kills.


Dread: 32k burst, 15k sustained + red crits + 4x headshot crits + ragdoll kills.


Kohm: 7k burst (65k at full spool), 6.7k sustained (no idea at full spool cause I don't know the formula to calculate it) + innate 1m punchthrough + bullet rebound.


Latron W: 34k burst, 18k sustained + 4x headshot crits.


Paris P: 29k burst, 13.7k sustained + red crits + 4x headshot crits + ragdoll kills.


There you go, evidence that competitors exist.




All I have seen so far are boltor primes, almost nothing else. Wanna know why?


 Boltor P deals mostly puncture damage, very good against heavily armored enemies. Soma prime will fall off sooner than BP, and is also very hard to get.


Attica: Mogamu:"I really wouldn't bring this to a tougher mission like t3 void"


Lol, he also called the attica mastery fodder.



Dread deals slash damage, not so great against heavily armored enemies.(unlike boltor p)


Kohm is an ammo guzzler, no matter how you mod. Also keep in mind most of your pellets will miss.


Latron wraith can achieve your posted stats only through some sort of world record mouse clicker. Not to mention you can't get it any more.


Paris prime sucks against hordes of enemies at all angles, uses sniper ammo, has a slower projectile speed than Boltor prime, and is very hard to use against flying enemies.


There is no competiton.

Boltor prime or nothing.

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Are you telling me that all of this is easy to get?






A grand total of 472,000 standing to unlock

500 circuits

2 control modules



glaive prime blade

frost prime helmet

 974,000 credits




Let's not forget there is a rep cap now




Hours of straining your eyes at the trading panel

like 90 plat

2000 credits.

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